Home » Gov. Newsom Launches Group To Examine Safety Of COVID-19 Vaccine

Gov. Newsom Launches Group To Examine Safety Of COVID-19 Vaccine


Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the launch Monday of a scientific working group that will examine the safety of any coronavirus vaccine that receives federal approval.

The working group includes 11 epidemiologists, infectious disease specialists and other medical experts from across the state that will be tasked with independently reviewing vaccines approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Newsom said the Scientific Safety Review Workgroup will do so as pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies like Pfizer and Moderna roll out their coronavirus vaccines into next year.

The state’s independent review process will also remain in place regardless of who wins the November presidential general election, Newsom said.


“There’s been, frankly, a lot of politicization … around vaccinations and we have to make sure that they’re safe and they’re effective,” he said Monday during a briefing on the state’s pandemic response.

Newsom cautioned that the amount of vaccine doses available before the end of the year will be a fraction of the U.S. population and that most Californians should not expect to have access to a vaccine until 2021.

The state was given an estimate of around 45 million total vaccine doses being available across the country by the end of the calendar year, according to Newsom.

That number, he cautioned, was strictly for state planning purposes and was also on the high end of the likely pool of available vaccine doses.


“Don’t anticipate or expect that you can go down to a local pharmacy any time in this calendar year and likely get a vaccination,” Newsom said.

In addition to the coronavirus’ medical novelty, the pace of vaccine development is likely to be hampered because most treatments currently consist of two shots over 21 days.

Those doses must also be kept in either cold storage or ultra-cold storage at temperatures as low as below 70 degrees Celsius.

That necessary cold storage could further affect the availability of commodities like dry ice that would be used to prevent the vaccine doses from spoiling.


“While a small number of doses of an FDA-approved vaccine could be deployed before year’s end, the reality is that the COVID-19 pandemic will be with us well into 2021 — and widespread vaccine distribution likely won’t occur for many more months,” said Dr. Erica Pan, the state’s acting public health officer.

However, even when the time comes that a vaccine is widely available, the pandemic will not end overnight, Newsom said, adding that uncertainly still remains whether a vaccine will effectively prevent contracting the virus long-term.

“Even if millions and millions of Americans, millions of Californians, get that vaccination, get that second shot … it’s absolutely essential that we maintain our vigilance,” he said.

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Fair enough. Gavin doesn’t trust the FDA or CDC, I don’t trust Gavin Newsom. This guy needs to be recalled. Problem is the states AG won’t accept our recall petition. Who do we appeal to if the state acts without regard for the wishes of the people? Tomorrow he’s in court and the masks come off and everything opens.

Are you surprised that the AG won’t accept the petition?? He will be out of a job if he crosses Newscum!

Newsom wants to shake your faith in any vaccine being effective, keep that fear factor going and your dependence on the government to Mommy you through this Chinese pestilence.

I’m old enough to remember last week when undermining trust in vaccines for political purposes was considered evil. And delaying the vaccine pointlessly would also be bad. What a jackwagon this gov is.

Gavin has mastered the art of Douchebaggery. A real life Yoda.

More politics from Newsom.

You can just tell that back in grammar school he was one of those guys that would sneak up behind you for a sucker punch.

And if his hand picked minions don’t like the vaccine, then what? That’s a rhetorical question……..

States have no role under law in determining the safety and efficacy of a vaccine. None. It’s up to the federal government through the FDA. Once the FDA approves a drug or a vaccine, then it’s up to the doctor and the patient to make the decision whether or not to use the drug or vaccine. The state has no role in this. I’ve wonder this when some states made it illegal for prescribe HCQ for Covid patients. What authority does a state have to do that? The FDA has approved the drug, off label uses are legal, so the state, again, has no role. Why is this allowed?

What will happen if Gavin’s work group decides that the Covid vaccines aren’t safe or efficacious? Will California’s be denied the vaccine? Will we have to go to neighboring states to get vaccinated? Enquiring minds want to know.

@Yves Harlowe
You and “The Fearless Spectator” are right on the money. You just watch…..one of the “experts” from UC Berkeley or Stanford won’t like something about the vaccine and all who wish to be vaccinated will end up having to go to Nevada or Arizona. I would include Oregon but they’re so nutty that they’ll probably copy Newsom.

He and cuomo are little more than partisan grandstanding prima donnas, trying to keep their names in the news.

Trying to blunt any good news for Trump before election day. Wonder how many they will scare off permanently from taking any vaccine ?

At this point newsom is little more than pathetic knee jerk puppy following cuomo.

Lets hope this stunt doesn’t kill as many as sending Covid positive patients, not sick enough for hospital, into nursing homes did.

Leading the Democratic Party, sleepy joe says it’s all about the science. Newsom doesn’t believe the federal agencies science so he is going to spend more money with his science geniuses that have had nothing to do with the creation of any vaccines. He doesn’t say who they are, but he blames politicalization for what he wants to do. What is the difference?

Good news. The more independent checking we have, the better.
The virus has become far too politicized on all sides to trust any one entity.

Newsom has been watching too much Jeffrey Ross Toobin on Zoom.

Whatever happened to all those Contact Tracers that Newsom said the state was hiring to help maintain accountability in those he deemed “super-spreaders?”

Delay-delay-delay. Waste more money. He cries poor and then does this. Moron.

I agree with all of the above comments
New world order has begun.. newsom is telling us even with a vaccine to be still afraid

My kid’s bio teacher told the students last week our world will never be the same… school will never be the same… I argued with my kid after that statement but after this announcement from Newsom I can see the teacher’s point.
Libs want us scared

Vaccines are not safe or effective. And then he will mandate them for everyone in California.

exactly. No drug or vaccine is safe anymore. All the side effects of the drugs innocent people take for medical conditions that all cause cancer to boot. You learn about it years later or when you are dead.
Trust no one with a needle in hand and no one related to Pelosi..

You are awake, Aunt Barbara. We need to educate those who are still asleep.

If the FDA approves it, can we set up a clinic in front of Newscums place so we all take in front of him?

Seriously, who does he think he is? Yeah, he can make a committee, but he has no legal standing to prevent the vaccine from being administered in California. So why, why do this? Politics?

They simply reduce the number of valid signatures by saying they are invalid. It’s amazing. I encourage everyone to help however you can. After the dictators Christmas “mandates” yesterday there should be no question what we are up against. This guy is the real deal. California is truly in trouble now more then ever. https://recallgavin2020.com/petition/

The vaccine needs to be kept in cold storage in temperatures as low as 70 degrees Celsius. Is that a typo? 70 degrees Celsius = 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

-70 Celsius = -94 Fahrenheit

If you google covid vaccine storage, you’ll find several articles that talk about the need for sub-zero storage for some vaccines.

Chuckie’s Wife, I had to read it again because I am slightly dyslexic. It doesn’t say -70 degrees Celsius, it says as low as below 70 degrees Celsius. I read it as meaning below 70 degrees Celsius.
I don’t need google to tell me vaccines need to be kept cold, I worked as an RN for nearly 15 years, that’s why I thought it was a typo.

Eat right, exercise, get sleep, be good to yourself. Then your immune system can do what it is supposed to do.

Or, rely on big pharma, witches brews, wives tales and the government to keep you well.

🙂 🙂 and a thumbs up.

“11 epidemiologists, infectious disease specialists and other medical experts from across the state” who will vote for me…sigh.

Imagine how many people could be wiped out with a faulty vaccine.
China’s new plan?

I’ll wait for credible doctors to say it’s safe. Might even go to Europe to get a shot if that feels safer.
Trump and Newsom aren’t medical professionals are they 😊

With a recall Newsom just walks away if he is recalled. Why not sue like Ohio is doing? That was all kinds of questions can be asked and you create a public platform revealing the malfeasance and overreach during this “pandemic” plus find out who was behind it all.

If Newsom does to vaccines what he tried to do to nursing homes we are all in trouble!

We don’t have to do anything he says. Those mandates were not laws. They should have been recommendations which would have taken government agencies off the hook. It would have been less incensive to the public. They didn’t seem to be smart enough to figure that out but then who runs for office these days other than narcissistic opportunists.

We probably don’t need a vaccine anyway. Just the antidote. 😀

You all are missing the point, we want to be sure that the vaccine is safe because we don’t trust Trump. He has lied continuously about so many things why would we trust him? Remember that old story about the boy who cried wolf? I don’t think Trump would be able regain trust at this point so the governor is doIng the reasonable thing. Double checking. I see you Trump lovers are responding by trying to make us distrust Mr. Newsome. With Dr. Atlas in Trumps ear with his lies we need to look for truth somewhere else.

It appears Gavin thinks Trump will have another term, or he wouldn’t bother with this.

Well said. Far too much politicization of this public health issue to trust any single entity.
Aligning yourself to a political party around this issue is ridiculous. Don’t be a sheep.

Once again the democrats play to the lowest common denominator. Does anyone really believe Trump as any say when a vaccine is safe? How absolutely brainwashed do you have to be to think that? It’s no wonder you guys are going so crazy. You literally put no thought into these things. Democrats strongest weapon depends on the mentality unstable minds falling for fear tactics. Stop allowing them to exploit your mind. Unbelievable. Soon you will be begging for a mandatory vaccine..just watch.

Natalie, Rob, and chuq are in the lobby, waiting to come in.

You do not trust and dislike Trump! Do you think Pelosi/Schumer/Newsom is more trustworthy??

You actually sound like you believe Trump is concocting the vaccine in his own laboratory. I know, I know…..now he’s Donald Frankenstein.

We’re not missing the point. Trump, or a Trump company, is developing and testing the vaccine. Well known pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Moderna are doing that. I don’t believe for a minute they would lie and fake data to make Trump happy and look good.

Yes, that’s the point politically but it is totally bogus. There isn’t going to be an emergency authorization for a vaccine before election day. We know this now, because the FFA reasserted the independence of their process and the pharma companies publicly committed to not participate in a rushed process. And the Pfizer numbers aren’t going to read out before the election like we thought they might. Newsom knows all of this.

So, he wants to keep negative Trump news about the vaccine alive, so he like Cuomo announces this independent review nonsense. So yes, the point is that he is baselessly stoking gears about a vaccine to hurt Trump politically and to polish his own … image. And he doesn’t care if he is undermining public trust in a vaccine, i.e. he doesn’t care if he is actually doing what he imputes to Trump.

I think Trump has been a messaging disaster on the virus, but the vaccine project is actually going incredibly well. The one big, impressive and competent thing the federal govt has done on Covid. So of course Newsom and Cuomo want to undermine it in the public eye.

Jojo, your missing the point. FDA approval is what were looking for. Comprehend much?

Just saw this sign: “Just remember, someone out there is quarantined with your Ex!”. How will this affect vaccine acceptance.

…And paid for by our tax dollars

I believe nothing this loser governor says and his auntie Nancy and the other fools he is in bed with. Newsolini have another drink and snort of cocaine while you are at it.

Does this mean Newsome is now an Anti-vaxer? Wow – a complete 180. Keep thinking of excuses Gavvy, anti-vaxers everywhere will be using the same ones on you in court.

What a perfect way to waste taxpayer money. Too bad governor was not on the ballot, we could get rid of two idiots

Alright everyone (rolls up his sleeves), I have some folks from EDD and the DMV that are here to help us evaluate vaccines.

Shut your mouth newsom.

newsom is bought and paid for by the Chinese. The Chinese own SF, he was bought when he was mayor of SF or even earlier. newsom is a national security threat.

I only have one thing to say about this….www.recallgavin2020.com

I assume all mandatory vaccines for newborns and school kids has been immediately halted while his new science team works to approve the safety of ALL vaccines used in California. STOP ALL VACCINES until Gavin makes sure they are safe, or he shows proof that California has conducted their own studies.

newsom has proven himself to be a partisan politician and
NOT a leader. This is but the latest example.


I hope the same folks that created CA gas cans are involved.

So, besides moving to a conservative state, what’s the plan when harris is president?
How bad will our social structure get?
Will schools be teaching little girls how to for good grades and promotions?
Seriously, sounds ridiculous but concern is growing.
It “feels” like all high standards will be replaced just so the Woke and Marginals can survive.


this is just an extension of the poison that Kamala was spewing when she told Mike that would never take it of Trump said it was OK.

I’m glad we’re not getting ALL the government we’re being taxed for.
California is a fiscal time bomb.

I don’t trust vaccines PERIOD, don’t care who is in Office.
I called Sacramento (Newsome’s Office) to oppose SB276 and again with SB277….They were going to push it through regardless of the calls & protests.
BTW, it’s funny how the Dems were the ones always gaslighting the “anti-vaxxers”……now they’re afraid, and the laws they pushed through gives them no exemptions.

What data will Gavvy’s little team review? Will the FDA (and the company) actually provide the NDA to a governor (I doubt it highly)? Newsom is getting more absurd as time goes on.

And how much is this redundant group going to cost the taxpayers ? How many more asinine power plays is this idiot we have as a Governor going to pull ? Maybe he should have another group to study how we’re going to manage without fossil fuels when we can’t keep the lights on with fossil fuels.

Back off man, these are scientists, far left wing scientists…….they are working hard to manipulate data to align with their prefab conclusions.



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