Home » DAILY UPDATE: 981 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 64 People Currently Hospitalized

DAILY UPDATE: 981 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 64 People Currently Hospitalized


          • 14,712 total cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
          • 981 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
          • 0 new cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
          • 64 COVID-19 patients are currently hospitalized in Contra Costa County.
          • 13,544 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
          • 108 of the 187 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
          • There are currently 26 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
          • There are currently 154 occupied ICU beds in Contra Costa County. 25 of those are occupied by COVID-19 patients. 46 ICU beds are currently available.


The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.


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They must not have tested yesterday. Also the map was from over a week ago.

Thank you for posting. Zero new cases for the day is great!

With a few more days of zero cases, we should be able to get everything re-opened by Halloween.

YAY!! …oh wait… I’m old and have no kids/friends to do anything with… now I’m sad…

Sadly, they’ll just change the metrics to make sure nothing opens.

“Bust it up, Build Back Better”. Of course that will take several years and create a horrendous purgatory for the lower to upper middle class. But small price to pay for………for…….for…..for whatever it is they are really trying to accomplish………..I’m not sure they know……..

That positivity rate is going down! Hopefully we keep it like that.

How many car crashes and vehicular deaths are there per 100,000 vehicles?

And they require you to wear a seat belt, there are speed limits, new cars have airbags and child-seats can’t be on the front seat because people died way more before people did that… So what are you saying?

…..but did they close down all of the roads and condemn vehicular traffic???
Deaths still continues even with all of the safety measures you mention but life still goes on.

Be like Obama …. STOP TESTING

469 samples were processed and zero of them tested positive for COVID-19. I’d be curious to know if a specific population was tested or if that’s a fluke. Normally 4.5% to 6.5% of the samples test positive for COVID-19 meaning we’d expect to confirm 21 to 30 new cases in 469 samples. It’s interesting that there were zero cases implying that a low-risk population was tested.

While looking over the county’s reports I learned that the data collection records have always had a specimen collection date. While they had the information, health authorities have not been creating public reports showing the average and worse case delays from collection to processed. In Florida their reports show the numbers by lab. Presumably that’s also in California’s database meaning health authorities likely knew the exact average and worse case processing delays for each lab over time.

The new reports based on the specimen collection date will gray out the last seven days in a hopeful attempt to make it clearer that the numbers are preliminary. For example, today’s report of zero new cases for 9/7/2020 will likely be revised over the next few days to have around 110 new cases for that date.

WC Resident, thank you for your information.

Has anyone else noticed that the map is not accurate? It is still showing the counts for 2 weeks ago.



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