Home » Contra Costa District Attorney: Charges Will No Longer Be Filed Against Most People Arrested Or Cited For Possession Of Small Amounts Of Drugs, Other Misdemeanors

Contra Costa District Attorney: Charges Will No Longer Be Filed Against Most People Arrested Or Cited For Possession Of Small Amounts Of Drugs, Other Misdemeanors


The Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office will no longer file charges against most people arrested or cited solely for the possession of small amounts of drugs, along with other misdemeanors.

The idea, according to the D.A., is to divert low-level recreational users out of the criminal justice system and into the health care system with the goals of both reducing the strain in the courts and on law enforcement, and also by providing treatment options for the user.

Last year District Attorney Becton and Public Defender Robin Lipetzky were contacted by the presiding judge of the court who stressed the need to reduce the significant backlog of low-level, non-violent misdemeanors in the court system.

The aim of these considerations is to stop chronic patterns of arrest and to connect individuals to community based behavioral health services, the D.A.’s office said.


“When I took Office, I realized we had to change our perspective on filing cases, especially low-level drug cases. From my experience as a judge I saw first-hand how individuals were cycling through our system. Now as the District Attorney, I worked with several law enforcement partners throughout the county to build a plan and gain consensus on how best to proceed with these types of cases. We cannot prosecute ourselves out of this growing trend of low-level offenses being submitted to our Office for a filing decision,” said D.A. Becton.

In several situations, the policy may not apply. The exceptions include: the person has been arrested on three previous occasions in the past year for a misdemeanor drug offense, theft of more than $300 in value, or the subject is on probation.

The misdemeanor charges these considerations encompass are as follows:

  • Possession of Controlled Substance
  • Possession of Hypodermic or Syringe
  • Possession of Marijuana
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
  • Possession of Controlled Substance
  • Possession of Controlled Substance
  • Under the Influence of Controlled Substance
  • Disturbing the Peace
  • Shoplifting
  • Possession of Burglar Tools
  • Petty Theft
  • Trespass
  • Disorderly Conduct

Contra Costa County Sheriff David Livingston and the county police chiefs were not aware of this formal policy change by the DA’s Office until given a copy of the press release. He has reached out to the DA’s office for clarification. 


Sheriff Livingston said, “I support treatment when it works. But every citizen who has had their car broken into, their home burglarized or property stolen should know the vast majority of those crimes are committed by so-called “low level” drug offenders.”  He added, “I worry more about the victims than I do about the criminals.”

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Prosecuting people can SOMETIMES be the first step towards them entering recovery, getting clean, and being accountable. Nothing like a judge and a drug test standing between you and jail.



God help the law abiding citizens of CCC

What makes you think they want help? It’s nice our TAX DOLLARS are helping criminals. Stop trying to HELP people that don’t want help!!!

Steve the people who want help are the people getting ripped of by drug users and thieves. Thank you to the DA for making more victims.

What did you expect of Diana Becton? I knew she was running, with the $200,000 support from George Soros, who is funded such DA’s throughout the country…… Now they all come out and do the same! This is scary as hell! They are honestly trying to undermine the country!!!!!!I don’t know, but does George Soros thinks he could then become king when we’re in such a bad shape? Is an evil man

great, just another example of the progressive policies destroying this state and our country.

this is like the law that says anything under $950 is a misdemeanor. which is why caravans regally rob stores in sun valley mall. this madness has to end.


Enforcing the law is inconvienent then why bother per our DA.

This DA is a commie. Remember her name.

Why do you think that? Communists are extremely strict when it comes to enforcement of drugs and crime. You can end up dead. I think you need a better comparison.

The DA is a Jackass, do your job and prosecute you spineless jellyfish.

Other Misdemeanors is the big word here. That’s scary. Petty theft? Shoplifting? Free stuff.
Looks like a form of ” reparations” to me.
Also Trespass? Where do private property right go?
Looks like Becton is accountable to no one. Oh yes, vote her out but who and when is she running again. Is there an impeachment process for that position?
Is she accountable to no one while she holds the position?
This is nuts.
Why is she catering to the low life? They don’t even vote or pay her salary. Upside down world.

It, and the likes of It, like having criminals roaming. By contrast, makes her feel superior. She gets paid to be a Liberal Wh**e. Nice gig.
The rest of her own likely steal, are on welfare, etc. so she is the family success story.

California, where drug addicts, criminals and homeless vagrants are more important than a law abiding, tax paying citizens. Wake up Californians, you’re swirling the toilet bowl.

We have reached the threshold of hell in California. Crime is legal now.

Liberals are much more comfortable with more crime, criminals roaming the streets, welfare, freaks like ByeByeDim and His H***. Makes them feel superior when they know there are people around them that are less human. When you are a 3 on the scale, people that are 0 or 1 must make you feel so special. Thankfully, You and Yours will reap what you sow. Case in point: https://www.dailywire.com/news/defund-the-police-activist-alyssa-milano-triggers-massive-law-enforcement-response-over-gun-threat?itm_source=parsely-api?utm_source=cnemail&utm_medium=email&utm_content=092320-news&utm_campaign=position1


defund hollywood! – stop buying their cr@p 🙂


Stopped watching the “oscars” years ago.
Stopped watching liberal hollywhore movies years ago.
Stopped Netflix recently.
Here’s another stunning article on the scum of hollywhore:

Who voted for this person? You are the ones destroying CA.

This is becoming a common occurrence in democrat run counties and cities:
Contra Costa County
San Francisco
New York
Surely there are more. The list goes on

DA’s in these areas are actively working to undermine the Police, Justice System and the Second Amendment. Please I implore you to research the shift happening in crime and prosecutions in these areas. Wake up people and stop voting for these people who interpret the laws based on their ideological views

As I recall, Becton was strongly supported on the Local Politics thread as capable for the job. Where were all you anti-Soros people when everyone was touting her abilities back then. Her opponent was said to have plagiarized something and was incompetent. She certainly didn’t run for office promising this sort of thing.

The last six things listed……..
I feel distraught on behalf our community that every smidgeon of recourse would be stripped from us.
Has Concord Police Chief made a statement on this matter?

But she’ll probably throw the book at an otherwise law-abiding citizen caught carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. The druggies get a pass, but the people trying to protect themselves don’t.

100% true. A trained and responsible citizen is unable to acquire a CCW permit. Yet criminals now roam our streets and will not be prosecuted. Get caught with a firearm for protection? Jail for you.

This should be enough reason for every law abiding citizen to be able to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

It’s by design. Since liberals cannot break the Second Amendment the local DA’s are actively working to undermine it within their jurisdictions. Most people purchase firearms for self defense. The right to bear arms become obsolete in a self defense situation if the ones defending themselves are always being charged for crimes.

KingOfc if somebody continually steals your fried fish, with no consequences, what will you fry ?

Jail is the one thing that wakes up some users to see the horrible path they are going down. Mandatory jail and probation forces treatment on users and gives them a chance to sober up long enough to get their life back on track. I experienced this with a stepson and stepdaughter who are now both clean and sober.
This DA needs to go before she does irreversible damage.

Exactly, you can’t hit rock bottom if there’s no rock bottom.

Am I correct in assuming they can still be arrested and jailed for these minor offenses, they just won’t be prosecuted for the crime even if they are repeat offenders?

If you’re not arresting these criminals for these offenses, how the heck are they going to get into “health care system with the goals of both reducing the strain in the courts and on law enforcement, and also by providing treatment options for the user.”

Addicts and criminals aren’t itching to be a better people. They’re just going to continue to wreak havoc and prey on the general public. How is this not basic stupid common sense? Why are Californians are so incredibly naive? The whole state is doomed.

Whatever happened to the supposed war on drugs? Now it seems the drug lords have free rein not just in California but country wide. I seldom see much about stopping the sale of drugs. Everything on the list above is hazardous to health – of other people not doing drugs or crime.

Paul Graves – Will you please run for DA again???

do it paul…..

Yes Paul please!!

no surprise

voters have voted for this for over 40 years

its here and they are loving the filth and crime and lawlessness and
bad roads and rundown buildings and vagrants

funny how it resembles socialist mexico go figure

cant wait for the mandatory mid day naps

and boat loads of tourists to visit our third world state

the corruption is no longer hidden just like mexico

accept our officers still try and uphold the laws

even though socialist tyrants force them to stand down and comply with treason ……

you wanted to be ruled and lose your freedoms ….
its here enjoy it ..yay you won
now open your doors and allow the people to raid your belongings
like good little bent knee socialists

can 1 liberal socialist proud dem anti american tell us how this is better

than american freedoms that millions have died to preserve

Drunk Driving is a misdemeanor, will they just let those people off the hook also?

No because drunk drivers can pay the large fine into the state and county coffers..

PELOSI’s NEPHEW WAS A DRUG USER, probably still is at those parties he attends with his D List actress spouse

So you can carry some fentanyl around when going to your next party. The DA does not understand that when you give an inch they take a mile. This DA has to be removed and replaced by someone with a brain. This is really bad news.

Possession of a small amount — maybe. The last six — no way. Those are real crimes, and they should be prosecuted.

So let’s all make sure we understand this
A person high on drugs carrying burglar tools can enter my business disturb the peace and then steal $299 of my merchandise and have no consequences.
Welcome to Contra Costa County
Where tweakers come first

must be social justice or reparations…

Or … you have a bum sleeping in the bushes in your front yard. Trespass. The DA refuses to prosecute. The police won’t even respond? How do you get to 3 previous arrests when there are no prosecutions. The police aren’t there for exercises in futility. It is hard enough to get them to respond as it is.

I wish I could do it but I can’t but someone or organization has to get this idiot recalled.

If you can talk the talk, you can walk the walk.

Strad My walking days are over but thanks anyway.

Basically you can go into any store and steal up to $299 and not be prosecuted. Really????


there was a law that we all voted on a few years ago that said anything under $950 is a misdemeanor…

that is why sun valley mall is robbed regularly.

Yes. I was a witness to a person hiding tools underneath bags of soil at Home Depot in Danville, and I saw him get caught at the cash register while I was in line. The person who watches these crimes obviously came out of nowhere and pulled out the tools and told him to stop stealing their tools this way and they let him go because I asked the lady at the cash register why they did not call the cops. She said the stores are not allowed to do that. Amazing. Our laws are letting people steal from the stores and we pay for it too.

The responses here are funny. For years even conservatives railed against the drug laws because they are a waste of tax dollars. I guess you all like to see your tax dollars pay for court costs and incarceration. At least this will help reduce your tax bill.

Laying off the DA’s staff due to this reduction was my first thought…

But we all know they will create some program to use that tax dollar and more…

Doubt our tax bill will be reduced…. Increased, yes…

Pray tell, what shoplifting and possession of burglary tools have to do with drug laws? Other than enabling a drug habit?

There are a lot of people who would support decriminalizing personal possession, although not necessarily in the form proposed by our valiant DA. I wonder how she envisions an exception “the person has been arrested on three previous occasions in the past year for a misdemeanor drug offense” when misdemeanor drug offenses are no longer charged?

But in any case, the DA chose to throw theft, shoplifting, burglary, and generally being an obnoxious drunk or druggie into the bag of offenses that won’t be prosecuted. The only reason to do this is because she’s trying to hide these very objectionable property crimes under the blanket of “possession of small amounts of drugs”. See the header of the article as proof.
Apparently Becton believes that people are stupid enough not to see this obvious slide-of-hands. And with a good reason – after all, the denizens of Contra Costa County were stupid enough to vote her in. I can only hope that they’ve learned from their mistakes.

This is not how you enforce the law. This will encourage more crime. This DA has to go you have no right to go lenient on such crimes. Who gave this person the right to dereliction of duty? Recall asap

Guess we can find out where she lives and go trespass, do drugs on her lawn, leave needles and syringes in her yard for her kids/grandkids to find, disturb her peace and commit petty theft of her treasures. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. What an evil person!

she is lazy and not too bright

Guess I’m not going to worry about long lines at Safeway anymore, just walk out with what you want.

And CCC goes further down the toilet!

Just have a death row only, no one else needs to serve time for anything, they can all be fed marshmallows, hello and string cheese and California and all its counties can just sit back and watch the whole state crumble into the ocean with their stupid decisions like these.


sorry the death penalty has been declared as white privilege and so is no longer allowed.

God Help The Law-abiding Tax Paying Citizens Of CCC

These elected officials must be free basing. There is no other explanation for this level of irresponsibility. If you can’t handle the criminal caseload, then staff up!

I refuse to be a victim, and many citizens feel the same way.

They can handle the caseload just fine. It’s their boss that is doing this to fit her own agenda.

Stupid moves like this makes me glad I moved out of ”THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF KALIFORNIA”………………….

Good thought.

ever hear of the broken windows theory???
you let the small things go they will just get bigger and more prevelant

She is one of the DA’s in which Soros dumped money into her campaign for DA. It’s all public record. This county is doomed. She wants police to determine if looters should be charged – whether they actually ‘needed’ the goods they stole. She is out of control.

Ha ha ha. So apparently you don’t own a business eh? Why not open your own store right now, leave the front door open and let the scum clear out your racks. “Bigger first to fry.” Check out my eye roll.

Okay, so I’m going to go to the grocery store today, fill up my grocery cart with $299 worth of food and I’m going to walk right out with it for free. Then I’m going to go into my neighbor’s backyard, while high off drugs, and disturb the peace while stealing $299 worth of their property and you can’t do a damn thing about it.

Remember when it is time to votethat it was dear Kamala Harris that pushed the assembly bill through on the item noted below:

there was a law that we all voted on a few years ago that said anything under $950 is a misdemeanor…

that is why sun valley mall is robbed regularly

Also put Pelosi, Newscum, OAC, Booker, Harris, Becerra, Becton, DeSaulnier in a mixer and they all shake out the same. They are the Stepford’s of the Democratic and Socialist parties. No one has a mind or thought of their own, Keep voting these losers in……

CA….what a mess, I moved out of Concord and the state years ago and always missed the area and people. Now I’m so glad I took my family elsewhere. The state seems to value the illegals and criminals more than the regular citizen. I feel sorry for y’all, get out and vote.

More favorable laws to embolden the criminals even further…I would say I am outraged but unfortunately the lack of surprise dulls the outrage…forget it I’m OUTRAGED!!!

So says every P.O.S. criminal.

Who in their right mind would vote for anyone who supports this!

So she basically announced she is not going to do her job. What would happen to most of us at work if we decided not to do our job? Right, but somehow she is still there.

Prosecute if need be,
The misdemeanor charges these considerations encompass are as follows:
Possession of Controlled Substance
Possession of Hypodermic or Syringe
Possession of Marijuana
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Possession of Controlled Substance
Possession of Controlled Substance
Under the Influence of Controlled Substance
Disturbing the Peace
Possession of Burglar Tools
Petty Theft
Disorderly Conduct.

Who will pay for additional:
Police, Sheriffs, Assistant DA’s, Probation Officers, Judges, Public Defenders, Court Personnel, etc.
Please DON’T write the GUILTY.
Think this Through.
Let’s Figure it out.

I see lots of complaining but don’t see anyone coming up with solutions. How do you reduce homelessness and drug abuse? You can keep throwing them in jail but the only thing that happens is that we pay for it, the people don’t get help and are back on the street. They now have a record and nobody wants to hire them.

So what is the solution? Maybe we should do what other cities have been guilty of, let’s ship them out to Florida, Arizona, or Texas then we can laugh at their problems right? (That’s sarcasm btw)

What makes you think that homelessness is especially high right now, to the point that something needs to be done immediately to reduce it?
According to HUD data, US homeless population decreased by 26% from 2005 to 2015. During the same time CA homeless population has decreased by ~40%, both in absolute numbers and the rate in population (i. e. per 10,000 people). Source:
Homelessness leveled between 2015 and 2018, before going up in 2019. However, even in 2020 both the total number of homeless and the rate of homelessness are still well below 2005.

So why are we made to believe that we’re facing a homeless crisis of historic proportions?

You can thank “homeless advocates” working hard on normalizing anti-social behaviors by equating them with homelessness. Littering? Aggressive panhandling? Pooping on the sidewalk? Shooting drugs in broad daylight? Can’t do anything about it – people shouldn’t be punished for being homeless.
On the other hand, they parade “vulnerable” homeless – veterans, elderly, disabled, etc. in order to manipulate public opinion in favor of increased public spending on their pet projects. In Contra Costa County alone spending on homeless/mental health/housing has increased from $112 mil in 2005 to $300 mil in 2019.
Isn’t it nice to have your budget triple in less than 15 years? While serving fewer customers than before?

Hmmm…carrying a concealed weapon is a misdemeanor. So you would be arrested for exercising 2A rights (arguably, concealed might not be a “right”, but would have to be if carrying openly is not allowed), but you can carry drugs, steal, disturb the peace (that’s never done…all the looting and riots are “oeaceful” protests it seems), etc. and that is OK?

Laws indicate to society what behaviors are acceptable and which are not. Buy not prosecuting theft, drug posession, disturbing the peace, etc. etc., then you are implying acceptance of these actions. Shame on you, DA. Hope you lose your job in next election.

wonder how the DA would feel if she had her car windows smashed in a theft attempt every night? Would she not prosecute the offender if caught? Easy to dismiss crimes as long as those crimes are happening to others.

More power to Sheriff Livingston!

Make him the DA.

So, let’s say some drug addict, under the influence comes on my property, breaks into my locked car, climbs over the fence and starts looking around my yard for a way into my house. He is clearly a threat to me. I get my registered gun, let my dogs out, they bite him several times and I warn him off with my gun. He approaches me in a threatening manner and I shoot him. Am I going to jail? Can this guy sue me? Would the police even show up if I called them? Everything this guy is doing falls under the no prosecution per the DA. This is just one more reason to move out of CA. By the way…everything that I said happened before except for me defending myself or allowing my dogs out. I honestly thought Concord would be our forever home. Not anymore.

I am going to tell you how we got to this place in time with communists running our government. It is because of the press we have not only in CCC but California. They refuse to print the truth. They print lies and people believe them.
Take the story in today’s CCT or EBTimes. There is a story how the senate had a hearing on Hunter Biden’s escapade for foreign money. Read the senate report. Anyway the paper said Hunter was lily white. Hunter and his father took billions of dollars from China , Ukraine, and the Russians. Joe is on video blackmailing the Ukrainians and bragging about it and the democrats and the fake news ignore it totally. With news sources like this we are lost, not just a little but completely.
I see little hope. Everyday we become more like pawns. Like mushrooms fed BS and kept in the dark.

This is an absolute disgrace to our state. Basically this is open season for people to continue to commit crimes with no repercussions. I cannot believe what I am seeing and hearing theses days….what the hell kinda of society are we building for the next generation. This is absolutely disgusting.

The beginning of the end!
It os becoming less and less of a desirable place to live and / or raise a family!

The Walnut Creek Chief of Police is retiring this October. Coincidence?

Vote yes on Prop 20. Criminals must face consequences.

Seriously….what good comes from making this kind of announcement?

It’s not an announcement. It’s an invitation to criminals.

Wow, this is textbook of what happened in Seattle.
I challenge you to view the ‘Seattle is dying’ documentary…..from 2019 and obviously prophetic.

Mounting soap box, this is gonna take awhile . . . .

Court system is overloaded, Oh Really ? ? ? !

From previous posts,
“Prior to passage of Prop. 47, Superior Court Judges in California had a proven method to force defendants into a clean n sober lifestyle.

Upon conviction a very harsh state Prison term would be imposed which would immediately be suspended and defendant was placed on probation, 3 to 5 years. As conditions of probation had to stay clean n sober, random drug testing and no new unlawful activity.

It was made abundantly clear to defendants if they failed they would do the harsh state prison sentence.
This method forced most defendants to hit bottom and change. Lives were saved !
Prop. 47 took that proven method away from Judges.

These days if a defendant has a substance abuse problem and a Judge gives the option of treatment or County Jail time. Defendants take the jail sentence.

Treatment programs are usually 90 days, jail sentences because of overcrowding are often under ten days.
So a defendant is not forced to hit bottom, returns to the street with their substance abuse problem intact.

note, Prop. 47 was liberals answer to county jail overcrowding in all 58 CA counties resulting from passage of AB-109 in 2011 which was CA state legislature’s answer to state prison overcrowding.

See a pattern yet ?
If they create a problem, they decide to fix it by not fixing it.

You do realize what DA just did ?
Made the problem, not their problem.

Each time liberals try to fix what their last fix screwed up,
they make it worse. Their Utopia keeps slippin’ further ‘n further away.

This time they’ve declared what amounts to war on decent law abiding citizens, society in general and condemned many who are chemically dependent to a slow death.

Flat out prediction, as we’ve seen here on Claycord over the years some of these so called low level self medicating offenders known to law enforcement. Their criminal behavior escalates until their level of violence against their victims creates harm or death.

Their act of violence against another human gets them finally into the system and locked up.

Chemically dependent persons who commit property crimes to keep high have just been given a green light, it’s open season on your vehicles, homes and businesses.

UNTIL liberals are put on notice by being voted out of office or recalled, CA will continue to degrade into little more than a cesspool.

You will NEVER get a substance abusing person clean n sober by coddling them. By not forcing them to hit their bottom so they decide they’re sick n tired of being sick n tired, you are assisting them to commit a slow form of suicide.

Been watching it happen for over 38 years, an it’s rather simple ones who hit bottom often make it.
Ones who don’t,


Pyrrhus The majority of homeless are drug addicts or alcoholics. You can try to rehab them. Probably without success. More importantly is to keep future generations from becoming addicted. We can’t afford another generation to give up. Here is where I will lose you but it has to be done. Drug pushers of any kind have to be put away for life. Not just six months or a year. They have to know if you sell drugs you will not be watching anymore sunrises or sunsets ever.

I can’t recall what town it was, maybe San Francisco, where they did similar, no longer filing charges against shoplifting, and there were frequent examples of individuals walking in to stores, grabbing what they wanted and walking out. Not even being subtle.

MANY videos on youtube of people just emptying the shelves of Long’s Drugs and other places directly into their backpacks and walking out, in broad daylight, with no repercussions.

I can’t wait to retire and get out of this state.

Note to self:
Stand clear of people who give themselves names they are not able to live up to.
Sounds like somebody’s spawn is of the lower gene pool.

Wow, this is textbook of what happened in Seattle.
I challenge you to view the ‘Seattle is dying’ documentary…..from 2019 and obviously prophetic.

The press release says the exception doesn’t apply if there are multiple offenses (2 or more within last 12 months). This is a huge exception and makes it much more reasonable. Not sure why this article states “3 previous… drug offenses”.

The DA says she worked with law enforcement agencies across the county in a cooperative way to get consensus on what would work. Hmm, apparently never talked to the County Sheriff! He must not be important – oh wait he runs the county jails.

Possess heroin, no consequence.
Meth? No big deal.
Coke (a joke).
LSD/ Let it be.

Just don’t get caught singing in church.

If someone chooses to walk into your house without the demonstrated intent to take something, the only crime they are guilty of is trespassing. Imagine your daughters old boyfriend comes over and gets in the house and refuses to leave because he wants to talk to her, or he just likes the couch. The only crime is trespassing……which will no longer be prosecuted. This is the world Contra Costa voters have given us. If you voted for Diana Becton in my opinion you owe the citizens of this county an apology and it is your responsibility to lead a recall effort.

Is there such a thing as a recreational heroin, fentanyl or methamphetamine user?

Nothing new here. It’s old news. It’s just another example of California government supporting, defending and empowering criminals.

This addresses criminals who are POC — pieces if crap.

Just look at THIS article for the lies perpetuated by our local gov’t. In one paragraph, they say that these changes in prosecution were coordinated with amongst law enforcement throughout the county, yet in the following paragraph the Sheriff’s office notes they were not consulted – despite the Sheriff’s office being the one county-wide law enforcement agency. So…the DA is lying.

Lord help us all! Her first order of business was to remove all the Deputy DA’s that were tough on criminals from their posts and replace them with her minions. Then a month ago she made a statement that grab nationwide headlines. She said that Investigators must now consider “was this theft offense substantially motivated by the state of emergency, or simply a theft offense which occurred contemporaneously to the declared state of emergency?,”. She was referring to looters.


Anybody know when she is up for un-election?

All the drug related stuff I can begin to understand.

The rest is insane.
Disturbing the Peace
Possession of Burglar Tools
Petty Theft
Disorderly Conduct

All of these are serious issues. ESPECIALLY disturbing the peace, trespass and disorderly conduct. How the hell can we have an ordered, peaceful society if people aren’t held accountable?


I think all of this crap is wrong in so many ways but I wish we all come come together and find a way to stop these people that think that letting crimeals run our town and that we would be the ones they would come after if we stop them. Where is our superman? Can’t anyone help us stop these people

This DA is a cancer to our community.

No way to fight crime

I don’t think treatment should be an option it should be mandatory or jail time. Most people who are in their addiction don’t want to change or are to scared to deal with the real reason they start using. Even if they don’t stay clean they will get something from it that sticks with them. We just want to punish and put low level criminals into the prison systems where they learn how to step there game up and learn how to be better criminals. The ones that get something out of it tend to give back more than your average Joe. And now we saved someone’s father/mother, someone’s son/ daughter. We need to rehabilitate, spend money on that not jails or prison.It can’t be an option it has to be mandatory.



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