The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it!
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Did last night’s debate make you change your mind about who you plan to vote for in the 2020 Presidential election?
Talk about it….
Not at all.
No, Trump all the way.
Awesome Ricardo. Trump loves you!!! He will make all of your dreams come true. He’s an honest, and trustworthy man who would have fought hard for this country if it weren’t for those darn bone spures. He’s not racist st all either.
I would say you are jealous because the guy you are voting for has done nothing for the country in forty seven years except steal from the government. On top of that he doesn’t care who’s government he steals from. Stop with the Trump is a racist garbage it really makes you sound stupid.
No. It confirmed that Trump is wholly unqualified to be President of the United States. His performance was disgraceful.
Thank you for your common sense reply. I agree wholeheartedly!
Totally changed my mind. I thought Biden was hailed as being from the time period in which there was class and decorum. I believed that he would show fitness for office. I was told Trump is bad because of how he talks. But something funny happened when he called Trump a clown not once but twice and then told him to shut up. It was at that moment I realized that Biden has a worse temperament then Trump and democrats are hypocrites to the fullest
Agreed! @ Sam
I expected more from Biden who is a career politician vs. Trump
The outspoken Dems are indeed huge hypocrites
I agree too, Sam. It takes a clown to think he knows
a clown
Hey Democrats Antifa is not an idea. It’s organized with local chapters that promote civil disobedience. Until you denounce this Marxist organization I’ll be voting for law, order and the Constitution. Trump 2020
Could you provide a link? or a number? an address?
to learn more about them for a school project.
asking for a friend.
You may have problems finding out how they communicate with each other because they are keeping that hidden. At least I can’t find it.
Sep 2, 2020 – is not connected to presidential candidate Joe Biden, though it started redirecting users to the campaign’s website in August.
Elcil: Well I did what you asked. I Googled “antifa contact” and got for the first hit: “” .
I’ll do your homework for you and share with others here to prove the organizations exist.
Fundraiser article soliciting donations for Atlanta and Sacramento chapters
Look at their sites. Organized, soliciting donations, promoting civil unrest, promoting Marxist agenda.
Do your research people
It’s a group in the UK. Did you look at the link you provided?
While antifa stands for anti fascist, it is an ideology and not a group or organization. I mean the FBI said so last week.
However let’s not truth get in the way of your talking points, the president doesn’t so why should you?
That’s called projection, Yogurt. You never let truth get in the way of your talking points. And the DNC actively supports the idea of burning down cities to claim Trump is the one dividing the country.
Trump has been President for almost 4 years, he is running for re-election, seems to me he is a politician now. It would suit Trump supporters to not constantly make excuses for him, he does enough of that himself.
Is this really the best America can put forward? If so, we’re all screwed!
I know of some grandchildren who were actually crying because they thought Trump was absolutely dangerous and scary – and out of line. He is the epitome of rude, crude and ignorant. We wanted to hear his views about issues not personal attacks. I hope they will cut the microphone when he yammers on and on! Really he sounds like a rebellious out of control teenager. I wanted to back hand his big blabber mouth.
Your grandchildren sound like the type of kids who need safe spaces and will call people Nazi’s or racist if they don’t agree with them. Those type of people usually cry about everything anyways so it really doesn’t mean much. Cry me a river!
BS. Kids look to adults for their social cues. The only way they would cry over a political debate is if they were modeling an adult’s emotional instability.
And therein lies the problem.
These children are destined to fail with the likes of adults like you around them. Hopefully your reach doesn’t infect too many other people. It’s bad enough that people like you have crippled these children. Disguising. Please get counseling for your pathology.
Thank goodness you are sheltered in Rossmoor.
Although, I would enjoy watching you “back hand” several people in Oakland. You go girl! You give them a piece of your mind. Please.
You are lying, but your anecdote definitely does a great job of fitting your agenda.
Crying?! Wow! Maybe they need to see a psychiatrist. And maybe you should join them.
Immediately get those kids out of the public school system where they are being trained to be good little socialists to change the country.
Have been thinking about poopcorn’s post and find it increasingly concerning. Apparently these children have been purposefully exposed to a disturbing experience. Who does that to a child when in her own words:
“… they thought Trump was absolutely dangerous and scary – and out of line. He is the epitome of rude, crude and ignorant.”
And you let children watch such a person!!! Sick. Their parents should limit your contact with them.
Grandchildren thought Trump was dangerous and scary, AND out of line? Are you sure the “out of line” doesn’t belong to you? Those words just do not go with “dangerous and scary”. Regardless, Trump ate Biden’s lunch and interrupted him too much. Nothing too scary about that. Tell those grandkids to watch Chuckie, Bitter Nancy, and the squawking squad on C-SPAN for a really good fright.
Could I ask you to define the ages of “children”? Small children take their cues from the adults around them. If they are watching the presidential debate, I fault the adults in the area for being judgmental and not having conversations about the behavior of both “adults” who were debating.
But it sounds like little snowflakes in the making
I don’t see how two old fools attacking each other could have changed anyone’s mind, I’m not sure I even heard either one of them coherently outline their plan forward. I was prepared to be embarrassed for them, but that was worse than I could have expected. We need a third party.
I don’t think anyone’s mind was changed. Not sure either side gained any new people but there are 2 more to go.
To call that a debate is like calling a sideshow in Oakland a concourse.
Still haven’t made up my mind but leaning toward the female presidential candidate that wasn’t invited to the show.
Not at all.
No… it was a terrible debate for both candidates…that is why
they are going to change the rules for the final two debates.
Hopefully it will be MUCH better.
Nope. And not one word about Cornpop!!!
No. Trump was trump. Bidens political mask slipped off and revealed another face. Oops.
Trump didn’t really surprised me, he has shown on the past 4 or more years who he is. He does not play by the rules, he has no respect for hardly anyone and anything, including the constitution.
Nope. Gonna write in Mickey Mouse just as I did in 2016. Or maybe I’ll switch it up to Minnie Mouse this year.
Listened to some of the spectacle on radio. What an embarrassment for our country.
Nope. Still voting for Trump.
Though the resemblance to professional wrestling is a bit alarming. The Democrats have been unable to produce a single sane candidate. So there is not much of a choice.
Trump’s ability to pummel Biden was so obvious that if the moderator had not intervened, the debate could not have continued.
We need a third party. In all things, competition is good and Biden is simply a straw man opponent.
Talking over, interrupting, and spewing nothingness is pummeling? Biden said what every sane American was thinking, SHUT UP. I agree that this changed nothing for most people. However, Biden at least tried to appeal to the common American by speaking directly into the camera and us. All I heard from Trump is it wasn’t my fault, and things would be worse with you, I won’t denounce white supremacists, and I want my supporters to intimidate voters. He has zero plan and zero vision for the future of America.
I’m not a fan of Biden, but I’d take a wet paper bag over Trump.
Yes, Pyrrhus, Biden was pummeled. Biden talks and never says anything. Biden is a shell of his former cheating, corrupt, lying self who can’t keep up. Why do you think Harris and Biden BOTH called it the “Harris/Biden Administration”? Own it, Pyrrhus.
Pyrrhus, so Biden looking into a camera conveyed sincerity to you? It seemed pathetically contrived to me. It
I heard nothing but the normal political platitudes from Biden. Ideas like we, “We need equity AND equality”.
I understand that people hate Trump. But what I don’t understand is how that hatred automatically qualifies a puppet politician approaching senility to be the next president.
I thought it to be quite entertaining. I wish Wallace would’ve just let them hammer it out a little more though. It was is those moments where I saw their true colors. In my option Trump is at his breaking point with the Dems and everything they have done to try and get him impeached.
Trump being at his breaking point showed. He’s too used to doing rally speeches and gotcha interviews. And all the crap he’s taken since 2015 — unprecedented hate – would fray anyone’s nerves.
I expect a more relaxed and focused Trump in the next debate.
No. My ears bled.
The moderator should be able to cut the mic until it’s that person’s time to speak. EPIC FAILURE
yeah everything biden said was either a kamala quote or a mash of rhetoric national socialist policy rhetoric
prove me wrong ???
Nothing that Prump said informed the electorate, just an impudent child yelling over their parents. I felt bad for Wallace, what kind of moron argues with the moderator!! A debate is to argue the policies with your opponeng.
Tell me what he said last night that informed us about his platform, his future policies, or one iota of caring of what’s happening to average people in America right now. It was all attacks, projections, lies and his general idiocy. Unprofessional, unstable, unstately, and reinforcing his unfitness for office.
I didn’t watch it and Trump is still a sociopath. Nothing changed!
No, the debate did not change my mind.
It only solidified my belief that Biden would be a puppet for the socialist left.
TRUMP 2020!
I am curious how you reach this conclusion.
He does not support medicare for all and not the Green Deal.
What socialist left are you talking about? Do you know a country where they have socialist left?
You had better do some research:
“Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face.”
Key word is “framework”
He has his own plan and while it overlaps with the GND, it’s different and doesn’t push the country to extremes as quickly
I don’t understand why people are against trying to keep the planet clean. I guess clean water and clean air is a democratic value, so you have to be against it?
Message from the Multnomah County Sheriff: “In tonight’s presidential debate the President said the “Portland Sheriff” supports him. As the Multnomah County Sheriff I have never supported Donald Trump and will never support him.”
I Googled with a few terms and up popped a story with the Chief of Police of Portland supporting Trump’s actions. So OMG, maybe he said Sheriff when he meant Chief of Police. That changes what? You want to compare that difference to Biden saying 200,000,000 people have died of Covid in the US.
What? Trump lied, let’s see he’s now up to over 20K lies so far. I thought he’d be angry, rude, arrogant, a buffoon and lie, he sure didn’t disappoint. He has no plan unless it’s where he’ll play golf this weekend.
Biden stole the show and the more he ‘played’ Trump the angrier Don the Con got, it was hilarious!
– Biden 2020
No, didn’t change my mind.
But it was craziest debate ever, if we can call it that.
@Omega, I’m from Denmark which is a socialist left leaning country. However, contrary what many on this post believe, it is not a country where people are miserable. In fact the Danes are often voted the happiest people or in the world. We have many socialist programs, but also free speech, ability to own property and own and start your own business. The Danes (as well as many other Northern European countries) live a comfortable life, close to family, enjoy a good meal, a glass wine, cultural events and a fair amount of travelling.
No. I would like to know if the voters in the battleground states made up there mind after watching the debate.
Not at all. You can’t trust either side to make an informed non emotional decision, everyone’s running on kool aid.
Also, so many fought for the right of non-white-male-landowners to vote, I do not understand why someone would make a mockery of that fight for rights by voting for a Disney character and brag about it. This is the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage. Lilly Ledbetter’s attorneys went to the Supreme Court to gain equal pay for women. None of that was achieved through the efforts of a Disney character. Please think again about these things handed to you through the sweat of others before you mark your ballot
It was moderated so poorly it only had one way to go. All in all I think Trump got in a lot what he wanted to say and Joe got out his lies.
No, didn’t change my mind. Still voting Trump.
But honestly that debate was embarrassing for everyone. And a little entertaining if I’m being honest.
I haven’t voted for a winning POTUS candidate since Reagan’s second term. As a Libertarian, I’m appalled at our “choices”, but am sticking with DJT.
Biden will raise taxes and “take care of” all the lazy slobs who have no interest in working for a living. Biden definitely showed his true colors, whenever a Liberal Talking Point veered off path (ie Hunter’s $3.5 million Ukrainian gift; calling our POTUS “a clown”, etc).
Our country sure deserves better options than some old guy who has dementia and who finished last in his college class OR a bombastic New Yorker, who somehow can’t seem to say anything of any import, all the while repeating himself.
God Help Us!
WhoDat Gurl Actually Trump said some very important things last night. You just had to read between the lines. He covered important things he did and he pointed out Joe’s bad points for which there are many. It helps although maybe painful to rehear the entire debate.
I, too, am a Libertarian and remain hopeful that someday we will have a strong libertarian candidate. We really need to get the Libertarian philosophy out to the general public!
No, and also still planning on moving out of this crazy State.
To anyone considering voting for someone other than the two candidates with any chance of winning, you will be at best throwing your vote away, and at worse you may as well vote for the guy you think IS the worst choice. We will never have a perfect candidate. I’ve lived through 12 Presidents, and I can only think of two who I felt happy to be voting FOR instead of choosing the one I saw as the lesser of two evils. It is and has always been our responsibility to choose carefully whichever of the two viable candidates will do the most amount of damage, and vote for the other one. At least that way you have done your part.
“To anyone considering voting for someone other than the two candidates with any chance of winning, you will be at best throwing your vote away, and at worse you may as well vote for the guy you think IS the worst choice.”
Wrong. At best they’ll be voting their conscious, and at worst their chosen candidate won’t be elected.
My brother convinced me that choosing to not vote on an issue or a candidate is a valid choice. It took me a couple of years to eventually agree with him. I used to believe that we all must study the issues and candidates and then choose the best option available.
Silva, I completely agree with your comments. If a voter is feeling ambivalent about BOTH (all?) candidates, then the next step is to study the parties’ platforms and choose the one you thing is best for the constitutional implementation of what is left of our democracy.
But….. no matter what the advance polls are showing…. no matter what the outtake polls indicate in questions by those commenters standing the legal distance from election polling places, no matter what the networks are “declaring” about who has won the majority vote in a given state: if you haven’t already mailed in a ballot (and no matter how dragged-out fatigued you are feeling), GO VOTE !!!
Antler, 100%!!! If there ever was a good time not to throw away a perfectly good vote, this is by far the best I have ever seen.
Silva do you care to disclose who you happily voted for. You said you lived through 12 Presidents, but I assume you were not old enough to vote for all. I was in my native Denmark when Kennedy was elected, but I would not have been old enough to vote, however he along with Obama is my favorites, along with their beautiful and stylish wives.
Hanne, I was very happy to vote for Carter two times, Clinton twice, and I forgot I was really enthused to vote for Obama too! I wasn’t old enough to vote for several of the twelve, including Kennedy. Of course I realized at the time that the only three candidates I felt good about voting FOR weren’t perfect in every way, I felt happier voting for them than the others, who I was unexcited about but hoped they would do better than I thought their competition would. Though things only rarely turned out the way I’d wished, in hindsight I haven’t regretted any of my choices, and would probably make the same ones if I had to, but I do find I generally can only make the decision by voting AGAINST one candidate rather than FOR the other.
Once again Think…Consider the platform..not the personality. I surely would imagine that the president who stood by all he said he would do if elected, is rather worn by the battles he has faced. encouragement would be a good thing right now..Once again CONSIDER THE PLATFORM.
Was an embarrassing display. But, change mind? No….the alternate candidate, his vp choice and his supporters are a really dangerous combination.
NO change, just confirmed biden as a Swamp Creature with 47 years of seniority. Truly sad when best a political party can offer up is harris and biden.
Does it bother any trump supporters that he lied about the pandemic? He’s on tape, not fake news. I’m sorry but this man is only interested in himself and making money for him, not you or I. He’s in a bubble, safe from covid. We are not. And please don’t say the virus isn’t real. Trump himself said is was deadlier than the flu and effects the young and the old. He’s safe. Also, Americans don’t panic when told the truth. We step up, always have. If you look how we pull together during earthquakes, fires and hurricanes that says it all. We panic when we have no leadership and conflicting information and we don’t know who to trust. Doesn’t it bother you he lied?
I bet you asked a similar question about things caught on audiotape during the 2016 race and you got your answer after the election.
There are different magnitudes of “lies”… fibs, white lies, exaggerations, and bold-faced whoppers.
Doesn’t it bother you that Obama and the Democratic Party rammed through the ACA based on. among other things, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”?
I liked my doctor but couldn’t keep him due to ACA.
In the order of magnitude, that whopper was a BIG FAT LIE TOLD TO 300 MILLION AMERICANS.
Democrats are generally untrustworthy.
He tried to save us.. Just look at the economic mess we are in now by shutting everything down. He knew it was overkill, It bothers me that Newsom lies and cheats and ruins everything he tries to control.
They both lied on several topics and only accidentally revealed things we should know. They are politicians of the social media era.
We have violence during protests, arsonists supplementing the fires, and manipulated statistics during Covid. Not great examples of pulling together. Political agendas have steamrolled altruism.
What bothers me is that ISIS was chopping off the heads of Americans, and Obama and Biden didn’t do anything about it. Trump destroyed ISIS and is now bringing peace in the Middle East, and North Korea is no longer firing ballistic missiles over Japan.
Over 7 million new jobs, the lowest unemployment for Blacks, Hispanics, and Asian-Americans in history.
Reformed the VA, created the US Space Force, and rebuilt the US Military.
Reduced illegal border crossings, and ended catch and release.
The Southern Border Wall is now under construction and the Mexican army is helping the US guard the border.
Through regulations cuts, the US is now the worlds top producer of energy, and we no longer have to depend on foreign oil.
Something else that bothers me is Biden has been in politics for nearly half a century and hasn’t accomplished anything, what makes you think he will accomplish anything now if he is elected?
Trump has been keeping his campaign promises and is still working on them. It’s been an uphill battle, with the Dems and the media doing everything they can to destroy him, but he doesn’t give up. In my opinion it takes a strong and determined man to do what he has done.
Trump donates his presidential salary to charity, so I don’t know why you said he’s only in it for himself and making money. He had a great life and gave it up to become president, because he does care about the United States, and the American people.
Thanks DAWG for that reasoned, logical, and rational comment. You stated truth and facts.
Awesome comment. Nothing but all facts. It is unfortunate we have such a horrible one sided media. He has been treated so unfairly by dems and media.
I think Trump won the Trump/Wallace debate last night. There was also some old fool mumbling up on the stage.
Not really, other than it made me realize Wallace has thrown out any pretense at being non-partisan. I think the President could have managed a bit better, but given he really was debating 2. And the topics…”climate change,” really? The stupid lie about Charleston, still? Though I am surprised Biden stayed on coherent as well as he did. We shall see if he can continue at this level.
Orange Man 2020
Vote platform, not person.
They’re both idiots. We’re not voting for who’s the least offensive. We’re voting for one branch of the three branches of government. People give the personalities too much weight. Who do you agree with more in terms of the agenda they’ll support.
The answer is should be clear for you.
Only slightly, Trump was far more bombastic than I expected him to be. He was rude, broke the rules he had agreed to obey, ignored the hard questions, went for cheap insults, lied about everything and he would not condemn racists. Trump confirmed that he is wholly unqualified to be President of the United States. His performance was disgraceful.
@ Doh…… I must’ve been watching a different debate!
Let’s see…. Trump was bombastic & rude… yes, true… nicer than the Democrat Socialists deserve…..broke the interruption rules, just like Biden & Wallace did… OK, yep, true.
What hard questions did he ignore?
Cheap insults? Did he call Biden a clown? Tell him to “shut up”?
What lies? One example would do.
He did condemn white racist groups (He’s done that 5 times now) but he wasn’t very clear answering the way Wallace worded it (“Stand down” became “Stand back”…. and Joe said ” Antifa is only an idea, not an organization” Apparently a violent idea that injures people and commits arson… no stand down or stand back orders from Biden).
Before the Chinese virus attack, Trump’s Economy & other accomplishments were incredible! Better than any other President has ever achieved. We were the envy of every civilized country on Earth…. but you don’t think Trump is qualified to be President?
That’s like saying Patton or MacArthur weren’t qualified to be soldiers!
Did you bump your head or what?
Dr. Jellyfinger Amen.
What hard questions did he ignore? COVID-19
Everything Trump said about mail in ballot fraud was a lie.
“Stand back and stand by” is now the Proud Boys new slogan. Trump did NOT condemn white supremacy.
He lied about almost everything from the mundane to important things, I’ll mix it up..
Mass Election Fraud: Studies have shown voter fraud is at 0.0001%.
Trump claims he brought back College football: Quote from a Big Ten univeristy president “President Trump had nothing to do with our decision and did not impact the deliberations. In fact, when his name came up, it was a negative because no one wanted this to be political.”
Insulin is as cheap as water: Insulin retails for $300 a vial, he must drink expensive water.
Trump blaming California for not managing forests: 57% of the forrests are owned by Trump, the state and local government own 3%. The rest is privately owned. Maybe he should get his rake out and rake the forests for us, it would be his only day of honest work.
The sheriff of “Portland” supports Trump: Direct tweet from the Sheriff of Multnomah County, “In tonight’s presidential debate the President said the “Portland Sheriff” supports him. As the Multnomah County Sheriff I have never supported Donald Trump and will never support him”
Injecting bleach to cure covid: He said he was saracastic? He only said that after he was laughed at. Watch that news conference and he wasn’t laughing, nobody was. Why would you make a sarcastic joke about a deadly disease?
COVID severity: He is caught on tape lying about knowing how serious COVID was but didn’t want to “panic” the people (this is code for the stock market).
He brought back Manufacturing jobs: He added 480k jobs but there was still a net loss of 252K, so really he lost over 700k manufacturing jobs.
Claimed German car companies opened manufacturing in Ohio/Michigan: It didn’t happen, Mercedes opened in South Carolina but was already being built in 2015 under Obama.
Obama gave up on Manufacturing: We were in the deepest recession and lost much manufacturing jobs in the first two years of his administration. By the end manufacturing jobs had bounced back and was at a wash.
Claiming Biden didn’t want to close down due to COVID: Biden didn’t disagree in March but came out and said he should have done it earlier.
Crime in NY has exploded: Overall crime is down 1.5%.
Denies that Kellyanne Conway said that Violence and Riots help Trump’s cause: She did. Here’s the direct quote from Fox and Friends “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order.”
Claims the VA approval rate is now 91%: That survey was from 2013 (under Obama) and it was at 94%. So, at best, he’s claiming the approval rate went down under him.
Trump loves electric cars and has given big incentives: He actually eliminated 2 of the 3 programs.
Mailmen in West Virginia are selling ballots: One mail carrier changed voter registration from Democrat to Republican, he nor any other mailman sold ballots.
Trump poll watchers were thrown out in Philadelphia: They were not approved poll watchers (both parties are required to register their poll watchers and have limited oversight).
I could keep going and going, but there you go. Trump is a liar, plain and simple.
You are using the same failed tactic the Democrats used when they lost the last election, throwing lots of accusations out hoping to put the opposition on the defensive trying to address all the baloney, character assassination, and fake news. I will only spend only 5 minutes on list taking only the first issue. You say there is only 0.0001% voter fraud according to your unnamed and unreferenced source, so I will multiply in decimal form that number times the number of voters in the last national election: 0.000001 times 138 million results in only 138 fraud votes in the whole national election. By comparison, a Google search on terms “Contra Costa County voter fraud” results in a news story showing 113 voter fraud examples in the previous primary just in this our county with people trying to vote both by mail and in person. For the next list make the first item something about China cause I like that subject.
Lies or dementia?
Trump said Biden wants to shut down the whole country. Biden said not true.
Trump said Biden wants the Green New Deal. Biden said no it’s a different plan with a different name.
Trump blamed Biden for having 128 open judge positions.Trump forgot about the senate refusing to confirm judges, including a Supreme Court judge.
The ‘I hardly know him’ defense is used by Trump a lot. You can’t shout fake news when the video is Trump denying on camera.
TRUMP all the way!
I’m so fatigued by leftist bs! They are such hypocrites, always projecting and deflecting. Feelings over facts always, except killing babies that survive abortion. That’s fine, NO feelings about that one! Democrats have no heart. Can’t stand them and will never vote for them.
I’m so grateful for PRESIDENT Trump!!
Trump didn’t kill anyone. You’re thinking of Gov. Cuomo.
Nah…. It didn’t change my mind nor did it change the minds of my very intellectual and highly educated friends who joined me to watch the debate.
The fact that we all agreed to do a shot every time Biden said “Here’s the deal” or “C’mon man!” didn’t change a thing either ( 7 “Here’s the Deals” & only 1 C’mon man”).
Even when Biden flip flopped on the New Green Deal and Defunding the Police, it gave us no pause to reconsider…. His total refusal to say if he’d stack the Supreme Court if elected means that he obviously will…. and offering no plausible explanation for the father & son graft team deals in Ukraine, Russia & China pretty much were the last 3 nails in the coffin.
I think the debate winners in order were:
Trump 1st. Wallace 2nd. Biden 3rd.
/\ this
I’m switching to very large, dry Martinis, instead of my usual glass of wine.
Cheers Friends!
I’m calling a repeat of 2000. Republican-led Supreme Court files injunction to stop vote counts so that meeting the deadline becomes impossible, multiple Brooks Brothers riots now led by armed white nationalist terrorist groups, and the Democratic Party spends the next four years whining about the Greens while voting to fund every one of Trump’s foreign policy expenditures no questions asked.
You got it wrong, the ones rioting and setting things on fire are all Biden supporters
Harris/Biden are pro big government. Big taxes mean a higher percentage of your hard earned money will go to their pet projects you may not agree with. Isn’t that more like a dictatorship?
Last night won’t go down as a stellar night for either candidate. However on the issues, there is only one rational choice and that is Trump. If you look past the squabbling and constant interruptions, this debate made the choice clear. This is the most important electon since 1980 and Trump is the most accomplished President since Reagan. We cannot afford even 4 years of President Harris (with the doddering fool Biden as the figurehead).
I have to agree, Biden is just a figurehead and Harris is dangerous. This (debate?) didn’t affect my common sense…Trump with all his faults, is the better one for this job. Don’t really like him but if you had been attacking me and my family for 3 plus years, you would probably hear worse from my mouth…and with all that, look what he’s been able to do. All good for this country in my thinking…
how can anyone be a demorat after all the bs they put a sitting potus through
false allegations and impeachment and the phony mueller report
if trump had gone after hillary with false trumped up charges and fbi conspiracy and false abuse and reports and impeachment he would be in jail
i guess dem voters are just mean spirited and spiteful and like their candidates to do the same no matter how the country is affected or race is pushed against race where there is no controversy
dem voters love to preach kindness and yet will scream and yell and accuse and slander and smear anyone not affiliated with their direction
hmmm seems like a 1930 germany is creeping in
didnt the last holocaust survivor just pass
it appears the democrat national socialist party was hiding right here waiting to establish their next Reich through more gullible voters and racist ones at that
history shall repeat as long as there are people willing to let it and look the other way
id say america is stronger than that and will not stand for the democrats attempt at another catastrophic piece of history
All summer long, it has been left wing terror all across the country. No democrats condeming the violence but instead, bailing out the rioters/looters and even calling for more. Trump doesn’t like it and has offered to help. Most people around the country don’t like the rioting/looting either but they can’t do anything about it without being blamed for protecting themselves.
You referenced Adolf, saying he was already in office. Now don’t you think Adolf would’ve put a stop to something he didn’t like?
Nope. Wars are never pretty, even the culture war and cold/ civil war we are currently in. Trump fights back, and he’s got my vote.
Wow. You must have watched a different program than the rest of us.
No one, including those who vote for Joe Biden, will actually vote for Joe Biden. Anyone who denies this is either deceived or trying to sell you something.
Why mention taxes? Biden’s plan only raises taxes in those making over 400k a year.
The deficit is growing because of trumps tax cuts for corporations and the 1%.
Come on, pay attention. Trump is bad for America and the world.
Yogurt…. take your own advice & pay attention.
Did you read your 1.5 year old article? It affects the 1% more than any other group and it raises the national deficit higher than ANYONE in history.
Also, did you read this “The analysis revealed that the tax break would hit 93.7% of taxpayers in the highest-earning quintile, and only 53.9% of those in the lowest quintile.”
So again pretending to care about normal people and only helping his rich friends. He is the worst thing to happen to this country
And by the way, wallass leans liberal so much he likely has Peyronie’s disease.
Biden was the first to interrupt.
Biden lied every time he spoke.
The DNC is scrambling to get Biden out of any more debates.
You can actually find the fact checks on the internet, both lied or embellished, but Trump more so than Biden. I doubt however you really want the truth.
No. Biden wouldn’t answer the question whether he’d pack the court. He’s running for president and won’t tell voters what his policies will be. We should vote for him then he’ll tell us. Hell no. Biden is for socialism; Trump is for freedom. I’ll vote for freedom every day of the week
🇺🇸 👍
a 3 ring circus without a ringmaster
I spoke to someone in another country who watched the debate. They said in their country if candidates don’t follow agreed upon rules and speak out of turn the moderator turns off their microphone… not a bad idea
They may try that for the future debates. These will be completely pointless if nobody can get a word in edgewise.
as long as it is not the moderator(s) who make the decision to mute the speaker…
Should the moderator(s) also risk their mic being cut???
Last night Joe reminded me of a WW2 army recruiting poster. Pointing at the camera. Just so phony.
Hmm. I would like to know why my comment was censored. I used no profanity and insulted no one. My comment was relevant to the hand. I can only surmise that I was too sensible to get past the moderator.
NVM. It merely took a lot longer than usual. I retract this complaint.
Or too boring…. try making a comment that makes a bold statement, provides a fresh idea or isn’t simply some worn out talking point that Democrats feed to their sheep each day.
Dare to be the figure head at the bow of the ship bravely crashing through the waves, leading the way for others to follow and declare “YES!” this is the one pure truth we have sought…..4 MORE YEARS!”
or something like that.
I doesn’t matter who you vote for. The globalists have made their play to install an authoritarian dystopian world. It would be the hope Trump would continue to fight all the non elected global leaders who without the consent of the people have assumed power through the UN, IMF, WHO, EU, China and Russia. Big tech has advanced to the desired level and are not accountable to anyone. Artificial Intelligence is on the cusp of allowing the complete domination of every aspect of your lives. The COVID-19 is not a hoax. It’s a plan for global domination. Most wont survive unless you are useful after which you will be non essential. The great reset is here. This has been done many times over. Every couple hundred years. If you look beyond our country you will find it happening worldwide. China has concentration camps and is harvesting organs. Where is the global forces to shut that down? There’s none, we are being programmed to accept it. It will come here as well. Be warned. This is more then an election.
That’s right, it’s coming and Trump can only hold it back for so long. That’s why the globalists who are very liberal hate him. He’s in their way.
It’s all very prophetic and foretold in the bible. Most people will continue to bury their head in the sand because the truth is too hard to accept. They are willfully ignorant.
Evil is trying to convince the world it’s good and liberals are lapping it up!
I watched about ten minutes of Tuesday’s debate, and it did nothing for me in terms of influencing my vote, so, still voting for Trump.
Today Newsom signed the ab3121 bill to create a task force that will decide what reparations are owed to black people because of slavery. The goal is to start doling out money or some sort on compensation by 2023. No kidding.
California was admitted to the Union as a Free State, and had no slaves. Reparations only for those who can prove they were slaves in California….
With Newsom in charge, a fog the mirror test will be adequate documentation. It’s ironic this bill originated in San Diego, as a lot of Latinos were historically taken advantage of there with substandard wages etc. They aren’t as popular in the press however.
He basically approved money for a yearlong committee to discuss it and get back to him. What about the Native Americans Gavin? Are you just going to keep pretending THAT didn’t happen?
Get this POS out, his knee jerk reactions are embarrassing!
Notice how little coverage it’s getting?
Facebook deletes media links or posts on ab3121. No coverage on Claycord either.
With a $22 Billion deficit, and the state still on fire, how can he spend money on this right now.
Trump interrupted a ton, Biden actually used insults, both were unprofessional.
Biden wants to restrict both your 2nd and 1st amendment rights, and therefore, you should vote for Trump.
I was irritated by this “debait” as well. Joe called our President a liar and a clown, repeatedly. The only time I saw Trump interrupt was to correct Joes broadcasting fake news, statistics and concepts that have been used to undermine this President for the last 5 years. Judicial watch has been receiving the released evidence only in the last year, bit by tiny bit. Those in doubt of the facts should look into Judicial Watch.
Trump 2020. I agree!!!!!!!
Still Trump despite his bad delivery. Don’t want a socialist puppet with dementia in office that HARRIS will eliminate to become POTUS.
Yep-Newscum at it again plus the fact that this is a federal issue not a state item.
Love how he spends our money (which he has squandered through many mistakes-just to name 1- with the Covid-19 masks and respirators-giving them away to other states trying to garner votes for his upcoming Presidential campaign). Motel 6 in Pittsburg for the homeless has become the next Burning Man as it is a cesspool in record time.
He is nothing but a joke trying to be a dictator. He is out of control and shame on us for allowing this to continue. Recall the loser! The Dem’s and socialists try to recall and impeach Trump at every turn why can’t we do the same for the losers in California government from the Gavinator down?
President Trump The art of the deal
VP Biden Look man here’s the deal
I would like to see multiple democrats and Republicans on the ballot. Why only limited to one?
You had your chance in the primaries.
No duh. But things change between then and the election. After seeing Biden and the democratic establishments chosen successor and their platform I would rather vote for one of the losers like Tulis.
Whazza matter amigo, did Trump create too many jobs for you.
I should have said if I was so inclined to vote for the democratic candidate.
Who are Democrats to complain about election rigging after what happened with that caucus-counting software company that botched the Iowa Primary? The one with all the ties to the campaign of that McKinsey freak Pete Buttigieg?
Pat: you said it exactly right.
This Creepy Joe The Molester”s fourth try for the Big Boy Chair, and he still doesn’t get it that America doesn’t like him.
What a sad little man!
creepy joe calls black children “roaches”, how can anyone vote for someone with such real racist contempt?
>Biden called the POTUS a clown and a racist to his face. That’s a shame.
What’s a shame is that he immediately apologized. Spineless controlled opposition. Why is Biden still running? He already won. He already kept a Jewish guy from becoming the candidate, which is what he was there to do. Twenty bucks says Biden wins election night and then immediately concedes his electors to Trump bc he wants to be civil and bipartisan. This is a good cop/bad cop interrogation on a mass scale, to get us to break. This includes the supposed animosity, of which neither party leadership actually believes in. Guy like Trump doesn’t make it into the WWE Hall of Fame without knowing a thing or two about kayfabe.
Trump didn’t really surprised me, he has shown on the past 4 or more years who he is. He does not play by the rules, he has no respect for hardly anyone and anything, including the constitution.
Did not change my mind. Trump was Trump. Bidens talking points all the the same lies the Dems have been making up. And Wallace was the worst did not say a word when Joe told trump to shut up and called him a clown. And Trump is the bad guy? 3 nominations now for Peace.