The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it!
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think local elected officials, specifically the local school boards (regarding school/COVID-19 issues) and county supervisors (regarding COVID-19 issues), pay attention to public comments and really take into account the concerns of those who they’re elected to serve?
Talk about it….
They listen to themselves. Is that what you mean? The only time a politician or bureaucrat listens is if there is a riot or a lawsuit.
agree and even then it’s like pulling teeth.
I disagree. They listen for talking points, then disregard conservative ideas. It doesn’t fit their agenda.
I think it is one factor, particularly if the public is loud and shows up to meetings. I think the issue with the school boards, in particular, is they are in a tough spot between mollifying the teachers and keeping them feeling safe and the science, pediatrician’s advice and public.
I think they listen, but I don”t think they care what you think.
They listen only to those who agree with them. In their mind, anybody who disagrees has some kind of phobia and is a racist.
Only if their own children/grandchildren are affected.
If you are a union boss they are all ears.
Only as a courtesy.
Absolutely not.
Most Americans want less government, lower taxes, less regulatory intervention in their lives.
The Dirty Dems have created a circus with their welfare giveaways, rioting & looting whenever a criminal of color is killed, and the fake impeachment & Russia hoaxes and SCOTUS nomination antics.
November 3rd can’t arrive soon enough!
Couldn’t agree with you more, Kauai Mike!
It’s in one ear and out the other with these clowns. They answer to teacher unions, not parents. They know how disproportionately low-income and minority students are impacted by “distance from learning”, and continue anyway.
I think they listen, but they get so many competing perspectives that it isn’t easy to pick a direction that will make everyone happy. Also, there are other factors that have to be considered such as budget.
NO and that is why they need to go, they are supposed to be reps not dictators.
Not even pretending to not be a shamelessly leading question now. Please, Sir, may I have some more red meat?
Do you think any politicians, school “officials”, city council VIPs, street scum advocates, and the endless stream of selfish liberals, read comments on websites such as this?
Me thinks they would not self-identify, cowards that they are.
If they do, they will deflect, redirect, duck and jive.
It is becoming increasing evident that NOTHING will change until Karma pays them and theirs a visit.
Karma worked on a number of the hollywood crowd, several rioting mayors.
And don’t worry too much about bye-bye dim. He will trip and fall sometime later this year.
No and Hell no!
That’s how you #FightBack. You don’t have to win every battle. The point is to bring the pressure. When they know we know and will be vocal at every thing they try to cram down our throats they will stop the BS. When they get tired of dealing with the backlash is when they think about making that next stupid power play. Fight Back
No. Un-elect Federal Glover. Elect Gus Kramer
There’s no question, by anyone who’s honest, that in California, politicians are bought by unions. And in turn, politicians are directed by unions. In this case, the California Teachers union has dictated that regardless of the immense damage to children, their parents and society by refusing to reopen schools, and irrespective of the exceedingly low infection rate, and the ability to safeguard children and adults, they refuse to return to work and politicians are following the union (CTA) dictate. Pretty clear.
The teachers union is corrupt. I think the teachers are being held under the thumb of the district and the state. It’s disgusting. The kids should be in school. Their lives suffer. I don’t lack sympathy for the teachers, make no mistake. There are a lot of people that have to go back to work for the common good, and teachers hold the responsibility for the people of the future.
Thankyou, Darwin. It gives me hope that there are sane people still here.
Teachers are a bunch of babies. They end up with huge 6 figure paychecks if they don’t screw up, they have long vacations, they have complete job security, but they still complain and moan and want the world. The goddamn clerks at the Walmart get 10x the potential virus exposure that a school teacher gets. Walmart clerk has to deal with far more people per day, per hour, per minute.
Teachers want to put their feet up, do drugs, and lounge around all day at home in their underwear; they don’t want to do extra work by coming into work to teach! They can do it from home and spend less than half the time!
This bud’s for you, Darwin. Good job.
To answer the question more directly… Absolutely not. Its clear that all the peoples’ concerns are not heard equally and that the communities are not served by the officials, they are dominated.
If MDUSD were truly a business it would have been out of business years ago. It is a poorly run political government municipality playing to the hands of unions and wasting our tax dollars.
Both groups do not listen to anyone with common sense or conservative views or opinion. If you are not part of the entitlement-socialist-whiny crowd and if you are a tax payer who continually gets screwed you do not exist in their mindset and we are written off. But, they will continue to have us pay higher and higher taxes without representation.
I am part of the generation that also pushed back in the 70’s and 80’s but we never went to the extent of the crap that is allowed to continue to happen without repercussions today and if fact is fueled by the democrats and socialists in power. People work well together when allowed to do so on their own. The media is so leftist it makes me sick to my stomach and California is the worst of all.
I came from immigrant stock and my family worked their behinds off to make something of themselves and assimilate into the American way. They took no welfare and would have been ashamed to do so. Yet we still honor our heritage but we do not demand the government pay for every whiny item we want or are just to damn lazy to work for or ask for reparations. We respect laws and we respect law enforcement. We do not destroy property when something does not go our way. We believe in a higher power and that their has to be accountability for our actions.
The socialist and democrats are the dictators not Trump or those of us that use our common sense and are not led by the nose.
Last night’s debate between Job Jumping Harris and VP Pence-showed what class he has and what a rude, overbearing bully she truly is. She failed to answer questions when put to her directly. She didn’t want to be lectured to when she was called out about her performance as a prosecutor. To be fair both of the debaters were excellent in avoiding answering some items. Harris would not answer any questions about raising taxes which we know is the Democratic platform always.
Pence had class and is very presidential and that is what the socialists and leftists are afraid of. He has leadership and does not pander to the whiny leftists.
The conservative platform values are what needs to be looked at not the person representing it.
Simply put NO!! they are already in office why should they listen!!