Home » COVID-19 UPDATE From The Contra Costa County Health Department

COVID-19 UPDATE From The Contra Costa County Health Department


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Sunday Nov.29, 2020:

  • Total cases (since March) – 24,275
  • Total active confirmed cases – 2,425
  • Recovered cases – 21,589
  • Total tested – 612,089
  • Deaths – 261, last death was on Nov.16 – (nobody under 30 years old) (133 deaths in nursing homes)

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 90 (21 in the ICU)
  • Available ICU beds – 46
  • Available ventilators – 193


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Saturday Nov.28, 2020:


  • Total cases (since March) – 23,895
  • Total active confirmed cases – 2,193
  • Recovered cases – 21,441
  • Total tested – 607,865
  • Deaths – 261 – (nobody under 30 years old) (133 deaths in nursing homes)

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 86 (19 in the ICU)
  • Available ICU beds – 55
  • Available ventilators – 196
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So no one is dying. We must have great doctors in CCC. Take Los Angeles out of the state and we are bad but not all bad compared to others.

By all means lets rob the youth of opportunity and enjoyment of life for the tradeoff of letting the decrepit suck apple pudding through a tube without worrying about the flu, allthewhile making those same youngsters pay for their social security. Boomer generation deserves hell for what they’ve done.

If we’d had a president who tended to the business of being president, instead of watching TV and playing golf so frequently, maybe those kids wouldn’t have been robbed of that opportunity and enjoyment of life, as described by googlar.

@ the masked poser
You have to be kidding? Trump has done more in four years than the Democratic Party has ever done. As for Covid, you can’t stop a virus. It has well over a 99% survival rate. Open up, if you are afraid or at risk stay home!!! It’s a way to give the government more control so it’s easier to slide into socialism.

Saying “Open it Up and just Stay at home if your afraid….”

How about we allow Drunk Drivers to drive?
It’s their car, their body – if you’re afraid of drunk drivers – just stay home.
After all most drunk drivers don’t kill anyone.

How about speeding – if I want to do 120mph on the freeway and I am willing to take the risk – if someone is afraid – just stay off the freeway.
After all most speeders don’t kill anyone.

Or is protecting others somehow different with a virus?

A better analogy would be, why don’t we ban everybody from driving because some people might drive under the influence?

Your argument is garbage.

.02% death rate with no one under 30 dying. You must be kidding.

You desire a nanny state without freedom. Move to a communist country and do us all a favor.

A little paranoid????
The statistics don’t match the response. Don’t be a minion.

And how many people committed suicide, lost a business, didn’t get medical attention for other ailments, avoided cancer screening, increased their drug and alcohol use…

It is very narrow minded to manage this or any issue by focusing on one aspect. Follow the science: medical, social, political and economic science all count.

Monday 11/30/2020 No one has died of covid in CCC in 13 days.

Ever since the county switched to the new dashboard where they show new cases by the date of sample collection the deaths by day table is also seeing delays in adding deaths. The total number of deaths has been climbing in the past 13 days with the deaths added being assigned to older dates.

On 11/17/2020, which was 13 days ago, the total deaths was 253.
2 more deaths were reported on 11/18/2020 for a total of 255
1 more death was reported on 11/19/2020 for a total of 256
1 more death was reported on 11/20/2020 for a total of 257
1 more death was reported on 11/21/2020 for a total of 258
2 more deaths were reported on 11/25/2020 for a total of 260
1 more death was reported on 11/26/2020 for a total of 261

I don’t feel like comparing all of the new-deaths-by day tables to see what the pattern is but see that for 11/26/2020 the death added was for 11/7/2020 as an LTCF death. Thus we may need to wait a month before we can would know how many deaths there were no new deaths in a particular period.

Most of the summary reports about causes of death in a region are produced nine to ten months after the close of a year. I believe it’s too easy to draw the wrong conclusions when looking at real time data.



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