Home » CA AG Says Amazon Refusing To Comply With COVID Workplace Safety Investigation

CA AG Says Amazon Refusing To Comply With COVID Workplace Safety Investigation


California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said Amazon is refusing to comply with the state’s outstanding subpoenas to investigate the company’s facilities across the state for improper coronavirus safety protocols.

Becerra’s office filed a petition in Sacramento County Superior Court in an effort to force Amazon to comply with the investigation.

The state Department of Justice issued multiple investigative subpoenas Aug. 19, after months of communication with the company about workplace health and safety.

“Amazon has made billions during this pandemic relying on the labor of essential workers,” Becerra said in a statement. “Their workers get the job done while putting themselves at risk.”


The DOJ is seeking concrete details about Amazon’s efforts to prevent the virus spreading in its facilities as well as the number of coronavirus cases and deaths linked to its California facilities.

According to the petition, Amazon has rebuked multiple requests from the California DOJ for information about its safety protocols.

A spokesperson for Amazon said the company has been cooperating with the state for months and that the company is “puzzled by the attorney general’s sudden rush to court.”

“The bottom line is that we’re a leader in providing COVID-19 safety measures for our employees – we’ve invested billions of dollars in equipment and technology, including building on-site testing for employees and providing personal protective equipment,” the Amazon spokesperson said in a statement. “We encourage anyone to compare our speed and actions in this area to any other major employer.”


The state’s investigation into the company’s workplace safety measures remains ongoing, Becerra said.

“It’s critical to know if these workers are receiving the protections on the job that they are entitled to under the law,” he said. “Time is of the essence.”

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The state’s investigation into the company’s workplace safety measures remains ongoing, Becerra said.

until they are paid off

of course

lets face it

the gov’S lamentations OF the people is well documented

but the govs and their bank accounts seem to be bursting

while we have their boots on our neck

or their hammers dropping on us

or our rights violated

its funny how dem voters would fall to their knees blaming the gop and potus of fascism

and yet the governor and senators are employing it right now

but no media or cries of woah from the dem voting lemming

seems oddly familiar to communist countries

denouncing america and its freedoms

and being fascist to their own people

go figure

Becerra’s office says- “Time is of the essence”.
Give me a minute to stop laughing. After over
10 months this is the best they can do. They
should put these people in charge of running
the DMV. The “Time is of the essence” line would
be just as laughable there too.

Great, lets piss off another large employer in CA and send them packing to another state.

What “other state” ? There are nun left.

Amazon tell them to —-off you have enough money to fight this stinking state.

California is having a “taste of communism.”1

In what way?

Were campaign contributes to democrats a little lite ? ? ?
Did someone contribute less in 2020 than in they did in 2018 ?
For Shame, for shame . . . . . . .

oh they don’t want to answer I wonder why ?

Just another Bacerra cash grab. In the end Amazon will settle. Its cheaper to just pay them to go away.

Do these people not realize who they’re messing with? Amazon could up and leave tomorrow and CA would be in shambles.

Should be interesting

Let’s go Commrade Mitchoff – Bring the Hammer Down on Amazon!

Or do you just want to harm small family owned businesses?

These Tyrants are Out of Kontrol!!!
“I was just doing my job, I was just following orders”.

I wonder where Becerra is getting his marching orders from. And you people always want Proof…..here you go:

Donate lots of money to my re-election campaign and this will go away.””

Perhaps Becerra doesn’t know he is moving on up to the Biden team as Joe mangled his name so badly during the announcement.

Awww…… free thinkers not wearing masks for a fake epidemic?
They arent even truthful in the article that this is the entire issue

“Time is of the essence”, says Becerra 9 months into the big bad virus. Oh yes, this is all about the health of the people.
And be careful California, you just might push another big business over to Austin.

Biden selected Becerra for Secretary of Human and Health Services, he’s off to Washington DC. He should let his successor decide instead of dumping this on him and leaving.

Anything that angers Becerra makes me happy!

.. and republican lawmakers want to prohibit YOU from suing your employer if you get seriously ill from the virus while at work. F that! Crooked, corporate greed at its finest!

Vaccine manufacturers have immunity dating back to 1986. Employers will hide behind this.




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