Home » Contra Costa District Attorney Begins Next Phase With Vera Institute Of Justice

Contra Costa District Attorney Begins Next Phase With Vera Institute Of Justice


Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton announced her office has begun the next phase of work with the Vera Institute of Justice, whose goal is “to tackle the most pressing injustices of our day: from the causes and consequences of mass incarceration, racial disparities, and the loss of public trust in law enforcement, to the unmet needs of the vulnerable, the marginalized, and those harmed by crime and violence.”

The following is from the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office:

The DA’s Office first partnered with Vera in 2018 to take a critical look at the inner workings of the office through a data driven focus. Vera’s Reshaping Prosecution program offers reform minded prosecutors to opportunity to analyze their own data, policies, and practices with a lens toward reducing racial disparities and mass incarceration, delivering justice, and pursuing public safety.


The DA’s Office has shared data from the Office’s case management system from the time period of January 1, 2014 to July 30, 2019. Once the data and policy analysis are complete, Vera will present their findings and recommendations to DA Becton. After the findings have been analyzed internally and shared officewide, they will be publicly released.

“Our community is calling for a more transparent and equitable criminal justice system. I am excited to partner with Vera to work on those long-standing issues, especially around the analysis of our data. Data from any law enforcement agency tells a story. We need this data analysis to improve our communication with the public and our law enforcement partners. As a former judge and now district attorney, I understand the systemic issues in our county with racial disparities. We must think critically about how best to improve our operations and work with our law enforcement partners to ensure our prosecutions are just. With this partnership with Vera, we can shine a light on our practices and make informed decisions to better protect the public,” Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton stated.

Contra Costa is one of seven prosecution offices nationwide participating in the Reshaping Prosecution program.

Each office will have a designated internal working group that will reflect on a range of topics including: a deeper dive into the historical role of the prosecutor, working with your community and exploring what justice looks like, and discussions around building group cohesiveness to lay the foundation for successful implementation of reforms.


“Vera applauds District Attorney Becton’s commitment to racial-equity and transparency,” said Jamila Hodge, Director of the Reshaping Prosecution Program at the Vera Institute of Justice. “Our partnership will address the disparities that have impacted Black, brown, and Indigenous communities in Contra Costa County by providing analysis and policy solutions, critical steps to reduce harm, rebuild trust, and deliver the safety and justice our communities deserve.”

Training and exposure to different ways of thinking is also an important component of the partnership. For six weeks, Vera will host a weekly podcast-styled video discussion series focused on why racial equity is integral to the prosecutorial role, and how prosecutors can center racial equity in decision making.

The series will feature criminal justice experts from across the country who will cover a range of topics including:

  • Origins of the Criminal Justice System
  • Centering Human Dignity
  • Accountability vs. Punishment
  • Restorative Justice
  • Community Well-Being
  • Action Steps for Prosecutors
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And they can’t figure out why there is a mass exodus from California.

This is what happens when you let PTA Moms in charge of the DA’s office

Hello György.

Becton makes me ill, I mean, how about her plagiarism?


Seems odd that the DA’s goal is to keep criminals OUT of jail.

Well, laws are racists. Didn’t you know?!?!?

Welcome to the new Portland California, where justice will no longer be blind. Equity means equal outcomes. Since it is quite clear that different races commit crimes at different rates in the aggregate, the only way the DA’s office has power to enforce equal outcomes is to prosecute some racial groups less and/or other groups more.

This is the kind of stuff that leads to revolution. If we are not all equal under the law, the whole social compact this country is built on is null and void.

‘all animals are equal but some more equal than others’

Geo. Orwell Animal Farm

Soros DA brainwashes. Communism comes to Contra Costa County.

This lady needs to be recalled yesterday.

We don’t need a DA to change the system, we need the DA to prosecute criminals, of which, there are many.

Just look at the criminal history of the guy who jumped off the overpass last week, after leading police on a chase.

Why wasn’t this criminal in jail? Because of activist DAs like Diana Becton.

Interpreted = more crime. This is what happens when the inmates run the system.

I cant even………….

They’ve already written their conclusion. Now they will manufacture the data to support it.

This is going to be expensive.

This DA is a wolf in sheep’s clothing trying to undermine our criminal justice system and make our community LESS safe.

I can only hope the good citizens of Contra Costa County have the fortitude to see through her nonsense and expel her. VOTE HER OUT!

I believe the district attorney’s role is to adhere to the laws on the books as written and prosecute people when enough evidence is secured. The job of the jury is to determine guilt beyond reasonable doubt. The judge’s job is to determine the sentence for the guilty. So now we have a district attorney that sounds like will no longer be filling charges against misdemeanor violations because the perpetrators meet a racial/economic/or substance-abuse profile. Wow. This is how NYC became a disaster in the 1970’s and 1980’s.

Why should Becton think/behave different?? Look what “Camel” Harris accomplished? She is on call for V-P!! Becton seeks the same possible destination as she is Black!

Your job is to enforce the laws on the books not try to create your own form of criminal justice this lady needs to be removed ASAP this is dangerous stuff ppl What is restorative justice? Racial equity? This is Marxism! Is this a joke I mean let’s keep it real it’s not somebody skin color that’s getting them arrested it is their behavior that’s the leftist narrative they swear up and down the cops are just targeting blacks for no reason at all it’s not like the Internet has footage of police body cams destroying leftist narratives showing bad behavior before any police actions. The reality is a lot of these cops are really trying hard not to hurt people but these people are just insane and brainwashed by music and TV that it’s OK to be wild and defiant to police orders and that’s what’s getting them killed or beat or hurt .Here’s an idea act right and like a human and you won’t get in trouble. Can we recall this person or what

California’s state legislature just passed, and Gov. Gavin Newsom signed, Assembly Bill 3121 to explore providing reparations to California’s African American population and now this nonsense. See where all this going?

I would say out of control and overstepping

But it’s actually worse than that
Equal incarceration amongst race

so in other words
Your door will be busted down one day for a unpaid parking tickets because too many people of one color broke the law over the weekend and they need to balance jail

This is so far off of common sense and the constitution I can not believe it actually is happening

Welcome to the beginning of the 3rd reich
Political police agencies and the government raiding your house for valuables To equalize the city and county coffers

It appears the demorats waited for the last holocaust victim to find peace
To push their new take over and

You liberal voters are to blame and should be ashamed of yourselves
Yet I bet your proud and willing to throw away the constitution and freedoms
Actual Americans fought and died for

Sad days ahead real sad

More and more crime waiting for law abiding citizens in the very near future. Thanks Becton, this is how you level the playing fields… You’re an evil witch from hell.

With all the black on black murders in Chicago and the hordes of crazed blacks smashing and grabbing from luxury retail stores in Broadway Plaza this DA and her ilk are going to try and convince us that there is an unmeasured racial disparity in criminal justice?
I mean we have our eyes don’t we?
Are they going to sentence white traffic violators to 10 years?
Sounds like a large potential to generate lawsuits against the county
Maybe the board should just fire her before that happens?

It is amazing to me that neither Barack Obama nor Oprah Winfrey had any desire to return to Chicago and help turn the city around. With all their fame, fortune, and influence they could do wonders assisting black youth in that city find more productive alternatives. Everyone talks about “giving back,” but, these two were only interested in “getting out.”

Stop electing leftists!!! It’s that easy!!! Vote ALL the Democrats OUT!!!!!!


All of these things as well as the media is determined to divide us.
Do not let them race bait and no matter what laws they instill on us remember we are Americans no matter what color, race or religion. … they want to start a civil war. Do not let them. Vote Red.

Who voted for this D.A anyway?

These would be better served if they looked further and began to ask not about loss of public trust of law enforcement, but rather loss of public trust of individuals elected to represent the citizens, all of them.

Excellent work Diana. I’ll see you at the next Bohemian Grove.
Yours, George.

George has just spent 1.5 million on the L.A. County DA’s race. Like slowly building a web around us. Amazing how sick minds can get.

Contra Costa County was blessed because, . . . .
apathetic short attention span voters in this county always vote for candidate who spends the most advertising.

OH you’re not one of those . . . . . OK, do you know without looking it up, when her term expires ? ? ? ?

Electing liberals has consequences.
Failure to provide adult supervision of those you elect,
well you’ll see the results. Just wait.

An as to the racial disparities, look no further than educational system that gives up, allows truancy and dropouts.

Since 2019 state now hides true dropout numbers by only giving percentages, apparently numbers are too embarrassing.

2018 high school dropouts statewide numbered 48,453.
Multiply that by ten years . . . . . State prison is where CA traditionally hid their educational failures. Now they turn them back onto the streets and an unsuspecting public.

Young people will learn values / survival skills for life,
either thru home environment, church and school which gives them a skill set whereby they can become productive members of society.


They will learn their values / survival skills from the streets and become a persistent predacious drain upon society.

This county does NOT need another wordsmith, slinging 35 cent platitudes.

IF there are not consequences for negative behavior why should criminals not do crimes ?

From 2014,
PLEASE !, . . . tell us, where he is wrong . . .

Vera was founded by Herb Sturz and Louis Schweitzer, and is heavily supported by Soros’ Open Society Foundation. This isn’t a conspiracy theory, the info is easily found. A footstep towards total decriminalization. CoCo will look like Detroit in a few years.

In my fervor to share the good news, I poster on the wrong link. Sorry folks.
Gotta remember; open one window at a time, open one window at a time, open one window at a time, open one window at a time, open one window at a time,

Hmmmmm, looks like I didn’t make the cut anyway.
Probably too much realism?

Check out the Financials of Vera – 63% comes from Federal Government grants! 25% from foundations that obviously are biased liberal groups.
Wonder if any of the Sales Tax increase measure monies are planned to go to Vera????
How do we get realism back into our DA office? There are no term limits…

That’s right. Obama.Treason. We pay for our own demise. What you are watching is a globalist communist plan that Obama allowed to be put in motion. George Soros is one of the front men but their are many behind him. This is why the establishment NEEDS Trump out so bad.

It requires the signatures of 10% of the registered voters of the county to put the recall on the ballot. As of today there are 690k registered voters in CCC.
I think that it would not be too difficult to obtain 75k signatures by an organized campaign. I don’t know how to organize this, but I’ll walk neighborhoods in PPE to get rid of this Marxist.

@PH_Dad. You are courageous and I think a recall would get a lot of support. But, maybe wait until after the election?

If Joe Biden were to win, it would be beyond the scope of local voters to fight back. Kamala Harris would become the President and she would turn the United States into an oppressive dictatorship, ruled by corrupt globalists.

Why all of the Silence from Law enforcement and their Union????
Your lives are now more at risk and your job is vain as you arrest the same person everyday with no consequences for their actions

I will be purchasing Large zipties…..I have two other neighbors willing to step up in the neighborhood.
We will be doing citizens arrests, we’ll wait an hour or two before anonymously calling police, criminal can enjoy being strapped to a light pole or stop sign as apparently that will be the only punishment they receive.

Yes, get the petitions going….I will gladly sign. This is an ABOMINATION.

“Why all of the Silence from Law enforcement and their Union????”

Because unions support Democrats, no questions asked, even when the Democrats’ actions are not in the union’s best interest.

@ Chicken –

Nope. LE is just way to frustrated at this point. Each day officers put on the gun and badge and leave their families, not knowing if they will ever see them again, to protect a public that hates them and allows others to wish death on them. This combined with crazy DA’s who will not prosecute their suspects because their arrest does not fit the agenda. Nope. The problem is not with LE. The problem is with the broken system and the lazy electorate that refuses to actually learn about the people/laws they are voting in. When you vote like this, you get what you get!

“Our community is calling for a more transparent and equitable criminal justice system.” Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton stated.

That is a gross overstatement of fact. A small, vocal minority within the community is demanding special treatment under the law.

Step up or get stepped on

The corruption and attack on our rights and constitution is boldly being flaunted and IS systemic

Soon the hard working tax payer in this state will be arrested and have their belongings taken away and distributed as reparations to criminals

Liberal voters made this happen and are apparently not ashamed or aware of what’s about to happen
They think they are on the correct side soon enough it is them who go first

Is anyone surprised Soros is involved?

Vera Institute of Justice (VIJ) was founded in the 1960s as a project of Louis Schweitzer, an eccentric New York philanthropist and Herbert Sturz, a trustee of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. [1] [2] Originally known as the Manhattan Bail Project, the organization was founded to help poor New Yorkers satisfy bail conditions they could not afford.

Now known as the Vera Institute of Justice, it has transformed into a broader left-of-center advocacy organization that agitates against what it characterizes as mass incarceration, racial disparities, and marginalization. Much of its work now focuses on immigration issues.

Low information voters fell for her advertising. Next time please do a teeny bit of research before voting on these candidates. It’s all available on the internet.

what a load of BS!


This has been going on in the public schools for years. Districts keep track of the race of the student who gets in trouble. If too many students of color are getting referrals they stop. Different consequences for behavior. And now, districts are going all out with the race equity training. Instead of giving teachers the training they need for distance learning they are getting race equity training. They are not looking at what causes the behavior. They say these students are being targeted and the behavior continues and gets worse. Actions require consequences not based on color. This is crazy.

I used to think that District Attornies where voted into office to help keep the public safe from the criminal element. It now appears that our SJW D.A. is on a mission to open up the jails to release the criminals onto our streets so as to increase crime. Am I missing something here?

On top of that, Becton claims she is the “chief law enforcement officer of the county.”

Not so – the Sheriff is the Chief LE Officer of Contra Costa County.

Look like it up. Becton, like most democrats, continues to lie.

While it is easy and correct to blame Becton and her puppet-master (Soros) for this junk, voters chose Becton. And this goes to prove the old adage, “We have met the enemy and it is us!”.

I don’t think the voters who elected Becton had any idea she would be abusing her authority like this once in office. At lease with San Francisco’s District Attorney Boudin, you knew before elected that his parents were incarcerated for murdering a police and were involved with the Weather Underground, a 1970s radical left-wing group, he was raised by members of that group, and he likely wasn’t a raging conservative. He had an ax to grind.

Becton was unknown and her statement gave no clue that she would turn so radically left. I’d bet that she has a relative, or two, who are incarcerated. They all seem to have had some relative involved with the criminal justice system and certainly not as Judges, Lawyers or Court Clerks. One of SF Mayor London Breed’s first acts was to try and get a pardon for her incarcerated brother. In the future, it would be helpful to have a declaration from candidates that they don’t have close relatives who are incarcerated, but I doubt anyone would be willing to make that statement. It certainly seems to color their view of the criminal justice system and we are all worse off for the policies that follow their election.

As a law enforcement related position, it is her duty to ENFORCE the laws…. not get mixed up in this feel-good gobbledygook bull$hit.

Either do your damn job or get out.

And you are NOT the “chief LEO” for the county! The Sheriff is!!!!!!

Stupidity at its finest.

I want to know who voted for a DA who doesn’t realize her job is to put people in jail, not keep them out of it? This is what’s wrong with CA.



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