Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Wednesday Dec.30, 2020:
- Total cases (since March) – 39,736
- Recovered cases – 33,870
- Deaths – 331
- Total active confirmed cases – 5,535
- Nobody under 30 years old has died – 150 deaths in nursing homes
- There are currently 48 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes
Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:
- COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 247
- Occupied ICU beds – 152 (62 COVID patients)
- Available ICU beds – 26 (9.2%)
- Available ventilators – 170
Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Tuesday Dec.29, 2020:
- Total cases (since March) – 39,391
- Recovered cases – 33,238
- Deaths – 323
- Total active confirmed cases – 5,830
- Nobody under 30 years old has died – 149 deaths in nursing homes
- There are currently 48 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes
Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:
- COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 249
- Occupied ICU beds – 150 (62 COVID patients)
- Available ICU beds – 23 (7.3%)
- Available ventilators – 176
Sunday Dec.20, 2020
“There are currently 16 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes”
Wednesday Dec.29, 2020
“There are currently 48 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes”
Considering most nursing homes probably have no visitor policy.
Have to wonder if mandated controls are sufficient or are controls in place
NOT being adhered to, given VERY large increase in very a short period.
Is Contra Costa asleep at the switch ? ? ? ?
The workers don’t live in the nursing or assisted homes. They bring it in..
@Original G~I’ve been asking the same question for many months…the mitigation efforts are not working in this controlled environment, how do they expect the rest of us to continue to stay at home when the very population we are protecting is not being protected by the workers?
I have been wondering the same thing. More protective PPE for the folks in the homes perhaps? Since it’s most likely workers bringing it in to them, right?
Truly hope there are reporters out there who read Claycord, who will investigate and report what’s going on.
Suspect building codes especially for HVAC are not where they need to be. A recirculating HVAC system with standard air filters won’t stop a virus.
There are also nursing home workers who work at more than one nursing home just like anyone else who has low wages.
I’m not saying people aren’t getting sick but the whole thing is not accurate.Had two family members test positive then were told it was a false positive.what kind of crap is that.Who do you believe.
So in a county with a population of 1.2 million, there have been covid cases in 3.3% of the population (39,736). There have been 331 deaths (0.03% of the county population). Of which, 150 (0.01% of the population) were in nursing homes, and 181 (0.02% of the population) were outside of nursing homes.
In other words, in a county of 1.2 million people 99.7% of the population either never got covid, or got it and had no symptoms, or got it and had symptoms and recovered. 99.7% survival rate in Contra Costa County, CA.
But lets keep everything locked down, no kids in school, no after school sports, no gyms open, no church services, no restaurant dining indoors or out, no hair cuts allowed and so on.
The doctor who just got fired from John Muir for speaking out against the covid lockdowns is right. It’s madness to keep lockdowns in place for what amounts to a flu virus with a 99.7% survival rate in this county. Insanity.
The lunacy from the left. Fear mongering. The stats don’t support a lockdown.
Will you pretty much nailed it. Not much left to say.
So, Will, I’m curious as to why you think the numbers are so low? Could it possibly be due to the fact that people are locked down and/or wearing masks when they go out…?
Oh, and as always, I want to remind you and all the others on here (that I know are gonna chime up here shortly… Hi) that just because it didn’t kill you doesn’t mean it didn’t screw you up in some (probably permanent) way. Ask my cousin who, 5 months later, still has no sense of smell, or even my friend in Colorado that can’t make it up a flight of stairs without a rest to catch his breath.
And as the people that accuse me of fear mongering enter the chat, I want to say that using caution is not fear, if everyone would take the needed steps then this could have been over a while ago, but ya’ll wanna yell about government oppression, throw a tantrum and not do the adult thing, so they gotta treat us like children.
That’s not how you calculate survival rates, you buffoon. People that never had it don’t count as ‘survivors.’ that would be like saying people who never flew on a specific plane are air-crash survivors. You see how idiotic this is? Leave the science and medicine to the scientists and doctors.
I don’t know why we have to keep saying this but: “99.7% of the population isn’t getting COVID” because we are following the guidelines. We are not eating inside, we are not watching movies in theaters, many of us aren’t interacting with too many extra people.
I’m not saying there aren’t bad takes that aren’t supported by science (outdoor dining doesn’t seem to have contributed to many case) but the safety precautions are working.
As FactU says. You can’t add people that have NEVER had it as statistics. 1.2 million haven’t had it so those numbers are completely wrong.
And the people that aren’t wearing masks and following reasonable practices are the ones driving this pandemic on.
People saying that I’m scared, simply because I take the necessary precautions to protect others. I went to the store a couple days ago, no problem, wear a mask, wash your hands.
Also these people are likely scared themselves. There have been studies on why there are covid deniers despite the overwhelming evidence of its existence. It turns out that those that deny the severity and even existence of the pandemic are typically using that denial as a coping mechanism because they simply can’t handle the severity of the truth and so they block it entirely.
And if that was too complicated to understand: You deny it because you can’t mentally handle it, aka scared.
Oh and the whole “I can’t breathe with a mask on”… yeah, I have asthma (since I was a kid), and I wore my triple layer mask for 9 hours the other day… absolutely NO problem. Its mental, not physical, suck it up.
Remember “If we could hold that down, as we’re saying, to 100,000, that’s a horrible number, maybe even less, but to 100,000 — so we have between 100- and 200,000 — we altogether have done a very good job,” Trump said during a task force press briefing in the White House Rose Garden.
Now that we are over 333,000 deaths what does call the job done?
No ER’as you dont have a job,mask during booking when you spent 9 hours getting booked inti the jail for threatening people you saw witiot a mask.Its what you people do.
It’s whackos like you that will keep this going for years,and will continuje to say”if you people would just wear a mask this will be over soon.”
It wont be over soon.This is not America anymore and that began in 2008 with Obummer and they never let Trump do his job in peace for one minute.
if “people wore masks” when would this be over?
It’s never going to be over.
But on Jan 6th Trump will shut you down and you can scream at the sky WITH A MASK ON
Wow… someone figures I threaten people… ok then…
Well now I see what type of conspiracy theorist Marco is… No further point in arguing with people who refuse to accept actual facts…
Have a good day. Happy New Year, stay safe.
How about the ones that don’t get tested and have it.
And how about the ones that have died that were never tested that weren’t counted?
Youth sports have been going on since August, they are just modified.
There’s been swimming, baseball, soccer, flag football, karate, etc.
You don’t have to stay at home. I work at Sun Valley Mall, the mall is open, the stores are open, all we ask wear a mask and keep distance when you stand in line. I’m older, but healthy, however I’m uncomfortable helping anyone not wearing a mask, or not having their mask up over the nose, fortunately management have told me, I have the right to politely ask customers to wear their mask properly. Although we have been very busy before Christmas, most customers are understanding and compliant. I’m not scared, but I’m not about to take unnecessary risk, just common sense. Better safe than sorry.
When you say most customers are compliant,what does that mean?There are customer walking around without masks?The maskers would flip out,they wouldnt even get 5 feet into the door without someone screaming at them.”most customers are compliant” What was the point of that? To say most people agree with masking?They are forced to or they cant shop.Stop being the typical liberal you say you arent.You are not middle of the road,you are far left.When you make comments that “you blame this one one person” but you wont say who that person is…you’re not being clever,we all know who you’re talking about,they taught you to say that.