Home » The Water Cooler – How Much Time Do You Spend Online Everyday?

The Water Cooler – How Much Time Do You Spend Online Everyday?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: If you had to take a guess, how much time would you say you spend online every single day?

Talk about it….

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No sir not me I am never on line.

I see what you did there. Well played.

Since I am WFH … let’s guess, at least 8 hours a day, but usually more.

Depends, but about 1 to 1-1/2 hours a day. Early morning (5 am) brain games, then later to check Claycord and Nextdoor. Sometimes to check recipes or Youtube on how/what to do’s on stuff. Don’t even turn on the T.V. till 5 pm. Too busy with other things to do.

Sure are an early bird Roz… You don’t want to see me at 5 in the morning:) I spend a couple hours a day as well.

Ha-Ha!,…Think everyone is no Beauty Queen at 5 am.
Hey, were You & Missy at Farmers Market Tuesday morning at Concord High?

No…I was at work and she works from home during these times.

I keep Claycord on the large plasma display 24/7 with an automatic refresh every 3 minutes.

I don’t spend everyday online, but when I do, it could be anywhere from 1/2 an hr to a couple of hours. It all depends on what I’m doing. I do a lot of research on different subjects and enjoy educating myself on meaningful as well as trivial issues. Sometimes I will read some of the biased fake news for a laugh. When I come onto the Claycord website, I can spend anywhere from a couple of minutes to much longer depending on what the subject is and how interesting the comments are.

Way too much screen time! I hurt my foot so I have to not walk so much. I developed two bad habits. Eating too much and on the internet too much.
My foot is getting much better. I have a ruptured tendon on my ankle. I understand tendons take forever to heal. My plan is to read more, stay off the computer and iphone less, and to ride my bike, oh loose 25 pounds by Christmas.

Hope you get better soon, and stronger than before,… 🙂

I spend a lot more time online as an unpaid genealogist than I ever did when I was actually getting a paycheck. I usually have several browsers open at one time. When Ancestry gets bogged down, as it frequently does, I bounce over to check on Claycord and Facebook.

Are you actually a “Cowell” or just like the history?

I became Cowellian in 2007, when we lived in the Crossings. I discovered Claycord while looking for information about the Smokestack and became fascinated with the history of the Town and Cement plant. I blogged for a couple of years while the Smokestack saga unfolded but didn’t have anything to write about after the Smokestack Memorial was dedicated.


A few hours at least, when I’m working, just about 45 minutes in the morning, checking news, emails, Claycord and a few other sights I read everyday. When I get home at night same routine, I don’t have TV so I listen to the radio, or get my new from the computer. If I listen to the radio, sometime I like to do a Jigsaw Puzzles (Sight is free Jigsaw Puzzle, the post new ones several times a day and have different themes). When I’m not listening to the radio I go on Utube, check some news, just short segments, often watch a movie on Utube, also love Utube animal video’s. Favorites are Panda’s Red Panda’s, Koalas, Walruses, and Max the cockatoo. On days off a little more time, answers emails. Also use the computer to check my banking statements, and my work schedule.

Perhaps 4 hours a day when I’m home which for the last 5 months has been most of the time. I have a routine that I do every day. I also have projects that can take up to a few hours but I check in with Claycord.com from time to time throughout the day, especially if I’ve put up a post. I never randomly surf, and seldom search You Tube for pure entertainment.

Totally AM and PM less than a hour….

I can’t even guess anymore. I’m a hardcore night owl, so if I’m going to try to do anything, I have to rush-rush-rush to make it before all the businesses close so ungodly early. That leaves the endless expanse of time between 8 PM and 7 AM to fill up with re-watching old TV, cat videos (online streaming); what little Reddit and Claycord and a couple of blogs I can stomach anymore because it’s all COVID and bad political news– aside from the Harris nomination woo hoo! (internet); and my video game du jour (online).

You can add books and some craft stuff to that, but online is about the only life I have anymore.



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