Home » Many “Low-Level” Cases No Longer Being Prosecuted In Contra Costa County

Many “Low-Level” Cases No Longer Being Prosecuted In Contra Costa County


Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton said Tuesday that her office has been working to reduce the number of misdemeanor cases it prosecutes. That effort came after the presiding Contra Costa County Superior Court judge asked Becton to cut back on such filings to help reduce the court’s caseload.

Becton told the county Board of Supervisors her office has stopped prosecuting many “low-level” cases like minor drug possession or first-time theft offenses involving items worth $300 or less.

The effort to help unclog the courts pleased the supervisors, though Supervisor Candace Andersen asked for clarification on what generally gets prosecuted and what doesn’t. She noted the national news coverage of looting in Walnut Creek and nearby areas received in early June.

“We were getting a lot of inquiries about, ‘So, people can just steal and there are no consequences?'” Andersen said.


Becton reiterated that looting cases are among those that will be prosecuted.

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So, they’re going to prosecute looters and rioters? See how easy it is to lie folks?

So if you steel $300,00 worth you better be wearing a mask or you will get a ticket for not wearing a mask. Hey makes sense to me.

You are not free people. Free people do not live like this. Constant threat from your government is not how free people live. Is it really that hard to understand?

What is “hard to understand” is for someone to comment that California and Nevada were flipping to red this past election.

Awkward flex when your vote hasn’t been counted yet. I never spoke about Nevada. California will be audited soon regardless. Did Nevada certify yet?

Yeah…um…sure. Looting is only prosecuted if the suspect states that they did not need the 10 leather jackets and 50 pairs of sunglasses. Becton is horrific as our DA….unless you’re a bad person that needs a freebie. Those that voted for this travesty should be mortified just like those of us that voted against her.

Wait so the entire court system does not want crime to go unpunished

Hmmmm seems Diane has been smacking the legal system around
Without anyone’s knowledge

Or we are being duped again

As Diane believes criminals of any kind are acceptable
And their actions are afforded to the public at her request and acceptance

She refuses to prosecute any illegals Even if they murder someone
And now refuses to prosecute anyOne else if it inconveniences her

She is not doing anything that a DA is supposed to and yet we are paying her

Seems democrats just do what they want and take our money no matter what job they have

Sad to watch the break down of society
based on a corrupt or political agenda Of a DA
Who is supposed to uphold the law based on her job and code of ethics

How can she do this and still be master of any kind

This lack of prosecution shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.

Habitual felons are arrested and released the same day with alarming regularity.

Everyone’s afraid to offend everyone else.

It’s a sorry state that abandons the rule of law and common decency.

…..and One wrong person in a position of authority was all it took to make Contra Costa County a Sh!thole.
Hopefully, we’ll see lawsuits when Alamo & Danville begin to experience these “low level” cases.
Recall Diana Becton

Don’t waste money on recall efforts! Soros and other Demos will step up and get her tomstay in place!
Ms. Andersen is PERFECT with her statement! Now carry it a bit more forward and have Becton censured and removed from that office.

That’s great that petty theft and other crimes are “low level” to her, but they’re a big deal to the victims. I hope all those victims aren’t stupid enough to vote for her again.

Don’t underestimate the stupidity of voters here.

Excellent work, Diana.

Hello George.


You’re a miserable Jew. And I’m allowed to say it because I am Jewish.


Becton is nothing but a puppet. She has been saying for months she’s not going to prosecute the needy looters. Now she’s saying she will? Sounds like Georgie is whispering in her ear to back down. Too late, we all know who she answers to. She needs to ge recalled along with Newsom.

Becton reiterated that looting cases are among those that will be prosecuted.

well but the person who appointed her is making police not arrest looters as we witnessed in WC vandals and looters are concidered safe from arrest and or prosecution
so how sly she was for appeasing with her comment knowing full well she was lying to save her job

They have no interest in prosecuting the WC looting cases. I took photos of looters and license plates and have had no contact from WCPD.


The supervisors should find a way to dump Becton ASAP
Walnut Creek is on a rapid downward spiral
Ask the major retailers about their million dollar per year losses to theft and see if they are OK with it
90-95 % of theft is done by out of town people
There is an anti-profiling law which needs to be amended for the emergency situation WC is in right now
Maybe council should take a hard right turn before it’s too late
Retailers should have the right to protect their property as they fit

We have a female Chesa Boudin.

Oh JOY ! ! !
Quickest and most effective method to motivate a bureaucrat or politician is public ridicule and embarrassment.

Blaming the presiding Contra Costa County Superior Court judge for misdemeanor cases not being pursued is, simplistic.

This situation had it’s beginnings almost a decade ago with DEM members of state legislature response to CA Prison overcrowding, AB-109. That bill may well go down in history as one of the most devastating bills ever passed by CA state legislature.

Prior to AB-109 convicted felons with sentences over 367 days did their time in state prisons. Since AB-109 convicted Felons, with multi year sentences, are serving their time in county jails taking up beds. Because of the bill State prisoners were shipped back to county they came from, causing Jail overcrowding in all 58 county jail systems.

Once DEMS realized how badly AB-109 was backfiring on them,
they came up with Propositions and spent tens of millions to con voters into passing them.
Just on Prop 47 they spent $10,306,082 to get it passed.

Urge you to read sections in URL below labeled,
“What did the measure do?” and “Which crimes were affected?”

IF there is no threat of incarceration,
then there is no deterrence of criminal activity.

Prop 47 turned county jails into, revolving door farcical jokes.

She is single handedly ruining the county

The blame falls to the voters who, for now, can still voice concerns and take legal action to remove the supes.

See how well this would sit if each of one on the board of Superviserrs was to get $300.00 worth olf items ripped off from them, and lets say it was different perps so that $300.00 now becomes much more. I always knew crime would pay.

Craig, it speaks volumes that the City secretly (on a weekend and overnight) repaved that whole street.
It was nothing but a problem. Not because of “racism” but because IT DID NOT BELONG THERE.

This is just WRONG . I had over $2,000 in tools stolen and the cop ask me if they are caught do I want them Prosecutor . I was like Duh .
And when I went to do my 2019 It wasn’t deductible . Thanks for the tax reforme tRump Nether was my over $4,000 in med co-pays . MAD AS HELL .

That’s what it sounds like. This is going to be a scary society when one can walk in a store, steal, and there are no consequences.

It’s really time to make sure that 9mm is close at all times.

Becton is too busy charging REAL criminals, like business owners and people choosing their families.

Guess they better let out some more “non violent” rapist, pedophiles, and murderers to make some more room to lock up anyone evil enough to let customers in their store.

Law abiding citizens are the enemy, criminals bring progress and are the protected class. You exist to serve the underclass by either getting robbed or paying for their housing and food stamps. If you weren’t so good at producing tax revenue they would have got rid of you long ago.

This is good news-to shoplifters!

The new gun owner list keeps growing. More americans are excerising the 2A. Democrats to protect themselves from Democrats and people released from jail and Republicans preparing for the worst to hit the fan.

I don’t give a $__t if anyone possesses drugs, have at it, do as much as you want, and let nature take its course. However, I have a problem with thieves. There should be a proposition; anyone caught stealing $99.00 or more, is charged with an automatic felony. I hate these, “pieces of s__t”.

jjshawk: you are taking the bread out of the mouths of bottom-feeders and John Burris! These bottom-feeders are going to be out of cases to pander and we will have more on welfare!

Historians of the future will have a hard time figuring out how so many organized groups of strident jackasses succeeded in leading us around by the nose and morally intimidating the majority into silence. – Thomas Sowell

Serious theft should always be prosecuted!

It is one thing to take the argument that drug enforcement is a waste of time, and I would perhaps agree given the “perp” is a functioning, tax paying member of society who isn’t passed out drunk in the street or menacing people for money on the corner.

But to excuse real criminality, violence, burglary, theft, is itself criminal and wrong.

The DA needs to be replaced as soon as possible, it is a travesty what we are forced to deal with now.

So funny that just a year ago everyone wanted Becton to be the progressive pick and hide the fact that DDA PAUL GRAVES was the right pick to prosecute crime in contra costa county. You reap what you sow. Suckers.

So the new generational judicial system is to basically say, vote for me and we will set you free…. wheeee…….

Read the article. It answers your question.

It will be interesting when someone tries to break into your home and gets shot. How hard will she go after the homeowner? My guess is pretty hard.

This will turn into a real low key civil war. Emboldend criminals and degenerates vs hardworking americans…

What a joke our country, state and county have become. I have had the opportunity to speak to others in states such as Michigan and they hear much more truthful news about the state of California than we are allowed to be spoon fed by the leftist media. Anything that has to do with law and order is suppressed in the media within the state. Anything that is conservative is eliminated and our voices are silenced.

Zuckerberg yesterday stated that Facebook does not want any references to the Lord’s Prayer and will suppress in the near future.

Really! What the hell has happened to my free speech. I have to listen to all the BS from the left and the enablers, have to deal with robbers and Aholes who call me names for no reason, but have to turn the other cheek because they are under served (BS as they are served better than any of us that follow the laws and pay more than our fair share and theirs put together) and have to such up being charged more in taxes because I have worked hard all of my life and not free loaded off of the nanny system.

What ever happened to the investigation on the Biden’s getting paid off by China?????? Don’t tell me that the socialists and Democrats are honest. They are dirty if not filthier than the Republicans.

Recall the entire bunch of loser, from Pelosi, Schumer, Newsom, Becton, etc. The list is so long that I tire from thinking about them.

Stand up for our country and county folks. Don’t complain if you voted for these leftists. I did not and now we have to suffer the consequences.

Where’s the news story that Zuckerberg said he was banning the Lord’s Prayer on Facebook? Where’s the quote? Where’s the video? You specifically said that Zuckerberg said it yesterday, so what’s your source of this?

Fact check: Facebook does not ban the posting of the Lord’s Prayer: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/07/10/fact-check-facebook-does-not-ban-posting-lords-prayer/5397087002/

It’s a hoax that started up months ago, and has been disproved over and over again. You were told a lie to make you angry and afraid. You are spreading that lie to make others angry and afraid.

Yep. After tracking your internet activity without your knowledge, Zuck draws the line at the Lord’s Prayer.

They have no interest in prosecuting the WC looting cases. I took photos of looters and license plates and have had no contact from WCPD.


I can see it now. The newly formed local club where the under 50 (I.Q.) can meet, greet, and organize every month for shop-lifting day. Prizes will be given for who can steal $299 worth of goods in one minute. All ages can join but your knuckles do need to drag at least one inch to qualify for membership.
Welcome to the new society. Land of the free (loaders) and home of the cowards. Grandma’s basement is going to full of more than just rats.

Rumor has it there’s a scanning app for your cell phone that allows scanning each boosted item and alerts the shoplifter to stop at a preset denomination.
Available through Dominion Software.



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