Home » COVID-19 UPDATE From The Contra Costa County Health Department

COVID-19 UPDATE From The Contra Costa County Health Department


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Wednesday Nov.25, 2020:

  • Total cases (since March) – 23,381
  • Total active confirmed cases – 2,307
  • Recovered cases – 20,814
  • Total tested – 591,000
  • Deaths – 260 (nobody under 30 years old) (132 deaths in nursing homes)

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 86 (25 in the ICU)
  • Available ICU beds – 50
  • Available ventilators – 196


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Tuesday Nov.24, 2020:


  • Total cases (since March) – 23,146
  • Total active confirmed cases – 2,242
  • Recovered cases – 20,646
  • Total tested – 584,842
  • Deaths – 258 (nobody under 30 years old) (131 deaths in nursing homes)

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 94 (25 in the ICU)
  • Available ICU beds – 50
  • Available ventilators – 194
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I would like to know who are the people who are getting this disease? What do they do? Are they old people or workers, shoppers, or bar patrons or just people in large crowds. It would help to know.

There has also been an uptick in the Long Term Care Facility numbers but most of the spread at present is in the community. One clue is the Cases by Location table on https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/overview

Click on the column header for the right-most column twice. That will sort the table by “Cases Last 14 Days Per 100,000” and shows us how widespread for for the past two weeks the virus in terms of density. San Pablo at 570 cases per 100,000 is doing badly compared to everyone else but from the second row on down to the line for “Totals” we have 337 to 204 cases per 100,000. That’s not a very wide spread of numbers meaning the virus is roughly evenly distributed throughout the communities in the area. I stopped at the Totals line as anything below that is doing better than the county average.

Now click on the column header for “Cases Last 14 Days” twice who see who is leading in terms of numbers. The top few rows are:

Location    Last14  Percent
Total        2,257     100%
Richmond       368      16%
Antioch        320      14%
Concord        197       9%
Pittsburg      170       8%
San Pablo      164       7%
Brentwood      138       6%
Walnut Creek    96       4%
San Ramon       90       4%
Oakley          85       4%
Danville        71       3%
Bay Point       65       3%

As the virus is widespread at a roughly equal density throughout all communities the numbers are tracking close to the population of each city or town.

The number of cases in the last 14 days is also very close to the number of active cases in each community.

It has hit our house. We wear masks and have hand sanitizer in our cars. We try and be careful. Who knows how we got it? My daughter and I have asthma. But my husband is feeling the worst. He’s been sick for 10 days. My daughter is aching in her joints and has diarrhea. My son and I are feeling good for now. But have had some diarrhea. Sorry if it’s to much information for some, but it’s better if you know some other symptoms then just fever and coughing.

I myself and a few coworkers got it. We don’t hang out in crowds or bars we just do our jobs and fallow mandates. Masks are worn when in close proximity store visits are minimal and everyone is careful and conscious of the threat as nobody wants to be the reason it was transmitted to someone that can’t survive it. Someone got it and came in not knowing and then bam. Point is it’s not anyone’s fault and it does not mean people are being careless it’s just like the flue in that it spreads easily and by the time you know you have it it’s to late to warn anyone that was close.

I just read this article written by Jay Bhattacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University…”First, herd immunity is not a strategy–it is a biological fact. Even when we have a vaccine, we will be relying on herd immunity as an end-point for this epidemic. Second, our strategy is not to let people die, but to protect the vulnerable. We know who is vulnerable, and we know who is not vulnerable. To continue to act as if we do not know these things makes no sense.”

It is a short read and well worth the time:


Looks like Trump was right all along. You can remove your mask.

“Low-dose hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc and azithromycin was an effective therapeutic approach against COVID-19.”

Study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations for patients treated with controversial drug hydroxychloroquine


How many people did the left MURDER by claiming this wasn’t effective?

They WANTED people to die so the left could impose totalitarian measures AND so they could blame Trump for death tolls.

We need hearings on this ASAP!!!



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