Home » Alarming Number Of US Health Care Workers Are Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine

Alarming Number Of US Health Care Workers Are Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine


U.S. health care workers are first in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccine — but an alarming number across the country are refusing to do so, according to a report in the New York Post.

Earlier this week, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine disclosed that about 60 percent of the nursing home workers in his state have so far chosen not to get vaccinated.

More than half of New York City’s EMS workers have shown skepticism, The Post reported last month.


And now California and Texas are experiencing a high rate of health care worker refusals, according to reports.

READ THE FULL STORY >>>> https://bit.ly/3pGjPN4

photo credit: health.nd.gov

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I guess they being knowin what they be doin,?
N’est-ce Pa?

I think the article should be re-titled to:. “Alarming number of Health Care Workers Willing To Take Untested Vaccine.”


Is anyone surprised?

The vaccine does nothing.

You still have to wear a mask.
You still have to shelter in place and not leave your house.

When can we realistically expect to ever go back to normal?

Bill; we can expect things to get back to normal when the virus has lost its ability to continue spreading due to most people wearing masks, socially distancing, AND getting vaccinated.

Do you mean like: “Just two more weeks to flatten the curve” for the past NINE months???
You’re grossly misinformed Gary.

It ain’t stopping till you stop it.

Seriously, this is your life now, forever.

Gary,Gary,Gary,you’ll still be saying that in5-6 years.
Come on..man !

@ Gary
You poor… Sweet child… There’s been numerous strains since it was first discovered. It is not going to “lose its ability to continue spreading” due to wearing masks.

Well that’s not very smart, next in line!

Good for them. I don’t blame them at all.

There are plenty of people waiting impatiently to get the shot.

Give it to the impatient first.

In the meantime, open up everything.

Not surprised that they are refusing microchips in their body. Plus they don’t want to be the gov’t’s guinea pigs. Wasn’t there an article of a nurse in a COVID unit who had the vaccine contracted the virus?

Microchips?? Wow! You have come up with a new conspiracy theory. You must be proud.

Gary, you’ll need to bring more to the coversation than ad hominems.

I guess you missed out on Luciferase & hydrogel. Or this patent:

I think its the conspiracy about some sort of tracking microchips being implanted…
Funny thing is they’re saying the government is trying to implant trackers while they’re all carrying around a cell phone… that can easily be tracked… yup…

Unless there is a specific medical reason for a health care worker to not get the vaccine, they should be given the choice of geting the vaccine or resigning. I would give them the option of delaying it for a very few weeks, and during the delay period they must work in a “non-contact role” with patients or people they are caring for. If their temporary position is at a lower pay rate, that is the pay they should be given while not in their regular job.

Hey ClayDen

I guess if your idea doesn’t work you can always take them out and hang them.

No due process, just hang them all.

I’m guessing you love that idea.

Stop dreaming,these health care workers are maybe %20 caucasian,so the other %80 will be screaming racism if they can’t do things their way.
Ever been in a hospital and looked at the demographics of an orderly or a bed pan emptier.These are people that are very sensitve and easily offended by perceived racism,IE tell them to do something they don’t want to,they will say you did it because of their race.

They wont dare fire anyone or put any sanctions on people that won’t volunteer for a shot.
It would be unconstitutional in every way,along with many many other real world reasons.Again,this is 2020.

My thoughts exactly!

I totally agree. Even if you don’t care about protecting yourself, protect you patients or get out of the medical profession. Refusing to get a vaccine for “political reasons” is just plain stupid. The quality of nurses has declined, and no longer requiring a nursing degree from a real college (an AA from community college isn’t the same) isn’t helping.

Can’t blame them. The vaccine has only been around for two months. No problem says the “experts.” No one know what it will do to one’s body in six months or a year. Think about that.

If sixty percent of your employees don’t want to take it, you can’t require that they take it. They will call your bluff and you’ll be stuck understaffed, losing your state license because you can’t deliver care, etc.

Thank God you are in no position of authority. I guess it’s true that you can’t fix stupid. Go take your shot and quit being an arrogant dbag.

Sounds reasonable and effective,ClayDen.

Your right to refuse any medical treatment you do not want is protected by law … with a few exceptions.

No Pinko, We are not GUINEA pigs.
You should do some more research, post up the vaccine ingredients and how ‘safe’ the individual ingredients are.

Hmmm, is adding a little tattoo on the forearm your next suggestion?

What ever happened to the slogan. “My body, my choice.” Or Does that only apply to women who want to end life?

Has anyone seen Utopia? Very similar vibes from this…..

Fan of the show when it originally came out in 2013. I have both seasons on disc. Compared to the UK original the recent Amazon remake lacked luster (Amazon also has the original UK series available to watch). The show indeed has some very prophetic elements to it.


FDNY are also skeptical after being left for dead with respiratory illnesses due to 9/11.

Guarantee you, they won’t mandate this ‘miracle’ vaccine…..But, they will take away certain perks….cannot attend concerts, cannot fly etc.

People need to push back on this scam.

@Anon….If that’s the case I see an opportunity to sell black market “virus certification” papers. Thanks, it’s always nice to have a little tax free side business.

Governor Newsom will weigh in on this shortly, and it will be a doozy.

@ the fearless spectator
I know! It kept me up last night worrying what/ how he’s going to dictate this vaccine.

It’s like the little boy who cried wolf. They, (the so-called experts, and the media) have lied to us so much that if and when they tell the truth, nobody will believe them.
It’s unknown what the future effects if any, could be. Wait a year or two and see who is getting sick or dropping dead from the vaccine.

Since you don’t know if you would die if you got Wuflu it doesn’t sound smart to me. Actually sounds stupid.

I say let Darwinism take it’s course with these fools. You’ll never hear it from our corporate media or Big Tech masters, but I believe a large part of the blame goes to anti-vaxxers such as Kamala Harris who used fear mongering in a disgusting attempt to get ahead politically.

You’re right, but you don’t even know it.

The virus is 99.99~ non-lethal. Whereas the vaccine is supposedly 95% effective with documented side effects of bells palsy and sterilization via the prevention of formation of placenta.



Taking a rushed, unproven vaccine which is supposed to be 95% effective for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate is the height of stupidity. The math is not difficult here.

You pays your money and your takes your chances.


Dude, that’s measuring two VERY different things. Think a little more before you deliver a math lecture. 17 avocados is more than 14 Ferraris … 17>14 … The math isn’t hard!

its not going to work
you are only going to confuse your friends that you texted and told them that you commented here.
Did you fall and hit your head?
What you said doesnt apply to anything on Claycord or it’s comments.


Hilarious. Pat yourself on the back for that one. Ok, I’ll explain slowly.

99.7% is the percentage who get Covid and don’t die.
95% is the percentage who would have gotten sick from Covid but didn’t because they were vaccinated. Notice how those aren’t the same thing.

Put it another way: if 1000 people get Covid, something like three of them will die. (And several times that will spend some time in a hospital.) But in a vaccinated population, that would go down to basically zero. You might have one in ten thousand die, and many fewer hospital cases.

And since people aren’t getting sick from it, most likely they won’t spread it effectively. (Not certain yet, but very likely.) So you’ll be less likely to get it in the first place.

I’m skeptical of lockdown strategies and Covid tunnel vision from our dear leaders. I’m also in favor of trying to actually understand stuff…


“95% is the percentage who would have gotten sick from Covid but didn’t because they were vaccinated.”

Interesting. I’d be even more interested to learn of your method of determining who “would have” gotten sick save for the vaccine. Do tell, and don’t skimp on the details. For example, what if I haven’t had the virus, don’t get the vaccine, and don’t get the virus? Please quantify.


don’t worry it would require a double digit IQ to understand how efficacy of the vaccines has been measured, so you just keep believing what you want.

Dawg, you are right about the media, so much irresponsible reporting that people are very hesitant to do something (the vaccine) that may or may not help them. I take the media as serious as I take the National Enquirer and that is very sad as I remember when the news reported the news (facts) not opinions and sensationalism.

Couple months ago cuomo was flappin’ his jaws, bad mouthing Trump and vaccine.

“The governor has said, for example, that the Food and Drug Administration approvals will be done “done on an expeditious basis under this president,
if not a reckless basis.” Cuomo has also said “it’s going to be a very skeptical American public about taking the vaccine, and they should be.” ”

“… Cuomo is vowing to have an “independent” state panel approve any vaccines deemed safe by the FDA, …”

An 2024 presidential wannabe,
““Of course, we don’t take anyone’s word for it,” Newsom said at a news conference on Monday. “We will do our own independently reviewed process with our world-class experts that just happen to live here in the state of California.” ”

How about that, two DEM governors instilling an enforcing doubt for political gain.

Wow, the elephant in the room is completely ignored by all the knee jerk reactions/comments to this article. Insofar as the vaccine fear mongering by the media seems to have worked (along with additional mutations that are stronger/more deadly than the 19 version and wait for it… vaccine resistant – hint, they didn’t think Trump would bring the vaccine to market this quickly, remember H1N1). Seems to me that if the virus was real or for that matter more than the usual influenza strain then people would be more worried about contracting it than any risks associated with the vaccine. And, who would know more about the real threat than front line healthcare workers. Simple logic, they don’t want this to go away.

Making this go away is like making cars that get 100 mpg(easy but they wont)
Or a cure for cancer.that they have,or for well made products,or cars you cant steal.
It’s all massive revenue.
I will say it again,all the USA has is the “fix it’ business.

I work for the largest healthcare company in the world and have been investing in drug companies for 30 years. Lots of posts with data points that are taken out of context.

Yes some drugs take 10 years, but those are from discovery of the compound to a trial, to approval, including financing the 2.5 billion it takes to get a drug approved.

There have been cases where drug has passed FDA approval in 2.5 years. The drug company was fully funded and 1.5 years of the waiting was simply waiting in-line for FDA review. So clinal trials were 1 year. They obviously had FDA fast track, again this only means your drug goes to the front of the line.

The Corona vaccines were in trials for YEARS, the drug companies chose to slow down spending and development because SARS was NOT a pandemic like COVID 19.

So when COVID 19 came drug companies simply continued existing trials and were fully funded by Warp Speed and were put in the front of the line for FDA review.

Everything that was sped up was red tape. You still had 60k trial participants, but instead of taking a year to register them they did it in weeks, again comes down to spending the money.

Stop reading Facebook and even news. Check FDA website and read the actual trial process and steps.

AFAIK there were NO mRNA based coronavirus vaccines being tested over these last few years. What we do know is that these vaccines show promise for a few months then the efficacy falls off a cliff and they are unstable. Also, they come with a noted possibility of exaggerated inflammatory response (hi bell’s palsy, GBS, anaphylaxis). These manufactured mrna strands do not target specific cells, and we don’t know nearly enough about long term consequences it’s presence: mrna fragmentation producing unexpected proteins, accelerated apoptosis, auto reactivity, etc. Moderna specifically had a vested interest in pushing out this type of vaccine and this was its chance to do large scale experiments and be called heroes for doing it. I hope all turns out for the best, but people refusing it have valid concerns.

Not surprised at all. As a RN and educated scientist, I’m leery of the vaccine as well. I believe in the science of vaccines, and I’m not an anti-vaxer. Grateful for the vaccine and those who are willing to receive it and collect more data, so the rest of us can make a better educated decision for ourselves down the line. Whatever happened to “my body my choice?” Shaming those who believe differently than you is where our society has gone wrong.

@ Front Line RN-
Love what you said! Arrogant humans like Plinko are calling people dbags because some of us do not want to get the vaccine done on “Plinko’s” time. (Sounds like someone is “entitled.”) IT IS my body and IT IS my choice and if I choose to allow more time on getting vaccinated then I have that right to allow more time. IT IN NO WAY MEANS I AM A DOUCHE BAG!!

As an RN, you need a vaccine for the protection of the patients. My body my choice applies to your personal life. I’m reading that nurses are denying the vaccine for “political reasons” and this isn’t political if you’re a medical professional. Putting yourself before the patients is where you’ve “gone wrong.”

Good for you Front line RN.
Nothing has changed since this Plandemic with my job…..I’m still on the front lines & I have done too much work to undo heavy metal problems brought on from VACCINES. Not destroying my health or DNA with some experimental vaccine.
Sorry Kentucky Derby, but you are wrong.

Don’t waste the vaccine on health care workers. Most are young and healthy, and many have already had the virus and now have natural immunity.

Immunize the patients ASAP and then watch the death rate drop.

I’m glad I scrolled past all of the usual knucklehead that post here so that I could find this gem.
I’d like to see you staring at this horrific disease everyday and say “yeah, I’m young and healthy so I won’t catch it”. I’m neither young nor necessarily “healthy”, but I am able to go and take care of people in a hospital everyday. So as long as you’d like us health care workers to keep taking care of the rest of you then I’d ask that you support us getting the vaccine.

By the way, I think Mad Magazine is probably a better source for journalism than NY Post

Natural immunity is only 9 months.
People who got sick in the first round, in March,
start getting sick the second time these days.


Nobody sensible is against offering it to health care workers. But should they be required to take it?

My mom is in her 80’s, living in a LTCF, has plenty of co-morbidities, and has yet to be offered the vaccine. And yet I have read that at least some inmates have received it. Call it a Cluster or SNFU, or make it easy on yourself and call it California.

The fact that your mother has not yet gotten the vaccine is criminal. There is no other way to put it.

Unfortunately, the State has so far failed to get the vaccine into the arms of those of us who definitely want it. Once my wife and I have been vaccinated, we will be able to get our lives back, two weeks after our second shots. After we’ve had the shots, we won’t be concerned about those who insist on getting their immunity “naturally” and, in the process, share it with the community.

Come on, Gavin. It’s time to pick up the pace!

In Florida, everyone over age 65 is eligible to get vaccinated first. Long lines, but no vaccine sitting on the shelf going to waste.

California is the opposite. Completely wrapped up in making politically correct prioritization lists, resulting in slow vaccination rates and preventing the most vulnerable from getting served first.

If you are not in a preferred ethnic group or ‘essential worker” , you may have to travel out of state if you want to get vaccinated before June.

If people refuse to get vaccinated then the virus will keep us prisoners. Common sense rules but looks like it is not the case these days. Pathetic.

The only prisoners are those that choose to be a home inmate.
They dont have to wear a mask but do anyway(they say….).
If its a mask with the word” poly’ in its ingredients,it’s a whole new illness you’ll soon be having.
It’s call cancer,from synthetic particles you’ve been voluntarily breathing into your lungs.
Enjoy now.

Oh, Did you call in sick for common sense class?

If you are VACCINATED, why should you be worried about catching something from me that you are already vaccinated against????

, “poly” is not a word, it’s a prefix meaning “many.” Most medical terminology is made up of Ancient Greek and Latin words.
The suffix “ology” is Greek, meaning the science of, or the study of. In the word pandemic, the prefix “pan” means of everything, or all, and the suffix “demic” means people.

The Risk Analysis is simple. The way the virus is going ALL of us will eventually have our body infected with the virus, just as most of us are with cold virus and flu virus. But under the model today maybe 50% get symptoms that force them to get medical advice. Then maybe only 20% of those actually test positive. Maybe 20% of positives end up in the hospital. Following the math? – that is some 2% of the population end up in the hospital, Only 2% of positives die. But that is a really big number if all 350,000,000 population eventually get the virus – 700,000 deaths.
But the option is vaccination which we are to believe reduces the ability of the virus to find hosts to actively grow, reduces potential amount to be shared and infect others. So total number of cases is reduced, etc. Why not try it?

There are more reasons not to try than to try it.
Go ahead though

Timothy Leary called. He wants his advice back.

Well, this explains the dreadful situation with COVID spread and mortality in the US – dangerous incompetence of “about 60 percent of the nursing home workers” and probably of noticeable percentage of other medical professionals as well.

My son will never know what it is to have chicken pox…..and neither of us will ever know what it’s like to have small pox or polio -if that doesn’t speak to the incredible blessing that vaccines are I don’t know what will!

Small pox is back and chicken pox vaccine?
Duped again.

While Trump was running on getting vaccine and therapeutics out quickly, the Democrat opposition were full blown anti vaxxers.

Now that they succeeded in removing Trump they are upset that their propaganda that they have been spewing for months has actually resonated with their voters?

We ALL have to do our part and take the vaccine!

If it saves just a single boomer, a single 90 year old, then shutting down over 20% of all small business will have been worth it! Boomers are the only Americans that matter, and the livelihoods and prosperity of ALL future Americans are worth sacrificing if it increases the life expectancy of the boomer.

God bless America, and god bless the boomer!

You can have mine good sir.

Now tell us how many non health care workers also won’t take the vaccine?
I would say more than half the country doesn’t want to and won’t

I’ll take it once elderly white men are allowed. Not thrilled to trust government, Big Pharma, or the media with this but the virus is a killer. Besides, it’ll be pony-dog, horse-leg tested long before my tranche receives it.

My body, my choice.

Now where have I heard that before??

You beat me to it.

I’ll take the vaccine, I don’t like what has been forced on us for the past year. If the vaccine is the way out, great. Either way, it’s all good.

I can’t believe all the ignorant comments and conspiracies listed here. Honestly, I don’t think it’s medical workers not accepting the vaccine, it’s the Trumpers, Thumpers and Crazies.

Like ERas said above regarding tracking…… cell phones!! #MORONS

You can turn off tracking on your cell phone. I did because I got tired of the weekly report showing where I went. I KNOW where I WENT and don’t need the damn phone or Google to tell me.

I’ve been in mobile development for decades and know that these companies are filled with young dweebs just trying to make their mark in the world by submitting yet another feature to be added to the already overloaded OS.

@Captain Bebops,

The only time that your cell phone CANNOT be tracked is when it is turned off.

Or you can buy a faraday bag for it like I have. Ready to go much faster if you need it. Does turning off tracking really work? Absolutely not, as long as your phone is on it can be tracked. Possibly even when it is “off” it still can be tracked. But then, I don’t trust the military, industrial, big tech, big pharma, big food, big government complex.

Like a lot of the media stories these days, this stuff about “oh no, people are refusing the vaccine!” is mostly just panic clickbait. It’s not really surprising that some people want to see this vaccine in action for a few months before they take it. It’s not surprising that a sizable minority don’t want to take it at all. (Though actually polls show that a strong majority wants to take it.) And that’s okay. We aren’t going to eliminate the virus. But lots of people have had the virus already and have some immunity. And if most people of 65 take the vaccine, and anybody else who wants to, this won’t be an emergency in any way, shape or form. Once our oh-so-competent governments actually get the vaccine distributed to everybody who wants to take it, Covid will join influenza as something that hangs around in the population and sometimes makes people very ill, but nothing about the scale will constitute an emergency anymore.

These news stories are designed to get people freaking out and drive more eyeballs to the content because people are (1) afraid and (2) angry at other people. Fear + anger = clicks = ad revenue. Don’t take the bait, take the long view.

They poison our food, they poison our water, they poison the air we breathe. They let murders out of jail, cause depression, suicide and kill babies. Agenda 21 wants you dead. Live as healthy as you can and stay as far away from the government as possible.

Agenda 21 wants America dead so the Orwellian society can get on with it.



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