Home » Voters Approve Concord, Contra Costa County Sales Tax Measures

Voters Approve Concord, Contra Costa County Sales Tax Measures


Voters in Contra Costa County and Concord approved sales tax measures.

Voters approved the county’s Measure X, a countywide half-cent sales tax measure, by a 58.7 to 41.3 percent margin.

The measure will raise an estimated $81 million each year for 20 years to fund county hospital operations and community health centers, fire and other emergency responses and various social safety-net services.

In Concord, Measure V appears to have been approved by a narrow margin (51.08 percent voting yes). It will increase the existing local sales tax from one-half to 1 percent. It’s an extension of Measure Q, a half-cent
sales tax first approved by Concord voters in 2010. Local voters extended Measure Q, at a half-cent, in 2014.


Concord’s overall sales and use tax rate will rise from 8.75 percent to 9.25 percent.

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This is such a farse. Did we get invaded by liberals from Oakland and SF as everyone I spoke to voted no????

Thats weird all the liberals i know voted no.

Great job everybody that voted for this, we all now get to pay higher prices for everything!!!! Hooray!!!

We need a recount! Don’t believe the results!

I would be VERY surprised if the funding went to wheee the proponents claimed it would go, without reducing the existing funding and moving it to other programs.

Until politicians learn to be fiscally responsible, I will never vote for a tax/fee increase.


Looks like in CCC and California I am just along for the ride. Seventy five percent democrats in the county that vote to raise an already high tax higher and then vote for a mental midget for president. This is going to be an interesting next four years. All I can say is good luck to all of us. I doubt if any of you know what you voted for. You are about to find out.

I Agree Ricardoh!

Well we all know what the county is fixed
I mean over the past 20 years the taxes that the supposed people have passed is well over 8% on top of our 9.5 soon to be 12%

It makes no sense the money does not even go to us it goes to special interests and union bonuses and benefits

How has the gas tax and raised taxes benefited you lol

And yes everyone I know voted no
Everyone they know voted no
Everyone who knows someone voted no

We are being used as money trees
Planted in a sanctuary
To fund illegals and politicians and their kids and the unions
We get nothing ….not one thing

And before you claim parks and library and plaques

Is that what helps your families and your success and finances
Your property
Your street
Your upkeep on your property

You shrugged off that weiner supports abusing children under 10 years
He’s a dem supported by de slacker and you voted to keep him spending tax money so he can hang out in parks and do nothing else for his lifetime benefit and pay

Explain please how this is all good for us since you voted for it

I agree.

This is BS

I am shocked that the sales tax measures passed. I am curious as to the breakdown of the votes amongst the poor, middle class, and upper middle class. Unfortunately, the comments on Claycord are not indicative of how Concord and CCC votes, as most commenters appear to be hard working, conservative individuals.

I voted no on this because I don’t want to pay for the firefighters pensions if they aren’t going to respond to medical calls of old people falling and hitting their head AND still take the transport bills of 3500 dollars to fund their bloated fire department.

Hunter, you do not pay into the pension of firefighters. You are misinformed or just a complete jack-ass. I’m voting for the latter. I don’t have time to give you an in-service of EMS because I have to respond to an old person that has fallen and hit their head.

@Mela, what a rude response

What’s in the Water in CCC?

Even worse, they voted for every ridiculous measure & proposition.

good question!

CC County is bought and paid for folks. I’m sure a lot didn’t pass. Fraud is alive and well in CCC !!!

The California liberal voters are in a perpetual state of confusion. No surprise that they would vote to continue to tax themselves and us. Reminds me of a line from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, ( Morons! I’m dealing with Morons!).

I keep wondering how did they get that dumb.

@ Whoa Jim – I agree wholeheartedly, but the quote is actually “Morons. I’ve got morons on my team”.

My preferred quote is “Stupid people should not be allowed to vote”

I mean really, any person over 18 can vote no matter how stupid they are.
There should be a qualifying test and a license needed…and a DVQ (Department of Voter Qualification) to manage it all.

Letting morons determine the future of our nation is just slow death.

Taxation is theft.

🙂 agree

I just looked up the income, corporate, sales and social security taxes in Venezuela. We are almost there! At the county level, with this new tax layered on top of California and Federal, maybe Contra Costa voters put us over the top. Yeah. Now we need more food lines and rioters. And create some kind of exterior enemy to blame it all on. Things are falling into place for the socialist paradise they promise the kids in school.

So dumb. They say it’ll go to schools and hospitals and other things when really it goes into the general fund and the board of supervisors can determine how to spend it however they want. I bet the board gives themselves a fat raise in the next 7 months.

Look at all these snowflakes complaining.

Go protest if it’s that important to you!

Is it any wonder why the cost of living is high in California?

Still waiting for my ballot, dropped off on Monday directly to the in person voting location to be counted. What is the hold up?

I personally put the 3 ballots from our home into the ballot box in the election office in Martinez on Monday. Still don’t have confirmation they received them as of today.

Same. I dropped it into the elections office on Monday. Still waiting. Not counted.

This is surprising to me. I was against these particular tax hikes, and NOBODY I spoke to was for them.

What is also surprising to me is that Edi Birsan was re-elected to Concord City Council District 4 with 6017 out of 6017 votes cast. He ran unopposed. However, the ballot did provide the option writing in a name, and filling in the bubble for your write-in candidate. I selected that option, and cast a vote for a Concord citizen whom I preferred over Edi Birsan. Shouldn’t the vote tally be no more than 6016 out of 6017 for Birsan? I had confirmed on the county website that my ballot was received.

Write-in candidates have to file a candidacy form with the county. If you wrote a name down for a person who didn’t apply to be a write-in candidate, your vote for the council race was not valid.

@ Natalie, thank you, I did not know that. Makes sense, though.

You don’t get it so just keep doing what your doing.

The market is cranking today since regardless of the election, the senate will remain republican. Therefore Biden’s ridiculous tax plan is dead on arrival. Anyone with reportable income will be better off now.

Also voted against all tax hikes. I guess there is no exit polls to verify any discrepancies. Very convenient.

Wow, a whole 1/2 cent. How will you survive?

@Walter White, I don’t believe taxpayers are complaining about the 1/2% per se, the complaint (in my opinion) is that all types of taxes are increasing during a time when the economy is suffering due to a pandemic and history has shown time and time again that these increases in sales tax, etc do not go towards the stated fund (ie streets, schools, etc). In fact, all one has to do is look at the streets of Concord to see the horrible condition that they are in. Previous sales and fuel taxes were earmarked for the streets and I for one have not seen any improvements over the years-decades. The street that I live on has only been slurry sealed twice in over 30 years.

It’s kind of amazing really, I don’t understand these people that vote for more taxes on themselves when there’s zero accountability. We’ve been looking to leave, just another example of why the cost of living here is so high.

These people are not too smart!

Who in their right mind votes tax increases?

According to the WheresMyBallot website, my ballot was only received today and had not yet been counted . I voted “No” on the County increase because the legal wording of the Measure sent the money raised to the General Fund to be spent as seen fit, not as they stated in the literature specifically for “… county hospital operations and community health centers, fire and other emergency responses and various social safety-net services.” I think it is too early to call some of these.

If what you said is true follow up with that with an attorney and don’t sit by and do nothing.
Contact project veritas if your ballot doesn’t get counted. (He’s an investigative journalist who deals in this type of work)
What I don’t understand is how they called the results of election when your ballot appears to not been counted yet. That’s fishy 🐟 if i ever smelled something.

This is what it’s coming to, at least with my money – after the bonds and taxes, then taking care of my home and family, putting away money for savings – there’s no room for giving. Sorry. You want to keep raising the cost of living …. here’s hoping those who voted for higher taxes can support the charities, fundraisers and other worthy causes, because I can’t.

Yay, another regressive tax.

This hurts the poorest and most vulnerable among us.

Way to go guys.

Way to go liberals!! More tax increases, and to think it will go to what they claim it’s for. So gullible and clueless. Just for that, I will now go out of my way to not purchase as much as possible in CCC!! More online purchases and shop outside CCC! California is turning into a complete joke, and there will be a lot of people leaving the state. I don’t blame them, democrats ruin all they touch!

Looks like I will be shopping elsewhere!!!

Same with me Jackknife. Even for 0.5%. Walnut Creek tax will now be 1% less than that of Concord and Martinez (unless I am missing something, which wouldn’t be the first time).

Everyone I know voted no… Something smells fishy AF

Well. I guess I will be doing my shopping in another city, not Concord. Also won’t be eating in any restaurant in Concord either. ” Shop Concord” not anymore.

Absolute insanity. I can’t believe these both passed. I definitely won’t be making any big ticket item purchases until we move away from CA.

I don’t know a soul who voted yes for increasing taxes – so I was surprised at the result.
I think we have our work cut out for us in seeing to it that the City Manager in Concord is held accountable for every dollar that makes its way into the General Fund. Don’t let them fool you about how we got to the point we needed to pass Measure V. It all boils down to how they spend. And don’t forget, they manage to get grant dollars for things they want!
Really disappointed!

Why is it that Concord doesn’t have a elected
Mayor. We are the biggest city in Contra Costa county.

I find it odd that my daughter received her ballot in the mail awhile back. Problem is, she has lived in another state for 3years now and has been registered to vote there.🤔

Given the economic downturn due to COVID, it’s hard to believe that folks actually voted in favor of these taxes. Makes one really question the integrity of the election officials (or the intelligence of the population).

What an incredibly stupid post.

Time to boycott coco county. Guess I’ll be moving, along with anyone else with half a brain.
I don’t know one soul who voted for sales tax increase in Concord or the county. Everyone I spoke to about it voted no on both.
But then again with electronic elections anythings possible.
We need hand signed, hand counted ballots, with a live stream of the counters going out to the world to ensure election integrity.

There is more to the county than Concord & Concord is a week voting block. The folks in Lamorinda and other wealthy communities value services and are willing to pay.
But I am surprised Concords measure passed

I live in Lamorinda and I voted NO. So did other Lamorindans I’ve talked to — wealthy and not wealthy. When it comes to 1/2 cent tax it has more to do with your political stance than wealth. And we all know which party is gung ho on raising taxes. Once again, thanks Dems.

County wide measure does not surprise me as the wealthy communities value services and the county can produce accurate expenditure reports that keep them happy. The Concord measure is another story. Most I know voted “No”. So I am surprised

Am very confused as to how Measure X is considered “passed” doesn’t it need a 2/3 majority, not a simple 50%+ vote. I am seeing different results on the various websites as to whether it passed or not?



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