A badger has been found near Lime Ridge Open Space, according to the group Save Mount Diablo.
The following information is from Save Mount Diablo:
For years, the elusive American badger has been a near mythical creature in the Mount Diablo area. In early September, CSU staff member Kathy Cutting captured rare footage of a badger traveling along the Lime Ridge area in one of her wildlife camera traps.
Her study on nearby wildlife corridors is important in understanding the coexistence between wildlife and urban areas, especially since many communities exist on and around the mountain.
American badgers are apex predators that eat rats, mice, chipmunks, and especially ground squirrels and pocket gophers. Their young are born in burrows that they dig. They don’t migrate.
They vanished around Mount Diablo in the 1970s, perhaps because of canine disease like distemper, ground squirrel poisoning, etc., but there have been sightings and a few roadkills in recent years.
As more land is preserved and poisoning and shooting have decreased, badgers have started showing up again.
Originally found throughout most of California, they are more common in eastern Contra Costa County. Good habitats for them are grassy, shrubby, and open areas with dry, crumbly soils.
I would like to see the footage.
Ah, the picture didn’t show when I first looked at this article..
Still the video would be a good watch…..
Badgers are not spotted… they are striped.
Think he gives a sh*t?
How do we know that”s not a dog, disguised as a badger?
Badgers? We don’t need no stinking badgers!!
Chewing gum in line, eh???
Well, I hope you brought enough for everyone
More beans Mr. Taggert? Bwahahahaha
How cool, great to see!
Wow!,….never knew about Badgers in the area,…that’s cool!
Pretty darned wonderful. Thank you.
Classic how there is a streetlight in the background. Welcome back Badger…
How do we know that”s not a dog, disguised as a badger?
Hufflepuffs, REPRESENT!!!!
Don’t F with a Badger.
I spotted U-Haul van with a sign saying they were leaving California because of Gavin Newsom.
Life finds a way.
Cool, a Honey Badger………watch out coyotes, mountain lions and rattlesnakes.
I hope they eat the turkeys! They have no predators here…
No predators here?
I guess the bobcats, coyotes, dogs, cats & cars are just too picky to kill turkeys?
Try this… when you see Turkey parents with their brand new brood of little fuzzball babies, count ’em…. then wait 2 weeks and count ’em again, 2 weeks later count ’em again.
@Dr. Jellyfinger – I did exactly that earlier this year. Momma turkey did not loose a single one of her babies. It was fun watching them settle down each night as it was like a bunch of little children running around, wanting to play while momma wanted them to settle down and sleep under her wings. Also, Turkeys seem to be raised by single-mom hens. The Tom is out canoodling with other hens.
The mallard ducks and Canada geese regularly loose chicks to predators despite that both parents often stay with the brood.
No Honey Badgers in America yet. The Honey Badger is one of the reasons for the evolution of Africanized bees.
I had no idea California had wild badgers. Thought they were all back east or up in Canada or Russia.
@Ricardoh…. We’ve always had badgers in California, one of the worst is the badger that comes on TV everyday at noon.
The one that interrupts the noontime news- Gabbing Nuisance.
Time to call out the dachshunds!
Bad Nombre
I’ve got 3 dachshunds and can call up dozens of reinforcements, but seeing a badger would be kinda cool.
I read that they lived in the sierras and Eastern CA but no idea they were here.
Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger ! MUSHROOM!!! MUSHROOM!!!
Very happy to know it!
I didn’t know about badgers (gadgets according to spell insertion) in the area either. I love the live camera (photo in this case)
Great story about the eco structure. A cool documentary about eco structure subject recently seen on Netflix : Big Little Farm. About a couple that wanted to farm the Natural way. They were funded of course,and it took seven years. Criticisms aside, it was a fun, feel good doc.
If they eat ground squirrels and gophers, I would love to have one visit my yard for a few days.
Early this morning i was under the 680 over pass rigjt before the transfer exit towards pittsburg and i seen what i thought was a racoon only to find out it wasn’t. It was a badger the color brown.