Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,070 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 76 People Currently Hospitalized

DAILY UPDATE: 1,070 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 76 People Currently Hospitalized


        • 1,070 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
        • 101 cases added to the total number of cases since yesterday in Contra Costa County.
        • 12,959 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
        • 105 of the 183 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
        • There are currently 33 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
        • 93 of the 183 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
        • 7 people under the age of 50 (two in the 31-40 age group, and five in the 41-50 age group) have died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
        • Nobody under the age of 12 has died from COVID-19 in the State of California.
        • There are currently 142 occupied ICU beds in Contra Costa County. 26 of those are occupied by COVID-19 patients. 53 ICU beds are currently available.




The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.


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The good news is that the number in the hospital has dropped by 20 from 95 on Sunday to 76 on Wednesday.
The bad news is eight of the 20 was due to the patient dying rather than being discharged as “recovered.”
All eight deaths were of people in the community and not LTCF with the age distribution being:
* Nobody age 50 or younger
* Age 51-60 – possibly 1 death. There was a death in the 9/1/2020 data but it was taken away in the 9/2/2020 data in a way that shows they are uncertain of this person’s age.
* Age 61-70 – 4 deaths
* Age 71-80 – 1 death
* Age 81-90 – 1 death
* Age over 90 – 1 death

Today there is a notice on the county COVID-19 web page at https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/ about upcoming changes to how they report the data that includes “Where information used to be based on the day someone was tested for COVID-19, it will now be reported by the collection date.” I had been wondering what date they used though they implied it was the day the test was processed as they used the wording “confirmed cases of COVID-19.”

How are deaths reported – do they show the actual day of death, or is there a lag?

So the new reporting method helps explain why any 68 new cases in the table by city but an overall increase of 101 from day before. 33 cases from earlier days.

@Led – That’s a good question.

I don’t know what and if the delays are for various numbers.

Back when this started health authorities would report “someone had been hospitalized or has died today due to COVID-19.” I assume they are not waiting for the full formal medical examiners report, death certificate, etc. which may take months to produce. I made an assumption that there was a system in place to informally report that a person has been tested for COVID-19, has been admitted to or discharged from the hospital or ICU, and if they died. I also made the assumption that the informal reporting system is fast enough that day by day correlation of something such as deaths vs. hospitalizations are valid.

I’m still not certain what the data reporting paths are from the patient on to the public COVID-19 reports. For example, who does a hospital report on COVID-19 related stuff to? Is it only the federal government (CDC) or so they report to the state, county, or others?

There’s some good news in that the county has charts for day by day hospitalizations and deaths. If, after the fact, they discover that someone was or was not hospitalized or died due to COVID-19 then when the day by day reports are released that the numbers will be accurate based on the information known.

Something that has always bothered about hospitalizations is the county only reports the total hospitalized. There never have been reports on hospital admissions or discharges. If in a day one person is admitted while another is discharged then the total hospitalizations is unchanged. The public is not aware that there was a new COVID-19 admission to a hospital.

Why isn’t the number of people tested per day being reported any more?

1,691 (total tested today – total tested yesterday)

The bad news is that we’ll be locked down for who knows how many months under Gavin’s new rules. And it is bad news. Mental health issues due to effects of the lockdown are on the rise. We’ve been in lock down for six months now, with no end in sight. How much more of this can people take? I know I’m having a really difficult time with it. I’m considering packing a bag and getting out of state for a month or two.

How much more can we take? A lot.

Consider that the current evolutionary state of humanity has been around for some tens of thousands of years. Most of that time we experienced mass deaths, a 50 percent survival rate into adulthood, rape, murder, war every year, a feudal system where your betters could do anything they like with you and your loved ones, food scarcity, drought and everything else. Up until 200 years ago you would have spent your entire existence on a plot of land in some no name village, never having travelled more than ten or so miles away. There would have been no electricity and no running water. You would not have been able to read either.

This is the natural state for a human more or less. You would be perfectly fine in those conditions and honestly likely thrive.

Please remind me what it is you think you are lacking that is so vital? Ski days? A break from your kids? Restaurants? Give me a break.

“Please remind me what it is you think you are lacking that is so vital?”

The freedom to live my life as I see fit. Seems that once upon a time that was considered a human right.

I have plenty of questions about the entire corona-mania enterprise, and believe me it IS an enterprise:
Are positive tests on someone who has already tested positive counted as a new case?
Does the County and/or State have actual data indicating how/under which circumstances people are being infected (via contact-tracing)?
Has the County or State quantified the physical harm caused (side effects) by “cower-in-place policies?
Has the County or State quantified any increase in the harm to mental health in our population?

I have more questions, but I’ll wait for a few answers to the above before continuing.

The answer to your question Chuckie is a resounding yes! If they retest someone 2,3,4,5 times and they still test positive – the county adds their 2,3,4,5 results to the “new” cases, thus inflating the numbers. This has been going on for quite awhile now.

We need to start daily testing for diahrea.

@ZZ….I wonder how much the pay is for the job of collecting those samples is?

From Andrew Napolitano https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/andrew-napolitano-personal-liberty-vise

“At the other end of the societal breakdown are the profoundly unconstitutional power grabs by mayors and governors in the name of public health. They have effectively nullified the Bill of Rights by using the police to infringe upon religion, speech, assembly, travel, self-defense, privacy, commercial intercourse, due process and the sanctity of voluntary contracts.

These government leaders have concocted their own rules and had them enforced as if they were law.”

“New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo [and other governors] takes refuge in legislation enacted at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic giving him the power to regulate private behavior. But that legislation is unconstitutional because it violates the Guarantee Clause of the Constitution. That clause mandates that the states have the same separation of powers as the federal government does, and thus only the legislative branch writes the laws.

When the governor both writes a law and enforces it, he ceases to be a governor and becomes a prince.”

“[The] legislatures need to enact laws absolutely prohibiting governors from trampling the Bill of Rights, because the Constitution has no emergency exceptions.”

Are you still counting the cases?

@Pam I disagree with only one thing he says, ” … When the governor both writes a law and enforces it, he ceases to be a governor and becomes a prince.”

I believe that sentence should read, ” … When the governor both writes a law and enforces it, he ceases to be a governor and becomes a despot.”

Newsom is one of the worst. Go to Assemblyman Kevin Kiley’s website for an update. Over 30 lawsuits against Newsom for using Covid as a way to change laws like a dictator.

Unfortunately, in the time it takes for those lawsuits to wind their way through the courts, the die will be cast. But, that appears to be the intent. Newsom has severely altered and restricted the behavior of the citizens of California, and even if he is found to have violated the individual’s civil rights, or broken laws under the guise of responding to a pandemic, the behavior will have become ingrained and it may be years, even with restrictions loosened, for people to return to their former way of life. The manor in which he is “governing” is pure evil. It portends long term disruption to the character of the State, and damage to the psychological wellbeing of the individuals who live here. It is a deadly serious matter.



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