Home » COVID-19 Daily Update From The Contra Costa County Health Dept.

COVID-19 Daily Update From The Contra Costa County Health Dept.

Cases By Location
Deaths By Location
Recent Death Dates

Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Friday Jan.15, 2021.

All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:

  • Total cases (since March) – 50,627
  • Recovered cases – 42,666
  • Deaths – 430
  • Total active confirmed cases – 7,531
  • One person under 30 years old has died (19-30 age range)
  • 208 deaths in Contra Costa County nursing homes.
  • There are currently 61 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 257
  • Occupied ICU beds – 138 (62 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 34 (11.8%) (Bay Area region is at 4.1%, according to the State of CA)
  • Available ventilators – 157



Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Thursday Jan.14, 2021.

All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:

  • Total cases (since March) – 49,759
  • Recovered cases – 42,153
  • Deaths – 410
  • Total active confirmed cases – 7,196
  • One person under 30 years old has died (19-30 age range)
  • 201 deaths in Contra Costa County nursing homes.
  • There are currently 62 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 250
  • Occupied ICU beds – 156 (61 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 21 (4.2%) (Bay Area region is at 3.4%, according to the State of CA)
  • Available ventilators – 169


chuckie the troll January 15, 2021 - 3:29 PM - 3:29 PM

Maybe we should put some of those state statisticians on our available ventilators. The extra oxygen might improve their math skills.

Ricardoh January 15, 2021 - 6:42 PM - 6:42 PM

OK I need help. We have a total today of 172 icu beds 34 beds are available. That is 19.7%. The county says 11.8% beds. OK class who is right and who is BS ing?

WC Resident January 15, 2021 - 11:36 PM - 11:36 PM

15 deaths were reported on Thursday and another 20 on Friday. That likely explains why the ICU numbers are starting to drop.

Ricardoh – I agree that something is wrong with the ICU numbers. FYI, you computed the raw ICU availability did not do the adjusted availability thing. It’s 12.7% for Friday’s data and the county says 11.8%.

Tom January 16, 2021 - 9:07 AM - 9:07 AM

How many of those deaths were counted as covid and not another underlying condition?

Tom January 16, 2021 - 9:09 AM - 9:09 AM

How many of these deaths were from underlying conditions and counted as covid?

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