Home » The WC – Go Back In Time And Tell Yourself One Thing – What Would It Be?

The WC – Go Back In Time And Tell Yourself One Thing – What Would It Be?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: If you could go back in time, say 20-30 years, and tell yourself one thing that you wouldn’t believe would happen in the future that actually did happen, what would you tell yourself (no stock tips, lottery numbers, gambling tips, etc).

Talk about it….

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Stock up on Toilet Paper! LOL. 🙂

Also, not having a 2 bathroom home is a pain in the A$$, at times, LOL!

LOL…once again Roz our families are so similar. Having only one is very difficult at times. Especially with Grandchildren running around. Merry Christmas to you and your Hubby Roz. Stay safe!!!

One possible way to make life easier; have a bedside commode tucked discreetly into a corner of the garage with a throw and an easily movable stack of something or another on it, and a roll of TP nearby for when the house suddenly fills up. I probably wouldn’t have thought of it but we ended up with one we didn’t need anymore which coincided with our two person household suddenly accommodating six, and I told my husband he’d better not get rid of it.

Hi Silva…we actually had to make one a few weeks ago due to plumbing issues. We used a five gallon bucket with a pool noodle around the rim. We just lined the bucket with plastic trash bags and would just change the bag after each time. Wasn’t too bad but mighty cold in the garage.

I suppose the HOA would frown on putting an outhouse in the backyard.

We are thinking about investing into a Incinolet to put into the laundry room since there is space, sink and door already. To hook up to the sewer line would cost way to much and we would lose a well placed shade tree.

Simonpure, the part about the pool noodle is genius.

Invest in computer related apps / social media.

Get out of cities and live like the Amish.

Put as much money as you can in gold…..

You are more than welcome to have an opinion that is different from mine or anyone else’s. If the governor didn’t condemn it, you would even be welcome at my table for Christmas dinner. The board is far from an echo chamber, and I’m alright with the mod stepping in when the ad hominem starts flying. Enjoy your holiday and try to relax, bro.

Great question. Tell myself to stretch, eat healthy, get off nicotine lol. Take more chances, hang with only positive, productive friends. Communicate with grandparents and the elderly more. Love that generation. Travel more. Hang out in Silicon Valley more. Meet people that are changing the world.

Save as much money as you can and buy something called Bitcoin in 2010 and that in 2020 it will be worth $20k for one.

Become part of the swamp and get rich.

Buy every share of Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Google on their first day of trading that you could afford and never, ever sell a share.

Guess I need to read the entire question next time

Good luck with your man Biden. Trump will go down in history as one of the best. Biden will step down to Kamala.

I’d go back to yesterday right after I get tonight’s Mega Lotto numbers.

Dr. Jellyfinger-

First go back a couple hours and read the
question again. No stock tips, lottery tips,
gambling tips, etc.

Well…. if I already knew what the numbers are going to be it wouldn’t be gambling now would it?
But rules are rules I suppose…. although I don’t know who appointed YOU the Water Cooler Police or why you didn’t scold Pyrrhus too! (he must be a Democrat so he gets a pass)…. just kick poor old Doc Jellyfinger in the jimmies.
OK…. so basically something that does not benefit me, just something I did not believe would happen, but it did actually happen….hmmmm.
Nope! Everything I ever expected has happened pretty much the way I expected… world events, wars, politics… no surprises there.
My personal life….I planned my future and it turned out like I wanted….been there, done that.
I guess I’ll just bail out of this one.

Sorry Doc-

First thing I thought of was Lotto numbers too.
I’ll give ya a couple bucks to invest for me if
you’re successful on your time travel. Good luck!
I did see another famous Doc who could travel
back to the future. Hope you’re related.

In 2399 we will develop time travel capability but it is so dangerous even Russia and China won’t use it.

Future guys will go back and warn the Secret Service about the plot to kill JFK, he lived and went on to start a nuclear war with Russia & both countries were pretty much destroyed.

Then in 2550 other future guys rediscovered time travel and went back to avoid the nuclear war with Russia by assassinating JFK.

Go figure.

The price of houses would be this high. Electric autos would be accepted by the public.

I will marry way, way out of my league.

just shut up

Don’t marry my ex!

Don’t move back to California stay where you are…

Don’t move to California.

Listen to your mother!

One word: Plastics

Hahahahahahahahaha PLASTICS! That’s funny. 🎼hey,Mrs. Robinson…

…. I never would have thought that California leadership would have become so corrupt, inept, and dysfunctional. (of course first choice would be lotto numbers, real estate tips, stock market insights, etc.)

That’s not a chick…..

Don’t vote for Newsom …. Ever.

2 thumbs up!

Hanging on to things or relationships too long, cost me money and heart ache. In general I believe most of us do the best we can at the time with the information available to us. However, I do know instances, where instinct or a little voice way back in my head made a lot of sense, but I didn’t act on it.

Buy Microsoft Stock in the 80’s instead of PG&E

Take the vacation in Jan or Feb!

I learn from the mistakes of others.
Don’t have time to make them all myself.

But since it read no stock tips. I would say, an Apple a day does keep the doctor away.

Go back enough to enjoy 6 months of life with my pre-cancer father, to add even a couple more memories to carry forward. Those memories provide such tearful joy as time goes by.

Rereading, I would tell myself to do a few more things with my dad to carry forward more memories.

Concord is going to cut down Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tree.

I would tell my younger self to buy Apple stock and lots of it!

Don’t do it! Just apply that to most of my life’s situations and actions.

@Jeff, I am so sorry. This year I also lost my Mom to Cancer with a 6 month notice. Your father must have been a wonderful man. Memories are the best. Write down the ones you remember. Your in my thoughts.

Jeff brings up some good points. By the time we retired and moved back to Tennessee, my Dad had almost no short-term memory. Although, he could remember specific events from long ago.

The Genealogist me would go back and tell young me to spend more time talking with my family about what they remember and what they were told.



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