By Diana Lambert – EdSource
The California Teachers Association has told Governor Gavin Newsom that the union wants schools in counties with high COVID-19 infection rates to remain in distance learning for 100 days so the state can develop a more aggressive plan to slow the spread of the virus and have all school staff vaccinated.
“We need a clear and coordinated state, county and local plan that puts the health and safety of our communities first and does not take shortcuts toward the path of opening schools in person,” union leaders stated in a letter Wednesday to Newsom . “To do otherwise will continue the ‘yo-yo’ effect we warned of last summer and this fall — opening schools, only to then close them because we failed to have the necessary layered protections and asymptomatic testing in place.”
To make that happen, the union is asking the governor to keep all schools in counties in the purple, or widespread, tier of the state’s tracking system in distance learning during the 100-day period. Counties in that tier have more than seven cases per 100,000 residents or have more than 8% of test results positive over a seven-day period.
The union also is asking for enforcement of health orders and workplace regulations and increased COVID-19 testing.
The letter challenges the governor’s plan to begin reopening schools to some students next month. His “Safe Schools for All” incentive plan has also drawn criticism from school superintendents.
This is not the first time the union has called for enhanced safety precautions and vaccinations for school employees to reopen schools.
But the letter does come as school districts across the state have been struggling to figure out how to vaccinate their staff with an unpredictable vaccine supply and lack of statewide coordination of vaccinations.
Although teachers and other school employees are included in the next phase (Phase 1B) of the state’s vaccine rollout they are not being vaccinated in many California counties, which are still vaccinating healthcare workers and nursing home residents in Phase 1A.
Timing for vaccinating teachers and school employees depends on how a county health department decides to prioritize vaccines within Phase 1B, which also includes everyone 65 and older, agriculture and food workers and emergency service personnel. There is no guidance that puts teachers at the top of that group.
In the letter the union recommends that schools be considered for vaccination clinic sites, calling them familiar, convenient and trusted locations that can play an important role in vaccinating people in the community. Los Angeles Unified Superintendent Austin Beutner has also asked that schools in the district be designated as official community vaccination centers.
The governor’s plan would give school districts $450 to $750 per student if they offer in-person instruction to students in transitional kindergarten through second grade by Feb. 15 and third- through sixth-grade by March 15. Districts that start a month later can get $100 less. Districts would need to have comprehensive health and safety plans in place, including COVID-19 testing.
In its letter, the union says it has concerns about the timeline for implementing the plan and the use of Proposition 98 dollars for school safety, but is committed to reopening schools.
President Joe Biden’s COVID relief package is in line with the union’s requests to the governor and would be needed to fund all the necessary safety precautions required in order to return to school, said Claudia Briggs, union spokesperson.
Vaccinating teachers is also a key part of Biden’s plan to reopen schools.
The American Rescue Plan will provide the resources schools will need to protect students and teachers in order to reopen, including ventilation, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, during a virtual meeting hosted by national teachers unions Thursday.
“So not only, when you have the public health measures of masking, better ventilation, better spacing, but if we can get them (school staff) vaccinated as quickly as possible, that would hopefully get to the goal that we all want,” Fauci said.
pretty sad. once again using the fake-demic as an excuse to get paid not to work. the teachers are likely in the 99% survival group unlike the elderly who like a flu-shot need help first. why does the union and the teachers keep putting kids last?
Here we go with the teacher bashing again. You can bash the union all day and all night, i get that. I am a teacher and would gladly go back tomorrow. The problem is, I would be there but I wouldn’t have any kids to teach because it is out of my hands! Distance learning is not good for kids. I have 3 of my own and they are making the best of it, but they need to back in school as well. I can tell you that we are not”getting paid not to work”. Zoom school is not as easy as one might think. My wife teaches K1 and she spends 3 times the amount of time she does during a regular school year. Lets get back to school asap.
Spark- please quit the union. Hit them where it hurts. They cannot legally mandate you be part of the union. If they are not speaking for you, they are not representing you. We need our sane teachers to be back in the classroom.
It’s good to hear from teachers who want to get back in the classroom. And yes, actually teaching online is time-consuming and a big hassle. But the unions are so, so intransigent and have blown through any credibility they may have had. As long as they can point to any risk at all, and any weakness in district plans, they just stonewall. Effectively they are just refusing to make a final education a priority at all compared to safety concerns (no matter how rational or irrational those concerns might be).
@spark baldman, at this point everyone is frustrated with the delay in opening the schools. Why can’t all the teachers go back to in person teaching regardless of what the union says? If the teachers go back the students will also – problem solved. I have always maintained that certain unions (and yes teacher’s union is one of them) have no place in this day and age. This past year is a prime example that the teacher’s union is obsolete.
A classic example of ASSUMPTION and not reading. @ Remember- you need to go back to school yourself. The SCHOOL gets paid not the teacher-the allotments. The allotments are to cover covid equipment so schools in high covid areas can resume partially at first. _ PURPLE COUNTIES-oh gee. Thats NOT US!!“ Teachers wanting to not get sick, or make their FAMILIES SICK, or make other TEACHERS sick, or PARENTS they meet with sick, or even other classmates sick- IS SELFLESS. As usual, HUA is all you are capable of. Calling over 400,000 deaths no big deal is a big indicator.
Paid not to work?!? Yes distance learning is not the greatest but the Teachers my son has are working pretty hard to provide the best education they can.
@Spark Baldman
Thank You for sharing this info. I have a retired teacher friend and she mentioned the on-line schooling is not easy for teachers, students, and parents. She is not happy with the teachers union.
@spark – what i don’t understand is why the immunization is a condition precedent to return to work. Grocery store workers cannot work from home. They come into contact with hundreds of people each day. They are not demanding to be vaccinated before they can return to work.
The vaccination argument is further flawed by the 100 day continuation to distance learning. At that point, we’ll be in May. Why return when the kids will be out of school in a couple of weeks.
If kids are not going back to school then teachers should be in line with everybody else.
Having a discussion about the teachers is valid. Calling the pandemic fake only illustrates how closed your mind is.
The fact one would need to have an open mind in order to believe in this global plandemic, is kinda giving away the whole HOAX. Meaning it is open to interpretation weather the COVID HOAX is real or not. Which is about as accurate as you can get. You must have an open mind to believe because it literally takes imagination.
Remember, If you open your mind to much your brains will fall out.
a person who refers to themself as smarter than you think may not actual be
The teacher union is much like organized crime. They use extortion, intimidation and blackmail.
The TEACHER UNION does not represent the teacher who would like to go back to the classroom.
Closed minded? No, it’s called being able to critically think and connect the dots, which obviously you’re unable to accomplish.
Basically see you next fall . . . Maybe.
Only 4 states have schools closed.
Marin has been in school since last Fall.
San Mateo has had struggling students in class since January.
Most states started normal class last fall with minimal issues, blue and ted states.
I saw a funny quote that said something like
“In 30 years our country is going to be run by kids that were homeschooled by day drinkers”
Yep, the conspiracy theorists are having a field day with this. If only they could open their mind, apply some logic, then they would clearly see it is NOT a hoax. Some people just like something to pin their frustrations on, and this is proving to be a winner for them. So sad.
Aren’t you the guy who spread the conspiracy about the PCR test being accurate?
Aren’t you the guy who spread the conspiracy about masks being useful?
Aren’t you the guy who spread the conspiracy about hydroxychloroquine not working?
You seem frustrated your conspiracies aren’t holding up to the test of time. You should seek help for your illogical belief in fake news.
why have only 23 Americans tested positive for the flu?
why are the blue states now opening up, that Trump is gone?
ahh heck what is the point, you are a close minded as those you accuse of being conspiracy theorists
God help us!!
It’s not a hoax, but the unions ARE acting unethically and against everything we know about the big picture costs and benefits here.
@BernieM Correct. Those brain washed by the former absurd administration will take some time to deprogram. Or maybe never. Troglodytes/ the ne Conspiracy Party. The true republicans are that into them.
Conspiracy theorists disregard actual facts that are not in favor of their agenda. They repeat talking points of people who disregard actual facts. It going to take some time to deprogram them if ever. They cling to their masks and every word their leader fauci speaks regardless of the science and data. Some will wear their masks until they die. It’s easier to remain fooled then to admit they were fooled. They believe they are smarter then others and their ego will never let them entertain the thought they were wrong. Truly sad. Ignorance is bliss I suppose.
You want another 100 days? Fine. It’s clear that MDUSD and other districts are not into the $$ incentive offered by the governor. So take the 100 days, it’s clear you feel unable to get my kids back to school this school year. But if the state agrees to the 100 days, as a parent, I want a guarantee that you will reopen for August 2021. Vaccinate the teachers, get the required testing set up, work out the details, I support all of that. But no more delays. No more “we will see where we are at”. No more. Firm commitment to fall 2021 reopening, even a hybrid schedule. But reopen we must. Everyone is losing patience. You owe it to the students and families at this point.
No! No hybrid! Full time! I just wish it could open up in the Spring for the Seniors to be able to celebrate their graduation. So sad
Slower than u thought what an asinine statement. It’s obvious you’re a trust the “experts” worshipper. Since people have to do the thinking for you nothing you say or those like you is ever relevant!
At this point, fine. Work from home doing fake teaching for the rest of the school year. No matter that the kids and parents are suffering. But, whatever. They only care about themselves. But, I think that if they agree to this, then the teachers need to agree to go back full time NO MATTER WHAT TIER in the Fall. They need to start playing hardball with the union.
So agree with you. So sick of this.
So wait, So you want the kids and teachers back in school when new and more infectious viruses are starting to hit not to mention a number of states being overwhelmed in hospitals that can’t even put people on oxygen because they have no more? You do understand that 3500+ a day are dying correct? Just because our county isn’t feeling the massive affect of it right this moment doesn’t mean it won’t. Lets say we do open right. And it hits the county extremely hard. Hospitals are maxed and no ventilators and people are dying because YOU and others like you think it’s safe enough to go back. What then? Completely shut everything down because you cried about how school isn’t open…. You think these people are only thinking about themselves? I’m sorry but that is so far off it’s crazy. Everyone wants them to do back including the teachers unions, teachers, parents and kids. But with how worse it’s gotten since the start. You really think a lot of these kids will make it out alive? You act like a lot of kids don’t have health issues. Not just weight but born with a health issue. Think about it from the other point of view.
So basically the kids have had a year long summer break. If you think they’re getting even remotely as close to an education as they would be in person, you’re an idiot.
Children’s education being held hostage is equivalent to usury.
As for “The yo-yo effect” that’s what they are doing to our Governor. He must really regret selling his soul to those guys.
I read that saddest story about a boy in Houston who committed suicided because he was depressed about not seeing friends and not being able to play high school football.
Too bad his parents didnt encourage him to go play?? I see neighborhood kids playing all the time.
This suicide is a tragedy. When the boy started showing signs of loneliness and depression, the parents could have invited some friends over to their house for outdoor BBQ and a game of catch. The Texas Covid restrictions aren’t as strict as California’s. The boy may have had deeper problems, or there may have been other issues going on within the family.
Our skate park here in Concord has kids from different families interacting with each other, while still being safe. There’s always some parents keeping an eye on things. There was a group of kids and parents in Todos Santos Park last night.
Until schools reopen, parents and students can form pods to do school work together and recreational/social activities.
Is forming pods medical advice? Are you qualified to give medical advice? Sounds risky for people with comorbidities. What about the older people not fully in the pod? Not sure you should be advising people on what types of deadly risks they should take to avoid death.
Cher- then you must be for opening because if you support them playing together, then schools are safe. The mental health effect of these kids is solely on the teacher’s union and the histrionics of the teachers who feel they will die if they have to work in a classroom. YOU are helping to KILL kids.
What if a teacher doesn’t want the vaccine but is willing to work wearing PPE?
When is standardized testing scheduled to occur?
The only solution here is to break the political stranglehold the teacher unions have on our state. If parents and all citizens rose up and forced the legislature to take away schools’ per capita funding, so that parents could take that money elsewhere and get an education for their kids with it … at that point the unions would have to play ball. Until then, they are one team and they paid off the umpire and they have the ball. We have to take the ball back and replace the umpire for anything to change.
newsom already let it be know unions run this state and he has zero vertebral integrity.
Interesting article about the teachers union and the political game they are playing in the name of COVID. Full disclosure – I am a retired 35 year California teacher.
I totally agree. The dollars need to follow the child. It’s unfair to do anything else.
So is the new chinese ANAL COVID TEST going to be required for the teachers? Are they planning to give it to the students daily? lol. Cover your face and bend over…are you guys getting this HOAX yet?? You are being DOMINATED by sadistic lunatics. But if you dare question it you are a white supremest qanon conspiracy right wing nazi who shouldn’t be allowed to fly and should probably go to a re education camp. The mental abuse the masses have put up with is astonishing. I always knew I was surrounded by people who don’t think.
You should have rejected the mask at the beginning. Here come the anal tests!!
It’s NOT a hoax. Stop reading those conspiracy websites and think for yourself for just a little while.
This is the news. You can call it a conspiracy but that makes you paranoid and delusional.
Should just leave the schools closed. They serve little purpose, they stopped educating children years ago. Just look at California, the schools were once the envy of the world now they are no better than third world countries. Allowing teachers unions to alter history to suit the emotional needs of the woke snowflakes who will ultimately be wards of the government since they won’t have the necessary skills to tend for themselves.
Agreed, Billa
But the social part is what is sad to see the kid’s miss. The football games me the dances and just the overall community of school is greatly missed by the kid’s.
It’s absolutely terrible how the union treat our children they are nothing but a commodity.
… of course they do… that will give them time to think of another excuse not to go back to school… What is the plan to get the kids back up to speed for the time they lost out of class and not getting the education they deserve?
All the comments I’ve read on this thread are the same comments I’ve read on all of the other threads with the subject.
So far, no one has a definitive response or conclusion.
I could make a couple of extensions, why waste my time, no one listens.
Nothing will get any better until enough people get together and take a stand.
I’m not holding my breath.
extensions should be suggestions
no closed minded is blaming the last potus
instead of china like your should
@ parent… well said
Don’t forget all our property taxes are still going to be paid
It’s all so disgusting
We never shut down for influenza A, B or H1N1, SARS , or strep throat, chicken pox ect ect ect
And yes people die from those things too
And don’t forget driving to school to teach that’s quite dangerous as well in fact probably more likely to die in an accident
But whatever
For everyone bashing teachers…can you please take into consideration that teachers want to be back in their classrooms and they are are still teaching. Campuses are closed, schools aren’t.
If you’ve never been a teacher don’t act like you know what being a teacher is. Some of you are acting like every teacher isn’t working right now when in reality most are working more than normal and buying new curriculum with their own money to make it accessible online. Of course some teachers are probably not doing the best job with distance learning, just like in every job you have workers that are lazy. But start saying “some teachers” in your negative posts instead of saying it’s every teacher. Or better yet, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. I’m a teacher and thought we should’ve opened campuses awhile ago and would do anything to have my students in the classroom.
I hope when my students grow up they are kind and respectful towards all career choices instead of bashing them when they’ve never walked in their shoes.
Parents are a child’s first teacher, so be kind.
Ok, Jess……if others say “some teachers” as you ordered, then YOU had better do the same. Your second sentence should have read, “some teachers want to be back in their classrooms…..”
Last I checked “can you please” is not an order. I didn’t demand, I nicely asked.
Teachers want to be back in their classrooms, SOME teachers don’t feel safe to do so. There’s a difference.
I totally get the frustration of distance learning from parents but bashing teachers (or any career choice for that matter) isn’t okay.
Here is what you wrote: “But start saying ‘some teachers’ in your negative posts instead of saying it’s every teacher.”
That sure sounds like an order.
So then I basically said for you to do the same, that you should have said “some teachers want to be back in their classrooms…..”
Now, this is too ridiculous to continue. The bottom line is that you want people to use a certain word, then you should do the same.
It’s not teachers fault. It’s the media’s fault. The union is doing what it always does. Teachers and families are hostages. This is how socialism. Teachers could always find other work if they didn’t agree but it’s not their fault what’s happening.
I support the teachers. To open the schools, get the teachers vaccinated because they are essential workers. Have the desks separated. Most MDUSD are older schools built with lots of windows in the classrooms. Leave the windows open for lots of fresh air (like someone told me is being done at her son’s private school – yes the students have to keep their coats on when it is cold). I personally know two teachers. Teaching on-line is very challenging and hard work and time consuming. Teachers want to go back into the classroom.
Do some research on organization. An agenda, perhaps ? ? ?
As to newsom, “… California Gov. Gavin Newsom says he’s given no consideration to forcing schools to reopen if teachers unions refuse to move ahead with in-person instruction once educators are vaccinated…”
California teachers want this. California teachers want that. All that I want as a taxpayer and a parent is that they come to work and actually teach. Distance learning is not good for a great many of our children.
Teachers get back in the classroom and do your jobs. If they don’t do so by a date certain, get rid of them. Staff with teachers who will actually work.
It would be great if all grocery stores, Costco, Target and all restaurants would ban MDUSD staff from patronizing their stores/business for 100 days.
My confusion comes from not understanding how teachers are at greater risks than the rest of the district employees? District office & school site employees have been back at sites and working alongside coworkers for over 8 months now. They work in small offices, cubicles and much smaller rooms than a classroom. The difference is what exactly?
Many have already said this, but I’ll chime in as well. If the teachers want to go to the front of the line for the vaccine, then they need to contractually commit to returning to the classroom after they are vaccinated. Under no circumstances should they be prioritized for the vaccine and then still refuse to return to work.
I cannot imagine any sane person disagreeing with this, but then we do live in California so who knows.
If schools don’t open who will brainwash the children.
That was my thought too.