Home » State Plans To Release Draft Curriculum For Ethics Studies Education

State Plans To Release Draft Curriculum For Ethics Studies Education


State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond said Wednesday that the state Department of Education plans to release a draft model curriculum this week for ethnic studies education.

Thurmond said the department will release the draft on Friday, taking the first step toward the implementation of an ethnic studies curriculum for K-12 students across the state.

While state legislators have promoted the idea of an ethnic studies curriculum in recent years, state education officials were spurred to develop the draft in part by discussions with students on the Department of
Education’s Youth Advisory Council.

“One of the things that our students said is they wanted to see more positive representations of themselves in the history that they learned at school,” Thurmond said.


The department then offered a four-week virtual educational series on ethnic studies, focusing on the history of Black, Latino, Asian Pacific Islander and indigenous people in California.

Once released, the draft model curriculum will be sent to the department’s Instructional Quality Commission for consideration. The state Board of Education is expected to consider adding ethnic studies to the
state’s curriculum next year.

“(The educational series) helped us to lift up conversations about the importance of ethnic studies, how it can help provide healing for all of us at this time in our nation, especially our young people,” Thurmond said.

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Beyond Culture; Edward Hall

Should be required reading for this topic.

Yes. The kids need less academic instruction, and more marxist indoctrination. I see they won’t be discussing the history of the Anglo Saxon. Who by the way, are also immigrants to the United States.

@ Dan. Um, I think Sam is “assuming” that because that is what is stated in the article. “… focusing on the history of Black, Latino, Asian Pacific Islander and indigenous people in California”.

Did I miss the part where it said they were taking this class for 20 years? How could you imagine they would have time to discuss “all significant figures and events?” Did I also miss the part that said white included? It appears they are attempting to address our current population, so why would a large percentage not be included? US history is a different subject then ethnic studies.

That said your last sentence is the most intelligent thing I have heard in a while.

Did you read the text below the headline? It clearly says what would be the basis for the curriculum. It is “the history of Black, Latino, Asian Pacific Islander and indigenous people in California”.
I’m sure other significant events and historical figures (including those of Anglo-Saxon heritage) will be mentioned. But anyone with half a brain can guess what would be the context and what kind of spin will be given.
As to discussing “history in its entirety”… It would be interesting to see if inter- and intratribal wars are even mentioned in the curriculum. Let alone the spiritual nature of the warfare for some of the tribes (e. g. Yuma in CA). Another interesting snippet of “history in its entirety” would be Native American slaveholders (e. g. Cherokee chief John Ross).
Any bets on whether these will be included?

@Dan – Open mouth insert foot

The ethics of our educational system is rightly held suspect. It is clear exclusion of the white “race” will be used to harass and shame white children.

Need Proof? The so called peaceful protests in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, and every other city that has had statues toppled, buildings burned, businesses looted. Citizens and police attacked, murdered harrassed. The message is made clear under threat of bodily harm.

As for history lessons. Absolutely yes. But calling it Ethics is to invite questionable targetting. There is a reason our male children are prone to suicide. For SHAME.

Here comes the guilt trip for your kids. While they should be telling Black kids not to bully the White kids they are going to spin it. The brave new world.

So Mayor, is it Ethics, or Ethnic Studies?

If there ever was a time…

Oops Mayor… Ethics have nothing to do with our education system 😏

Maybe if they’d focus on making sure the students learn the basics first and then once those are mastered, they can take this as an elective. Otherwise you’re just going to create more idiotic touchy feely protesters.

How about we teach them “ethics” first and once they have that down move on to “ethnics”.


Is this for the ethical studies of ethnics?

Cultural sharing MUST be a part of the program. Love of country and appreciation of our Constitution MUST be a part of the program. Saying the Pledge of Allegiance is a good way to bring about common community. that is the goal, right?

Concentrating on differences is what has caused the problem.

So let’s rewrite history and change it to include everyone but the white race.The Politicians are bowing to certain groups of people and it will backfire on them.Lets make America great again!

“One of the things that our students said is they wanted to see more positive representations of themselves in the history that they learned at school,” Thurmond said.

Ok, then stop demonizing and pointing out the negatives on the white culture. Equity, isn’t that new buzz word? Teach ALL POSITIVES of EVERY CULTURE.

How about just teach the facts. Good, bad, wrong, right. That’s how you learn. Don’t teach WHAT to think, teach HOW to think.

Exactly @burnbabyburn

wonder if this course will cover the significant role blacks played in enslaving their own people.

I was glad to see ethics would be taught. Not.

It won’t work, kids learn their values at home.

“One of the things that our students said is they wanted to see more positive representations of themselves in the history that they learned at school,” Thurmond said.

wow they said that really i hope you have that letter or proof
because slandering or straight lying to us is not going to work any more

the democrats have exposed their hate and direction of chaos and the termination of american citizens rights and a push for national socialism ful gov control of the country ….essentially they want a dictatorship with hillary at the controls …..
best picture of that is germany right now
if you love that picture its coming soon ….then china will just roll that into full communism and control over the states furthering their grip on the world and enslaving us to china

we are allready conforming with masks and gov control over everything we do daily …..sounds like china to meh

this is not the america who poeple come to for freedom

america is structured to help people not rule them

but the democrats want total control over you and all the power to rule you

CA will soon enter a death spiral if these Marxists Democrats stay in control of the government past Nov
They will clear-cut the entire Sierra and send wood to China
Repeal prop 13 and raise property taxes on a progressive scale and by race
Build section 8 housing in every city and move them out of Oakland
State budget graft and malfeasance will become systemic
Legal double standards even race based legal rulings
Political persecutions
We are seeing all of these things to some degree at the present time
Time to wake up
Marxism is not going to go away by itself
Please vote R In Nov to set CA back on a normal course

Funny misspelling in the post title here. Ethics =/= Ethnic Studies. Though some people apparently think so!

the title says ethics but the topic is ethnic

Yes. I noticed that too.

Why not teach about personal responsibility, the US Constitution, and some real life skills? This sounds like more indoctrination from Kalifornistan. Time to home school…

Where you WILL be able to teach ethics studies and learn the benefits of Wisdom.

It saddens me greatly to see what has become of the public school system here. I pray for the kids who are stuck in the MDUSD schools that rate 2 and 3 out of 10. Those who succeed in that system almost seem to do so in spite of the schools rather than because of them. Very sad.

You know, you can be white and not see “positive” representation of your ethnic heritage/group in American history, too. It isn’t just about a few specific groups. One of my history teachers once said that nothing important ever happened in history that didn’t involve money (i.e. power). That is just it. History has been taught from a power-centric perspective. The ordinary guy rarely gets a mention. For a positive outcome, all ethnicities should be fair game for study.

so the democrats of this state got rid of civics and now they want to steer the ethics and ethinic teachings ….

after they ripped down every statue and art that depicted history

this county is deep blue democrat with no one asking if its best for the populous

essentially they can implement anything they want and have it pass by sitting dems through out the process

just like the city councils do and ccboard

now they want that power to the mdusd over our children …indoctrinating them even further to pro democrat agendas and focus and hate towards any one not a democrat …..

teach civics first

so they can have an idea of what it means to be an american and how other countries differ in different ways

then let them take on ethnic and ethics ….

so they can have a reflection of why and how history is in the eye of the beholder …..and you have to make up your own mind and not be directed to learn democrat only philosophy’s on america and the world

like bringing in millions of illegals directly relates and reflects on american citizens being passed up for affordable housing so the democrats have total control over a race and culture of people in the country …not free and beholding to democrats for their freebees ……

no democrat has even said one word about making them legal or developing a process to make them legal ….

first off most dont want to be legal they see how we are treated and say no way …
second if they were legal they could make up their own mind and vote how they want and not beholding to democrat politicians and policies

third the DA has stated illegals will not be prosecuted for any acts ….so basically giving them diplomatic immunity ….over you as a citizen ….

4th you voted for this to happen ….nicely done ….the thousands of people on the streets are on you as you
you followed democrats hate of freedom and americans rights
and allowed democrats to make illegals a trojan horse on our systems

taking money from education and roads and maintenance and prosperity of our cities
and forcing them to be sanctuary of illegal acts and violence

a ten time boarder jumper killed an american citizen trying to enjoy the ocean and pier of our city …..she was shot and killed and the DA refused to convict the illegal for political reasons …..she still sits in power over our lives and promotes illegals and criminals over our citizens

this state is steering us to national socialism and communism at this very moment …..your civil liberties are being taken away in favor of political pawns and corruption and prosperity of politicians and their families


Bet someone was thinking about “politicians”, when typing in the header for this article ? ? ?

Think first year of instruction in Ethics should be mandatory for all elected politicians and ALL unelected bureaucrats at state, county and city levels.

If they are to do ethnic studies, I think many of us could help develop the curriculum for it. Why is it true that two black teenagers on BART in the seats behind you can use the famous “N” word a dozen times in their loud conversation, but if you with different skin color use that same word you subject yourself to stares, verbal attacks, and possible physical assault. What institutions and people benefit from increasing racial frictions? The address of Maxine Water’s house is public information and the mansion she lives in is not even in her district. Who created the culture of victimization and why teach victimization just to later teach reverse discrimination to oppose it. And so on.

It’s called “black privilege”.

I think continual platitudes and virtue signalling from Dan should be a required part of the curriculum.

I would like to know if the CCHealth Marxists are using race as a factor yet in their health care decision making processes over at County Hospital
If a white patient and a black patient both need that last bit of medicine on hand who gets it???
Is the decision based on “justice” or need as determined by established medical criteria

Wow. Unfortunately you can never know at this point. Scary that political activists are running our healthcare institutions with stated bias. That county hospital is funded by tax payers. I think they should be asked the question. It’s a real concern. Do all patients lives matter, or do some matter more?

The State educates your children.

You have no say in the curriculum.

That’s communism.

Communism is very involved and controlling of education. Cellophane is not wrong.

It would be nice to see more positive examples rather than flogging ignorance.

And by the way Ethics is something that is never compromised. PERIOD.

its called political corruption

democrats are now placed at every facet of our lives in this state
state gov
city gov
county board
cal trans

Democrats is a polite way of saying it. They have completely devolved into the California Communist Party. Or CCP like our overseas sister country. Gavin called us a “nation state” more then once. Does anyone understand what he is implying or the messaging here?

Make everyonoe in the Legislature and the Governor take this.

Well, I wouldn’t expect a child in K-12 to request coursework in personal finance, but they’d be better off learning how to manage their money, buying a car, why mortgages work the way they do, living within your means and the importance of saving for retirement than Ethnic Studies. This is a capitalistic country after all. They won’t teach it because too much money is made from their ignorance.

I think it would be wise to not interfere when the enemy is destroying itself.

As a kid I lived in Michigan, Ohio, Texas, and California. The native Americans was a big topic of history in grade school in each of these states. A part of this is already there.

California is circling the drain and about to be flushed into the sewer. All the Democrats can say is “but we have the 5th largest economy.”

You deserve what you voted and paid for, suckers.

large and good are not the same thing. You can have a large economy that sucks.

In their studies I hope they learn about the black sadist that just killed two men with a baseball bat after he broke into a gated community in Florida yesterday. They should also learn that if you chase intruders off of your property with a gun you may go to jail but the intruders will not. I can see they will leave out all of the important information.



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