Home » State Joins Federal Partnership With CVS, Walgreens For COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

State Joins Federal Partnership With CVS, Walgreens For COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution


The state of California has joined a federal partnership with CVS and Walgreens to provide coronavirus vaccinations to long-term care facility residents and staff, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday.

CVS and Walgreens will provide vaccine doses from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer to residents and staff members in facilities like nursing homes and assisted living centers.

According to Newsom, CVS will provide vaccines to around 500 nursing homes while Walgreens will do so at roughly 350 nursing homes over the next three-to-four weeks.

“By leveraging CVS and Walgreens resources, we can effectively deploy vaccines to residents and staff at our long-term care facilities, which are at higher risk of COVID transmission — and do it at no cost to the state or local government,” Newsom said in a statement.


Residents and staff members in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are among the first in the state to receive the vaccine along with front-line health care workers, in-home health care workers, primary care clinic workers, laboratory workers, dental health clinic employees and pharmacy staff.

According to Newsom, the state’s task force overseeing the vaccine distribution schedule is expected to approve as soon as Wednesday the next groups that will have access to the vaccine.

People over age 75 or age 65 if they have underlying health conditions, workers in education and childcare, emergency services, food and agriculture, transportation and logistics, manufacturing and the industrial, residential and commercial sectors are all expected to begin receiving the vaccine in January on the current schedule.

In addition, unhoused residents and people in the state’s prison system will be among the next pool of people with access to the vaccine.


The state also expects to receive fewer vaccines than it had originally planned for by the end of the year, Newsom said, with only around 1.8 million doses from Pfizer and the biotechnology company Moderna expected to arrive in California by the end of the week.

The state had originally planned for as many as 2.2 million doses from the two companies.

“It’s not a point of criticism,” Newsom said. “I still think it’s an extraordinary success story.”

Even with the vaccine rollout, Newsom and state Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said they expect both January and February to be “challenging” given how widespread the virus currently is within the state.


The statewide test positivity rate is now up to 12.5 percent, according to Newsom, despite California reporting results from more than 300,000 tests per day on average over the last seven days.

In addition, hospitalizations and intensive care unit admissions continue to climb, which is likely to necessitate an extension of the state’s regional stay-at-home order later into January for most of California, including the Bay Area.

The surge is likely to be exacerbated by holiday-related travel, Ghaly said.

“We really hope that as we enter one of these last worrying periods for the foreseeable future with New Year’s that people do make the decision to stay local, stay at home, don’t mix outside of their households,” Ghaly said.

“Everything that we’re seeing today is that things that were a month ago or two months ago a low-risk activity, today, are really high risks because of the level of COVID that’s circulating in our communities,” he added.

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Those evil corporations…

Just 2 more weeks………9 months later!!!

Wow another
Promise of no cost to the state
Explain how the vaccine and distribution will cost us nothing


CVS, Walgreens, Pfizer and Moderna are private companies. The vaccine will be transported by private logistics companies.

Whats the big deal, CVS and Walgreens provide flu shots too. Are the cameras going to follow them around? Give them Starbuck gift cards and call them heros?

I thought Trump had no idea had to distribute the vaccine. Of course, better than Newsom could do or his lame task force.

How is it that “Unhoused” and prisoners even show up on the list. The prisoners knew that Covid was a get out of jail ticket. That’s why it spread so fast in jail. Give it to the guards and staff. The prisoners can wait. Maybe if I start breaking the rules I can move up the list .
Yes I realized that there are homeless and then there are “homeless”.

Gavin will provide a “cut in line” for his favorite populations, regardless of formal policy. It’s just the kind of guy he is. So yes, violent criminals collecting unemployment will get the vaccine before some of your family members.
Sign the recall.

CVS and Walgreens will either bill the patient’s insurance or the federal government for the vaccination. This is how pharmacies do it all the time with flu vaccinations at pharmacies. There is no cost to the state as CVS and Walgreens will use their own pharmacists and pharmacy technicians as labor. CVS and Walgreens will take any profit that they can get from the vaccine. This is how CVS and Walgreens makes money. California does not want to hire a team of thousands of temporary pharmacists or pharmacy technicians to do vaccinations. California has decided to let CVS and Walgreens provide the labor and also to reap the profits from the vaccines.

Thank you for your clearly-explained, accurate explanation.

Certainly hope the pharmacists giving the vaccine are also highly trained in emergency response to anaphylactic reactions, to include cardiac arrest! I think not. A 1-2 hour training class will not teach you how to properly handle a situation like this. People are having these reactions to the immunization.

@ Sign from Above: News reports appear to suggest literally a handful of reactions nationwide resulting from more that 2 Million vaccinations to date. Such an infinitesimally small number is certainly acceptable. Quit playing into the anti-vaccine hysteria. If you don’t want your vaccination, so be it. Many others will gladly take your place in line.

So it’s any different that you are playing into the vaccination hysteria? Not one bit, please gladly take any and all places in line…

– LOL, plenty of Republicans are cutting the line. Check out Lindsey and Marco – they look like they’re doing fine…

Actually JAFO, I plan on getting it ASAP. So I’m not playing into the “anti-vaccine hysteria.” Just stating a fact. As someone who worked in the medical field for several years, and administered many myself, I know what can happen. Pharmacists, and especially pharmacy techs, have no real training in how to handle things if they go wrong (except to dial 911.) We’ll see….

My own experience when I got my flu shot from CVS this year was that the pharmacist had a plastic sleeve containing a vial of Epinephrine already laid out on the tray beside her JUST IN CASE I should have a reaction to that shot. Also I was instructed to sit there for her observation for at least 15 minutes after having received the shot. She also brought me a cup of what turned out to be a sort of Sprite-flavored sparkling water. She kept me in sight at the window between the “shot room” and the pharmacy cash register area for the entire 15 minutes.

Having watched three of the Resident Evil movies and parts of other walking dead movies, I am going to wait a while to see what happens to others.

Oh jafoperstor

Obviously you believe everything the democrat media tell you

And the other paid propagandist scientists

Who by the way said oh your safe with a mask

And yet no stop of the virus in sight

Those who are getting whacked by it are the ones who believed in trying to not get it at all

It is a virus it will mutate and most likely has

Those who followed politicians and paid scientists are getting their results

This is not Ebola or an alien spore

It’s a virus that can never be contained

China released it on the world and you blame the potus like your told to

Just remember when you or a family member gets ill or dies

You can’t sue anyone

This is why they are using a vaccine

And making billions even if a high percentage have severe side effects

Gates is raking it in and your arguing about distribution lol

Build your immune system and see the results

Just like the flu mild if anything in the winter

Be proactive and self reliant
or have the gov of this state dictate your life for you

It’s your choice for now

Until you give it away

Well stated and spot on, ty!

Yes, lets vaccinate the druggies,winos and criminals first. Oh well, I can stay home another couple of months.

As long as La Fagoto’s in Walnut Creek stays open. It is the BEST Restaurant in the East Bay. Has been closed since Spring.



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