You see, Bill, the political class has facilitated in the destruction of businesses throughout the country by telling them they are not essential. They have also prevented weddings, funerals, holidays, and so on and so forth from taking place under the guise of public health. Yet that same political class has encouraged, and in many cases, participated in “protests” where social distancing and face coverings are loosely adhered to or outright ignored. Thus, all those that harped about health and safety have exposed themselves as utter frauds and hypocrites, and that is where the frustration comes from. Understand now?
That’s because we won’t let you compartmentalize life. Everything is connected. We don’t submit to divide and conquer tactics. You know Hillary’s baskets. It is a valid question. Has been a valid question. Will remain a valid question.
@Bill if a public event or gathering is prohibited according to the list, then why is protesting exempt? It’s not questioning the purpose or the message of the protests, the question comes back to protests because they’re a public event or gathering that is promoted, encouraged, and subsequestly attended by many.
Bill… It is an extremely large uncontrolled gathering of people, too close to each other yelling out and sometimes leading to criminal activity and Police involvement. One cough or sneeze in the crowd or touching the same signs, etc and you can catch it and keep on spreading it. What can’t you understand about that contributing to the rise of cases weeks later?
Not only that, they claim the protest don’t spread the virus and blame the spike of new virus cases squarely on the re-opening so they can re-shut down again.
@Bill….Come on. You really do not understand why conversations about covid and the accompanying restrictions often overlap with conversations about protests?!?
August 31, 2020 - 11:15 AM 11:15 AM
And yet we still can’t go to the unemployment office
Exit 12A
August 31, 2020 - 11:22 AM 11:22 AM
Protests are considered a public event and allowed only if the protest supports the current, group-think, left-wing and fake racism narrative.
Anything moderately resembling a US nationalist perspective or pro-American demonstration is banned.
@Trucker Bug—more like six months and counting to ruin people’s lives, fold businesses and wait, here’s the clincher…depression and a myriad of undiagnosed health issues for everyone!
“Flatten the curve” was only the FIRST set of goalposts. Once everyone rolled over for that, did you REALLY think they wouldn’t move the goal? And they will keep doing so as long as they can get away with it.
They’re NOT going to stop until they wipe ALL OF US out! The deranged LIEberals want to exterminate us REAL americans so that they can finally implement the SOROS agenda.
Yves Harlowe
August 31, 2020 - 11:34 AM 11:34 AM
So, some counties had met the requirements for reopening. That wad unacceptable, so Gavin comes up with new requirements, insuring we’ll be locked down for many more months. Well done, Gavin. Good job.
Notice also the new system has no reference to hospital capacity or occupancy. That’s so backwards it’s not even funny. So many things can drive case numbers up or down depending on testing volume and who is getting tested and why. Whereas hospitalizations are where the runner meets the road.
It’s even dumber than that, actually. The big news in testing is that a cheap high volume antigen test has finally been approved. And more are coming – so testing volume should start going way, way up over the next couple of months.
Original G
August 31, 2020 - 11:48 AM 11:48 AM
Know of a food serving establishment catering to an upscale clientele which has suspended outdoor dining due to heat, poor air quality because of CA’s cumbersome, unrealistic forestry management practices and upcoming rainy season.
Laid off and will discontinue paying benefits of non management workers.
Cumulative negative effects newsom’s closing down of the state’s economy have yet to fully hit.
Just waiting for Goon the punisher to shut outdoor dining down again/.
I really feel for restaurants and servers. Nothing like having your meal fly off the table in the wind, just wait til it rains!
August 31, 2020 - 11:52 AM 11:52 AM
Love how they put a green checkmark next to school, but then clarify only distance learning. You see that on several of these categories. Could it be they want to give you a false sense of happiness by showing lots of green check marks? Maybe they should show, green yellow and red. Green all open, no restrictions, yellow open with restrictions and red, no go. But if they did that, it would be all yellow and red.
OH, yay! Gyms and fitness centers are open. Wait. What? Outdoors only? How many gyms are setting up outside? And oh, look! You can get a massage. What’s this? Outdoors? That’s seems rather public for such a thing, doesn’t it?
Saw some folks exercising in a parking lot of a gym / fitness center in Concord. It was hot, they were wearing masks and it was air was filled with smoke.
I agree with your idea of red, yellow, green. Like places of worship are green check, but only outdoors. I know we can worship outdoors, however we normally meet inside our church building. So, a green check is very misleading. As someone else mentioned, then there would be very few green checks….
August 31, 2020 - 11:55 AM 11:55 AM
Why are places of worship forced to hold services outdoors!? This is outrageous considering Costco, walmart, and other big stores have hundreds of people breathing down each other’s necks, not to mention the “peaceful” protesters. Why can’t I sit in a pew 6 feet apart, fully masked? I wish our religious leaders of all faiths would grow some strong spines, join together, and defy this governor who is a control freak. I would gladly stand along with them, INSIDE my church. How many of us can they arrest?
Could it be politicians and unelected bureaucrats regard religion as not important or perhaps they feel they are superior.
If ever you wonder about politicians engage one in conversation. Within a very few minutes they will begin lecturing you as to their accomplishments and how important they are to society. Ya know the ones, takes ’em 35 minutes to pass a mirror.
As long as most churches put up with bad treatment from our government, the government will continue to treat them badly. There is no fear of God before their eyes.
August 31, 2020 - 11:56 AM 11:56 AM
What about tattoo parlors, my neck art is only halfway done, it really looks tacky. I don’t even want to comment on the waxing situation!
Please explain the swimming pools open. I know there are a lot of rules they need to follow to stay opened. I hear it’s challenging.
August 31, 2020 - 1:30 PM 1:30 PM
Wear a mask, socially distance, wash your hands, stay home when you’re sick. It’s really simple. Do these things and the green check marks come back. It’s all the non-mask “freedom” people keeping this virus alive – blame them. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem. You’re welcome 👍🏼
Actually, in general cases are coming from – surprise, places where lots of blue-collar, essential workers live, with more people per household. Not from the wealthier more conservative suburbs where you have more explicit anti-masks sentiment etc.
Cases are never going to go to zero. They’re not. And that’s ok. But Newsom just changed his system yet again, so hospitalizations don’t matter, it’s all just about cases. That’s crazy. And it means that no, those check marks aren’t going to come back if everyone just behaves like good girls and boys. They’ll come back if and when one guy, Gavin Newsom, decides that it is politically beneficial for them to come back.
ALL communities, EVERYWHERE, ALL the time, should be following the rules. It’s not difficult, and not that inconvenient. Stop spreading, and this thing is manageable.
First and foremost, this is a health issue. Stop conflating it with your political views.
Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
You need to do your research. Newscum is the one keeping this going. We have hit our marks that he gave more than once and he just raises the standard. When are people like you going to understand this is not about a virus. This is about control.
August 31, 2020 - 4:19 PM 4:19 PM
The new lockdown guidelines will have us all in tiers until November 4.
August 31, 2020 - 5:35 PM 5:35 PM
Looks like we’re partially off the county crap list– barbers/salons can reopen indoors, and the mall can limp along, sort of. A minor improvement. Very minor.
That darned Donald Trump, he disguised his voice and booked a hair salon appointment for Nancy Pelosi. She went in good faith and was set up, ohh, the mortification…… the public knows about liberal privilege.
Are protests considered a “public event or gathering”?
You see, Bill, the political class has facilitated in the destruction of businesses throughout the country by telling them they are not essential. They have also prevented weddings, funerals, holidays, and so on and so forth from taking place under the guise of public health. Yet that same political class has encouraged, and in many cases, participated in “protests” where social distancing and face coverings are loosely adhered to or outright ignored. Thus, all those that harped about health and safety have exposed themselves as utter frauds and hypocrites, and that is where the frustration comes from. Understand now?
That’s because we won’t let you compartmentalize life. Everything is connected. We don’t submit to divide and conquer tactics. You know Hillary’s baskets. It is a valid question. Has been a valid question. Will remain a valid question.
@Bill if a public event or gathering is prohibited according to the list, then why is protesting exempt? It’s not questioning the purpose or the message of the protests, the question comes back to protests because they’re a public event or gathering that is promoted, encouraged, and subsequestly attended by many.
Bill… It is an extremely large uncontrolled gathering of people, too close to each other yelling out and sometimes leading to criminal activity and Police involvement. One cough or sneeze in the crowd or touching the same signs, etc and you can catch it and keep on spreading it. What can’t you understand about that contributing to the rise of cases weeks later?
Not only that, they claim the protest don’t spread the virus and blame the spike of new virus cases squarely on the re-opening so they can re-shut down again.
@Bill….Come on. You really do not understand why conversations about covid and the accompanying restrictions often overlap with conversations about protests?!?
And yet we still can’t go to the unemployment office
Protests are considered a public event and allowed only if the protest supports the current, group-think, left-wing and fake racism narrative.
Anything moderately resembling a US nationalist perspective or pro-American demonstration is banned.
so very true
“2 weeks to flatten the curve”
@Trucker Bug—more like six months and counting to ruin people’s lives, fold businesses and wait, here’s the clincher…depression and a myriad of undiagnosed health issues for everyone!
“Flatten the curve” was only the FIRST set of goalposts. Once everyone rolled over for that, did you REALLY think they wouldn’t move the goal? And they will keep doing so as long as they can get away with it.
They’re NOT going to stop until they wipe ALL OF US out! The deranged LIEberals want to exterminate us REAL americans so that they can finally implement the SOROS agenda.
So, some counties had met the requirements for reopening. That wad unacceptable, so Gavin comes up with new requirements, insuring we’ll be locked down for many more months. Well done, Gavin. Good job.
Notice also the new system has no reference to hospital capacity or occupancy. That’s so backwards it’s not even funny. So many things can drive case numbers up or down depending on testing volume and who is getting tested and why. Whereas hospitalizations are where the runner meets the road.
It’s even dumber than that, actually. The big news in testing is that a cheap high volume antigen test has finally been approved. And more are coming – so testing volume should start going way, way up over the next couple of months.
Know of a food serving establishment catering to an upscale clientele which has suspended outdoor dining due to heat, poor air quality because of CA’s cumbersome, unrealistic forestry management practices and upcoming rainy season.
Laid off and will discontinue paying benefits of non management workers.
Cumulative negative effects newsom’s closing down of the state’s economy have yet to fully hit.
Just waiting for Goon the punisher to shut outdoor dining down again/.
I really feel for restaurants and servers. Nothing like having your meal fly off the table in the wind, just wait til it rains!
Love how they put a green checkmark next to school, but then clarify only distance learning. You see that on several of these categories. Could it be they want to give you a false sense of happiness by showing lots of green check marks? Maybe they should show, green yellow and red. Green all open, no restrictions, yellow open with restrictions and red, no go. But if they did that, it would be all yellow and red.
OH, yay! Gyms and fitness centers are open. Wait. What? Outdoors only? How many gyms are setting up outside? And oh, look! You can get a massage. What’s this? Outdoors? That’s seems rather public for such a thing, doesn’t it?
Saw some folks exercising in a parking lot of a gym / fitness center in Concord. It was hot, they were wearing masks and it was air was filled with smoke.
I agree with your idea of red, yellow, green. Like places of worship are green check, but only outdoors. I know we can worship outdoors, however we normally meet inside our church building. So, a green check is very misleading. As someone else mentioned, then there would be very few green checks….
Why are places of worship forced to hold services outdoors!? This is outrageous considering Costco, walmart, and other big stores have hundreds of people breathing down each other’s necks, not to mention the “peaceful” protesters. Why can’t I sit in a pew 6 feet apart, fully masked? I wish our religious leaders of all faiths would grow some strong spines, join together, and defy this governor who is a control freak. I would gladly stand along with them, INSIDE my church. How many of us can they arrest?
Could it be politicians and unelected bureaucrats regard religion as not important or perhaps they feel they are superior.
If ever you wonder about politicians engage one in conversation. Within a very few minutes they will begin lecturing you as to their accomplishments and how important they are to society. Ya know the ones, takes ’em 35 minutes to pass a mirror.
As long as most churches put up with bad treatment from our government, the government will continue to treat them badly. There is no fear of God before their eyes.
What about tattoo parlors, my neck art is only halfway done, it really looks tacky. I don’t even want to comment on the waxing situation!
honey you’ve gone Native! -Alec Baldwin
That is bordering on TMI.
Just sayin’
@Cowellian….I’ve never had to yell at the neighborhood kids to get off my lawn, that’s a fact.
Ya reckon?
Please explain the swimming pools open. I know there are a lot of rules they need to follow to stay opened. I hear it’s challenging.
Wear a mask, socially distance, wash your hands, stay home when you’re sick. It’s really simple. Do these things and the green check marks come back. It’s all the non-mask “freedom” people keeping this virus alive – blame them. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem. You’re welcome 👍🏼
Actually, in general cases are coming from – surprise, places where lots of blue-collar, essential workers live, with more people per household. Not from the wealthier more conservative suburbs where you have more explicit anti-masks sentiment etc.
Cases are never going to go to zero. They’re not. And that’s ok. But Newsom just changed his system yet again, so hospitalizations don’t matter, it’s all just about cases. That’s crazy. And it means that no, those check marks aren’t going to come back if everyone just behaves like good girls and boys. They’ll come back if and when one guy, Gavin Newsom, decides that it is politically beneficial for them to come back.
ALL communities, EVERYWHERE, ALL the time, should be following the rules. It’s not difficult, and not that inconvenient. Stop spreading, and this thing is manageable.
First and foremost, this is a health issue. Stop conflating it with your political views.
Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
You need to do your research. Newscum is the one keeping this going. We have hit our marks that he gave more than once and he just raises the standard. When are people like you going to understand this is not about a virus. This is about control.
The new lockdown guidelines will have us all in tiers until November 4.
Looks like we’re partially off the county crap list– barbers/salons can reopen indoors, and the mall can limp along, sort of. A minor improvement. Very minor.
Mask up. Socially distance. Follow the guidelines. Stop having those innocent little get together that spread the virus. Turn the limp into a jog.
Who exactly are you copy-pasting to?
its time we open up im sick of this… your children had school stolen from them. Its very sad and disturbing. I hate it and Im starting to get fed up.
So get a massage, but only outside?
I can’t go inside a church, but I can riot and loot?
Thanks Gavin. You are a complete clown.
So hair salons and barbers shops are open, daycare etc….
Does Massage Therapy fall under ‘personal care’ or ‘healing arts’ according to this? Why can you get your hair done but not a massage?
Are malls and hotels more important than Massage Therapy??
Some of these things are just as risky for exposure if not more.
Some people have chronic issues and do NEED massage, ex fibromyalgia, sciatica, etc for daily function.
Some clients have their massages paid for by insurance because their insurance agrees that it IS necessary for their specific condition….
Ok, I see that massage is ok outside, but that is completely unacceptable…
Yeah, I just got a Brazilian wax yesterday in the parking lot. It was interesting, to say the least.
@Jessica….and that surely won’t end happily!
That darned Donald Trump, he disguised his voice and booked a hair salon appointment for Nancy Pelosi. She went in good faith and was set up, ohh, the mortification…… the public knows about liberal privilege.