Home » Oakley Union Elementary School District Board Of Education Tells Us How They Really Feel About Parents (VIDEO)

Oakley Union Elementary School District Board Of Education Tells Us How They Really Feel About Parents (VIDEO)



The Oakley Union Elementary School District Board of Education held a meeting on Wednesday night, and during one part of the meeting, they thought it was closed to the public, but it wasn’t.

They talked for eight minutes, and you won’t believe what they had to say.


The person who recorded the video, Jessica Romero, said “When the board isn’t aware that they are broadcasting to the public. Previously to this recording they began talking bad about parents of kindergartners, which prompted me to begin recording. This behavior is disgusting. As parents we should not tolerate for our representatives to behave in this manner. Oakley needs a new school board that will stand up for parents and their children.”

Click on the video above to watch.

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Man that was brutal, it’s sad when they think we think of them as baby sitters when in reality there’s people like me WITH A SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD that need services and socializing for my child to have A FAIR EDUCATION, but no sounds like they are to worried about parents who speak up and how they are Gona “mess that bitch up” and whose smoking what and who’s loosing bussiness over it! My opinin they should all be suspended from there positions ASAP!

Permanent suspension. Aka fired

Keep in mind that in California your children are required to go to school or the parents face actual criminal charges. They do this because the federal funds they receive for the schools is directly affected by the students attendance. Less attendance, less funds for them to waste. So for her to say they are babysitters is bull**** when the government forces you to put your kids through school, private or public. These are typical greedy selfish Liberal Democrats who feel entitled and need to be removed. Wake up Californians, Start voting Republican. It’s your only hope.

Special needs parent here equally fuming. These people should be fired and our kids (especially ours where distance learning clearly doesn’t work) need to get back to school. Enough is enough!

Oh oh! 🎶🎶Someone’s gonna get in trouble🎶🎶. I loved the looks on their faces when they realized they were live!🤣

OMG! “They just want their babysitters back” Wow, I have no words. Very very sad. They should all be recalled

This is both sad and disgusting. All teacher unions need to be dissolved and this needs to happen yesterday…

Wow classy. These people should be recalled. Unbelievable that they act so unprofessionally. They are talking about the people they are representing. Disgusting. PIGS!

Snap! 😳
How rude to say parents want their babysitters back. We pay taxes for our children to be taught by paid educators IN educational settings that our taxes also pay for! Most children are not thriving in “Zoom class” 🙄 Go make solar panels for a living if you don’t enjoy the profession you originally chose

you missed her point, as did most people. The reason people want their kids back in school is to get what they get from a babysitter. If you think that schools just provide academic content, you’re wrong. They provide socialization, which is critical for development, and they serve as a baby sitter so parents can go to work. People are mad because this woman pointed that out. Boo hoo.

@Miss Construed – I can’t tell if you are serious or joking about everyone missing the point and that “people are mad because this woman pointed this out. Boo Hoo”. I hope you were joking.

Miss Construed – are you even serious or just ignorant? Parents don’t need teachers so be babysitters. What makes you think that they can do that job when they can’t do their regular job without whining? Our contracts are all they care about. F their contract, and F anyone that thinks they are even worthy of babysitting these children. They are “so-called” educators. or so they think. You’re a joke for even coming in here with that ignorance. I’m not surprised someone (like yourself) would stand up for these parasites. It takes one to know one, doesn’t it?

Yeah, entitled parents who want their kids’ state-constitutional rights to be respected. Victimizing the poor ole school board. So cruel, so unfeeling, so entitled.

Anybody can get caught saying embarrassing things in a “hot mic” moment. The comment about “Imma f— you up, b—-” is inappropriate but whatever. But the line about wanting their babysitters back, geez. People’s lives are turned upside down by this pandemic and the response to it, and the school board just sees people “wanting their babysitters back.” How much imagination does it even take to understand parents’ outrage? It’s not rocket science. Their kids are regressing academically and socially, getting depressed, emotionally damaged with no end in sight, not getting the education they are entitled to under the constitution (even after “tHe sCieNce” says they should be back) … meanwhile the parents’ ability to work is compromised because the kids are home, so in the middle of a recession you have to go from a two-income to one-income household, or whatever. It’s nothing to sneer at.

Listening to this, these board members have convinced themselves that they are the ones who really have it rough. All those parents are just entitled babies, who don’t understand what we the virtuous school board have gone through in the process of *not* running an educational enterprise for the past year.

Spot on

Guess which video will not make the local lefty news?

I heard the national news media is picking this up. It’s rare to see the media go up against teachers unions, but the national outrage about kids not being in school and the disparity between the wealthy kids and middle and lower income families access to education has grown too loud for even them to ignore. I mean, they’re not going to cover the fact that the capitol police officer wasn’t actually killed by the Trump mob or dig into why the latest impeachment trial was wrapped up so quickly right as news about Nancy’s lack of leadership was emerging, so this and the weather in Texas will do.

It will go viral Because the Agenda is to now get students & teachers back to school.
Media is the Propaganda leg of the Government.

Sure, the media supported distance learning for “THE AGENDA”, but now that is over and returning to class is “THE AGENDA”.

BTW, just remember they’re sorry that they got caught.
Start a Co-op folks and Homeschool your kids.
Also, I DO NOT want My property taxes supporting this trash.

“It’s easier to hide behind a screen” That’s what all public officials want.

Its pretty hilarious that he could make that statement but not somehow realize how it applies to HIM! How do those words make it out of your mouth without a bit of self-awareness setting in?

Fund students, not systems. Starve these people of the oxygen they depend on: our tax dollars.

I’d bet that the MDUSD Board is no different.

Power (even minuscule) corrupts those bereft of character.

I’m sure they are all the same.

This is why I never vote for teachers or reps supported by the teachers union for school board positions.

Agree! These people and their union mob are disgusting. #DEFUND #DEFUND the kids are not getting a quality education.

Wow …

What a fine example of BOE. You know they want to have the ‘technology’ help them with the 3 minute time limit so that they don’t have to deal with the parents. Wonder if their IT will support them any longer, doubt it if the IT folks are parents in that district.

The BOe (lower case e is intentional because they are not ‘educating) says that the parents forget that the members of the board are community members and real people … I think that board has forgotten that the parents are parents of REAL children, not dollars for to line the boards pockets.

I am still just dumbfounded at that board. I really hope that the recall effort for every single one of them has already been started because every member on that call should be removed from office TODAY.

How dare they? these people are supposed to be representing our children. I guess they have shown parents their real motives for being on that board. To bad they won’t get elected again.

… admins pulled the correct video link? now its a Valentines Day history 🙁

I guarantee this is happening all over contra costa and California. Teachers Unions and school boards are defrauding us all. They are laughing at us all watching our children suffer. Take all your children out of the public school system and watch MDUSD and the evil teachers unions begin to feed on each other like the animals they are.

Corruption runs deep . Look higher up at who does the hiring. Parents need to fight back. Join together. They are stealing are money , citizen ship, and rule of law. Demand choice in where to educate your children. They also have no right to talk to children about sex. They will mess the kids up.

The “bored” “board” should step down immediately and be replaced with people who care about the issues of educating children. Kid’s futures depend on it as well as their families,teachers, school staff and administration.

As a former board member of a private school, I can tell you that some of the parents are self serving, come with agendas, etc.


The same thing can be said of public school board members. No one who really cares about student education should seek to undermine teachers who are doing a good job or parents trying to get their children a decent education. These board members likening all parents to lazy dope smokers and getting excited at the idea of being able to limit the amount of time they have to spend listening to the concerns of said parents shows you how they really feel about their students. If these board members feel that they are being under valued and over burdened then perhaps it’s time for them to move on. I’m sure that there are other people out there willing to work hard to see that all students have the opportunity to get a great education and who would be willing to spend more that 3 minutes of their precious time listening to a parents concerns so that they can better serve those parents and their students. That’s what their job is after all.

And that’s OK that parents are self serving. That’s our roll in this system. We do what’s right for our kids and our family. It’s the board that is supposed to be looking out for the public’s interest in education. It is their job to “take it” when parents are upset, respond to that reasonably, or risk getting voted out. It doesn’t work the other way around….

Teaching is your job so do your damn job. If you do not want to do it I am sure there are many people that would like to get paid to do it.

These idiots are not the teachers. Teaching is not their job. They are the Board Members. Some of us teachers do want to teach. We can’t teach to empty classrooms. Board members and unions need to get us back. Now!

Wow. What abunch of self righteous elitists. I was struck by the comment “if you call me out I’m going to f*** you up”. Is she implying that she’s doing such a good job that’s she’s above critique? Sounds just like an out of touch politician. I suppose if she were doing a good job no one would have a complaint against her. I hope that the parents who just listened to theses board members gleefully discuss limiting parent input via a 3 minute time limit on comments, seriously reconsider the dedication these board members have to the students and parents they are supposed to serve. Why would you seek to limit input from the people you are supposed to serve? Do they honestly think they are doing such a great job that there is no room for improvement? Ever? Sadly this is another example of people in power forgetting that they are there to serve not dictate. You should want to hear from the parents of students you profess to care about. The way they equated parents to a bunch of pot smokers just looking for free babysitting services shows the disdain they have for the people in that community. They don’t deserve their jobs if that’s really how they feel.

Another example of how public servants consider us as trash….
My favorite part was at 7:40 when they realized that they were “LIVE”!!!!!!!!
It’s available on YouTube, (https://youtu.be/C3XaJHU7QIY) in case the board tries to erase it….

They took the video off YouTube!

We want our babysitters back??? Lmao! Teachers became teachers by their own choice. Don’t want to teach, get a new job! Our children deserve an education and teachers who actually care about teaching!

@Aunt Barbara -Schools should be privatized to rid of the garbage mentality. Entitled parents???? That’s the teacher’s job… It’s to go to work to teach not to zoom teach. You mean more like entitled teachers. If they’re going to do half the work then their salaries should be cut in half.

MDUSD already has a board member on video calling parents that criticized her “white and privileged” to cast off the legitimacy of their complaints.

This after their former president was on facebook blasting Republicans. I can’t remember if he called them stupid or nazi’s or something.

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None of your business what the parents do, take our tax money and do your job. Poor excuse for staff we pay. Disgusting.

Did it ever cross your mind that they are tax payers too?

@Aunt Barbara – it is not the parasite board members’ business what parents do. Their job is to teach, and make sure they can offer the kids the education they get paid for. All this Union Swamp mentality is disgusting. DO YOUR JOB OR GET OUT THE WAY!!

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Aunt, I truly hope you are not a real aunt with the words you are speaking here.

My children (more than 1) follow instructions, open doors, know the difference between ‘may’ and ‘can’ and my spouse and I handle them quite well. We do not hit them, spank them, but we do expect them to participate in the home with various tasks, including homework and chores. And I am not alone … many of the parents I know are in the same boat, with behaved children.

I also work with a team that is currently practicing. I manage 14 kids at practice without yelling, screaming, but actually teaching and coaching.

Secret recordings? They were on the internet where they invited people to a meeting. What, did they expect the parents to tune out the obscenities and nastiness that came out from them?

@Aunt Barbara – yes, everyone is aware that people talk about others behind their backs. The comment about handling a large class of 30 or more – that’s a teacher’s job (I am well aware that teacher’s are limited on how they can control their classrooms). However, and this is a big however, the recording was not in secret – it was open to the public because the board failed to limit to the conversation to themselves (or whatever the technological term is)

@Aunt Barbara – Yeah, we know those good-for-nothing backstabbers talk about the parents. It’s what their cults (aka Unions) have them thinking.
These idiots recorded this in a public meeting. It’s, not an illegally secret recording you dingbat.

You must be one of those teachers. We know you have your clicks. It’s part of your cult.

Wow – Crickets after they realized. Crickets even today. No public apology!?!? They just all run and hide? I hope there are severe consequences for their actions and there are equitable and fair people lined up to take their positions. This is ridiculous. I hope MDUSD is taking lessons from Oakley of what NOT to do. I am completely and utterly shocked! She actually said “are we alone” knowing what she was about to say was completely unprofessional!!! About to “F” people up!?!? Wow. Wow. WOW!

I’ll let everyone in on a dirty little secret. Behind closed doors they all feel this way about parents. These feelings are not unique to the school district. Time to look for alternative methods to teach your kids. These people don’t understand that without students they would have no jobs.

I totally agree. Just like when they defunded the Police Unions for “not serving and protecting” the community, they all jumped on the defund wagon. Time to defund the school system as well. The kids are not getting the proper education that they’re supposed to. Time to give pink slips, and get better quality representation for the children.

This recording should make national news, if it hasn’t already. I dare anyone to defend the public education system here in California. School Boards and Teacher Unions (pretty much the same thing) have little interest in educating children. Their focus is on the Benjamins.

It’s time to defund public education…privatize it and let parents and children have a CHOICE. After all, Liberals are all about choice when it furthers their agenda.

It’s already made national news.

These are people that like lots of time with benefits. We need school choice. People used to care about education so sad. They will care when the teachers get old and undereducated work force will hurt them. They aren’t the brightest when they find out no good healthcare or anything else they need.

The politicizing of academics inside and outside the classroom is sad situation for everyone. I feel for all of the parents who have to deal with this level of obtuseness and mockery…I’m so glad I found a great and affordable private school for my kids…where they actually attend school….

Thank you for covering this, I’m so outraged about the conduct of these people. I understand that the BOE is all made up of former teachers, so there’s an inherent conflict of interest – but these people all need to be removed ASAP. If they had any pride, they would step down with hat in hand, but just like Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, London Breed, Diana Becton, etc. they will sheepishly admit to some minor mistake and move on as if nothing happened. It’s pretty clear none of them support Physical Education, by the way.

LOL@ none of them support physical education 😂

These people are beyond disgusting and must be removed immediately. No one needs these teachers as babysitters so anyone thinking that better get off their high horse. They need to do their JOB! I am beyond appalled that these school officials that have so much to say about the parents are quiet when they are exposed. Any official that thinks this is ok should be fired, now! Such garbage education they offer then get mad when being called out for it. I’d like to know how many teachers had their pay cut since they are not working their entire time like they used to? I am beyond done with these parasites in and running the school system.

Invoke national policy: They must all be suspended for one week without pay!

Oakley doesn’t get a bunch of respect anyway, and these people make it worse. They should all be encouraged to do the right thing and resign.

That folks is how you become, “world famous locally.”

FACT CHECK: I have no association with the DNC. I’m not even registered as a Democratic Party voter.

It sure doesn’t look like the “distance meeting” is working any better for them than the “distance learning” is working for the kids. Maybe this tech stuff isn’t working out the way it was supposed to … seems everybody’s “socialization” has suffered. Maybe everybody needs that face-to-face interaction to remain “humane.”

Like I tell my guys at work.
“Three or more people constitute witnesses.”

So, that’s why one guy is digging the hole and two guys are standing there watching him.

Quit your jobs get some real teachers to actually do there jobs


Oakley is famous….Nice job School board members! But the upside is Oakley marijuana companies.

Just to clarify and in response to many above commenters: These are not teachers or teacher unions representatives. These are school board members elected by the community of registered voters in Oakley. What they are saying is equally offensive to teachers. Teachers train and study for usually at minimum 5 years of university and credentialing in order to prepare to best educate children and would never want to be referred to as babysitters. They unionize because the working conditions can be difficult as schools are already underfunded and sometimes lacking basic supplies. Its not an easy job in person or via zoom and at least in my experience people choose the job out of a passion for educating young minds. Many teachers are desperate to get back into their classrooms and just want it to be as safe as possible for staff and students.

Congratulations to the OUESD Board Members….you made the National News. You managed in a single meeting to validate that while trying to be hard asses, you are really asshats. Keep up the good work.

Done and Gone…………Maybe now the __KIDS can go back to school???

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