Home » U.S. House Passes COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Bill

U.S. House Passes COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Bill


The U.S. House of Representatives on Monday passed a bill that aims to help the country’s economy in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, local congressional leaders said.

The bill also provides enough funding to keep the government operating until September 2021, the offices of Reps. Mark DeSaulnier, Jared Huffman and Mike Thompson said.

The economic stimulus will provide each person up to $600 if their income is lower than the threshold.

More than $250 billion in new funding will be available for small businesses through Paycheck Protection Program, $25 billion will be made available through the first-ever federal rental assistance program and $300 a week will be available as supplemental federal unemployment benefits.


“Thousands of Americans have been holding on by a thread, desperately waiting for relief,” Rep. Huffman said in a statement. “I’m glad we were able to reach this deal, but we have not secured anywhere close to the support that’s needed to combat the coronavirus, help families, and rebuild the economy.”

The bill passed the House 359-53. It will move to the Senate, which is expected to pass it later Monday evening, before going to President Donald Trump for his signature.

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Anyone else not believe in this? While I do understand the hardship COVID-19 has brought to many, people have had a year to make things happen and take control of their own lives. The government should not be taking care of us.. we live in a democracy country for a reason. This should push people to take things into their own hands vs waiting on handouts because “we deserve it”. Again, I understand the hardship but be the kind of people you want your kids to be. People complain about Gen Y and Gen Z being lazy – you ever thought about who their examples are? Be the change you want to see. And Merry Christmas

No doubt you are a boomer, who grew up with almost no foreign competition, who could buy an average home on only two years average salary, who could work 40 hours a week at a factory while your wife stayed at home and raised 4 kids, in a home you own outright, with two or three cars in the driveway. It isn’t like that any more.

This event is unprecedented, both in its scope, and its response. The conditions are so dire for many, it would be criminal for our government not to give aid and assistance. They have been collecting taxes all this time, if you’ve noticed. “Taking matters into your own hands” implies breaking the law, if necessary, which is the last thing we need right now.

Be the change you want to see… how? You make it sound like it’s these people’s decision to be in a crisis. Giving funds to people below the threshold means they will inject that money into our economy.

What’s your solution? People lose everything and end up in crippling debt?


Your math is way off. Even though houses
were cheaper years ago so were the wages.
No one was able to pay off a home in two years.
The price my parents paid for their home would
be considered a deal today. They still had to pay
off a 30 year mortgage to get it. Also if the wife
didn’t work no family had 3 cars. Dad took the
car to work with him and we waited til he got
home to go anywhere. We were still broke and
borrowing money to get by. Things weren’t as
cheap and easy in the old days as you think.

@Bay Area Native

Wait what? have you actually followed what is going on here? The Government shut down everything. Took away people’s livelihoods and you think they should not take whatever compensation the government hands out to make good for doing the damage in the first place? This is not a hand out. This is the government recognizing that what they did is unconscionable and trying to make good by paying for the damage. Of course, their payment is little more than a band-aid and will never make up for the lives they’ve destroyed. Just look at the many businesses who have folded due to the pandemic.

$600 for struggling citizens and the rest of it goes to pet projects and lining the pockets of politicians and big businesses. Government as always looking out for the rest of us…NOT!

Trump is threatening to veto the bill. Good for him. There needs to be ZERO pork and 100% help to US Citizens. This bill is a disgrace and Congress/Senate should be ashamed of themselves for passing it.

If he vetoes the bill, I hope there’s a clause that says illegals and criminals can’t get any more money. There are lots and lots of financial assistance that is being provided to illegals as if already getting lots of financial assistance before the pandemic wasn’t enough.

2/3 is going to OTHER COUNTRIES!
Not for US!

Take a serious look at what is in the bill.
The bill is 5,593 pages long, that alone should make you worry.

Neither party trusts each other.

Patting their own backs for making us wait why they played political games

Now the audacity
Thousands of Americans have been holding on by a thread, desperately waiting for relief,” Rep. Huffman said in a statement. “I’m glad we were able to reach this deal, but we have not secured anywhere close to the support that’s needed to combat the coronavirus, help families, and rebuild the economy.”

Way to leave it open ended for political gains

They collected money the whole time we sat half empty and children placed in indifference

They blocked the package in September for their own gains

Nice work the dem voting lemmings had no idea

Wow talk about blind constituents

I am sure after billions go to all your political friends we will get pennys
And be expected to take a tax hike yet again at the first of the year

Can’t make this up

But democrat politicians can

We lose again

Same question
How has voting democrat helped you or your childlren

The democrat question is never answered

Over 5,000 pages of help as well as political garbage and I guarantee not one politician has read it all or will read it before passing. Fire theses morons!!!

With Trump you got $1200 if you qualified, with Democrats you get half as much, $600. It must be apparent that Democrats really don’t care much about the suffering the virus, and their response to it, have visited on millions. It’s like the old saw, “Here’s $600. Don’t spend it all in one place!”

“With Trump you got $1200 if you qualified, with Democrats you get half as much, $600.”

Please explain, for some reason it thought for both relief bills the WH and Senate where under Republican control and the House under Democrat control?

@JWB If I could make any sense out of your question, I might be able to answer it. Judging from the relief checks, all I can conclude is that Democrats care about half as much for those suffering through this pandemic as Republicans do.


I see that you agree that the quote from you makes no sense. For once we are in agreement.

Sorry aunt barbara, it’s your conservative republican friends that only want to give $600, you know who, mitch and the gang.

All too accurate

And you thought the stimulus bill was for Americans. Remember, this is your money.

For some countries, Christmas came early:

$169,739,000 to Vietnam, including $19 million to remediate dioxins (page 1476).
Unspecified funds to “continue support for not-for-profit institutions of higher education in Kabul, Afghanistan that are accessible to both women and men in a coeducational environment” (page 1477).
$198,323,000 to Bangladesh, including $23.5 million to support Burmese refugees and $23.3 million for “democracy programs” (page 1485).
$130,265,000 to Nepal for “development and democracy programs” (page 1485).
Pakistan: $15 million for “democracy programs” and $10 million for “gender programs” (page 1486).
Sri Lanka: Up to $15 million “for the refurbishing of a high endurance cutter,” which is a type of patrol boat (page 1489).
$505,925,000 to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama to “address key factors that contribute to the migration of unaccompanied, undocumented minors to the United States” (pages 1490-1491).
$461,375,000 to Colombia for programs related to counternarcotics and human rights (pages 1494-1496).
$74.8 million to the “Caribbean Basin Security Initiative” (page 1498).
$33 million “for democracy programs for Venezuela” (page 1498).
Unspecified amount to Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Curacao, and Trinidad and Tobago “for assistance for communities in countries supporting or otherwise impacted by refugees from Venezuela” (page 1499).
$132,025,000 “for assistance for Georgia” (page 1499).
$453 million “for assistance for Ukraine” (page 1500).

Thank You for sharing this info.
Now we can see where our tax dollars are going and why our taxes are going to go way up.

This is just nauseating and depressing.

A shame most people do not look at, understand, nor care how Congress love to throw tax payer money around like it is play money (because to them, it is, it is not their money, they do not struggle to pay their federal nor state income tax, that is for we plebeians). The claim that this bill was not read before it was voted on is poppycock; these are items off the leftist wish list. This bill is as bad an absurdity as can be. As many before me have stated, this COVID “relief” bill is anything but. Of the $900 billion (not the additional $1.4 trillion), $300 billion for struggling businesses, $25 billion is for rental assistance on past and future payments, $45 billion is for transit systems, and $10 billion is for a United States Postal Service bailout, with $300-per-week unemployment benefits (capped at 10-weeks) and one-time $600 stimulus checks for eligible citizens (per ABC-no mention I saw what that total was, but not likely the remaining $500 billion). No longer do we have elected representatives, because the do little, if anything, to represent we the people.

It is an omnibus spending bill so yes, there’s lots of other stuff in there too.

Leave it to our elected “representatives” to act as good stewards of we the plebeians (tax payers) money. The COVID relief bill is said to be $900 billion (yet the total bill is $2.3 trillion, another opportunity for Congress to steal from the tax payer). Apparently, as stated on ZeroHedge, per a Congressional aide, the largest chunk, $325 billion is for small businesses (those that have survived being classified non-essential by our benevolent leaders), of which $284 billion is for the Paycheck Protection Program. Other spending: $20 billion available for target Economic Injury Disaster Loans for small businesses;$15 billion for live venues, independent movie theaters, and cultural institutions. Next, $166 billion is for the little man. The rest is unemployment and payouts for various groups. Sad.

Well…. it looks like “America First” is over and done with and we’re back to footing the bill for all of the 3rd world.

Punted civilian fed salary increase back to Trump. Will he stick with 1% increase compared with 3% military increase? Don’t count on it.

I like how he said “thousands” serious? You mean millions. Also why are huge chunks going to overseas interests and foundations that don’t need the money? It’s called money laundering. $600 is a huge slap in the face to every American. It’s time for the military to step up to the plate and do what needs to be done. A complete political reset of our system.

Oh good, another $600. Now I can retire!

Wow a whole $600? I guess people can now catch up with their rent, car payments and feed their children.

again how has a democrat helped you …ever

remember republicans work for their money

democrats steal yours and say their helping you …..

gullible should be a 4 letter word …any of them

Over 600 million for Israel, already the number 1 recipient of US foreign aide, and an extremely wealthy nation with over 20% of its GDP sourced from blood diamonds.

10 million dollars for “gender studies” in Pakistan.

Millions spent in the effort to openly develop artificial intelligence meant to oppress free speech and the first amendment under the guise of hatespeech prevention. No seriously, it’s in there.

An official stance on the reincarnation of the Dalai Llama.

It took forever to pass because it is absolutely jam packed with bull****.

If this doesn’t wake you up, nothing will. The same people keep getting reelected – but is it because we’re stupid and keep voting them back in? Or is it because the key elections are rigged? We’ve been played for most of 2020 from this Plandemic to the rigged Presidential election, to masks, to spare the air days, to forced lockdowns, and to collapse of small businesses. We deserve this for not fighting back.

$600 should be enough for you to purchase a firearm.

Or dinner for two at the French Laundry.

Trump should VETO THIS BILL

Senators who voted against the COVID relief package (92-6 vote):

Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee
Rand Paul of Kentucky
Rick Scott of Florida
Ron Johnson of Wisconsin
Mike Lee of Utah
Ted Cruz of Texas

I hope President Trump vetoes this bill.

There is no doubt that people need help.

This bill does not help the people of America.

It only burdens them with more needless debts.

The people representing us in Congress are not working for us, they haven’t for a long time.

In an aircraft emergency, you are instructed to put your own oxygen mask on first, then assist others. So should it be with this spending bill. Take care of American citizens first.

The inflation from this money-printing will be substantive. And American citizens will pay for all of it, while the countries we subsidized will directly profit from it. Rather short-sighted.

unfortunately you have voted in corruption and it is seeded

throughout all of the democrat party

lying cheating and stealing is their game and they do it now without even trying to hide it

this state is the best representation of democrats

how are they doing ?????

come on dem voters you got your potus speak up

how ae they going to help you ???

lol you have no answer

its ok we know

go on

you can say it

What is wrong with our elected Democrats? At this point in time we the people need help. This is why after 40 years I left the Democratic Party. They are the nastiest group of politicians ever. Good job Nancy thank you so much.

When the House Democrats along with the House Republicans presented Mitch McConnell with bills with more help for all of us he refused to back the packages for several months. How is this the fault of the Democrats? They have always wanted MORE help for Americans. We weren’t able to get a better deal because of the Republican lead Senate. McConnell (R) said they were NOT giving us an extra $1,200.00, no way, no how. Now the Donald (the great negotiator) who couldn’t be bothered to show up for any of it, and instead sent his proxy Mnuchin instead, says to give us more money, and Pelosi says YES, absolutely! We will see what happens though.

Most of the comments and much of the media focus has been on the one time $600 check. That goes to almost everyone whether they need it or not. The bill also provides for small business aid, rental assistance and unemployment benefits of which little is said.

Don’t worry, Biden will make all this better. He’s all about the American people, just look at his last 47 years in office.

Now are you beginning to see what the corrupt politicians wanted Trump out of power at any means necessary. The swamp runs deep.

Mr. President, one word. VETO


I think the Biden family has proven that politicians or lobbyists are getting rich off of our foreign aid. Probably any aid for that matter. Now that we have the biggest grafter going to the WH I doubt anything will be done to stop this corruption soon.

You would think they could just pass a US covid aid package.
I would like to know who were the sponsors of all that foreign aid. They really should forbid ex politicians being lobbyists for starters. Then they should make it illegal for lobbyists to donate money no matter how they snake it through. We have been had again.

Over 5000 pages negotiated in secret by who knows who. No time for anyone to read it. This is really no way to run a railroad. Something has to change.

So the house is patting their backs for this corrupt bill

The incarcerated criminals who ripped us off for millions
are getting more money
than a respectable American citizen who pays taxes

So the house are the ones supporting China and giving them money to make more viruses so gates can make more vaccines so he makes more money from the fed and us

The house full of democrats sending our money claiming the relief is for Americans when we see 20% of a bloated bill

While the rest goes to our enemies

If you think America does not have enemies

Then your the reason we are being ruled by corruption

Please deny it

There is more pork in this bill than a Farmer John warehouse!

…and Farmer John is a Chinese owned company.

I thought you maybe right so I looked it up. Farmer John is owned by Smithfield Foods. Smithfield Foods is owned by a Hong Kong Company. Corporations are now like the Mafia.


Well, you know, the Chinese are HUGE fans of country style dry cured hams … so they bought the Smithfield company. If you are looking for a country ham around here, 99 Ranch is a good bet. They always have sliced pieces in the meat display but I’m sure you can request a whole ham.

Democrat Philosophy:

Although the stimulus bill appears to be a fiscally dangerous bill stuffed with pork such as cash grants to American colonialists, in reality much of the money is going to pay for a Sri Lankan coast guard cutter and gender studies in Pakistan so should therefore be supported.

Wish the Youtuber would go drop another deuce on Pelosi’s driveway. That’s what I think of the Dems effort…

Would say this bill is proof congress puts interests of campaign contributors, K street and lobbyists ahead of WE THE PEOPLE.

“It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession.
I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.”
— Ronald Reagan

“We have the best Congress money can buy.”
— Will Rogers

I’m okay with not qualifying for a stimulus check but all this foreign aide when so many Americans are hurting is absurd. This stimulus bill should help our country only. We send enough money to foreign countries already.

Biden is already calling this stimulus package a :”down payment” but I hope the next package is for Americans only. Let other countries come up with their own stimulus financial aide.

5000 pages?

Don’t forget that many of those countries receive remittances. Remittances are the tax free money most, if not all, illegals make from working under the table while at the same time receiving thousands of dollars in financial assistance.

Good News! President Trump will not be signing the bill, and will return to congress. He is demanding $2000.00 while the prostitute politicians wanted only 600.00.

News reports say that President Trump will not sign the Bill. Too much rancid pork going to places and things which have nothing to do with Covid. He is going against ‘conventional wisdom’ once again and proving that even a “Lame Duck” can have a big impact. I hope he, and the American People, win this fight.

Thank you President Donald J. Trump for standing up for the American People, again! Veto this pile of TP!

For Americans who are struggling, the stimulus is “too little, too late.” If I was struggling I’d rather have $600 now (going out next week and later) and another stimulus check in 2021 than the fear of politicians not coming to terms (again) and fearfully waiting for money. Unless they can come to terms immediately, Trump refusing to sign (I’m a Republican) is hurting those he’s trying to help.

They need to “cut the waste” and give those who are eligible more than $600. Don’t promise people money and continue to make them wait. It’s cruel.

I’m guessing most of those direct deposit $600 payments are heading to the accounts of the alleged “Russian” hackers.

We can see now why the bill was held up until the last minute, but past presidents have ordered Congress back into session to complete legislation.



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