A Pleasant Hill resident was the latest to receive a random, unsolicited package of seeds in the mail from Asia.
The County is coordinating with the state to test and examine the seeds, which have shown up in thousands of mailboxes throughout the country within the past few months.
If you receive seeds in the mail, call the county at 925-608-6600 and they will pick them up for testing.
This might shed some light on the issue…
Why Amazon has a fake review problem
What’s Amazon got to do with it. The packages aren’t coming from THEM!
if you would have watched the youtube you would not have made this comment…just say’n
Do you think it would be a good idea to go to Singapore and find out why they are sending seeds here?
Yes! You should leave immediately.
No need to get hostile Mikee.
It’s a brushing scam. Used by a vendor to bolster product ratings.
Regardless of whether or not this is just a review scam. The seeds should not be planted. The people behind this are may not have the intention of hurt our agriculture, live stock or native plants . This could still do tons of damage and cause lots of harm.
As a gardener, I would be curious and would plant a couple seeds in a pot to see what sprout’s
You might just get PODS from the invasion of the Body Snatchers:(
Planting the seeds is a great idea if you want to be rich! You see, there is a golden goose that is held captive at the top of the beanstalk. Just beware of the giant.
I will save my seeds and sell them as a vintage novelty is 10 years…
I’m more curious as to how the recipients are chosen. In July’s round of articles about the seeds many of the people quoted said they had ordered seeds in the past. Thus I’m wondering if these are only being mailed to seedy customers or if whoever is sending them is casting a wider net.
Also, by now I assume researchers and others have planted the seeds and they should have sprouts. What were the results?
The USDA seems to still be collecting data and not reporting on the results. The USDA has an on-line reporting thing at https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/planthealth/news-info/unsolicited-seeds
Mystery solved.
seedy customers for sure! 🙂
pardon me if I don’t believe an article regarding a national security issue written by a guy named Osama.
This story has been around for several months. Surely somebody somewhere has submitted their seeds to the Department of Agriculture by now. I have not yet seen any red flags. Nonetheless if I received seeds from an unknown source I would destroy them, probably with heat. Throwing them in the landfill or sewer would be the same as planting them.
The last time Claycord.com ran this story I talked about the Star Thistle.
In September 2020, an article by Motherboard which summarized the result of Freedom of Information Act requests relayed that a Utah lab reported, “Our seed lab has identified the following: rose, amaranth (not Palmer), 2 mints, False Horse Balm, Self Heal, Lespedeza and Sweet Potato.”
@Kirkwood….The people at the Dept. of Agriculture that were in charge of those seeds are all Pod People now, we’ll never get a straight answer.
If the Chinese wanted to damage the economy using invasive species there are lots of possibilities. Today I found a bug I did not recognize next to a cleaning thing we got that was manufactured in China. We unboxed it yesterday. I swatted it and it is now deceased, but if they wanted they could just start putting bugs and other such items in their exports to us.
They send us all kinds of junk we have to assemble ourselves and there is always either a screw missing or there are 3 too many to make you think that you messed up! They are trying to drive us nuts!
Don’t buy Chinese crap!
Lol, more “random” seeds sent by the CIA.
This is about controlling domestic seeds and Victory gardens. Because of the Osama Bin Laden ‘virus’.
I blame Trump. He needs to go! …
These are probably the seeds of covid 19. If something like that showed up at my house I wouldn’t touch it. I would call the hazmat team.