By Theresa Harrington – EdSource
Deep into the pandemic, some school districts are finding an alarming percentage of students are missing from the virtual classroom – with the worst absentee rates occurring among homeless students, foster youth, English learners, Black students and high school seniors.
Now some districts, such as West Contra Costa and Oakland Unified in the San Francisco Bay Area, are scrambling to find ways to track down and re-engage students and provide them with the support they need to complete their coursework.
“I’m concerned about students in grades 9 to 12 and foster youth,” said Oakland Unified board member Gary Yee at a recent board meeting. He noted that only about 83 percent of high school students overall are showing
up to classes and the lowest rates are for high school-age foster youth, at 69 percent. “I wonder if it’s possible for us to be assured we know who they are, why they’re absent, and whether the reasons are beyond our scope to deal with.”
California is requiring districts to track students’ daily participation in distance learning and to outline strategies for reaching students. But, as yet, no statewide data are available that shows how engaged students are this school year.
Even before COVID-19 forced schools to close and begin distance learning, Oakland and West Contra Costa had trouble with students missing class. On average, about 5 percent of students were absent in Oakland and 6 percent of students in West Contra Costa before schools shut down in 2019-20.
Overall, online absentee rates are now at about 7 percent in both districts. And in Oakland Unified, the absentee rates among certain groups are much higher, according to district K-12 data.
Some 21 percent of homeless students are absent now, compared with 12 percent this time last year. Foster youth absences are at 15 percent, compared with 10 percent last year. It’s 13 percent for newcomer immigrants, compared with 8 percent in 2019; while Black student absences are at 10 percent, compared with 7 percent last year; and 9 percent of special education students are absent, up from 7 percent.
West Contra Costa Superintendent Matthew Duffy said the district is keeping a close eye on absences among students who are not fluent in English, since English learners had high absentee rates last year. The district is also concerned that its homeless student population may have grown due to families struggling to pay rent. And it has logged about 1,000 absences from students without required immunizations.
Experts point to a host of reasons for increased student absentee rates during distance learning, including a lack of access to technology, no adult supervision or safe places to work at home, as well as language
barriers and other hardships.
Both Oakland and West Contra Costa track attendance based on student participation in online lessons, as well as work turned in online.
They have implemented plans for following up on absences that include calls, emails and letters home to families, as well as other outreach and support that intensifies the longer students are absent.
Castlemont High in Oakland reached out to 120 students, many of them from Guatemala, who didn’t enroll or didn’t fill out a technology survey. They hired a translator who spoke Mam, the Mayan language spoken by many Guatemalans, and visited the homes of students for whom they had addresses, but no phone numbers. These efforts helped enroll more students and get them the technology they needed, said Preston Thomas, the district’s chief systems and services officer.
Oakland Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell acknowledged the district faces challenges reaching students.
“Although we are not yet where we need to be,” she said, “there are many people working across the district for students and families.”
Both districts are building community partnerships to offer “learning hubs” on non-school sites such as the city’s DeFremery Recreation Center in West Oakland, where high-needs students can participate in remote learning in environments that comply with state safety guidelines. These do not replace district instruction, but they provide a safe place with Wi-Fi.
Students can use Chromebooks issued by the district or distributed citywide through the Oakland Undivided campaign to log into their classes and complete their work, with additional academic, social and emotional support. Oakland
Undivided is a citywide campaign that has raised millions of dollars to provide a device and internet access to every low-income student in the city who needs them.
“There are students and families for whom distance learning simply is not working,” Johnson-Trammell said in a recent message to the community.
“For these families, distance learning has imposed an intense and sometimes devastating hardship on them. That is why I believe that we have a moral obligation to investigate every option available to us to provide in-person instruction aligned with state and county educational guidelines and public safety guidance.”
A recent EdSource poll found many parents worry that continuing distance learning for the entire school year will result in learning loss for all students, especially those who are most economically vulnerable.
Oakland Unified has opened three learning hubs with the city’s Parks and Recreation Department and after-school program organizations, such as Bay Area Community Resources.
“Demand is far greater than our capacity,” said Curtiss Sarikey, the district’s chief of staff. He said more hubs are expected to open in the next month for students based on low attendance or other issues. One high
school principal, he said, referred four students who were suicidal and maintained contact with school staff, but were not living with their parents.
“It’s really heart-rending to hear what our students are facing,” Sarikey said during a recent board meeting, adding that students need connections to caring adults who can help them get back on track with their learning.
West Contra Costa Unified is turning to Contra Costa County to help identify organizations willing to host learning hubs and find out whether they need financial support, internet improvements or other upgrades the district could provide, Duffy said.
“This is slow-going, to be frank, because those organizations have to figure out their own safety plans and employment situations,” he said, alluding to Covid-19 concerns.
Schools in Alameda and Contra Costa counties can reopen for in-person instruction, based on the state’s Covid-19 tracking system, since neither are in the most restrictive purple tier. They don’t plan to open soon.
However, learning hubs can open before the districts because they are considered a form of child care or after-school programming that is not district-run.
While distance learning continues, Oakland Unified is working with the nonprofit Oakland Public Education Fund to place about 300 volunteer virtual tutors with students who need extra support.
Both districts are also using money from the state and federal government aimed at helping to deal with the challenges of Covid-19, including learning loss, to expand family outreach, student support and teacher training.
Oakland Unified is paying stipends to teachers who spend extra time as “equity family navigators,” who connect with families about academic issues and coordinate with counselors and social workers to find and support
missing students. It has also created a “Family Central” website with information about curriculum, technology, free meals, healthcare and district updates. West Contra Costa has created a “digital backpack” website with family resources and is offering a “parent hour” on Fridays, giving parents the opportunity to directly connect with their children’s teachers, as well as parent training in distance learning.
The districts have also increased tech distribution and support. Besides partnering with the city and nonprofit Oakland Public Education Fund to distribute free Chromebooks and Wi-Fi hotspots to low-income students
through the citywide Oakland Undivided campaign, Oakland Unified is also paying stipends to teachers to provide tech support.
West Contra Costa purchased and distributed about 4,000 hotspots and Chromebooks and devices for all preschool through 1st grade students for distance learning.
The districts are partnering with outside agencies to provide help to homeless and foster youth. They have also expanded free meal distribution for students at schools, and Oakland Unified is piloting meal delivery to
some families.
Improved translation services include Arabic and Mam translators in Oakland Unified, along with new communications technology that translates messages to families, as well as bilingual tutors in West Contra Costa Unified.
To motivate low-income 12th-graders at risk of not graduating to complete “milestones connected to their graduation,” Oakland Unified is considering offering financial “incentives” of up to $1,000 each. But Chief Academic Officer Sondra Aguilera said details for this proposal have not yet been finalized.
The districts are also offering teacher training in distance learning and racial justice. Oakland Unified is adding more mentors for Black and Latino students and is offering implicit bias training to staff. West
Contra Costa is offering similar training, including a Black Family Engagement and Empowerment speaker series.
“When a kid misses school, our biases can influence how we treat that absence,” said Hedy Chang, executive director of Attendance Works, a national and state initiative that works with districts to improve student attendance. “Do we say: ‘That’s a challenge we ought to help the kid overcome,’ or do we say: ‘How come that kid doesn’t care about school’ and blame the family? We have to shift to a more positive problem-solving approach.”
like Yogi said… Deja Vu all over again…
Well go figure…how can we set up the homeless with hotels, booze and drugs but we can’t set up our children? That’s right kids can’t vote or if the new prop passes we will have 17 1/2 year old kids voting…
Well gee no kidding and they expected otherwise? Hard to keep students in a virtual class when the porn channel is a click away. This online virtual learning will teach more about sex than anything else.
Get ready for the new Genderless, smurf haired, uneducated, angry, narcissist society that’s just around the corner. It’s brewing heavily right now and ready to explode! Thanks Newsom.
What were they thinking, problem of kids not showing up would magically go away because of video learning ?
Families below poverty line can’t afford laptops, computers or internet.
Teachers now have to compete with everything in the home that might draw a kids attention. An finally kids have the ability to not put up with an incredibly boring instructors.
Prediction, school districts and state will in the end cave, advance students to next grade and high school seniors will be handed diplomas. Schools can’t afford to have mass hold backs of students.
of course this is only alarming as without the students the state doesn’t get reimbursed.
surprised the dems don’t use mannequins like people try in the carpool lanes.
This is a complete travesty of education for our children…they are allowing learning hubs under the guise of daycare while teachers’ unions are negotiating the fact that they can open up now. It is no surprise at all that seniors are struggling when you’ve taken a milestone year from them….but most absurd is the $1,000 incentive to finish and the stipends for teachers to be “equity family navigators.” I don’t foresee schools opening anytime soon in person with this gravy train…
Nah it’s cool. Distance learning is working. It also keeps tigers away. See, no tigers.
Oh no! Distance learning is great for kids. At least that’s what I’ve heard from several people on here.
Come on now! Is this REALLY a surprise? I called this one the first day!
looks like the liberal brainiacs are scurrying as usual
so you thought that all the children would bend the knee and sit at computer for 3 sessions a day ….when there is no mandatory participation duh
what they thought they are rulers and all must comply lol
we are seeing the ineptitude of a complete democrat run society
inept ..unsocial …no contact sense…irresponsible …lack of prep
a democrat politicians best qualities
you get what you vote for
There are three ways to correct this problem:
1) Pretend the missing students are elsewhere
2) Pretend the missing students aren’t missing, just difficult to see
3) Open up the schools for in-person instruction
What can I say? Duh?
Dear schools, you are modeling bad behavior. You have abandoned these kids and you expect them to show up? You have made it crystal clear you don’t give a s—t and you expect them to give a rat’s as-? You will not satisfy their need for learning and belonging with a bagel. The resolution is slow but already under way. Teachers who care will find jobs which allow them to teach. Those who prefer to phone it in may realize their dream vocation is something different…perhaps a phone operator.
Districts have hot spots right outside the schools. Provide the students with Chromebooks and make them sit in their cars for 3 hours so they’re safe from the big bad virus bug……this was an MDUSD idea.
When are people going to understand the government doesn’t care about your education OR your health.
Why not just have the kids go back and put a big monitor in each class. Teachers and MDUSD are the ones putting up a fight. Someone could teach them remotely. Those school buildings were paid for by the people and they belong to the people. MDUSD has failed in its main purpose. All that anti white fragility BS ain’t gonna age well either. Time to take off the masks and settle down
…lets see what “changes” in administrative decisions after Nov 3rd.
Wow these tools knew what hat was coming months before
The gov saw a great opportunity to rule through the children’s demise
As they are now pushing new taxes and old ones to save the childlren lol
They want money to pay off the union workers that will not be payed off
Like dept heads and union leaders and corporate online chat gods backing liberals and blocking everyone else
Yep they get paid too in favors and tax free implications as well as more and more lee way to skirt the constitutional rights of free speech as they regulate it
Like a German natzi run propaganda machine
These kids should have been priority one when they first even thought of shut down
The cities and counties have access to portables and I am sure many many volunteers From corporate world would have been all for setting up safe place for the kids to get educated
But the dem politicians only thought of themselves as usual in a single party oppressed state we get nothing and they tax us to line their pockets and careers and their own safety
Again you voted for these tools and now get to support them at your expense
You only have yourselves to blame for the democrats absolute power to get this state
Just what have you gotten ????
Seriously inform us as to how democrats ruling us has benefited you and your children
As before Covid they were passing failing students to the next grade on a regular basis so the uneducated kids could add to the dem supported system sucking plan of socialism and total rule
Well we are here congrats
We all lose
Good luck
Sounds like equity demands that we re-open schools. Too bad all the liberals have lost their heads and feel like they will die if they step inside a classroom. Meanwhile, all of us have been going to work all day to give the teachers their groceries, community enforcement, medical care, childcare, etc. Liberals do not care about equity and they don’t care about these kids. They care about themselves at the expense of others and the country overall.
Virtual classroom = virtual attendance. Why am I not surprised?
The CTA needs to be careful what they wish for. The school districts may realize that they need only one of five teachers when a single teacher can teach 200 students at once.
Yeah, a teacher could maybe teach 200 students at once, but who’s going to grade all the papers, respond to all the questions, and answer all the texts and emails from all those 200 students and their parents?
Would YOU want to do that?????
Beside outright absenteeism, 1/3 of students are logging into online class then turn the channel, often forgetting to log out of class after it ends. Still, many students, including those in challenging environments are exhibiting high levels of resilience and hard work. Some kids are attending online class in the same room with 2-3 sibs in their own respective online classes. There are just as many of those at-risk kids as those who are using distance learning as magical excuse to justify blowing off their education and party, because frankly, it’s not important to them, and unfortunately, to many of their parents who don’t/can’t support a stable home learning environment through no fault of their own because of illness in the family or lost jobs. But these problems are the same whether or not students are in class or distance learning.
Covid is real. But the way it’s been handled in California is the biggest swindle since the World Series was fixed in 1919.
Anyone read Gavin’s rules for Christmas this year?
It’s disgusting that this just continues and the districts can’t or won’t get their act together to open schools. It’s particularly, extra, super-duper outrageous that young kids and special ed kids aren’t able to go to school. We are well into “safe enough” territory. Plenty of data globally, and now nationally with many other states reopening schools over the past two months. There’s no excuse for this.
Measure the real purpose of an institution by what function it reliably serves, even under duress. The public schools in CA do not reliably provide an education (in spite of the state constitution), but they are super effective at keeping their employees jobs and compensation intact. Amazing how good the system is at serving it’s real purpose, and how quickly they acted to get needed legislation passed. (For example, they passed a bill tying school funding to last year’s enrolments, not this year’s. No joke.) Whereas nobody is fast-tracking legislative fixes to actually get kids back in school sooner. Nope, that can wait. But no employee shall be laid off, no salary shall be touched. Nothing will change on the employee side. Just on the kids’ and familes’ side – sorry, no school for you!
Go figure…. did anyone not seeing this happen? I sent my kids to private school cause my school district is sub par. I never got or asked for a tax credit as I believe an educated population only helps society. That being said – people please start voting out the idiots you all keep voting into office.
Should Prop 15 not pass the CTA only needs to look in the mirror.
It was earlier reported that no child would be failed out. So why should they go?
And plenty of families cannot afford wifi, so where do those kids go to have computer access?
The latest poll was a sham. More parents want their kids to return to school than stay out.
And let’s be honest…The district is only concerned because they get less money when less kids attend.
The answer is private schools and charter schools . Put the parents in charge of their children’s education . Get rid of the bloated expensive administration costs . Get rid of the corrupt politicians control . Look how much money would be saved . Teachers would be payed what they deserve and the schools would have money for supplies and maintenance so they would look clean and inviting . To bad there are not enough parents that care enough about their children’s education to change anything .
Some private schools pay their teachers absolute pennies, while the owners rake in a ton of cash (Palmer in Walnut Creek for example).