Friday, March 7, 2025
Home » Contra Costa Supervisors Approve Agreement For Enhanced Jail Inmate Health Services

Contra Costa Supervisors Approve Agreement For Enhanced Jail Inmate Health Services


The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors this week approved a settlement with the Berkeley-based Prison Law Office, a nonprofit public interest law firm, for providing health and mental health services for inmates of the county’s Martinez and Richmond jail facilities.

The settlement, county officials and an attorney said, lays out how the county will continue to provide inmate services, including health and mental health services.

The decree will now be filed in federal district court for approval by a judge, and will be monitored by court experts and by the Prison Law Office.

The Prison Law Office is a nonprofit public interest law firm based in Berkeley, advocating for “fair and humane treatment” of prison, jail and juvenile facility inmates, and those on parole.


“This is a road map for positive change, one that moves the county forward in further improving both the physical space and services provided,” said Supervisor Candace Andersen, the board chair. “For the board, improving
health and mental health services for the individuals at county detention facilities is of the utmost importance. We want to stop those with a mental illness from repeatedly cycling through our jails.”

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Haven’t they been getting medical service? What specifically are we talking about here.

Better idea, teach kids in grade school to obey laws and be responsible.


Middle and High school! High schools when they start being A-holes. All intittled, I cant even look at my 13 year olds medical file or set up so we can access it online unless they are there to give consent, but I have to take care of them and take them to the doctors, fee them, teach them. Stuff is so backwards

“For the board, improving health and mental health services for the individuals at county detention facilities is of the utmost importance. We want to stop those with a mental illness from repeatedly cycling through our jails.”

As a person who prefers spending money upfront to not spend as much later – this could be a good return on investment.

Can I get a pedicure and Botox treatment while I’m here?

Honestly, I would certainly support an agreement to provide the services and I would also agree to filing the settlement in federal court, but I would NOT agree to federal court monitoring. Just my take.

Where is the funding going to be derived from??

A settlement was arrived at with a Bezerkly “NON-PROFIT” law group – BS!!

What is a Prison Law Office and who pays them?

This entity is located in Berkeley and their executive director, one Donald Specter makes $288,214 a year according to the website Nonprofit Light at

I’m confused…aren’t they already being treated at the county hospital in Martinez? What, exactly, is going to change with this alliance?? Does this law group have their own private hospital where they can safely treat inmates without being assaulted by them? When they’re in the county hospital I believe they have 1 to 2 deputies with them 24/7 – a horrible waste of money, time, and resources.

Ought to be interesting……a lot of the “mental health” issues are precipitated by drug abuse….but now our D.A. isnt even going to prosecute drug offenses. So ill the mental health issues spiral out of control and end up in the jail when the addicted commit even larger crimes? Maybe if we did something to stop them before they fried their brains…

Recall starting with Newsom and then Becton!! Be sure to get them disbarred!

And so wonder what the salaries are for the staff of the Prison Law Office that can be viewed at:

The duty statement for Prison Law Office attorneys can be found at the link below which states: “Salary & Benefits: Competitive Salary and Generous Benefits Package”

According to the website Nonprofit Light at, the executive director,
Donald Specter makes $288,214 a year.

I thought most of the criminals have been released back into society by the way my city has been turned upside down.

This sounds good but what will this new service entail? The Board of Supervisors works for us so we, the public, have to know details on what they are doing and where they are spending our money. We pay for all of this through taxes. A law office providing mental health services? How will it differ from what we have?
Not to say it is not a good idea, but we can’t judge this until we know the details. It must be said that root causes and prevention are the goals here which is good thinking rather that locking people up over and over without solving the problem.

If someone is mentally ill, they should be required to take their medication, or else remain in lock-up. For the protection of everyone.



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