According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 6% (about 10,000) of the 161,392 COVID-19 deaths in the United States, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.
For the other 94% of deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death, the CDC said.
Death breakdown by age range, according to the CDC:
- There were 330 deaths from the ages of 0-24
- There were 1,241 deaths from the ages of 25 – 34
- There were 3,228 deaths from the ages of 35 – 44
- There were 8,501 deaths from the ages of 45 – 54
- There were 20,295 deaths from the ages of 55 – 64
- There were 34,334 deaths from the ages of 65 – 74
- There were 42,587 deaths from the ages of 75 – 84
- There were 50,867 deaths from the ages of 85 – 110
source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – information as of Aug.26, 2020.
I don’t trust ANY information from the CDC. They’re all liars.
Would love to see a list of what YOU consider to be a reputable source.
Very true. It has been confirmed they count those who are PROBABLE to have Covid-19 as official positive tests in their reporting numbers. Which means they are counting positive cases for individuals who have never been tested. They do this with their death numbers as well.
A friend went to a backyard family bbq with 15 people in attendance. One individual tested positive for Covid-19 days later. CDC indicated 15 positive cases without testing any other family members.
Don’t be fooled by the statics.
Well yeah, under Trump, When you start believing the scam artists and not the scientists you’re asking for trouble.
Nah, don’t blame Trump. He’s not being allowed to handle this like Obama did because there is an election at stake this time.
Fact Check:
It’s pretty obvious, whenever Trump tries to make progress and do the right thing, pelosi and her dems put their stinky foot down and stop him…..
They are the ones making him look bad… Trump is looking out for US AND AMERICA Dems are looking out for their votes and money, so Pelosi can slurp ice cream in her basement all day.
So shelter-in-place or quarantine the vulnerable age groups and open the damn economy.
Let’s get back to work towards full employment, and real income instead of govt funding and govt dependency.
If people would wear masks and stay socially distant we could bring the numbers of new cases way, way down. But if people are not going to do that I’m not risking my parents’ lives just so I can eat inside a restaurant and watch movies in theaters.
I’m guessing you have no problem with risking strangers’ lives so you can buy groceries, order crap from Amazon, put gas in your car, flush your toilet without it backing up into your house, and a whole lot of other “essential” services you take for granted. But hey, if it doesn’t affect you, it’s not important.
“But if people are not going to do that I’m not risking my parents’ lives just so I can eat inside a restaurant and watch movies in theaters.”
That’s your prerogative. Nobody is stopping you from cowering in place. However, there are those of us who would like the freedom to determine our own level of acceptable risk – possibly those who work in those restaurants and theaters in order to feed their families and pay their rent.
Do I prefer activities and strategies that risk fewer lives? Indeed, I do prefer activities and strategies that risk fewer lives. You can eat outside of a restaurant right now because there is a way to do that fairly safely.
This affects all of us. That’s why we need everyone on board with making smart decisions like wearing masks and, as you point out, sheltering in place. I wish my gym would re-open, I wish I could look forward to Thanksgiving dinner with my family, I wish I could go see movies on the big screen but the risk is too high.
Rollo, I don’t think you are equipped to make that call about acceptable risk.
We let the government tell us we have to wear seat belts when we are in a car and we don’t cry about our personal freedoms. There are government agencies who decide what chemicals can’t be in our food and we don’t scream about wanting the freedom to ingest more mercury.
As to feeding the families and paying the rent of employees of restaurants and movie theaters, we should be helping them out with a stimulus package. When we give funds directly to the citizens who need it that money goes right back into the economy. When you give tax breaks to giant corporations and the wealthy it gets hoarded. So I agree with you – we should care about the well being of those employees and help them in a way that doesn’t put lives at risk.
“Rollo, I don’t think you are equipped to make that call about acceptable risk.”
Who better than me to decide what risk is acceptable to me? If you don’t want to be around someone not wearing a mask, stay home. I accept that risk.
The data show more and more every week that this state’s response to the virus has been overblown to the detriment of the vast majority of residents.
We don’t let the government tell us what to do. Your posts are way over the top. Government works for us. The government has no say about what chemicals go into my food and if you want to live you shouldn’t eat food with chemicals.
Yes. We do let the government make these decisions. Again, you don’t depend on your own know-how to decide if food Or a new medicine is safe, the FDA does that. This is a science problem that requires expertise.
Guess what Chuq? The government has zero input into the vast majority of the food I eat, because I grow, gather and hunt it myself. Depend on the government all you want.
The only caused mentioned does not mean there were no underlying conditions. Jeesh. Where do they get this stuff?
That’s EXACTLY what it means
Only 9,210 healthy people died and we shut the entire economy down!
Would be interesting to see data from say seasonal FLU deaths in people with underlying conditions.
IF comparable data could be found between FLU and Covid-19, there might then be a basis for comparison.
Seriously doubt CDC would produce side by side information. Especially in an election year after governors shut down their state economies.
You are incredible. If we shut down the economy every time.00002% of our population died of something, we would all be living in teepees. There would be no economy. No modern medicine, no electricity, nothing.
More people die in car accidents every year. (15,000)
51 million people work in restaurants and in the hospitality industry and they are all about to go broke and lose everything.
That’s just one industry.
Pull your head out.
Patriot–No, it means that those people probably DID have underlying conditions that just ere not reported in the reports… As far as I have heard, there really hasn’t been anyone without underlying conditions that have dies. They might have been previously unknown conditions, but were there nonetheless.
Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses
Get it?
@Patriot—I totally get it! What’s more worrisome is our brethren on the other end that don’t…
I wonder how many of these deaths were people who died “with” Covid instead of “because of” Covid (car accidents, heart attacks, drug overdoses, etc.)? Just a minor detail that skews the statistics…
“They can put you where they choose, with the language that they use, and ensnare you till you work your life away…” Don Mclean.
There were 330 deaths from the ages of 0-24. Do you think they could break up this age group better. I always get suspicious of this type of reporting.
Goodness, someone was 110! Anyway, this breakdown helps put things in perspective. The additional 2.6 conditions seem to impact your ability to fight the virus. For them, we should continue wearing masks. But bottom line, the recovery rate from the virus is extremely high.
What age group where the 19 that died from Covid with no underlying conditions?
Open NoW!!!!
I’ve been saying from the beginning that the numbers are cooked to meet the government’s objectives.
This Covid virus could have been treated like bad flu and the mortality rate would be about the same.
We the people have been lied to misled, and coned.
The government wanted power over the people and now that they have it they will not relinquish that power until voted out of office.
I really do feel sorry for the gullible folks who have fallen for this betrayal.
I can only hope that they learned something.
The current national administration has been trying to cook the numbers to make everything look A-OK, right? And the numbers still don’t look too good.
Can we all stop running around like chickens with heads chopped off? Open the economy !!!!!!!
When mask requirements are lifted a whole lot of “protesters” will suddenly find other things to do. Don’t want to be recognized in public, you know…
Speaking of rioters/protesters: Did everyone see the “Support Peaceful Protest Act” bill introduced by Indiana rep Jim Banks? With this bill anyone convicted of federal offenses during protests will be denied unemployment dollars from the CARES act. The idea is to cut off funding to jobless rioters. Is that great or what?
Wow. So why is there no talk about a “vaccine” for epstein-barr virus??? Supposedly it is responsible for many cancers, lymphomas, lupus, MS, CFS, RA, Fibromyalgia…..but it’s manageable and brings in billions for big pHarma dealing with symptoms.
As for CDC……they cooked the books regarding their findings on the MMR vaccine autism connection.
CDC whistleblower William Thompson has been hiding after leaking that information.
Businesses that fall into less essential or luxury categories like beauty parlors, restaurants, sports and entertainment, etc. are always the first to suffer when the economy hiccups. Same goes for the industries that support them. These businesses usually snap back when things improve. When someone enters the workforce they have to take that into consideration and plan their lives accordingly.
Of course it can go the other way also. Talk to any RV or boat dealer. Or a delivery driver.
The government forcing whole sectors to shut down is not “the economy hiccups.”
pretty sad, there is a big difference between “no underlying condition” and “no other cause mentioned”.
where do we find the truth of this?
When it’s your time to go, it’s your time to go. Someone once said “we are here for a good time not a long time.” Death is around us all day everyday so why be so scared of it? Last time I checked it’s a part of life. Animals do not want to die but people go out and kill them anyways but I wouldn’t doubt that those same folks that kill animals are probably the ones freaking out the most.
Now we know why the CDC just changed their testing recommendations. is only true official recall
Follow instructions. Boot this communist OUT!
When access to abortion and marijuana are essential, and attendance of in-person worship is banned, it isn’t hard to figure it all out.
Protect the elderly and frail. If you want to Cower-in-Place at your own expense, be my guest. Want to wear a mask, go ahead. But allow everyone else to live their lives as they see fit. Freedom works every time it is tried.
Cannabis is legitimate medicine that has been used for thousands of years and has a mountain of evidence showings its efficacy. Perhaps most marvelous is its appetite stimulating properties which allows people on chemo and with other serious issues with appetite to be able to eat.
Please don’t piss on cannabis.
Abortion, well…
“Cannabis is legitimate medicine that has been used for thousands of years and has a mountain of evidence showings its efficacy.”
Sounds like it should require a prescription.
pretty sad, there is a big difference between “no underlying condition” and “no other cause mentioned”.
where do we find the truth of this??
THIS IS MISLEADING! So, if you have COVID-19, develop pneumonia as a result, and die; your death certificate will list both COVID-19 and pneumonia.
If your heart fails as a result of the stress on your body due to COVID-19, THAT will be listed on the death certificate.
For people paying attention, and I am going to have to shout: IT IS YOUR BODY’S RESPONSE THAT KILLS YOU!
So yeah, there are other conditions listed. Big surprise. Big whoop.
Those concerned in the medical profession so about mortality from the virus could easily have put in place strict guidelines for dealing with those most susceptible to the virus, the elderly. I can’t believe that they have not discovered this fact after any of the numerous prior incidents of epidemics and how they ravage the aged community.
Establishing strict protocols related to infection control at medical facilities housing the elderly, treatment in hospital settings, assisted living, in the home, and so on would have significantly addressed the mortality rate instead of a blanket shut down of the economy with the dictates we have seen. The massive closure of all but essential business, which did little to nothing to protect those most vulnerable, was unnecessary and unproductive.
Some of us have said on this board, with lots of vigor, the numbers were rigged. It was clear to anyone with a working brain Gavin Newsom and othe democrats were illegally declaring a state of emergency. All you straight laced, trust your government, boot lickers can enjoy eating all that crow.
Now what are we going to do about this no good dirtbag Governor who is willing to illegally usurp power from the people and declare himself the leader of the nation state of California? Anything? Sit quietly in your mask? Wait till he says it’s ok to see family and friends? Go back to normal? This is the exact opposite of what you want for a government official. New York’s governor is under investigation for crimes against his people. What the hell are we smoking letting this go on for one more second? His as* should be tarred and feathered for what he’s done to this state and us. Everyone in California government should be voted out for not standing against this corruption of our lives and humanity. He needs jail. We need to make sure this never happens again. Screw the science and health department their a bunch of control freak commies playing their part. I don’t care how many people die, it’s inconsequential to me. Recall Gavin Newsom. Vote out everyone who played along including the AG.
We only need 5% of Californians to sign the recall. And that gives us a 25% cushion for incorrect paperwork. I have to believe at least 50% of Californians think he’s a tool.
Yet, Newsom wont let anything open…And this Tuesday, he is going to announce even more restrictions, because of “Racial inequality” with Covid; he wants counties to have across the board “Racial equity” with all Covid infections. WHAT A DAMN FARCE.
The CDC gets some funding from private interests so they have a bias. You can look that up. I think the people behind this virus scheme are beginning to realize they are losing the war. More and more people are waking up each day and figuring out something isn’t right about this.
Those of us who have been paying attention to the financial sector for years saw a crisis coming. Gee, so convenient that an epidemic came along so they could shut down the country at the same time. Let’s not let them get away with it!
Been screaming about this scam for a few months, along with Chuckie the Troll, and a few others.
It is nice to be vindicated.
Open Contra Costa County now!
open up Everything NOW
I bet they don’t consider gross obesity as a comorbidity.
What is not reported is that the obesity rate accounted for 57% in those under the age of 60.
IMHO – Obesity is something that every news outlet should be talking about regularly
Not just for Covid-19 but it impacts so many medical issues and outcomes
Of couse we know that the problem is so many Americans are fat (regardless of ideology) and no one on either side wants to start telling people, including their voters, “Hey, if your fat that’s a major health problem, it costs us tons of money in health issues, lose the damn weight”.
“Hey fat” – Joe Biden
The mans a revolutionary genius and ahead of his time.
This is important for people to know. Yes, there have been deaths of healthy adults in their 30s – 50s, but very few as a percentage. Important to know.
But at the same time … these underlying conditions are super common in the US. Start adding up all the people who are obese (40% of adults), or have hypertension, or COPD/emphysema, or heart disease, or diabetes – and then throw in *everybody* over 65: you’re talking the majority of the adult population by now.
Why don’t they just admit it! OOPS there is NO PANDEMIC after all and never was one!!
Throw your masks away and get back to work!
Annual United States Road Crash Statistics
More than 38,000 people die every year in crashes on U.S. roadways. The U.S. traffic fatality rate is 12.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.
An additional 4.4 million are injured seriously enough to require medical attention.
Road crashes are the leading cause of death in the U.S. for people aged 1-54.
The economic and societal impact of road crashes costs U.S. citizens $871 billion.
Road crashes cost the U.S. more than $380 million in direct medical costs.
The U.S. suffers the most road crash deaths of any high-income country, about 50% higher than similar countries in Western Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan.
Pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities continue to rise in the United States. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more pedestrians and cyclists were killed in 2018 than in any year since 1990.
Using the same logic that the pro maskers use we should ban all cars because if you are a driver you participate in all these killings of babies and grandmas.
@ David, well maybe our road deaths will go down with the shelter and place. Right now Covid it is the 3rd largest killer and it may become the 2nd or even the 1st largest killer in America.
Many people who have recovered from Covid have lingering health problems.
Why are not more people outraged about this?
Why don’t we see this as headlines everywhere?
Why is the media not questioning this?
Some of us have seen this all along, what does it take for the majority to wake up and question this?
If the media gets paid to stay quiet, they don’t question. The days of the media questioning or confronting are over. The last time I saw confronting was when Mike Wallace was on 60 minutes and he died in 2012.
Open the state up and vote this POS dictator out of office!!! Recall him now! Yes, sadly we all must face our own mortality, but if you are too afraid to live, what is the point?
Please stop believing everything they want you to think!
I trust the CDC. Controlling diseases is what they do. I trust the scientists and the Doctors not the conspiracy theorists. This isn’t about politics. Try not to be afraid of wearing a mask. Wearing a mask is important at this time. Let’s all try to be good citizens for the next year and wear our masks and social distance.