Home » The Water Cooler – Who Should Get The COVID-19 Vaccine After Healthcare Workers And Nursing Home Residents?

The Water Cooler – Who Should Get The COVID-19 Vaccine After Healthcare Workers And Nursing Home Residents?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: If you could choose the order in which the COVID-19 vaccine is distributed, who do you think should get the vaccine after healthcare workers and nursing home residents/employees?


Talk about it….

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All government employees, then old people, then gen pop.

Anyone that has to deal with the public. Then I’m an old dude and would like to go the the hardware store and the lumber yard and Costco again soon. I would go now but I don’t want to infect my wife if I got unlucky. Seeing that Alpine Bakery ad reminds me I would like to go there again also.

Just remember, even after you are vaccinated, you can still spread it to others (immune response delay or something), so until both of you are vaccinated please stay safe and mask up.

Me 😊. Politicians at the bottom of the list after cats and dogs.

Politicians should get it first. If they live, the vaccine is safe. If they die, the Country is safe.

Andy: very wise logic but how long do we have to wait before we are informed that these losers have expired?? The media may not broadcast and the “fake News” may not tell the truth!

People over 65, those with pre-existing conditions and essential workers.

How about people over 50. You know, the ones dying the most from this thing!


But then they will just find another excuse to not go back to work
Thanks Newsom for the talk about sports but when are our schools going to reopen
Two weeks to slow the spread… liars


Ah yes, those famously lazy educators.


Thank you for bringing attention to the real problem, Puffandstuff; you’re my hero!

Ah yes those that state they don’t earn enough to be put at risk but are the first in line at the Starbucks to get their cup of coffee…


Teachers refuse to go back to work, everyone else just puts on the mask and does their job. Many of us work with the public, with our masks, and we aren’t dead yet. What makes teachers so special? They have fat pensions, summers off, and now they want to work from home in their underwear, too.

My husband is a teacher, and in his sixties. In a survey, at the beginning of the school year, he opted to go back—normally—with no mask, not shields, no plexiglass, etc.

Once he learned of the onerous regulations for going back, he believes his students would be better served by continuing online learning. The whole thing is a disaster.

This is what is planned for hybrid learning: teachers may not leave their desk area, they’re behind plexiglass—because plexiglas is the best way to keep a virus at bay 🙄, teachers may not approach students, students may not leave their desk to approach the teacher for questions, everyone must wear a mask all day long, students must use hand sanitizer going into the classroom, and when they leave the classroom—that means every class they take (hand sanitizer kills good bacteria, too, but who cares), there can be no books—because books can carry the virus. All work must be done on devices like school-provided (correction, taxpayer-provided) Chromebooks.

This isn’t school, and it’s sure not learning. When my husband started teaching decades ago, he taught rigorous AP and Honors courses. Now they’re watered down in the name of equity. There are no prerequisites for taking the classes. Cheating is rampant—and it’s even harder to control online. For this semester’s finals, he’s made six versions of the test. Years ago, a publisher gave him a set of classroom books for free. The students could use the books in school, and not have to lug another heavy book to abs from school each day. The school admin decided to remove the books, where they sat gathering dust in the library. Why, you might ask? Answer: “equity.” Other classes might not have a classroom set of books, so if all can’t have them, none can. This is what schools are. Everyone can take Honors and AP, even if they don’t have the chops—and not everyone does, but no one can do everything—to take the course. Equity doesn’t help students excel, because the ones who can handle the course are dragged down when the course becomes less rigorous. Take away the extra grade point, and students wouldn’t be so apt to take the course.

For the record, my husband isn’t lazy, and he cares about the integrity of the course, and for his students. He’s always worked hard, but he works even harder teaching online. He receives emails every day, all day. There are no “off” hours. I’m not complaining, I’m just clearing up the notion that it would be business as usual in going back to school. And hybrid means that some students return on certain days, while others “attend” by video. And the students aren’t required to be on camera, so who even knows where they are? Don’t even get me started about out-of-control cheating. Or all the students who get extra time on their tests and homework.

Rant over.

Whoever wants one, first come, first serve. Those that want the vaccine should be able to get it. Those that don’t want it, and those that want to wait a while to see what the side effects will be, can wait. That way, more vaccines will be available for those who want it. There shouldn’t be any rush to vaccinate people.

First responders. Police, Paramedics, EMT’s Fire Department personnel.

Teachers, so the schools can reopen and the kids can get back to school. This has been very bad for children.

my inlaws

Those with health or medical conditions. Politicians should definitely be last…

I know it may sound unfair but the politicians should go first and the rest of us should wait and see if any of them drop dead!

well when the stories from so called scientists are coming out that

no the vaccine will not stop you from getting covid again

whats the point

oh thats right the gates and big vaccines pushers get paid with our money
dont for an instant that that free vaccine or flu shot is free

we the people pay for it

now again you have to ask why do we need to take a vaccine that was rushed out …no trials …no risk assessment…no working data on how effective it is

and we cant trust the media ….they are obviously bias and payed off

so who can we trust before being forced to take a experimental drug

might as well have us line up for the showers

this whole media black out bias and election fraud state gov dictating but not following laws …errr recommendations

your taking a drug for what when they even say it wont stop you from getting covid ……

all your doing is giving our money away so they can be even more powerful and rule you even more

educate yourself or be a pawn

dont be surprised when the effects show up and no one will warn you …….


@ Random Task

“now again you have to ask why do we need to take a vaccine that was rushed out …no trials …no risk assessment…no working data on how effective it is”

None of that is true if you take more than 5 seconds to look into that claim.

Maybe stop lecturing others about educating themselves and take that advice yourself.

And please, @RANDOM TASK, for all of us, this isn’t a school essay, you don’t need the double spaced sentences…

When you wrote “for all of us”, I want you to know that does not include me. You do not speak for me and you do not know what I need. There are enough jackasses trying to do that already.


So you like

when people

add extra spaces

to their paragraphs

so that they can be

seen by everybody

as they

scroll through the



I find it


Teachers and not nursing home patients

First, anybody whose first name starts with Jef, and then up to 5 people selected by said individual whose name starts with Jef. After that, No Country for Old Men style, heads-vaccine, tails- get back in line, try again.

🙂 you first kind sir.

Oh boy! Let’s do shots!

Seems to be a big shift in priority when it comes to COVID-19. Before it was the children and elderly who go priority but now the hospital staff claims priority over everyone.

At first thought I would say:
1) Healthcare Workers – this would protect patients and those that they come in contact with outside of work
2) Police, Fire, etc
3) All other essential workers
4) I would say teachers in order to get the kids back in school; however, the actions of the Unions (by keeping the teachers out of the class room) is disgraceful. I would not consider teachers essential workers (due to the Union’s actions) as they never went back to in class teaching.
5) The rest of the population
6) This will be an unpopular opinion – I feel that people in nursing homes/long term care facilities should be the last ones to get the vaccine (since they are confined to their living arrangements); however, visitors and workers should be right up with in the first few groups.
7) I do not think that race/social status/neighborhood should having any bearing on the order.

AARP reports that 9 out of 10 deaths from Covid-19 have occurred in those age 55 and over, making it the highest at-risk group.

Should include the cleaning people and trash collectors.

oh cat

you did exactly what a liberal would do

omit the last part of anything to fit your narrative

just like all of a sudden russia stayed out of the election fraud this time

i guess changing the voting laws the same year and only months before the election is ok as well and distributing millions of ballots in the mail right before an election

since the election is open to fraud now
i wonder how the gov race and senators will end up in this state

remember liberals voters have no money
they have to vote dem for money because they dont work

unless the belief is that this state will now …..enforce illegal acts and actually work for the people


so easy

Anyone who wants to be part of a trial. The vaccines out now are made with a new mRNA technology that had bad outcomes in animals when they were studying it. They say the people that died during the trials were not from the vaccine but I’m not confident in that assessment being unbiased, and with the vaccine companies having no liability they have less incentive to make sure it is safe before use. I’ll take my chances with the virus, I have a 99.9 percent chance of recovery… not sure my chances are so high with the vaccine.

Public Safety – Law Enforcement, Fire Services. Municipal Services – Water, Sewer workers. Postal Workers, Public Transit workers, Teachers, Grocery Retail – Food, Food Warehouse, and Trucking Delivery.

“Politicians should get it first. If they live, the vaccine is safe. If they die, the Country is safe.”
Logic. It’s a wonderful thing.

Veterans. Shouldn’t even be a debate.

The VA sent me a notice that we will be eligible for the vaccines if we want them. First priority will be front line workers and veterans in VA homes. I’m OK with that.

First Responders and Teachers, then the aged as they are “at risk”. The problem is that the “Essential Worker” tag is thrown around way to casually, I’m an essential worker working in critical infrastructure industry and I can wait a few more months.

Teachers should only be a priority if they’re going to go back to in-person teaching. If they’re still going to insist on staying home, they can wait like everybody else.

I keep thinking that this new vaccine has been used for awhile for something else and they changed the name to use with covid 19.

Every elected politician.

If they’re going to force anyone else to get a shot, they’d better have gotten the shot first.

VP Pense is scheduled to get his Friday, on camara. I don’t think anyone is being forced to get the shot.

After health care then those who are getting infected and then spreading it to others. Follow the data – look at who and where all these cases are occurring. . If we stop the spread that helps everyone.

Military, Fire personal, Police and any first responders…..

Give it to newsom then have him shelter in place for a couple weeks in one of CoCo county’s nursing homes with an outbreak.
Might give him an appreciation of the importance of protecting our elderly.

First should be people who make and distribute the vaccine .

Does this mean nobody will have to wear a mask if they get the vaccine?If you still have to wear a mask the whole thing(already) is a scam.

.…..As much as I hate wearing a mask you might as well get used to it. It will be SOP from now on I suspect, at least in California. There will be laws passed in CA requiring masks like helmets for motorcycle riders, mask laws will differ from state to state.

I only just started wearing a mask as the weather is wet now and i cant ride my motorcycle everywhere and where it instead of a mask.I was wondering why suddenly Im getting very bad headaches last last even after ive sleft;Oxygen depravation.When Im in a store with a mask Im seeing stars,I can barely breath,and its a proper mask..How many people have wrecked their car and killed themselves or someone else because they passed out it fogged up their glasses?They dont dare tell you the fatalities the masks have caused.Far more harm than good physically,and mentality/spiritually.So many suicides because people just could not live like this anymore.The problem is the masks,not the illness(what illness)Check out New Zealand,they are done with it.

headaches that last even after ive slept.

I hope the last to receive it are our politicians and Department of Public Health clowns.

Who ever wants it,you can have my dose…popcorn?it’s all yours,big talker.

All medical workers (including those who clean and deliver supplies to medical facilities), first responders of all types, store clerks, teachers, parents of minor children.

Be advised that medical protocol says you need to do both things:
*get your two vaccinations
*and still wear masks.

Vaccine company representatives on TV this morning stated that the masks are necessary because it is not even known yet whether the vaccinated people can still shed virus despite not having overt symptoms.

1) Grocery Store and Farm Workers
2) Substantial medical conditions
3) Over 60
4) Police, Fire, Emt
5) Teachers
6) Everyone else
7) Fiddo?

Thought that was a “Pick one” for a second there S

Who Should Get The COVID-19 Vaccine After Healthcare Workers And Nursing Home Residents?
Anyone who wants to:
Become sterilized
Develop AIDs
Develop an Auto-Immune disorder
Have their DNA changed



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