Home » COVID-19 UPDATE From The Contra Costa County Health Department

COVID-19 UPDATE From The Contra Costa County Health Department

Cases By Location
Deaths By Location
Recent Death Dates

Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Sunday Jan.3, 2021:

  • Total cases (since March) – 42,628
  • Recovered cases – 35,864
  • Deaths – 347
  • Total active confirmed cases – 6,417
  • Nobody under 30 years old has died – 154 deaths in nursing homes
  • There are currently 49 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 251
  • Occupied ICU beds – 123 (65 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 54 (19.1%) (Bay Area region is 9.7%)
  • Available ventilators – 172


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Saturday Jan.2, 2021:


  • Total cases (since March) – 41,603
  • Recovered cases – 35,591
  • Deaths – 347
  • Total active confirmed cases – 5,665
  • Nobody under 30 years old has died – 154 deaths in nursing homes
  • There are currently 49 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 251
  • Occupied ICU beds – 155 (67 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 20 (4.8%)
  • Available ventilators – 177
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That’s a significant shift of people out of the ICU beds (32 patients). Capacity went from 5% to 19% in a single day.

~The percentage changes as the number of staffed ICU beds fluctuates daily, even by hospital shift….so the denominator (all ICU beds) keeps changing. You’re correct, 32 patients out of ICU, but when you add occupied beds to available beds from yesterday = 175 and todays total is 177; doesn’t make sense how they arrive at 19 %!

Quite the jump in ICU availability.


“We have to make sure our economy gets back open. We have to learn how to live in a COVID world.” Louisiana congressman elect Luke Letlow, 11/19/20

Letlow tested positive for COVID on 12/18 and died on 12/29.

An anecdote doesn’t change the stats, Chug.

Feel free to sit inside forever, though.

Oh I agree it doesn’t change the stats at all. Here’s one for you:

“Deaths nationwide were 19 percent higher than normal from March 15 to Dec. 5.” Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

What’s surprising is the drop of 32 patients in the ICUs between 12/30 and 12/31. Since the total number of patients in the hospitals remained exactly the same, it looks like 30 non-Covid patients and two Covid patients suddenly got well enough on New Year’s Eve to go back to the regular acute care section of the hospitals.

I have been following the ICU availability numbers closely for the last few weeks and it seems to be completely arbitrary. You’d have significant reduction in availability without a massive influx of new COVID patients and today we are seeing a massive increase in capacity despite of only a minor number of reduction of COVID patients.

This seems like it’s heavily influenced by administrative decisions of health officials, and bureaucrats while it is presented to us as some sort of a sound scientific guideline.

Want to increase capacity and stay on the good side of targets? Temporarily cancel vacations and shift resources around.

Want to keep things closed and institute more draconian measures? Keep schedules as they are.

Spot on, soon to be ex-Californian! Your analysis is what I’ve been noticing…

Congrats on leaving CA! We finally did last month and the best decision we ever made. We are so much happier without Newscum. We have a beautiful home, friendly neighbors and less congestion. You will never look back once you leave!!!

The numbers are a little wonky because of the holiday. (insert conspiracy comment from someone) but look at the case numbers. The county dropped nearly 500 on Jan. 1 only to shoot up 800 today.

How many people under the age of 30 die from the Flu each year in CC County? Not one has died here from the Wuhan Virus. There are many inconvenient questions we could ask if our Board of Supervisors weren’t so busy playing with their hammers and Sickles! Or ignoring ‘settled science’.

Some good news is that the hospital and ICU numbers seem to be leveling out. See https://imgur.com/a/Tz5FnIq

While the number of new cases per day seems to be dropping that’s largely because of the holidays and that many people take a vacation in the week between Christmas and New Years meaning there was much less testing. The number of new cases per day will be artificially low for another week.

26 additional deaths were reported in the last week. Note that not all of the 26 died in the last week. For example, one death from September was added to the tally this past week.

By age it’s:

Age 51-60      1
Age 61-70      4
Age 71-80      5
Age 81-90     10
Age Over 90    6
Total         26

Here it is by date of death.

           Community  LTCF  Total
09/20/2020  0          1     1
12/09/2020  0          1     1
12/12/2020  0          1     1
12/16/2020  2          2     4
12/17/2020  0          1     1
12/18/2020  1          0     1
12/20/2020  2          4     6
12/21/2020  4          2     6
12/22/2020  2          0     2
12/24/2020  1          0     1
12/25/2020  1          0     1
12/26/2020  0          1     1
Total      13         13    26

and by city it’s:

City              Community  LTCF
Alamo              1 
Antioch            1           3
Bay Point          1             
Brentwood          1             
Concord                        5
Danville                       3
Lafayette                      1
Martinez           3           
Pittsburg          3           
Richmond           1           
San Pablo          1           
Walnut Creek       1           
Other/Unspecified              1
Total             13          13

Funny that so many Republican leaders – who have called this a hoax, a shame, nothing worse than the flu, it hardly kills anyone…

Are all pushing ahead of health care workers to get the vaccine.

And still, so many Conservatives think it’s all made up.

Disgusting hypocrites!

The ICU numbers are a problem! We are shutting down small business because of available ICU beds dropping below 15%. The number we don’t actually have are how many ICU beds are really available? The hospitals will staff up as needed based on need. So if they decide to lower their internal cost and not staff the beds, that forces the county to go into shutdown? What is the actual maxed out capacity of all of the bay area hospitals? How many beds do the county have in standby at the emergency sites set up? (I think the number was 200 beds) The covid case numbers keep going up even with the small business shut down? So killing the small company’s are not really affecting the covid case numbers. Reopen the county!



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