Home » COVID-19 Daily Update From The Contra Costa County Health Dept.

COVID-19 Daily Update From The Contra Costa County Health Dept.


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Thursday Jan.28, 2021.

All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:

  • Total cases (since March) – 56,252
  • Recovered cases – 50,992
  • Deaths – 525
  • Total active confirmed cases – 4,735
  • Nursing home deaths – 244
  • There are currently 62 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 197
  • Occupied ICU beds –  142 (56 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 18

The State will move Contra Costa County to the “Red Tier” once the following three criteria have been met for two consecutive weeks:


  • Case Rate: Less than 7 new cases per 100,000 residents – (currently 39.6%)
  • Positivity Rate: Less than 8% of tests countywide are positive – (currently 8.3%)
  • Equity Metric: Less than 8% of tests for residents of the lowest quartile of the Healthy Places Index census tracts are positive – (currently 13.1%)


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Wednesday Jan.27, 2021.

All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:

  • Total cases (since March) – 55,835
  • Recovered cases – 50,286
  • Deaths – 507
  • Total active confirmed cases – 5,042
  • Nursing home deaths – 239
  • There are currently 66 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:


  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 222
  • Occupied ICU beds –  147 (60 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 19

The State will move Contra Costa County to the “Red Tier” once the following three criteria have been met for two consecutive weeks:

  • Case Rate: Less than 7 new cases per 100,000 residents – (currently 40.7%)
  • Positivity Rate: Less than 8% of tests countywide are positive – (currently 8.8%)
  • Equity Metric: Less than 8% of tests for residents of the lowest quartile of the Healthy Places Index census tracts are positive – (currently 13.5%)
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“The Plandemic” …. Check this great video to see the real details of how Tony Fauci and the other Autocrats treated this highly respected woman and all of us.


That video has been discredited. It is total BS. The news reported it but did not want to give it anymore publicity. Please stop spreading lies.

I request the monitor remove the post from redrazor.

Wikipedia- “Plandemic is a pair of 2020 conspiracy theory videos produced by Mikki Willis which promote misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. They feature Judy Mikovits, a discredited former researcher who has been described as an anti-vaccine activist despite her denial…Mikovits makes numerous unsupported or false claims around coronavirus, and her own controversial history.”

I don’t see anything wrong with the discredited scientists. Their science is very sound just not the central party line. 😉

OK I get that we are all excited that the numbers are going in the right direction. But we had 18 more reported deaths in the county, that is 3.5% more in one day in a pandemic going on for 11 months. 5 in nursing homes. This is the really sad part of this…….
The rest is all noise….

Sure, death is sad. Bu how many of these deaths are ACUTALLY from COVID?


“the rest is all noise”

Well, yes and no. Peoples lives are what really matter, yes. But cases going down means fewer deaths in the next month+. Deaths are a lagging indicator: people who died in the last couple of weeks got sick back in November and December, very likely.

@Oh, Please, yes and we also had winter start back in October. Usually the cold spells like we having right now only happen at this time. The sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system rises in response to cold weather and this causes the immune system to sometimes overreact in the face of a virus.

I still think it’s just the annual cold virus hyped to be fearful as an excuse to change the global political systems to something along the line of Agenda 2030 or The Great Reset (or is it The Greta Reset). It’s been predicted by scientists for years that if something wasn’t done there might be a mass extinction event as early as this century. They count on the public being dumb as rocks.

so threatened with a recall gavin bin lying withdraws the stay at home order for the whole state, while the ICU availability remains “dangerously” low in southern california.

folks! it is all BS, the virus has a 99% survival rate for most people. why are quarantining those who are at least risk?

fauchi is an agent of the left, just look at the size of his ego on the morning talk shows:

“i always wanted to be on this show” – fauchi gushed like a child



I find this report harder and harder to believe. Nobody died for days and all of a sudden twenty are gone. However they all died weeks ago.

The reporting of the deaths seems to be done on a weekly cycle with most of them reported on Wednesday through Saturday.

The deaths need to be certified which apparently takes weeks.

The county used to report new cases and deaths on the dates they were confirmed. That gave the false appearance of immediate reporting. In September they switched to reporting new cases by the date the sample was taken and deaths by the date the person died. The data is now more accurate but is also more frustrating to work with as it now seems like “old” data when people are used to immediate results.

When I do the weekly summary of deaths I’m using the date confirmed dates which is the method the county used prior to September. FWIW, we are at 36 deaths so far this week and had 39 for all of last week meaning there likely will be an increase over last week.

Joe Biden has signed an executive order banning the term “China Virus”.

Who knows what other executive orders they have put in front of that confused decrepit old man. Does he look like a socialist? Yes, he looks like Joe the Crypt Keeper Socialist.

The executive order does not explicitly reference the phrase “China virus.” The so-called “ban” only applies to federal departments and agencies, not personal speech.

So ICU percent math didn’t work out for them ? ? ? ?

Now it’s Case Rate, Positivity Rate and Equity Metric.
Beginning to remind me of “special” math used to explain this states budget.

This is probably more of that math that’s to complicated to explain to people out of work, people who’ve lost their business or have seen the place they worked for decades, empty with a for lease sign in the window.

Had they embarked on an intensive educational campaign on virus particle size and why N95 masks should be used, then made sure masks were available to all who wanted them, worst of it would probably be behind us.

Botched from the beginning.

Can we just quit with the covid 19 update lies? People want to move forward in their lives. 98% recovery rate says it all.

Don’t shoot the messenger! We want to move forward in our lives, but our state and county authorities aren’t actually letting us, in many ways.



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