The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit on Thursday decided that the time Apple employees spend waiting to be searched when they leave Apple’s retail stores constitutes “hours worked” for purposes of California’s minimum wage law.
The case has a long history. In 2013, five Apple employees working at Apple retail stores, filed suit and requested their action to be given class action status. The complaint alleged that Apple’s security policy was
to require individuals who carried bags – including purses, backpacks and briefcases – out of the store, to have the bag searched before exiting.
Plaintiffs estimated that the searches took between five and 20 minutes depending on whether there was a line and whether a manager was available to conduct the search.
Plaintiffs’ theory was that under federal law and California state law, the time spent in exit searches was work and they objected to the fact that Apple was not paying for it.
The district court granted class action status to all employees who worked in Apple’s retail stores in California after 2009 and had bags searched on exit.
While the case was pending, the U.S. Supreme Court decided another case that put to rest the question of whether search time was work for federal law purposes. That answer knocked out plaintiffs’ argument as a matter of federal law, leaving only the California law question still at issue.
In California, a state agency, the Industrial Welfare Commission fixes “minimum wages, maximum hours or work, and standard conditions of labor.”
That body issued a general wage order that employees must be paid for “hours worked.” Hours worked was in turn defined to be “the time during which an employer is subject to the control of an employer, and includes all
the time the employee is suffered or permitted to work, whether or not required to do so.”
The plaintiff’s main argument was that while they were waiting for an exit search, they were physically at work and not allowed to leave until the search was performed. They said that showed they remained under the employer’s control.
Apple countered by pointing out that only people with bags had to be searched upon exit. The plaintiffs were not required to bring bags to work; they brought them for their personal convenience. Had they left the bags at home, they would not have been searched at exit. Therefore, the time spent in searches was not controlled by the employer.
In 2015, the trial court agreed with Apple and granted summary judgment in favor of Apple. The court said “neither the searches nor waiting for them to be completed had any relationship to their job responsibilities.”
Plaintiffs appealed to the 9th Circuit. However, because the primary issue in the case was the proper of interpretation of California law, the court implemented a seldom-used procedure to “certify” the state law question to the California Supreme Court for its determination.
That court accepted the certification and, after considering the matter, decided that search time was indeed “hours worked” in California.
Crucial to the court’s decision was its perception that searches were on work premises, compelled by the employer and were imposed mainly for Apple’s benefit “by serving to detect and deter theft.”
Apple argued that it could have simply prohibited employees from bringing bags and therefore the search policy was actually an accommodation to the employees.
The court disagreed. “Under the circumstances of this case and the realities of ordinary, 21st century life, we find far-fetched and untenable Apple’s claim that its bag-search policy can be justified as providing a
benefit to its employees.”
Following the California Supreme Court’s resolution of the certified question, the matter returned to the 9th Circuit for decision. That court found that the decision on the certified question essentially resolved the matter and so it reversed the trial court’s decision, finding that search time was “hours worked.”
The case will now return to the trial court for further proceedings.
This is nothing new. Emporium Capwell and Macy’s required the same thing over 40 years ago.
so where are the courts when apple stores are being smash and grabbed
oh thats right releasing criminals
Apple CEO Tim Cook stated he is against racial injustice and mass incarceration, so I would assume he supports the release of the people who would loot his stores. He also stated they can track every stolen iPhone and will prosecute those who stole them.
Sounds like he’s talking out of both sides of his mouth.
Shouldn’t all stores be doing this?
I hear from former store security personnel that employees account for a lot of store theft.
I work for Macy’s and we use to have meeting about security. How to spot customers that might be stealing, how much Macy’s loose to theft and yes they loose more to employee theft than to customer. It can be merchandise or cash from the drawer. However anyone that steals cash are just plain stupid, because if they do it on a regular basis it is easy for security to catch them. We can only bring one small bag on the floor, but many items of value are small, such as fine jewelry, however those that work in that department goes through special screening and other employees cannot pick up shifts there.
The lawsuit was not about the searches it was about employee’s clocking out and then had be delayed 10 to 15 minutes for the search, and since, like at Macy’s they are paid hourly, the loose pay.
I don’t know if employee’s are search everyday. At Macy’s it is just once in awhile and usually only delays us about 10 minutes. However, Macy’s has informed us if we are being delayed due to being search after clocking out, we need to amend our clocking’s so we can be compensated.
oh where are the courts when apple is being gang rushed with a smash and grab repeatedly
oh thats right releasing felons repeatedly to prey on us
this state is pro crime and anti american
what a waste that liberals and even stars have spoiled this state into a filthy drug ridden bum filled illegal sanctuary
that they repeatedly blame on the potus
you voted for this garbage to happen
why ….can anyone explain how komifornia is better
than a american state with freedom and clean streets and a non corrupt government and no illegals taking up affordable housing from the actual legal citizens
anyone any dem can you clarify why we need filth and crime over freedom and american beliefs
please school us on why you are so right in handing this state over to illegals and criminals
are the actually any dem voters who voted for this ….or are we so corrupted the politicians have faked voting for over 40 years to steal away this state
any dem supporter or lol actor or so called hollywood star want to impose their actions so we can learn how to follow corruption
Wow, that settlement is probably in the high hundreds of dollars. That’ll teach Apple.
Many stores have done this for years.. Why did angry Princesses call Apple out on it? BE CAREFUL WHO YOU HIRE!
Circuit City used to do this as we left the distribution center plus we had to exit through metal detectors. People still stole and were outraged at the perceived slight, I never cared because I don’t take things that don’t belong to me.
Stores and businesses have the right to protect themselves from theft. Almost everyday I find censor and tickets in the dressing room at Macy’s which mean the customer walked out with the merchandise. Awhile back I found tickets that added up to well over $100.00, I alerted security, and another employee was suspicious of a customer, as was I. She had a big shopping back and a pile of clothing, and when I approached her and ask if I could help her and start a room for her, she became almost angry and walked away very fast. She was a well dressed middle age women. She disappeared from the floor and then appeared with just a small bag, means she took the stuff to her car. Glad to say eventually security apprehended her and recovered the stolen merchandise.
Low wages, draconian policies, and a proprietary product line that mandates you buy their product’s accessories like good sheep.
… and that’s why I’m a shareholder.
If I clock out at 5:00, but can’t leave til 5:20, damn right I should be paid. That does bring up the question of where I work. We need to fill,out an online questionnaire, then be temp checked BEFORE we can start work. This should be at our start time, not done before we get in and before we actually start our shift. Just sayin’
This should never have gotten to Court.
This is what happens when you let BEAN COUNTERS make decisions.
Is problem too many layers of management combined with managers never setting foot out of the apple corporate bubble.
Experienced employees are a variable often not even included in decision making and retaining those experienced employees should be a priority for any company.
When I used to work at Concord Costco like 20 years ago they would do the same thing there. Let’s say you got off at 11 PM you would have to stand at the front door waiting for security to let you which with sometimes took like 15 minutes and they would check everyone’s bags.
Little did they know I was often smuggling out a tube steak in my pants.
Schmee you actually went there, i almost spit my coffee out on my screen LOL!!!
Apple can afford it. These people deserve to be paid for the time they are on the work site property.
Most just slack off all day so Apple should be looking to counter sue for the time they are paid for doing nothing! All’s fair
If you’re working in any capacity, you need to get paid. Apple is a horrible company that are anti-consumer, it does not surprise me that they would abuse their employees in such a way. They run the Apple store in cult like conditions.
Makes sense tbh. Under california law you should be paid the minute you start working. (We get payment even for filling out paper work the first day at work) .What apple could do to remedy the situation is to set punch out machines next to the “bag searching” line. Once the employee is searched they punchout and gtfo. 🤷♂️.
Don’t get all teary-eyed for Apple now. Remember Solectron in Milpitas? They employed thousands of assemblers in the South Bay. No one ever got rich as an assembler there, but I know people who bought homes and put their kids through college working there. When the Internet boom happened that place was rocking and hired thousands of people. Same with Cisco and other companies.
Then at some point the tech industry got greedy and shipped all those jobs to China. Profits skyrocketed. The American working class suffers. Now Chinese travel the world and Americans stay home and watch reality TV,