Home » Gov. Newsom: Stay-At-Home Orders Will Likely Be Extended Past Jan.8

Gov. Newsom: Stay-At-Home Orders Will Likely Be Extended Past Jan.8


Gov. Gavin Newsom during his noon press conference just announced it’s very likely the state will extend the current stay-at-home order past Jan.8, 2021, which is when the current order was set to expire.

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That’s great, the day my Gov can listen to his own mandates which aren’t laws
would be the day that I listen to his words…


Thanks for the update. I will be out of state performing “essential work”, as in buying a house and getting out of Kleptofornica.

I’m okay with staying home forever, but when are you going to force reparation payments to disadvantaged people of color from evil white people? We need to transfer all wealth from evil colonizers to innocent, perfect POC.

It’s in the works. The goal is to “even the playing field” by bringing one population down instead of bringing others up. And it will start with racially prioritizing the Covid vaccine. Sign the recall.

Sunvalley Mall was packed on Saturday. Other than everyone wearing masks it looked like any other Christmas.
Recall Newsom

Would be nice if Reichsmarshall Newsom and his cronies forfeited their pay and donated it to small business. You know… Since small businesses are dying off. Also would be nice to see the science he has to back this up, not just the ICU rate. This thing is a wildfire, out of control. Anyone who thinks that somehow locking down the economy (which did not work before) is completely out of touch with reality.

I bought a ventilator on Amazon. I’ll be alright.

See you all on zoom in March for Covid’s bday party .


Can we give Newsom and Cuomo to Covid as a birthday present?

I continue to call BS on this. We’ve been locked down and wearing masks since the spring. Obviously, it doesn’t work. #Plandemic.

Good! Been loving the lighter traffic while going to see friends and family!

Blah blah blah

Are ANY of YOU surprised? I read Galvin will keep the lock down going for a year He is just trying to break it in slowly SAD!

Funny that today’s WC question was going to be if we thought the SIP order was going to extend past January 8. I was in the middle of answering when it disappeared.

My answer was Yes, it will extend indefinitely, because Gruesome Nuisance likes his power. After the vaccine is rolled out, he can keep us locked up because of the new strain and after that I’m sure he’ll find some other reason. This will never end as long as this guy is in office. But I’m sure residents of CA will re-elect him if the recall is unsuccessful.

http://Www.recallgavin2020.com – download the petition, fill it out EXACTLY as instructed and mail it in.

Good thing we’re getting ready to get the heck outta Dodge!

There it is! We have a vaccine, nope, now wait, there’s a new strain! The vaccine is null and void. Billions wasted on the vaccine by many nations. Biggest joke played on humanity.

I am Gav The Great and Powerful!
Tremble and Obey!!

We will be punished until he is removed from Office with a successful recall. Until then, we will all be victims…Because it’s for our own good.

Wow, what a surprise.

“The infection rate is highest it has ever been because people like the LOONS on the board can’t believe in things they can’t see.”

Really? Do you have any data to back that up? Because we’re informed by several of the learned right here on Claycord that influenza and pneumonia deaths are down because everybody is masking, washing hands and social distancing.

Drive by a big box which ever, hardware, grocery, even chinamart and you’d never know it.

Sunday stopped by Harbor Freight Pittsburg, line of customers waiting to check out with three checkouts open was all the way to back of the store.
Turned around and left.

Provide proof… or I’ll revoke your “maturity “ …..

We really need to recall this clown.

Let us not worry because I will make sure my illegal and criminal constituents are taken care of. The law-abiding and hard working constituents can kiss what they have worked hard for all their lives goodbye. I can’t have hard working people succeed because it will make me look bad. Let them eat cake!
Signed: Marius Gavintoine Newscum

Let’s see what Newsom comes up with as more and more people tune him out.

I week or so ago, Claycord’s WC question asked about getting together with family right before we were mandated to shelter in place. Now, the question was about the length of this SIP order. It shows that this news website is more in touch with what is going on in the community than many of our “leaders”.

What about people who work at malls like you say stay at home but there is so many people still shopping and local malls were not essential?? Can someone answer me

No one can answer you because no one knows what your question is. Make some sense next time.

Even if Newsom is recalled, the Left’s fraud machine works very well here in CA. He’d win in a landslide.

As for the extension, I told you so.

More than once.

What freedoms we still enjoy will be a thing of the past soon.

Enjoy them while you can.

The beauty of the recall is his own party will turn on him and dilute his votes with other democrat candidates. Even if the election doesn’t flip, we may perhaps have someone less evil. Don’t underestimate the French Laundry caper.

I was at Target on Sunday and it didn’t really seem like there was a stay at home order in effect. Lots of traffic, hard to find parking spot, etc. I think people are over it.

Of course it will……..

I’ve signed the recall. It was a mistake, the person replacing Newsom will be worse, bring back Jerry Brown.


So I wonder if Newsom’s security detail was given the same food at the French Laundry that he partook in?????

Guess Newsolini will have to find another high end restaurant to hang out at since all of us will be in lock step lockdown and must obey his orders. Just like Auntie Nancy getting her hair done, Breed also seen at the French Laundry day after Newsolini and Lucardo joining in revelry for Thanksgiving.

Do as I say not as I do. So if this pandemic is so horrible how come they are not following their own dictates?????



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