Home » Gov. Newsom Suggests State Could Issue New Stay-At-Home Order

Gov. Newsom Suggests State Could Issue New Stay-At-Home Order


Gov. Gavin Newsom suggested Monday the state could issue a new stay-at-home order for the majority of California’s counties as new coronavirus cases and hospitalizations surge across the state.

Coronavirus hospitalizations are on pace to rise by up to roughly 30 percent by Christmas Eve in much of the state, according to Newsom, as the state’s health care system absorbs a surge of new cases due in part to gatherings on Thanksgiving.

Intensive care units are also on track to reach and surpass 100 percent capacity some time in December in most of the state’s major population centers.

The Bay Area fares slightly better than other parts of the state in both of those metrics, with 58 percent of its hospital beds currently occupied and 62 percent projected to be occupied by Dec. 24.


Likewise, 72 percent of the Bay Area’s ICU beds are currently occupied, a figure projected to rise to 91 percent by Dec. 24, putting the region on track to hit its maximum ICU capacity in early January.

Newsom said the projections did not take into account mitigating factors like a potential stay-at-home order and assumed the state’s current surge would continue unabated.

“This is in the absence of making better decisions,” he said Monday during a briefing on the pandemic. “If we just sit back and are bystanders at this moment and we don’t subsequently improve upon our existing efforts, this is what we project might occur.”

Newsom said state officials have discussed over the last week issuing a new stay-at-home order that would apply to counties in the “purple” tier of the state’s pandemic reopening system.


As of Monday, 51 of the state’s 58 counties, including every Bay Area county except Marin, were in the purple tier, accounting for 99.1 percent of the state’s population.

A new stay-at-home order, Newsom and state Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said, would not be entirely the same as the order the state issued back in March, shutting down most businesses for several weeks.

In the months since then, Newsom and Ghaly argued, local and state health officials have learned much more about how the virus is transmitted and which activities pose the largest risk of infection.

For now, state officials are most focused on community transmission and decreasing social mixing, according to Ghaly.


“Everybody wants us to identify the sector where spread is happening,” he said. “The truth is, when you have this level of community spread, it’s happening in our communities first and foremost. So, the minute you walk into an entity indoors, the chance of encountering someone with COVID, who can actually transmit it, is higher than it’s ever been.”

Ghaly also noted that the state’s surge in new cases and hospitalizations is likely to get worse before it gets better due to the roughly two-week lag for the virus to begin affecting a person.

“The high case rate numbers that we’ve seen in the last week and 10 days have not even begun to impact hospitals yet,” Ghaly said.

Newsom has argued the coming weeks will be one of the most critical periods of the pandemic for state residents to heed public health guidance during the “sprint” toward widespread availability of a vaccine.


That vaccination is expected to begin in less than a month, he said, as the state is set to receive some 327,000 doses of coronavirus vaccine from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer over the next few weeks.

“People just want to be done with this,” Ghaly said of the pandemic. “But it doesn’t take a break just because we’re tired of it.”

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He will order a shutdown.

“Newsom has argued the coming weeks will be one of the most critical periods of the pandemic”

Didn’t he say that last time?

Yes, he CAN !!!! But…..


ZERO DEATHS in CCC since 11/16 and we are talking about another SEVERE LOCKDOWN??? Have we lost our minds? Dr. F and the CCC Supervisors are tyrants. We must vote them out ASAP. RECALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For your own good, Obey. Nanny Newsome knows what’s best.

That’s awesome. Keep it coming Newscum!
He has a guaranteed source of income and his children’s education isn’t being affected.
There hasn’t been any thought process regarding the repercussions of these decisions.
Jobs are being lost and businesses are closing.
The education of K-12 students has been negatively impacted since many need a classroom setting to learn and other students can’t afford to continue to go to college because they lost the jobs they need so they can pay tuition.
There are people committing suicide because they can’t no longer cope with having their lives turned upside down having to follow orders that are alienating us from one another.
There are people who can’t escape abusive relationships or home environments because everyone must’ve to shelter in place.
There are people who will come out having mental health problems because of the restrictions and many are having their mental health problems worsen because of it.
Families are being negatively impacted because so much stress is being placed on all of us to follow never ending orders regarding sheltering in place.
These orders are mostly having a negative impact on all of us and the longer this goes on the worst it could get and Covid would end up becoming the least of our problems.
Newscum, pop out of your limousine liberal bubble and realize these orders are hurting us more than helping us. You, yourself, won’t even follow your own mandates. Hypocrite!
Covid isn’t the only thing that could kill us and we were going about living our lives just fine.

Another shutdown putting people back out of work, who had just gotten back to work. Oldest Grandson got laid off from his job of seven years and lost his full benefits package for his family. So now they’re on state medical, you’re payin’ for it.

An did they ever straighten out state unemployment payment MESS ?

Keep spreading the information – dropped off my signature about 4 weeks ago. Thank you

You mean the MESS where they stopped issuing payments to those deserving of it and instead paid out a billion dollars to prison inmates who applied? Like that POS Scott Peterson who murdered his pregnant wife? That MESS?

And don’t you just love it that some people get to work while sitting on their a$$ at home and get a paycheck while telling other people their jobs are not essential. Their livelihood is not threatened!

Well, there clearly needs to be a recall on hair grease. Apparently, it permeates the skull and results in uncontrollable stupidity with insidious spread of molecular degeneration. Owie.

C Meow, thank you for the best post this evening! Got a much needed laugh.

“Brylcreem — A Little Dab’ll Do Ya!
Brylcreem — You’ll look so debonair.
Brylcreem — The gals’ll all pursue ya;
they’ll love to run their fingers through your hair!”.
😀 😀 😀

Typical of Democrats lockdowns, face masks and social distancing don’t work so let’s just keep doing the same thing. I will not be locking down anything this guy has no clue what he’s doing the Democrats keep shouting follow the science but nothing that they do is based on science. I’m over it

“Suggests.” Meaning, he’ll do it. Because being in lockdown for nearly 9 months isn’t working, so he’ll make sure we do more of it.

I will obey……if he (Newsom) does himself first.

Am almost afraid to ask this, but how can the Governor tighten the lockdown? What more can he do to us, you can’t leave your house for food???

Under California Military & Veterans Code Section 143 and 146 the Governor can declare Martial Law. Under Penal Code Section 830.4 (a) Members of the US Army National Guard have police powers when called into active service.

The State could under Martial Law enforce a much more restrictive curfew, seize private property, end the sale of firearms, ammunition, alcohol, marijuana and commander private businesses (Such as grocery stores and gas stations). Drivers, passengers and pedestrians could be stopped by Law Enforcement/Military and be questioned for no other reason than to determine why you are out and about in public. Essential businesses could be required to provide employees with a document explaining their need to work during curfew hours with dates and the employee’s hours.

Individuals in violation Governor’s fiats could be detained, arrested and held without trial. The suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

The governor may also allow the military to commandeer or utilize private property if necessary, to cope with the pandemic.

It can get much much worse.

@ Janus
And how well do you think the public would respond to having the CA National Guard patrolling our streets? How many of the National Guard would refuse to perform that job, understanding that they could/would be discharged from the military?

I think the public would rise up, with a few exceptions on this board, and I think several military members would resign/be discharged.

In short, it would not go well.

And thus begins Civil War 2.0. (Or maybe it has already begun)

Jun 3, 2020 Vallejo California – National Guard was already called.

@ Dee

Being called for Looting/Rioting is different than being called to enforce health order lockdown.

@ Parent

There are several problems as I see it for martial law in California.

Such as, would Trump allow it? Since all State Guard units are reserve components of the US Army & Air Force all POTUS need do is Federalize them back into the US Army. That said, Biden is right around the corner.

Several Sheriffs and Chiefs have already refused to enforce the curfew and I don’t see them acquiescing to a more stringent martial law. Any such order would likely move more law enforcement toward home rule and away from Newsom’s fiats.

Would the Guard Command obey the order and if so how much effort would they put into enforcement? I can easily see soldiers and police officers refusing to participate in martial law and/or dragging their feet in enforcement. I know if I were still working I would not be a part of it but there will be those who will simply follow orders.

Will the people accept it? As you have read here, some people will welcome it with open arms, “Please sir, I want some more” (Doh, Ilovepopcorn,KingofC etc). Look at Vichy France between 1940-1944 if you doubt that. Some people will go along to get along, “Yes sir, no sir three bags full sir.” The real question is this. Out of what is left, are there enough people who would be willing to put their asses on the line to potentially get them shot off? It’s been my experience that everyone wants to be a Ranger! Until it’s time to do Ranger $hit but YMMV.

I think come Monday morning Newsom is going hold a presser in which he will talk a lot, saying very little and making more hollow threats for compliance theatrics. I do not foresee any Humvees or Strykers nor dismounted troops coming to anyone’s neighborhood anytime soon but time will tell.

@ Parent

I still stand by my analysis that martial law is unlikely; however, as Sun Tzu says, All warfare is based on deception.

How better to hide troop movement for enforcement of martial law then to issuing a press release saying the troop movement is for rioting/looting? The basic function for quelling a riot is the same for enforcing martial law.

That said, not everything signifies something other than what it plainly is. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

@parent – My point was that our government officials are not opposed to calling the National Guard – if they deem necessary. I am a private citizen and am not in the position to say what public officials may (have permission granted by law) or may not use the National Guard for. Today we might speculate that calling the National Guard for curfew enforcement would never be done. However, there is much that goes on behind closed doors (so to speak) that we are not privy to. So do I think it possible that the National Guard might be called for curfew enforcement? Only time will tell – but to believe that this would never be done to enforce a curfew established due to the “pandemic” is not something I would wager against. Lets hope not, but if you look back in our history as a nation, our government has violated the trust of its citizens more than once.

@parent – My point was that our government officials are not opposed to calling the National Guard – if they deem necessary. I am a private citizen and am not in the position to say what public officials may (have permission granted by law) or may not use the National Guard for. Today we might speculate that calling the National Guard for curfew enforcement would never be done. However, there is much that goes on behind closed doors (so to speak) that we are not privy to. So do I think it possible that the National Guard might be called for curfew enforcement? Only time will tell – but to believe that this would never be done to enforce a curfew established due to the “pandemic” is not something I would wager against. Lets hope not, but if you look back in our history as a nation, our government has violated the trust of its citizens more than once.

You guys need to suck it UP. We NEED this lockdown to stop wearing masks for good. You guys swear it’s gonna be gone like nothing but it’s NOT. Get it together and stop being babies!!!!

Drugs are bad. Kids, this is what happens when you smoke crack..don’t smoke crack

These folks think this is a hoax, and believe our government is taking away their freedom. It is the opposite! The officials want us to comply so we will be free once more again. It is the selfish, childish attitudes that are slowing us down. So sick of the pride and ignorance. Just wait when you see the ginormous upcoming surge.

Yes it is still a hoax. I don’t care about you at all. Any law repugnant to the constitution is still null and void. You seriously sound like a paranoid meth or cocaine addict. Get off the junk. Who’s your “officials” and when did they start caring about you?😆 I don’t recognize or authorize anyone dominion over me. The government works for us, them taking my freedom is not negotiable.

Lockdowns are a farce, as are masks. Feel free to lock yourself inside and wear one if you like. Sam, we should be friends.

Interesting local article about covid testing and results. The woman who figured she got it from helping with voting only had minor symptoms. And yet we have people acting like there are dead lying in the streets.

There is NO empirical evidence that lockdowns are effective, and the only empirical evidence that masks work mandates that the masks are made of the correct material and are worn precisely in the correct manner.

Not a hoax, but it is totally delusional to think that if we just lockdown it will be over sooner. How?? That didn’t even work that way in Europe with much stricter lockdowns and much more compliant populations. It’s not going to be over until there is immunity in the population, from vaccines and/or infection. And even then the politicians aren’t going to relinquish control until the public pushes them to do so. It’s a lot easier to govern by pen than to get legislation passed. We need to get through this winter without hospitals getting overwhelmed, that’s true. But we can’t pretend to chase elimination of the virus, that’s just a fantasy. We need reasonable, sustainable management of the problem until enough people have the option to get vaccinated. Then we need to insist on removal of rule-by-public-health-officials.

@Led, and since we don’t have reliable testing (though the msm ignores that fact) we really don’t know if maybe most of the populace already has achieved herd immunity has predicted by some of the top epidemiology experts. In that case even the msm “experts” have said there would be no need for a vaccine.

I’ve read of people quarantining themselves for a sore throat. Really? Did they try a Listerine type of mouthwash which may often stop such an inflammation. And BTW found effective in research against covid. Sore throats can come from all kinds of reasons including minor food allergy reactions.

I have a suggestion for him….

Hey Newscum

Pound sand grease ball.

And a big thank you to whoever posted this first.

I’m the type of person who likes to play with words, so if you are referring to calling Newsome, Newscum, I would like to take credit for it. His official nickname is Gabend Newscum.

The WHO says lockdowns should only be a last resort, don’t work. But we’re supposed to listen to the “scientists” right?

This is BS. This is fear mongering. This is just to see how far they can push us with which rights were willing to give up. If enough people ignore the Governor, he’ll have no choice but to give up.

Hey grease ball, are you going to rent out the Sleep Train again at $500,000 a month on the tax payers dime again? Oh, and it was never was used. How about the medical ships that were docked and barely used? All in great anticipation of the big bad virus taking over the hospitals. Hard to believe people are still believing these lies.

While CA has the second highest number of cases, we are 40th in cases per 100,000 residents. So, while he keeps punishing us for the rising cases, we are doing much better than 80% of the states. Like a parent punishing a child for brining home a B!

Yup, keep it in perspective. We aren’t in crisis, or even close to it.

“Me” makes a good point. The media always looks for the biggest, or smallest number they can find for any situation (weather, etc.). Seems like they compete with each other. California is the most populous state and has a high percentage of people living in two densely populated areas.

We’re open for business. Party of 12.

No cameras or cell phones allowed.

Maybe we need to build more hospitals then!

We could turn the prisons into hospitals…. Newsom is already emptying them as fast as he can.

Vote this guy out… seriously a joke… – Pay attention to the required address, name and county requirements. If you have like minded friends they too can sign as well. We need new management.

Enough already. This is the biggest freaking load of BS. Check out this from a professor from John Hopkins University. This was in the University newsletter before it got pulled. Fear is being used in an attempt to control you people. These power hungry POS governor’s are going to take this as far as they can. Wake up people!!!

I agree, I believe the data is being manipulated. Certain government officials are asserting power under the guise of “emergency powers” and said manipulated data. Again, this does not mean that there is not real risk to some, but more than likely those individuals are already at risk.

The Gavster is just miming his party line. His goals are not aligned with ours.
Our goal is to do what we have to do to be safe and survive Covid; his goals are significantly more nefarious. Sign the recall.

The State has been wearing masks since March. Yet Covid still “Surges”. Social Distancing since March, yet Covid still “Surges”. At some point, this “Surge” will need to be questioned, through judicial means, or extreme civil disobedience.

The statistics don’t add up, the “Science” behind these governmental restrictions is factually dubious. The timing of this current “Surge” is very questionable.

Once again political cartoonists perfectly sum up the elite in power and the rest of us.

At this point anything the liberal democrats dictate I do not believe or want to follow. They are only out for themselves and make this a nannie state and country. Those of us who are law abiding and conservative are so screwed as we are doing all of the heavy lifting for the freeloaders, entitlement crowd and those who do not desire to work.


How can you claim that you are doing all the heavy lifting when you cant even put a mask on your face? You won’t even do light lifting.

What is the truth? This report / study (see below) seems to indicate that the cause of deaths normally reported such as Heart Disease, Cancer, Chronic Respiratory Disease … has gone down with the rise of deaths listed as Covid-19. Additionally, the decrease / increase in numbers seems to be consistent in the replacement of one type of death with that of covid-19. Are we being deceived? I am not saying that covid-19 is not dangerous but it seems to me based upon the article below, that these deaths might have occurred regardless of covid19.


Every year in the United States people die and things like cause, age, and other criteria are recorded by the CDC. The data from years ranging from 2014 to 2020 and analyzed. They found that deaths thus far in 2020 have not increased when compared to deaths recorded from previous years. Meaning Covid deaths has not caused a significant increase in US total death counts. No one is saying covid is not real. Many deaths are being misclassified has Covid.

Hey @KingofC, we are just following Commandant Newscums lead. When he practices what he preaches, more of us will too.

As far as bringing in the National Guard. LOL! Won’t happen.

All I can say KingOfC is you are entirely welcome. If you can extract your butt from that porcelain throne long enough to take a look at what’s going on, you might realize that we are correct.

I have a few thoughts…

First of all, Newsome is blaming the recent hospital admittance on Thanksgiving gatherings, but later it is quoted:
“Ghaly also noted that the state’s surge in new cases and hospitalizations is likely to get worse before it gets better due to the roughly TWO-WEEK LAG for the virus to begin affecting a person”. Um, TG was 5 days ago.

Also, I am now convinced that nothing is based on actual numbers any more. I believe everything is calculated via algorithms and it is just not accurate.

And for all of you telling us to just wear our masks and we’ll be done with this, I call BS. I have been wearing my mask when required. I have also visited with friends, gathered with family and lived my life. No one I have associated with has had Covid. Furthermore, I avoid LTC facilities, so I am pretty sure I am safe from getting it from the remaining 1,200 people in the county of 1,000,000 who are walking on the streets.

He is not using science. He is a hypocrite and a tyrant.

He is using generalizations and not actual numbers to justify killing people and any livelihood they may have had.

Protect the vulnerable, let the rest of the people live life!

Oh and Plumpjack is a horrible winery.

A perfect description of the protester/rioter/looters.

Here is my two cents. Have CCC doctors teach the states doctors how to keep people alive.

Has anyone considered that a lockdown will also weaken our immune systems? We won’t be able to fight off much of anything. Add that problem to the mental/ emotional toll this has taken on so many, especially children.

I do believe this virus is real but we can’t lock down everything and hide from it only to come out to our economy tanking landing us into a recession. How would that be good for anyone?

If you are immune compromised, elderly, at higher-risk if you were to get covid then by all means you should be protected by staying at home. But I feel that people that are lower risk should be able to keep things running (with safety measures in place) on the outside.

If you have not already done so and are tired of the do as I say but not as I do rule — sign the recall for Gavin Newsom (print, sign per specifications, and drop off at approved location).

Let your voice be heard.

To avoid disqualification of your signature – pay close attention to the required address, name and county requirement / formats.

If you have like minded friends they too can sign as well. We need new management.

Freedom of choice is important – without it one is not free.

If one has not already done so and is tired of the do as I say but not as I do rule — sign the recall for Gavin Newsom (print, sign per specifications, and drop off at approved location).

Let your voice be heard.

To avoid disqualification of your signature – pay close attention to the required address, name and county requirement / formats.

If you have like minded friends they too can sign as well. We need new management.

Freedom of choice is important – without it one is not free.

Already did it.

Experts finally admit they were wrong from the beginning …..Let the kids go to school

Doing lock downs is going to kill more small businesses and people then Covid Hope common sense prevails!

“Nearly one-third of small businesses in New York and New Jersey remain closed since January amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a watchdog.

In the Empire State, 27.8 percent of small businesses have not reopened their doors, while Jersey has lost 31.2 percent as of Nov. 16 …”

Hilarious how there’s ZERO science or plain common sense behind any of this…for instance, ICU beds pushed as a factor in shutting down, yet many jurisdictions are similar to CCC where yes ICU occupancy is 70%-80%, but DUE TO CHINA VIRUS rarely ticks above 20%.

Or how about the fact that obesity, a comorbidity that leads to others such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, etc. that SCIENCE tells us greatly exacerbate complications of the China virus…yet these idiots are closing gyms and keeping kids from PE and playing sports, all the latter which SCIENCE tells us are NOT significant vectors for infection.

If it saves just ONE LIFE we need to cripple the economy, the educational system, and the mental and practical well-being of virtually every American.

Even if long term lockdowns and other measures practically guarantee America’s eventual fall as a world power if China is not locking down and is going full steam ahead (THEY ARE), we must lock down to save one 95 year old life-long smoker. Ensuring the future for American children means NOTHING if we can save one 95 year old woman.

anon – What if that 95 year old woman is your mother? What will you tell her?

Hmm? I guess the curfew is not working out so well. Newscum is a joke he needs to go.

Newsom has promoted himself into the Nutty Professor handling the science of the ongoing covid crisis, we don’t know what his next diabolical move will be but stay tuned, it will always be a disappointment……RECALL…….

If I go out to dinner and get caught, can I just apologize. If it works for the Governor and the mayors of SF and SJ, why not for me?

There is going to be a rally in Byron-Brentwood this Sunday to recall Newsom. Recall petitions will be there in force to sign. Our chance to may our voices heard.

Hmm…I am sure it was a hard decision, Governor. I suppose you were mulling it over in your head as you dined at the French Laundry with your crowd of cohorts.
I will ignore your “order” as one that is unenforceable, hypocritical, and likely unconstitutional.



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