Home » Another Spare The Air Alert Issued

Another Spare The Air Alert Issued


The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has issued a Spare the Air Alert for Tuesday, meaning a ban on burning wood, manufactured fire logs or any other solid fuel, both indoors and outdoors.

The alert is the third of the winter season, prompted by predicted colder overnight temperatures and light winds that could lead to deteriorating air quality due to smoke from increased wood burning.

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It’s cold and Christmas time. So, time to have a fire!

Just checked, air quality is green indicator, meaning perfect air quality. But no burn day! I call Bullsh’t. Now I have to remain home and cold in a Pandemic. We’ve all suffered thru the Cal fires breathing toxins not from our chimney. Great, now we have our neighbors turn us in for having a fire. Not ok!

wow now they want to take away the yule log

communism or bust

be safe …..

dont drink the blue cool aide

Just another unelected group of political appointees donators lording over the citizens.

Like it or not, you get what you vote for.

There is a cure for this political-liberalism-stop voting these fools and their accomplishes into elected offices and appointments.

Wise up!

The one thing we can easily do is send a clear message to them all by recalling Gavin Newsom. Download the Petition, print, read, and fill it out, sign it, return it to the address thereon — or visit one of the locations listed on their website.


I know it’s Christmas time and you want a fire. Please consider those with respiratory issues/asthma. When the pm in the air is high it’s a struggle for some to breathe. Thank you.

You’re absolutely right. I’ll definitely consider them. How rude of me not to invite them over to join in on the nice heat from the fire.

4 comers, I too have respiratory symptoms, occasionally I use an inhaler. Mostly due to allergies. Somehow there’s a disconnect between
breathing smoke from a chimney on clear cold nights and the refineries in out backyard. Maybe you even drive a Tesla. If you’re really concerned about air quality, move out of California, the last fire season’s 3months of orange sky might already done the most harm.
Please know I do care.
Bless you

Stick it Broadbent.

So the air would be perfect if people didn’t burn wood fires….. Defund BAAQMD! Most people don’t even use their fireplace. They make it seem like every house is burning a fire. Do they do anything else to make the air cleaner or do they just read the air quality monitors on the web and decide to call a spare the air day. Our tax dollars could be spent on better things. Defund BAAQMD!

From BAAQMD data, 85% of the PM 2.5 n the Bay Area comes from sources other than people heating their homes with wood.

but they spend 100% of their time talking about people heating their homes with wood. Defund BAAQMD!

The air will never ever be clean enough as this would put those fine BAAQMD folks out of a job.
Think about who you are voting for when election times come around and do some research on the candidates. Some will lie to the voter to get elected.
Think about it.



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