Home » Newsom Signs Executive Order Pledging To Conserve 30% Of Land By 2030

Newsom Signs Executive Order Pledging To Conserve 30% Of Land By 2030


Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order Wednesday, pledging to conserve 30 percent of the state’s land and coastal waters by 2030.

The order directs state agencies to reduce and remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere through strategies like forest and soil management, wetland restoration and increasing healthy infrastructure like trees and parks in urban areas.

According to Newsom, 38 other countries have already committed to a similar conservation goal by 2030. California would be the first state in the nation to do so, he said.

“California, as the fifth-largest economy in the world, needs to flex its muscles, needs to assert itself to advance,” the cause of conservation, Newsom said Wednesday.


Newsom framed the executive order as part of an effort to combat climate change in California and protect the state’s status as one of the nation’s bread baskets.

California’s $50 billion agriculture industry and 70,000 farmers and ranchers produce more than 400 commodities, Newsom said. In addition, he said, some 40 percent of the state’s 5,500 plant species are native only to California, giving the state an added incentive to reduce its carbon footprint.

“When we talk about climate change, we get so consumed, as we should, by energy and industry,” Newsom said. “We forget about our working class, we forget about animals and plants and insects, all of these things that truly make life not only worth living but even capable of living.”

The order is the second Newsom has signed in the last month that is intended to reduce carbon emissions in the state. On Sept. 23, Newsom signed an executive order banning the sale of all new gasoline-powered passenger vehicles by 2035.


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All these Executive Orders by EVERYONE bypass legislators. Before you know it, everything will be an Executive Order. What has happened to individual liberty? Oh and Newsome needs to just shut up already. All he is doing is getting himself ready for a 2024 run at the Presidency.

I agree with you, Nope. He has a super majority in the assembly and senate. There is no reason for the Executive Order other than laziness and/or promoting himself. Sheesh

How man EO’s has Trump signed in the lat 4 years? How many were deemed illegal? More meaningless gestures from the worst president in our history.

Definitely wrong. He’s an idiot ! And by the way the king of executive orders was President Obama. You started the abuse! In the courts had to get involved there too. You just don’t hear too much about that because the media just let it slide

Stop with the executive orders, you’re not a king
Shouldn’t legislature do their job.

Fantastic news; I think too often we forget that so many things are finite resources.

We should have had a discussion on the Vice Presidential debates. So we could have discussed, ” Read my lips no new taxes on those making under four hundred thousand’ Biden and Harris. If you believe that there is no hope for you.

You’re right…I saw a article that said a Middle income family of four could see an extra 200 a year in taxes…Thats a whopping 16 dollars a month

Did that article you mentioned also list a bridge for sale?

Pfff gets his or her news on CNN. Amazing they went as high as $200.


Read his entire tax plan. It’s a formula for distaster, and yes, it will raise taxes on everyone. Further, they make a fatal assumption: they think wealthy people and wealthy companies will just roll over and pay.

Wealthy people and wealthy companies would rather burn money than give it to the Feds. That’s one reason they are wealthy. With this plan, companies will move overseas, and if they don’t, corporate taxes go up 25%, so guess what? They won’t reduce management salaries. They will lay off their lower level workers first, and this will affect their less educated employees first.

Wealthy individuals will make sure to scrub off enough income to drop below the $1 Million bogie. They will do this by investing in unprofitable things, and if they own a business will again reduce staff and production or services to “right size” their tax burden. Again, the little guy loses.

It’s impossible to tax our country into prosperity.

Gov. Gavin Newsom should sign an executive order to restore a Unicorn herd in California by 20wheneverIwon’tbehere.

Even Newsome knows all the snowflakes here make it too cold for unicorns.

Agenda 21 / 2030 all falling into place.
It’s all just “conspiracy theory” though, Right?

Look up the Agenda 21 map for areas humans will not be allowed.

Yes! I was actually watching a video about Agenda 21 earlier this morning and then seeing this executive order go through felt it is a precursor to banning people from owning land in this state. What does “conserving 30% of the land” mean exactly? The State of CA plans to purchase and own that 30% of land? I read the order and it doesn’t really make it clear what they plan to do, which in itself is disconcerting.

Yup and claim lands by eminent domain. It’s not even a conspiracy theory folks. You can find the documents on the UN site.

Yep, Agenda 21 in progress under the guise of Climate Change.
Do you see all the apartment buildings being built? Push everyone together, social distance for easier tracking, the air is cleaner since covid shut us down, no need to drive stay home, teach kids on-line it’s much safer, shut down small business, big business is better (Amazon) and safer, fires purposely started to keep people out of the green zones and pushed into cities.
And we’re letting it happen…..

So now they are touting

According to newscum quotes

So he is now a self absorbed acclaimed expert


Next will come the salute and police squads

Oh wait he allready proclaimed police squads

Oh well I guess history always repeats itself

Agenda 2030 in full color now. Recall this globalist puppet.

Concord can step up and preserve all of the Naval Weapons Station land. Plant trees, bring back the Tule elk, etc.

Virtue signaling
Look at your sat view on google map at northern Sierra Nevada
Clear cuts everywhere in healthy forest land
Where is the lumber going -China?
Who is profiting? -some wealthy D families or international investors?
Why is clear cutting being done again with our supposedly environmentally concerned gov and D supermajority
Where is Sierra Club? (swirling the drain)

If Newsome does this, where is he going to house the homeless on the tax payers dime???


Recall this Bozo

Gov. Newsom,
Your state ordered lockdowns continue to decimate the CA economy. Please stay focused on re-opening our state and controlling the COVID crisis. Instead your strange and fanciful declarations seemed like ADD and incompetence. Disneyland needs your plan to reopen and instead you are saving public lands. FOCUS!


let’s see Gavin, you can’t manage the federal lands you and AG Xaveir have told the fed to leave alone, i.e. out of control fires (global warming, i call BS). now you expect that we will believe you can manage this?

did your aunt nancy tell you that you could be president after Pres Kamala?


It might be more effective to sue the governor and respective state and local offices over malfeasance for handling this pandemic. Ohio is doing that with their governor and respective offices. Otherwise Gavin just walks away if recalled.

But, we also have a group of European scientists and doctors suing the WHO, World Economic Forum and other organizations. Here is the attorney representing them and he is no lightweight:

Can we start by returning Newsom’s vineyards back to their natural state, at his own expense and with no compensation? Asking for everyone else.

It’s pretty clear why Kimberly left him and he remarried a ditzy actress who looks away when he cheats and screams it’s the woman’s fault.

I always am amused by politicians signing bills fifteen years into the future. The way this world is going there is no telling what will be available fifteen years from now.

It’s not a beautiful state anymore. It used to be. Why don’t YOU wake up and pay attention to what’s really going on. Get your head out of the thick cloud you’ve settled in.

And yes this POS is bent on ruining the state with his liberal filth, and is also gaining favor from his pals in DC. Watch come 2024 he will be labeled as the democrats savior and will run for president. Can you imagine how bad America would be under a Newsom presidency?

That’s amazing!

I have followed the Governor’s lead and signed an executive order this morning that within three years all my paycheck income will be replaced by passive volatility free sources!

Looking forward to early retirement! Why didn’t I think about it before!

Yep Agenda 21/30 coming into play. That is why there are so many fires. Guess who is going to grab the land??

Wake. Up.

Hey Newsom,

Pound sand grease ball.

Great, lets start by not developing the CNS.

There is a recall event tomorrow in Clayton at the post office from 10-1. Be there to sign the petition to recall Gavin Newsome. If you can’t be there go to http://www.recallgavin2020.com to find where there is a petition near you or print one out and sign it and get your friends to sign it. Let’s get rid of this incompetence that masquerades as a governor.

Well not sure what to say other than I pop on here every so often and find more interesting things continue to develop. Glad left two years ago.

Same old Newsom, a microphone in one hand and you know what in the other…….

A Wine Glass?



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