Home » The Water Cooler – What Is One Fun Thing You’ve Done Since The COVID-19 Pandemic Started?

The Water Cooler – What Is One Fun Thing You’ve Done Since The COVID-19 Pandemic Started?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: What is one fun thing you’ve done since the COVID-19 pandemic started?

Talk about it….

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A couple of fun things – went to the rifle and pistol range a couple of weeks ago, and the Sacramento zoo about a month ago.

Seriously? Absolutely nothing! Being quarantined is not fun at all.

There were a lot of plays from the U.K. that I could watch on my TV YouTube channel ( not as many now). I’ve “attended” over 130 plays so far this year. Now that the library is open for front door pick up, I can read at least a couple of books every week, too

Nada, Nix, Nine, … Well actually I went to pick up a pizza a few days ago. That was just a kick. The wedding we weren’t going to go to got called off that was fun. So I guess what tops off everything is watching the Schitt’s Family and Lilyhammer on Netflix. The communist chinese owe me big time.

We are spending time with our Daughter & Son-in-Law about every 2 weeks, since he retired from the Coast Guards (Alaska). They come here (1-1/2 drive) with their dog to visit us, and their 2 cats. It maybe short lived if he gets a job out of State,….so enjoying it while we can.

Working on my old Corvette. After rebuilding the engine and transmission, and seeing the improvement in performance gives me great pleasure. She’ll now do 0-60 in four seconds, and she’s just about ready to be painted.

What year was your Corvette? In 1968 when I was an au par in Westport, Ct. my boyfriend had a corvette, dark green, canvas top, maybe a 1965 not sure. Just remember riding with him by the beach, the top down, and I thought this is what is imagined America to be like, this is why I left a small town in Denmark to come to the US.

Contribute to the Economy. Bought a new Tahoe.

Built a drum smoker out of an old 55 gallon barrel.

Defy Newsom

Making fun of people who are paralyzingly scared of COVID, having a laugh that COIVD spreads from family gatherings but not from protests and eating popcorn while people argue about politics but never change anyone’s mind.

Fun? Eh. A satisfying project though…filled 50 bags with leaves, overgrown vines, trimmed/dead branches…fixed driplines…replaced leaking valves. Backyard now clean as a whistle and no-longer thirsty trees are basking in the sun.

1) Love the sourdough we started. Use it all the time.

2) Had a couple of online Zoom dinners with extended family, followed by playing games online

On the 4th of July we drove to Discovery Bay, watched the sunset, and on the drive home, via highway 4, saw thousands of fireworks. Pretty cool to see so many lit off at the same time. Dangerous but cool.

I’ve gone to work every day. Oh, wait. That’s not fun at all.

Not worn a mask; and I’m as healthy as ever!

Started metal detecting it is great and I can still practice SD (Social Distancing)

Writing a history of our family for my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren–what memories!

Bob, what a wonderful treasure.

That’s awesome! I was just talking to my Mom about doing the exact same thing.

Visited Five national parks! More coming up!

I’m and avid cook and baker, including sourdough bread (for years). I’ve spent time fine tuning and tweaking baking recipes that are regulars in my baking rotation. It’s been fun with excellent results, and I’ve had baked goods to share with people. I’ve also incorporated organic dark rye (pumpernickel) flour and organic white whole wheat flour into my baking with excellent results.

Also going to work but it’s fun.
They give us bosses and engineers, for our entertainment.
Funnest ones are fresh outta college, who know it all.

What’s this “COVID-19 pandemic” you speak of?

Question: Whats better…Black or Brown Bear? Answer: Drink every day. You are welcome

Went halibut fishing twice, and went camping a couple of times. Great fun!

To be honest spending this much time with my kids since I’m not working right now I get to enjoy all the things I was missing & I love it!!!!”

Started running to the deep woods and rivers to go Fly Fishing

Left California and went to Idaho!!

Sam, I envy you. Where do you go?

I’ve been painting rocks……. I really enjoy It! Peaceful, calming. Then I take them out to nearby neighborhoods and leave them for others to enjoy. Someone even left me s Thank You note, touched my Heart. I’ve done 50 -60.

@Cindy Talbot – Wow, that is a lot of rocks, and way cool! Rock painting is on my craft to-do list. Question: What type(s) of paint do you use? Thanks! Mary

Mary, I use spray paint as a base on some and seal with a clear matte spray. I picked up a Crayola acrylic set at @Staples. 16 tubes.

Mid July ran up to an open county, got a haircut, inside. Then to lunch also inside, sit down, and served. A bit of fun that will have to last for a while.


baked some bread and went crabbing a couple times…thats about as exciting as it has been the past few months.

Set off fireworks after midnight then ask everyone on line if they heard gun shots.


Developed more extensions for my labs haptic feedback
Including upgraded comfort mods, zero gravity chairs with vibrational extensions. Mixing sleeping enduced chemicals with sensor adjustment mood enhancing water pads under the user. I found vybe procession pad for 3d audio vibrational feedback. This will work on all virtual reality headsets with modified lenes and super sampling and tracking. I’ve also studied more on advanced black flying grey budget planes. Been also designing a bed that keeps you young.

One fun thing? It’s been one wild, continuous party over here!

Since I got permanently laid off from my job, I’ve been able enjoy cooking and sewing more. Also, I’ve been able to read the books that I’ve been putting off reading.

Completed my dissertation and now have a PhD in underwater basket weaving. Fascinating stuff!

Attended a Zoom baby shower. Looked at senior dogs to adopt. Found one but don’t have her yet.

Countin’ flowers on the wall
That don’t bother me at all
Playin’ solitaire till dawn with a deck of fifty-one
Smokin’ cigarettes and watchin’ Captain Kangaroo
Now don’t tell me I’ve nothin’ to do

Probably has to be camping in the back yard with the Grandchildren. Complete with fire and marshmallows.

I am finding out that my friends are very much into social distancing. Is that a good thing?

This county is overpopulated. Your friends preference to distance is normal. Humans are not cherished in a crowded society. Some are not even noticed. The tearing down of society is the result. Antifa and inner city genocide (Chicago) is a perfect example as to where we are headed.

On the bright side, the majority are relatively peaceful and intelligent. If only we can prevail.

@KBB…Your “friends” may just be telling you that, think about it.

Outdoor Yoga at Raga Yoga has been the highlight of my Summer!

HA. I thought people are decluttering and remodeling their homes. I was jealous as I’m working and can’t start such a project. I don’t see comments like this here.🤣. I’m releaved and bored.

@Wanda – Jim and I did the major decluttering/getting rid of junk 2 years ago. We had a 20 yd debris box delivered to our driveway and filled it up! It felt so good to get rid of 20 years of junk no longer needed. Weirdest thing was a broken electronic rocking horse (that mother was heavy!) that used to be in front of a K-Mart for kids to ride for 25 cents. Jim used it for a prop at his Old West Cowboy shoots years ago until the motor burned out.

We are getting the exterior of our home and garage painted now by a crew from the General Contractor we’ve used for decades. Getting close to being done after 2 weeks. Guys are doing a fab job and love the new happy colors!

There are many! Cooking, baking, gardening, and the last is my painting. Our class shut down so I don’t paint alone. However I better get it together and paint! My 96 year old Dad still scolds his daughter! I put things off. He said I need to get my ass in gear and paint. Ok Dad, will. Oh yes I forgot to say having afternoon meetings outside with my neighbors! Things really are not boring. I have a ruptured tendon on my right ankle which has taken my walks at the Lafayette Reservoir walks away. Damn it is depressing. Oh well that is not that bad! Count your blessings and that will cheer up!

Visited a few places outside of California…then I remembered how cool California could be once we got back



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