Home » Contra Costa Election Results Available On County Elections Website

Contra Costa Election Results Available On County Elections Website


If you want real-time local election results, please visit the Contra Costa County elections website by clicking on the photo shown above.

Results will start coming in once the polls close later this evening.

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Vote NEAUX on everything but Prop 22!! 🇺🇸

My wife and I proudly voted NO on 22.

AMERICA IS GREAT, even with all the dupes of mainstream media and career whore politicians.


@Ash – Claycord’s screen shot is of https://www.cocovote.us/election-results-november-3-2020/ which is the official Contra Costa County page. That page links to the same place that Claycord links to.

It appears that Contra Costa County has contracted with https://scytl.us/ to generate the public election results. scytl.us takes care of details such as making the results available in a usable format on a wide variety of devices, in multiple languages, and is also ADA compliant. The only additional thing I wish they would do is to offer a way to enter a precinct number and they would only show the election results on the ballots used in that precinct. For now, people need to favorite those races they are interested in and view the list of favorites.

I suspect Contra Costa County is feeding the vote count data to https://www.sos.ca.gov and scytl.us gets the data from http://www.sos.ca.gov. It should be a near real time data push meaning within a couple of seconds of CC county releasing data that it’ll then show up on scytl.us generated web pages.

My beloved Gramma Anna and I never talked politics. But she always voted in every election.

She always told me “All politicians are outlaws”. And that is so true, many decades later.

And yep, when I choose to post here, I’ll use my name. And not be a fake. Just as my Gramma Anna would have done.

Enjoy your evening everyone.

Did anyone notice that at 8 pm it was announced that Biden won California. For crying aloud, the poll just close and already Biden wins. I smell fraud.

Eastbay Babe,

You must be new here (California). The 55 California electoral votes going to the Democrat candidate are about the most sure bet there is, this side of death and taxes.

@Eastbay Babe – that was a projection based on exit polls. They wait until the polls close and then release the results if they are confident that the results will hold up. There are three groups running projections. CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS all are working together. You will see the same projections from all four networks at the same time. Fox News and AP have their own projection teams.

Thus there are three sources. 1) Any of the main networks such as CNN at https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/results/president?iid=politics_election_national_map#mapmode=call 2) Fox News at https://www.foxnews.com/elections/2020/general-results and 3) AP at https://apnews.com/hub/election-2020

At present the networks have Biden ahead 205 to 133, and Fox has Biden ahead 227 to 204. While AP is calling states I don’t see that they have an easy to read map.

California is so backwards.
Lost respect in my birth state, a once wonderful place to live. Now a sad shell of itself.

78% of CoCo County residents voted for Biden. Just goes to show that Trump supporters, while loud and annoying, are a small part of our community

Ash: Yes, they were. They were out KILLING PEOPLE in WI, intimidating voters everywhere and even causing traffic accidents on purpose in TX. You are an ignorant DINK!

Ash, you are right . That’s why it is hard to believe people still vote for the liberal politicians that promote and support that criminal activity .

I am very disappointed in how CoCo county voted if that is true. Buckle up folks it is going to be a rough ride. Kamala is ready to declare Biden incompetent and we will be stuck with her. Could not anyone see this coming????

When you have six major TV stations plus local news not reporting what is actually happening and pollsters saying as in Wisconsin that Biden was ahead by seventeen percent truth has no path. This is not a victory for Biden. He is a crooked simpleton. This is a victory for CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC. ABC, SF Chronicle, and the East Bay Times . They alone are responsible.




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