A local CHP officer is being hailed as a hero this week for saving a driver from a burning vehicle on Hwy.24 in Orinda.
The following information is from the CHP-Contra Costa:
The CHP’s daily mission is to provide the highest level of Safety, Service, and Security. Although you may often see us engaged in enforcement, every day is different as a CHP Officer and we never know when we may risk our own life to save someone else.
Recently CHP Officer Richman responded to a solo vehicle crash on Hwy.24 westbound, just east of the Orinda exit. Upon his arrival he saw that the solo vehicle had crashed into a tree and was catching fire.
Numerous citizens were attempting to free the trapped driver but were unsuccessful. Officer Richman acted quickly and began trying to extract the driver but the vehicle doors were jammed shut due to damage from the crash.
So after Richman had to duck through the driver side window while the vehicle was engulfed in flames. He was able to pull the driver out through the window and move the driver to safety.
After rescuing the driver, the vehicle quickly became fully engulfed in flames. Officer Richman and the Driver were both treated for smoke inhalation.
If it was not for Officer Richman’s quick & selfless action, the driver would have surely perished in the fire.
OUTSTANDING job Officer Richman!
photo credit: CHP – Contra Costa
Good thing he hadn’t been defunded yet.
I have the highest regard for Social Workers and Mental Health providers, but this isn’t their job. Thank you, Officer Richman, you are indeed a hero!
Na! They could have called a social worker out to do that!!
Before I get attacked……That was sarcasm!!
Thank you. You are always heros in my eyes. My prayers go out to the driver. Hope all is well.
Great job officer!
Bravo brave Officer. Thank you for being there and performing up to and beyond the standards of your commitment to serve and protect.
My sentiments exactly ~ bless you Officer Richman!!!
Take a close look at this guy. One of the last living selfless men who risks his life for others. There aren’t that many around these days and I’m afraid there won’t be any in this next moi generation
Thank you Officer Richman you are truly an inspiration!
Not going to happen Aunt Barbara
Sadly you are right. When the morale sinks as low as it has been, and officers are being let go, quitting, or taking an early retirement, it will be difficult to find a good replacement. The next generation of police will from the me, me, me, Generation Z.
@ AB
“There aren’t that many around these days and I’m afraid there won’t be any in this next moi generation”
REALLY?? What a supid comment! Maybe you need to turn off the TV and open your eyes up to reality! How many police officers do you know? I happen to know many, and every one of them would do the same thing as Officer Richman did. Kudos to him for what he did. But I’m sure his response would be that he was just doing his job. Becasue that is what he was doing, and that is what the vast majority of them would do and say.
Just because the media is making it sound like our country is filled with bad cops that want nothing more to do than spread their racist thoughts, does not mean that’s the case! Every profession has its bad seeds and law enforcement is no different. The only difference is that when a police officer is a bad seed the results can be far more dangerous and are sure to be noticed by the media.
Keep in mind that no one hates a bad cop more than a good cop; and good cops make up 99% of the profession. To blanket a profession because of a few idiots that should never have worn the badge, simply shows that you watch far too much TV! If anything causes there to not be “any in this next moi generation” it’s attitudes like this that make good people stay away from law enforcement!
Stop hating the cops and try support them. They are good people doing an impossible job, while fighting a false stigma from the very people they are trying to protect!
. To the ranting one….. Maybe reading comprehension would help you and a chill pill.
I was talking about next genderless me generation, not Police!
@ AB
Maybe it would be best to learn to write clearly then! As others read the same way I did!
Signed “The ranting one”!
@Sign from Above–Speak for yourself, I understood Aunt Barbara and I’m dyslexic.
@Sign from Above:
“Thank you Officer Richman you are truly an inspiration!”
Not much wiggle room there. Nice try.
Thank you CHP!!
Great job, Sir! Thank you for your service.
Thank you CHP! The media needs to report on these types of stories more often. Law enforcement officers do many selfless acts like these throughout their day!
Kudos to Officer Richmond and the CHP! Thank goodness for your efforts – heroic indeed.
Dave you are an ads.
Barbara Thank you could not have said it better.
@ Cindy
“Dave you are an ads.”
Cindy. You are the problem!
Thank you so much for being a great human being and doing a great job
Officer Richman. And thank you for sharing a bed story about an LEO Claycord.
One of the last remaining people who would ever stop and risk their lives for someone they don’t know. Know a days, people will stop, but just only take videos to post on social media. They wouldn’t risk their lives to help anyone. But will stop and post it to be popular.
The article said people were trying to help the driver when the officer arrived. Don’t be so cynical, most Americans are good, wonderful people.
@Dawg I say BS. I’m so very happy this Officer stopped and helped. Do you not see the hundreds of videos of where people, old and young, our Police, or First responders are beaten, or shot at, and people do nothing but video tape it to post on social media? And yes I’m cynical. I would hope and pray more good people would find it in their hearts to help someone, besides just stand by and watch!!!!
Thank you! Are much needed police!
Thank you Office Richman. You guys are awesome
So grateful for law enforcement. What a hero!!
Thank you for your service 🤩
Thank you! CHP and all law enforcement official are the best. Don’t ever forget it!
Oh my goodness!!!!!!! Thank you HERO Officer Richman!!!!! God bless!!!!!
A true hero
Cops are tops!
A true hero!!
Our law enforcement officers, true hero’s everyday.
Excellent job! Thank you for your service, Officer Richman. You are the kind of person that young people should be looking up to and emulating. God bless you.
This is false information. Please ask CHP to show the video camera. My sister her husband and another gentleman had to find a way to break the window in order to rescue the gentleman. My sister witnessed the crash as the Range Rover was driving right infront of them. By the time the police got there the man had already been pulled out of the burning vehicle. Read the police report. just another way for the CHP trying to get credit…
Nancy, you show us the video.
Nancy, you’re the one disputing the report. The burden of proof is on you to provide evidence that is counter to the story.
Nancy is right cause i was the first one there when it happened I didn’t grab my phone I went straight to the window and tried breaking it! Till the 2nd person came with a fire extuenisher and then we broke out the window with it. I ran to a another person that stopped to get a blanket cause there fire was already in the passenger side. We tried pulling the guy out thats when the chp officer came and helped us. So yes he is a hero but funny thing is yall making it seem like he did this himself! He is a hero not saying that. But what’s on here is not the full story sorry
Great job Tahir. Thanks for stopping. Everyone that helped out acted in a heroic manner and should feel good about themselves and what they did.
I’m beginning to wonder if Hunk, Hickory, Zeke, and Professor Marvel were there too.
This goes on more than you think (good officers doing their job) I would like to see more exposer when these events occur instead of media pounding when one bad cop does wrong. Not defending bad behavior but there is a lot more good done out there than bad. Just my thought….
I’m proud of you Officer Richman.
Wow! All lives do matter! Who woulda thought
Job well done Officer Richman
God bless this man and his family!
God bless the 2 other guys who got there before him actually broke the windows out and started pulling him out. They are also heros my opinion. All 3 of them truly amazing!!!
@T I agree. Whoever was at the scene and helped are compassionate caring people. Of course the officer is a hero, but that does not minimize whatever help others offered. Contrary to some opinions here, I happened to believe every generation have their share of caring compassionate people. No generation, no race, no group is devoid of caring, giving compassionate people. If I thought that I would be very discouraged, but I encounter people all the time that show the above qualities, I refused to have such a bleak outlook on my fellow human beings, I just don’t think it is reality.
Yes thank you Officer,
but what about the Numerous citizens who were attempting to free the trapped driver but were unsuccessful. I’d like to thank them and hope if I’m ever in that type of situation citizens will stop and try to help me.
Everyone that stopped and assisted should feel good about what they did. Successful or not, they made a difference!
Well done!
WOW! What a hero!!! Thank you sir!
Great job Officer Richman!
Also, great job to the Officer who yesterday saved a person whose wheel chair became stuck on the tracks of an onrushing train. The chair was destroyed and the occupant received a minor injury during the rescue.
Salty here..
Sign From Above is spot on. Attitudes like AUNT BARBARA are the reason people no longer want to go into that field. Like SIGN said 1 bad apple doesnt spoil the bunch.
Salty Out!
Go back and carefully read Aunt Barbara’s comment that you’re referencing.
Salty here
Yes good post. Risked life to get the person off just as the train got there. In fact the person got clipped by debris. That’s how close..
This happens daily but only the mainstream media focuses on negativity.
Salty Out!
we so appreciate our law enforcement and also those who put their lives at stake for those in need. I say give the police more money not less. more people in concord and now less police.. how does that compute? Thankyou to our law enforcement. We care about you. Be blessed!
People like to Complain, but are slow to Compliment…Here are a few links to get the Compliment Party started:
California Highway Patrol:
Clayton Police: Doesn’t seem to want you to Compliment or Complain, so start here:
Concord Police Seem to be more interested on Complaints, but same for is for Compliments:
Contra Costa Sheriff’s Office:
ps: please excuse my editorial comments… Opinion only and based on what was readily accessible from the respected websites.