Closed… public schools
Kid’s history teacher in MtZ lectured the kid’s that all voted to come back to in person class that they are wishing death for their teachers.
That’s totally sane thinking … right?
There is not enough visibility to what teachers are doing. How about giving kids a questionaire of issues, telling them to decide where they stand on each, and then according to their answers self identify themselves as Democrat or Republican. What??????????? What business is it of teachers to identify a child’s political leanings and to what purpose? What a slimeball teacher. And if you complain as a parent, guess who get penalized.
Oh Please
I have told my kids if any teacher talks like that, tell me. That is not okay at all.
Told them if they mention to vote for one candidate or the other to also tell me … Teachers are suppose to provide the information, not make the decision for the child.
If this happened to my kid, I would take on the teacher, union, school district etc …
Professors also inappropriately telling students who and what to vote for and students who don’t go along face harassment. College students go along out of fear for retaliation and because their choices are limited of what classes and professors to take so they have to go along to finish their classes and get their degrees.
November 5, 2020 - 11:49 AM 11:49 AM
Common sense has been banned it appears…
November 5, 2020 - 4:54 PM 4:54 PM
FULLY OPEN THE LIBRARIES!!!!! I repeat myself. OPEN THE GD LIBRARIES FOR F SAKE!!!! Gavin’s Newscum children are being educated at a private school and have all the resources at their disposal. If Gavel Newscum were smart he would make sure people are learning so they could have a steady income to continue paying these never ending tax increases. K-12 and college students need libraries to be open! Great job at trying to keep people uneducated and dependent on the government. No, I did not vote for him.
Tomato Girl
November 5, 2020 - 7:04 PM 7:04 PM
All of you that are still scared of this virus need to stay home. Some of us have put on our big boy and girl pants and are ready to open it all up! Quit pushing your fear on our kids and the rest of us rational thinking adults. It’s a virus! God gave us an immune system. If your at risk than stay home! Others just want their lives back. 🛑 for one second and think of the mental scares that are going to be drilled into our children’s heads for many many years. The virus will be a distant memory but the damage to our children may be a life long battle.
Kimberly Geyer
November 5, 2020 - 11:06 PM 11:06 PM
I am truly grateful, you all have not lost someone to Covid19. I really hope you never have to experience that loss. Looking at the responses here makes me much less confident about returning to normalcy. There is no vaccine. This disease is sitill out there and our best, our only defense is to social distance, wear masks and practice good hygiene. Given that, there are still no garuntees and it only works if people are willing to cooperate with the guidelines.
While it is frustrating and yes damaging, the alternative is so much worse.
I truly hope our health and wellness prevail and none of us has to look down that dark path that is the alternative.
Closed… public schools
Kid’s history teacher in MtZ lectured the kid’s that all voted to come back to in person class that they are wishing death for their teachers.
That’s totally sane thinking … right?
That teacher should be fired. Not ok at all.
There is not enough visibility to what teachers are doing. How about giving kids a questionaire of issues, telling them to decide where they stand on each, and then according to their answers self identify themselves as Democrat or Republican. What??????????? What business is it of teachers to identify a child’s political leanings and to what purpose? What a slimeball teacher. And if you complain as a parent, guess who get penalized.
Oh Please
I have told my kids if any teacher talks like that, tell me. That is not okay at all.
Told them if they mention to vote for one candidate or the other to also tell me … Teachers are suppose to provide the information, not make the decision for the child.
If this happened to my kid, I would take on the teacher, union, school district etc …
Professors also inappropriately telling students who and what to vote for and students who don’t go along face harassment. College students go along out of fear for retaliation and because their choices are limited of what classes and professors to take so they have to go along to finish their classes and get their degrees.
Common sense has been banned it appears…
FULLY OPEN THE LIBRARIES!!!!! I repeat myself. OPEN THE GD LIBRARIES FOR F SAKE!!!! Gavin’s Newscum children are being educated at a private school and have all the resources at their disposal. If Gavel Newscum were smart he would make sure people are learning so they could have a steady income to continue paying these never ending tax increases. K-12 and college students need libraries to be open! Great job at trying to keep people uneducated and dependent on the government. No, I did not vote for him.
All of you that are still scared of this virus need to stay home. Some of us have put on our big boy and girl pants and are ready to open it all up! Quit pushing your fear on our kids and the rest of us rational thinking adults. It’s a virus! God gave us an immune system. If your at risk than stay home! Others just want their lives back. 🛑 for one second and think of the mental scares that are going to be drilled into our children’s heads for many many years. The virus will be a distant memory but the damage to our children may be a life long battle.
I am truly grateful, you all have not lost someone to Covid19. I really hope you never have to experience that loss. Looking at the responses here makes me much less confident about returning to normalcy. There is no vaccine. This disease is sitill out there and our best, our only defense is to social distance, wear masks and practice good hygiene. Given that, there are still no garuntees and it only works if people are willing to cooperate with the guidelines.
While it is frustrating and yes damaging, the alternative is so much worse.
I truly hope our health and wellness prevail and none of us has to look down that dark path that is the alternative.