Home » Contra Costa Supervisors Approve Commitment To Climate Friendly Measures

Contra Costa Supervisors Approve Commitment To Climate Friendly Measures


A resolution committing Contra Costa County government leaders to prepare for shifting from a fossil fuels-based economy to a greener one, and to promote various measures to help fight climate change, was unanimously approved Tuesday by the county’s Board of Supervisors.

The resolution’s goals are wide-ranging, from supporting the state’s newest goals to reduce greenhouse gases by 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 and to have “clean” energy providing 100 percent of the state’s electricity by 2045 to planning for an economy that should make a “just transition” from being fossil fuel-dependent to one using cleaner fuels.

The resolution also calls for making these changes considering issues of social justice, including the plight of people who have lived in communities where sources of pollution — refineries, chemical plants, other
industries — have operated or still do.

The resolution was recommended by the Contra Costa County Sustainability Committee, made up of volunteers.


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Can we get it in writing ?

My grandchildren do not feel safe with the ” as is ” mentality syndrome that has taken over.

Thank you and God Bless…

You cannot rush the future. When green energy gets dependable and affordable it will get here. Don’t rush it.

The resolution was recommended by the Contra Costa County Sustainability Committee, made up of volunteers??

Good luck! We already saw what happens when we get a 3 or 4 day heat wave-rolling blackouts. Solar doesn’t work when the sun goes down, windmills don’t work when there’s no wind and the Salmon lovers won’t allow the State to build anymore dams and don’t want Nuclear power plants so where does that leave us? Wish I had the answer but I don’t think green energy is it. Maybe somebody will invent some type of fusion process that works.

And they wonder why people are getting the hell out of here.

Really. Do the supervisors have nothing better to do? Why aren’t they doing addressing items? All of this jibberish is for the birds. Our best interests seem to be on the back burner as usual.

Just more Democratic BS. Time to clean house as this daily and weekly publications are a joke.

Read into it–more taxes.

Contra Costa County committed to this, but did India commit? How about China?

What a blatant charade this is. Get ready for more rolling black outs, higher gas prices, higher PGE, more fires, higher taxes… All under the guise of the BS climate change and now the added BS social justice issues. So disgusting!

The irony is that, as Californians we pay for the highest taxes, cost of living, gas, and energy prices to have clean air, but in the last three years, we have probably inhaled more smoke than many people do in their entire life time in other places around the country!!! Come on, when are we going to start dealing with reality, and stop being ideologues?!!

34 states have a higher percentage of forest to land than California. Why aren’t they on fire due to climate change? Forestry Management.

Nice way to lie with statistics. I’m sure that the people in American Samoa, Number 3 on the list are doing a much better job of raking up under their trees. It makes the sand look much nicer. And did you now where the most American Samoan citizens live? Los Angeles. Keep after it Fearless. You are a constant source of entertainment.

Source: The California Water for Food and People Movement.
They have a lot of other interesting environmental statistics, and they don’t have a political axe to grind.

You looked at Wikipedia.

This makes as much sense as pouring bottled water into the Delta to save the delta smelt.

Looks like CCC is beginning “ the great economic reset “
Hello socialism…

It’s the Orange Man’s fault and God’s fault for creating him.

These assclowns need to go
They have never done a god damn thing for tax payers
Cowering before the Marxists at every turn
Vote no on every measure
Vote R

These sups are idiots. And so are all the “green” morons who tout wind and solar as the future and “green” energy while disregarding nuclear which is extremely renewable, clean, and has the power capable of handling our growing population and power consuming society.

Get out of contra costa. The sups and their supporters are communist morons sowing their own self destruction, but that’s what mentally ill people do.

what a joke!

what about hot days after the sun goes down? FY Gavin and CCC inferiors. we are a third world country now with pg&e turning off the lights.


It gpod that the Supervisors are unanimousely committed. But shouldn’t that take place in an institution where rhey can’t harm themselves or others?

Many intelligent commenters today pinpointing with logic and clarity the reasons why these uneducated “supervisors” are dangerously ignorant.

You have to vote for Trump and all republican local politicians and REPRESENTATIVES. They are the ones who REPRESENT you to the federal government. You have to vote to let Trump know you want him to clean up Contra Costa County, That is the only way to fight this. Recalling Gavin Newsom should have already been signed and returned but if not, do it right now.

California Governor Gavin Newsom Bans Sale Of Gas-Powered Cars In State By 2035, Issues Executive Order To “Radically Change” Energy Consumption In State
Why is this a dumb idea and waste of energy and playing to the base? By 2035 we have no idea what there could be available for anything. We could have gas cars that get 200 hundred miles to the gallon. It may cost more to produce electricity. This is just a dog and pony show from Newsom.

Why have some cities banned Gas dirt and debris blowers, but not all?
Gavin needs to start there and only use electric or rake.
Walnut Creek is in the dark ages with all the senile leadership who just don’t see the damage to .our lungs, ears and our air from these outdated nasty machines.
Babs has spoken!

Leaf blowers that are powered by 2 cycle engines give off 300 times the amount of pollution as a mid sized car. The dirt they blow into the air can contain pesticides, mold, and animal poop.

Be careful what you wish for. Electric leaf blowers are louder and more annoying than gas ones, and they blow just as much dust around.

Thank you Dawg, You are wise!

WELL are you ready to start voting knee jerk, follow the leader liberals out of office ? ? ?

Highest utility costs, highest gasoline costs.
An don’t forget a local refinery stopping refining.

Yeah! Arctic towns are shrinking because the permafrost is melting rapidly. The other day I was around a bunch of old cars cruising the the smell was horrendous. It will be nice to have cleaner air.
Can’t stand those gas powered leaf blowers.

The trouble with preparing early is you can’t foresee how things are going to pan out. Not so long ago the “thing” was hydrogen cars. Now let’s say we had invested money preparing for a hydrogen future back then but electric cars is what we got?

Science is dead. Climate change is the new religion. Government is the new church. Democrats are the new Crusaders. The people must convert.

Time to start packing up and heading out of CCC. You cannot mandate radical changes like this without huge unseen costs and impacts – like brownouts, loss of industry, people moving out of the area.
The end is near…..

Which supervisor is working on a nuclear plant for Contra Costa County so we can be assured the county has enough power for the next 100 years. Nuclear energy is ‘green’ and the plants can keep producing power on a cloudy day and at night. High paying jobs for people of color too. Who has the foresight on something like this?

“I can’t come into work today, there were rolling black outs and my car is not charged!”

Forget the solar panels, get a wind turbine or a nuclear reactor. I should not be surprised by how stupid our politicians are since they are a reflection of the people who vote them into office. We are in another state right now looking for a new place to call home, because California no longer feels like home.

No, California no longer feel like home. And Oregon and Washington are snot molds also. Most of us will head east before California can take too much more of our money.

Some people get so worked up about cigarettes but never car, bus, and truck exhaust.

Governor Newsom wants to abolish sales of the internal combustion engine in California by 2035. How do approximately Fifty million cars, not to mention trucks magically disappear in 15 years? Good luck on that one…..

@Whoe Jim. You don’t have to look/listen very hard into the news to see/hear that our gas-dependent vehicles won’t be sidelined,and even the sale of our used pollution-mobiles will also be allowed, Newsom said. It’s not time to worry.

Gasoline-powered vehicles wouldn’t disappear. They would just be taxed so exorbitantly that you wouldn’t be able to afford to own or drive one. But don’t worry, the state would give you a $100 Target gift card if you junk it. Gas stations would also be regulated and fined out of existence so, even if you could afford the taxes on the fuel, you would have to go out of state to buy it.

Fortunately, there won’t be anybody left in California by 2035, other than far-left hippie types who think they’re saving the planet by driving electric cars. The rest of us will be able to simply avoid the place.

California is so full of b.s. Mandatory Electric cars wont happen. We have thousands of cars in CCC who have modified their mufflers so their cars can sound loud. They are illegal air polluters and they are everywhere. California just gives them fix it tickets. Gavin overturned the new law where these tools were to get fined for modified mufflers. Not anymore back to fix it tickets. I am on a anti loud car kick. SORRY But I am just really tired of these rude self centered above the law types who think they are entitled. and the rest of us dont count. Disturb my peace and pollute my air. Electric would be great.



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