Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,411 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 96 People Currently Hospitalized

DAILY UPDATE: 1,411 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 96 People Currently Hospitalized


        • 1,411 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
        • 160 cases added to the total number of cases since yesterday in Contra Costa County.
        • 10,474 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
        • 100 of the 161 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
        • There are currently 33 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
        • 86 of the 161 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
        • 6 people under the age of 50 (two in the 31-40 age group, and four in the 41-50 age group) have died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
        • Nobody under the age of 12 has died from COVID-19 in the State of California.
        • 1,716 tests were conducted yesterday in Contra Costa County. The seven day positive average is not available at this time, according to the county.
        • There are currently 147 occupied ICU beds in Contra Costa County. 26 of those are occupied by COVID-19 patients. 47 ICU beds are currently available.




The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.

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All Covids are cold type viruses. COVID-19 has a recovery rate of above 98%. It is only a major issue for 1: older people and 2: people with health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes, pre diabetes and being overweight.
Average age of death from COVID-19 is 78 years old.
More than 40% of deaths are from Assisted living/ nursing facilities. Likely much higher as a resident from a facility who dies at the hospital after being transferred doesn’t count the death as a nursing home death even though that’s where they were infected.
Case deaths from Covid are inflated. If you have cancer and you test positive, you are a covid death.
Results from actual case data ( not computer models that have been consistently wrong) indicate that the herd immunity rate could be as low as 20% of the population.
If you are under 45 and in good health, you could get Covid and be asymptomatic or have a mild or moderate case.
Why would I take a vaccine?
Why would I give my healthy child a vaccine when they are unlikely to become deathly ill from it and according to recent research study from Europe, be unlikely to spread it.
Do some kids get sick from Covid and some even die?, yes and young kids get diagnosed with cancer too. Its not likely but it happens.

you clearly have no clue what you parrot around here. First Covids are NOT viruses. COVID-19 stands for Coronavirus Disease 2019. The causative agent for COVID-19 is a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. There are a total of 7 coronaviruses known to infect humans. Three of these seven cause sever acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV) the four others cause mild cold like disease. The majority of the colds in humans are caused by rhinoviruses. There are many more coronaviruses that infect a whole host of other animals, including farm animals, and cause a number of disease, mostly gastrointestinal and respiratory.

JWB- Lol, lol, lol You said COVID is not a virus and then called it corona VIRUS. As much as I find this trauma person perseverative and annoying, they are totally right with this info.

It’s a VIRUS. And thank you for enlightening us with your vast knowledge on this matter.

FACT: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused by a virus, NOT by bacteria.
The virus that causes COVID-19 is in a family of viruses called Coronaviridae. Antibiotics do not work against viruses

If it is not a virus, what does the V stand for in SARS-COV-2? When I look up SARS-COV-2, I get brought to the CDC website which calls COVID-19 a novel coronavirus. Later on that page, it tells us how the VIRUS spreads. It mentions VIRUS multiple times on the website …

I am confused, why are you sayin it is NOT a virus?

Can we just all agree Covid-19 is a VIRUS. There are studies that show 6 different types of Covid.

@TraumaRX. Just wondering if you know this because you work at hospital.

I’m confused. The more people gathered in a spot the more of a chance of contacting COVID, right? So why is it that you can go into a very busy Costco with hundreds of people but hair salons and nail salons that only have like 10-20 people in them can’t open up? Can’t forget massage places too! I would feel more safe at a nail/hair salon or getting a massage then at Costco. Our numbers are not bad.

Because the restrictions are racially motivated

How much longer do you people want to lock down businesses, keep people out of work, force masks on everyone, and hide in your homes for a 99.7% survival rate?


If the politicians and Health Nazis were not so scared for their jobes we could open everything now. I spent the last week in AZ, Masks optional except by request of shop owners. Restaurants open for indoor dining with separation of tables. We have been back for 12 days and still waiting for ??? (BTW 70+ ).

You are indeed lucky. Pray you don’t get it this time around.

Line up your HCQ – Z pack. It is used successfully all over the world.

Barbers and estheticians could operate safely if one, both the client and estheticians wore a mask and two the estheticians wear a face shield. There is no more risk there than a grocery store. The County Health Officer has this all wrong.

You want to reopen the economy? Get everyone nationally to abide by the rules, socially distance, and wear masks. Moaners and whiners keep acting like no one knows how to solve for this when many nations already have. And anti-vaccine wackos prove once again they don’t care about anyone including their own children.

People who complain about what other people chose to put in their body’s have control issues. What you’re saying when you complain about others not getting a vaccine is that you do not trust the science. Me not getting a vaccine does not affect you. You are protected from your vaccine. You wear a mask. How you gonna “get everyone nationally to abide by the rules”? You must want to bring force. Like I said at the beginning you’re a control freak. Get a grip. You ain’t nobody. Force will be met with force.

Agreed Chuq. The whiners just seem to want to keep this thing going forever, but at the same time complain about the restrictions. They just don’t understand basic cause and effect.

Anyone who tries to force me to do anything will immediately understand what cause and effect really means when they are getting off the ground leaking out the face, panicking for a COVID test because distancing just got broke along with their nose.

Risk survey, from Florida, more behavior awareness (in my opinion), the results seem to return alot of High to Moderate Risk

The virus is airborne. It seems some people don’t understand invisible thing floating around in the air. It could kill you. It could make you very sick leaving you with medical debt. You might recover with various lifelong organ damage. You might be one of the lucky and never notice a symptom. It’s Russian roulette disease. And that doesn’t even include infecting your own nearest and dearest.

I understand it is hard to understand a problem that didn’t happen to you, or hasn’t happened yet.

And the death, hospitalization and long term effects have happened to how much of our population? I mean, less than 1% of the population has been infected, assuming each recorded infection is a unique case and not the same person who was counted multiple times …. and how many of those have died? Or had long term effects?

If you want to be scared about those astronomical odds, go ahead.

@parent Yes, it’s Russian roulette disease, you play with your nearest and dearest. As a @parent I’m sure you are very concerned because you love you child.

I do love my child, but realize I am not going to lock them up in bubble wrap for the rest of their lives. It is less than 1% (about 0.5%) to catch the disease .. of those that that catch up, most are asymptomatic, and of the few that are – some make it to a hospital, a smaller percentage to ICU and a smaller still die. Of course, the majority that have died have had underlying medical conditions. …

So not quite Russian Roulette as that would imply an equal chance of getting it. But nice over exaggeration of this virus in attempt to cause fear to the general public.

Someone doesn’t understand the odds in Russian Roulette, or they’d never make such a comparison.

So far the schools have been closed. I wonder what the numbers of dead and cronicly ill children will be once everyone is forced to remove the bubble wrap.

“Cronicly”? Apparently SOMETHING kept your schools closed your entire life.

What’s the death rate among elementary and high school age children? I’ll give you a hint – it’s much, much lower than the flu. But we don’t close schools during flu season.



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