All information is current as of August 11, 2020.
California has a total of 1,223 nursing homes. 3,569 nursing home residents have died of COVID-19 throughout the state.
In all, the state of California has seen 10,468 COVID-19 deaths. 8,484 of those deaths were people over the age of 60.
The population of the state of California is 39.5-million.
All the above information is from the CA Dept. of Public Health.
73 of 78 COVID-19 deaths in Clayton, Concord, Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill have been people in nursing homes.
In all, 92 of the county’s 146 deaths have been in nursing homes.
Nobody under 30-years-old has died of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County, and three have died between the ages of 31-50.
Contra Costa County’s population is about 1.1-million.
All the above information is courtesy of the Contra Costa Health Dept.
3,534 people between 0 and 30-years-old have tested positive for COVID-19 in Contra Costa County. (zero deaths in this age group).
4,804 people between 31 and 60-years-old have tested positive for COVID-19 in Contra Costa County. (13 deaths in this age group).
1,440 people between 61 and 105-years-old have tested positive for COVID-19 in Contra Costa County. (133 deaths in this age group).
In all, the county has seen 9,787 total cases, and 146 deaths. 8,488 people have recovered, according to Contra Costa County.
All the above information is courtesy of the Contra Costa Health Dept.
And we shut down the economy because? How about compare other deaths related to obesity, coronary artery disease, ect. If we focused onn those numbers as we do Covid you’ll be surprised! This whole thing is a joke. Open up the state! Recall Gavin!!
TraumaRx; The other deaths that you mentioned, obesity, coronary artery disease, etc. are not contagious. The numbers for those deaths may or may not be higher than even the “lowest” estimates by the State or Local agencies, but I don’t think most of us want to run the risk of being exposed to this virus. The long term effects are still being discovered.
How do you catch coronary artery disease from someone else?
Yes. It doesn’t help when Our own supervisors and health “professionals”, lie in order to herd the general population into a political direction. The Nordic countries have a tremendous advantage with their cultural personality.
The majority of Americans can see the discrepancy between facts and fear mongering. The elites need to be gelded.
The best news so far about the fight against the virus was announced this week: Dr. Scott Atlas, a top Stanford Radiologist has joined Trump’s coronavirus task-force.
The public health experts such as Dr. Fauci made sense when we didn’t know what we were dealing with. They compiled data and put stop-gap measures in place.
But now that we know a lot more about the virus, we need strategists such as Dr. Atlas to lead the country away from entrenched, dim-witted tactics that do more harm than good.
Hopefully the devastating dimmer switch edicts will be dropped, and our schools, churches and barber shops will be reopened quickly.
Someone once said,
“The trouble with most folks isn’t their ignorance, it’s knowing so many things that ain’t so”.
Thanks Claycord for passing on some facts.
Treat yourself and your elders with care. You may save their life.
So true. However some of those deaths either had symptoms of Covid or tested positive for it. Instead of labeling them for what they were, the hospital labeled them as death from Covid; as opposed to death with Covid. Hospitals gotta get that extra insurance money so call it a Covid death
Agree. The data is inaccurate.
Can you provide proof that isn’t a random person, doctor or otherwise, saying it’s so on a YouTube video? Do you understand there are multiple people and a legal process for stating cause of death on a death certificate? Doctors and coroners/medical examiners don’t care about hospital money for the insurance companies. Why would they lie? And how would ALL the doctors across the ENTIRE WORLD pull off such an amazing conspiracy to lie on death certificates?
Also, how many death certificates have you seen with Covid listed? Because many will say “heart failure made worse by Covid” or something along those lines. How do I know? Oh, I’ve seen 2 from family members who have died because of Covid. Stop believing what random people on YouTube tell you and start listening to facts and do actual research.
Can we open now?
Thanks for reporting the breakdown in such detail. It helps us and is appreciated.
If you are sick of the lock-downs & restrictions, please practice common sense personal safety measures to stay healthy and keep others safe.
Wash hands frequently, wear a mask in public, and keep a safe distance.
Let’s beat this virus and return to normal.
There you are; 73 of the 78 deaths in Clayton, Concord, Walnut Creek, and Pleasant Hill have been in NURSING HOMES. Why is the economy shut down? Why are we testing thousands of people a day? Spend the money protecting the most vulnerable, and those working with them. Let the rest of us get on with living.
Open the economy, and recall our moron Governor.
Thank you for posting these numbers. It’s good to see just how dangerous this sickness can be. I hope everyone is staying safe and isn’t getting to affected by all of this!
No it doesn’t.
Who are these people who post saying things that clearly are opposite of the”news”? It clearly indicates the “virus” is not spreading like wildfire in our community. It’s like they just pop in to pump fear. I wonder if these posts are part of Gavins public outreach. Like the chinese 50 cent army.
Do you know how to do math and comprehend what you read @DaynNight?
Biggest scam since oscama and his fake birth certificate
This state has been scamming us since may
The liberal national socialists that have taken over the state have found their golden ticket and have been using us for political favors and means to get fed ones they can steal from us
The hospitals are just as guilty
As well as media and Facebook and YouTube
for hiding the truth doctors have been trying to tell us about fake Covid tests
Simple fact this state gov is a criminal organization using us to build their wealth
All dem politicians are rich
They are public servants
And yet are getting rich while we drive on bad roads daily
Sit in traffic daily
Pay huge taxes for what
High bridge tolls for what
Our education I get used to fund illegals while American citizens are left to the street
All fake to line their pockets while we are forced into poverty
@ Random
So are all republican politicians poor?
And explain to me how and why the ENTIRE WORLD has organized for the sole purpose of driving the US democrat agenda?
There is a great page on the new “conservapedia” website regarding the “radical roots of Barack Obama”
Must read for anybody interested in the genesis of today’s Marxist insurrection
@randomtask…would you like some cheese with all of that wine? 😉 It isn’t the left or right…its that both sides with no term limits abuse their power and accumulate wealth for their families. Absolute power corrupts absolutely right? Lets do our part, do NOT vote for any incumbent…and lets get a bill on the ballot for term limits for 8 yrs max…see how many of the roaches go running when we turn that light on! hahahahahahahahahahaha
Random Task, The sentences fake birth certificate should make everyone realize you are not dealing with reality. Do you really believe that when Obama was born in Hawaii, or as you and Trump suggest in Kenya, those present at his birth had the foresight to fake a birth certificate from Hawaii, because this baby born 1961, would some day want to become President one day. Nothing in this conspiracy makes sense. You must be a follower of Alex Jones.
STILL not telling us what the co-morbidities were for those who died WITH covid. NOT from Covid.
Vote out the Dems, Liberals and entitlement pandering politicians as anyone with a lick of sense left can see how this is going.
Old school, common sense and conservatism is coming back and hopefully soon. Take back what needs to get our country on track.
Wise up and if we don’t it will get way worse. This is only the beginning.
We have dementia and frail Joe and Job Jumping Kamala waiting in the wings.
Guys, the numbers are this low because the economy and schools are shut down. Open up and we will see numbers and deaths spike. Please listen to health professionals and not politicians who do not necessarily have your best interest at heart.
I agree take political stance out let scientists & health PROFESSIONALS do there job… We as humans need to take the stance for what’s best for US!!!! I’m not far left or far right I’m AMERICAN & want what’s best for our children growing up in this world so let’s make decisions based on humanity not rich poor black white just HUMANS all of us !!!!!
Economists are also professionals. To ignore what they say and only listen to health professionals would be a huge mistake, in my opinion. Our best interests and our well-being involve much more than just our perceived risk of becoming physically ill.
@Chicken Little:
Spot on.
We have been in house arrest for almost 6 months. At some point we are going to have to get back to work, school and other normal daily activities. Do you really think that this is going to stop the virus? It will not. This virus has been around for many years. We need to get out and build our immunities.
FACT: Covid will end November 3rd
There is a difference between “living” and simply “surviving” let’s reopen, get to work and start living again.
This isn’t “The Stand”.
It’s difficult for some people to discern the difference between “living” and “existing”. The citizens of China and Venezuela exist.