Contra Costa County is considering fining people for violating the COVID-19 public health orders.
At their meeting on July 28, the board of supervisors will consider an urgency ordinance, which would establish fines for violations.
The ordinance authorizes administrative fines for violations of public health orders involving both non-commercial and commercial activities.
For health order violations involving non-commercial activities, the amount of the fine is $100 for a first violation, $200 for a second violation, and $500 for each additional violation within one year of the initial violation.
For violations involving commercial activity, the amount of the fine is $250 for a first violation, $500 for a second violation, and $1,000 for each additional violation within one year of the initial violation. If a violation continues for more than one day, each day is a separate violation.
The ordinance authorizes enforcement officers designated by the Director of Health Services, the Director of Conservation and Development, and the Sheriff to enforce the ordinance.
Theses fools are tripping. Anna Roth is a tyrant. The board of supervisors are representing the health department NOT the people. They all need to be removed by any means.
Recall them all.
We fine people for violating other public safety issues like speeding and running stop signs. These acts endanger the health and well being of the community at large. I see no reason why these public health and safety orders should not be enforced similar to traffic laws.
Given the times this might not be a bad idea, however it’s about as enforceable as a ticket for eating in the BART station.
Should they try to give a protester a ticket they might get nailed in the head with a frozen water bottle. The protesters likely will continue to get a free pass, after all, their lives have been so unfair.
As usual I agree with you, but you cannot convince some posters of these safety precautions. First of all don’t know what’s the big deal about wearing a mask, and even if it is don’t know where people go without one. You cannot get into any store without one. CVS, Dollar Stores, Sprouts TJ’s, Macy’s, Safeway, Grocery Outlet all mandate wearing a mask. At Macy’s we have been instructed to politely ask customer’s to wear a mask, if they refuse we are to call a manager.
There is a quote from the movie “Lion in Winter”‘ where Katherine Hepburn asks Peter O’Toole “Your boys are wondering if your promises are any good (in regards to which of his 3 sons will be the next king) O’Toole answers “It’s no use asking if the air is any good, when there is nothing else to breathe”.
Dan, I agree, despite the number of speeders and red-light runners seem to be on the rise. The USA is already the laughing stock in the fight with Covid-19. Every European country have closed its boarders to us. It really will come down to the individual to do the right thing, financial penalty or not.
Sometime people that could care less about others for whatever reason, or non-reason, have to be hit in the pocketbook in order to at least care about their wallets.
i see people running stop signs, red lights, etc. and no police stopping them.
a law unenforced is not a law
just like the democrats, fine, fine, fine
better approach than the do nothing, ignore a pandemic and tank the economy the republicans have adopted.
Now there you go again with your lies; you know darn well that the economy tanked because the pandemic WAS NOT ignored.
@Cyn – why do you think business leaders are pushing so hard for universal mask policies. It is because they know that universal mask wearing is a cornerstone to slowing the spread and keeping the economy functioning. Without universal mask wearing policies, we will continue to see intermittent shut downs which are destroying the economy.
The initial shelter in place was tough on the economy. The PPP and Cares Act helped bridge the divide but we are past that now. Time to mask up to save the economy.
Business leaders are not doctors. Business leaders want to open. How do business leaders know about virus. Doctors don’t agree with your “universal masks” proclamation Dan. Do you just make it up as you go? There’s people who can get you the help you need.
if you think the Rep want to tank the economy you need to get a clue. most are business owners, what would they gain from their businesses suffering? the dems on the other hand would love to see the economy tank. then no one would vote for Trump, and after all the lies about him, collusion to start, they can finally beat him with virus because they could never win in a fight with him over the issues. dems believe in nothing after all, just them what a poll says and they’ll turn on you like a dog with rabies.
@Ash – if that is the case, why are Republican governors using the same approach to slow the spread of this disease – limited business closures, modified shelter in place, etc. If this were truly partisan, states like Texas and Florida would not use those tactics and would be doing fine both economically and in terms of public health. However, their hospitals, in some locations are largely overwhelmed to the point where they cannot service those who need medical care.
What will REALLY be done about the many people I’ve seen without a mask (some of whom give the BS medical reason they “can’t” wear one) in Home Depot, Walmart, indoors – all over Tahoe, etc., etc..???
If someone can’t wear a mask for medical reasons why not a clear plastic shield?
It’s about time.
… and the best part is that the unmasked are so easy to identify.
This is for businesses not individuals. Courts just ruled in Washington the governors mask mandate was not lawful. It’s in response to Walmart and other stores dropping their mask requirements yesterday.
Masks are NOT a panacea. It appears that some however are becoming addicted to them and narcissistic about wearing them. They’ll probably wear them the rest of their lives even if they aren’t required. 😀
Masks save lives. Proven! Ask any medical professional. Just WEAR the thing and COVID will be over in few weeks. Don’t wear it, and we’ll be doing this circus for years. Jeez!
I have seen people wearing their mask as they mow their lawn LOL
east bay babe? ha ha
They wear them for grass and pollen allergies. wake up!
Make sure you haven’t been kidnapped by the Covid Nostra and are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
@East Bay Babe – Um, some people wear facial masks when mowing the lawn, weed whacking weeds, and gardening due to allergy/hayfever issues from pollen, and to prevent weed whack particulates from entering the lungs. My husband Jim almost always wears a facial mask when mowing for that exact reason.
And some people DO have mask fetishes. 😉
Let me know when they start going through and citing all the protestors who aren’t wearing masks. Till then….
“The ordinance authorizes enforcement officers designated by the Director of Health Services, the Director of Conservation and Development, and the Sheriff to enforce the ordinance” I guess the success of this will depend on who the enforcement officers will be. If they are actual Police Officers then they may have some success writing citations. If they are hand picked Joe Blow Citizens then I find it highly unlikely the non mask wearers will comply. “Hey you without a mask. Stop right there while I write you a citation” “Ya right! See ya pal”
I hope the police would take a tempered approach and first work to educate violators and or provide them with a mask if needed. If they refuse to comply, then a citation may be appropriate. The goal here is to change behavior to slow the spread.
Anyone asking me for information in order to write a citation will be asked to provide a badge and identification as law enforcement before I comply in any way. Absent that they can yell at my a** as I walk away.
Don’t recall ever hearing of a Director of Conservation and Development having Police powers.
I believe the word you’re looking for is fascism. Where’s antifa when you need them?
Good. They should be citing people who go into stores without masks and cause a scene. They should cite people who let there kids play on a playground when its taped off and have signs saying don’t enter. Glad those parents dont know the first thing about rules and teach the kids to not follow them, it’ll show later in those kids years.
@ Follow the rules
I take it you don’t have kids. I have three and I teach them about rules and right from wrong, but if you can have the right to go out and destroy businesses then I should have the right to have a nice quiet picnic at the park with my kids. It is not healthy to be inside all day and soon winter days will be here and then yes you will get your way and there won’t be any kids at the park. #parkshamer
You hit the nail on the head.
Its about following the rules.
Without these traits you have no future in the new regime.
Exactly. You’re teaching your kids the concept of peaceful civil disobedience. If protests didn’t turn into riots and looting I’d say the same for the people doing that.
Maybe we can cite people for not knowing the difference between there, their and they’re.
Good! If they can’t follow the rules, and risk endangering everyone, hit ‘me where it hurts, the wallet!
If it gets enforced, we can get over this.
In a perfect world, violators would pay the fine…looks like they already know that the fiscal impact just to implement this Gestapo-like ordinance with court appeals and hiring of enforcers is more than the expected fee collection. Here’s the entire ordinance~
Just a little reminder: Some positive Covid-19 test results have common cold/flu mixed in. The similarity is undetectable with current testing.
How many is anyone’s guess.
Who’s lucky enough to get mask patrol ? and good luck with that. “Stop,, Stop I the mask enforcement PO PO !
So these yay for fines people are cheering
So mandated laws that were not voted on is not democracy
It’s a dictatorship lol it up before you here are your neighbors and fellow Americans
Now again you so called maskers are all for following rules
Yet are most likely in favor of the riots too
Ugh again people first this is a virus designed by the Chinese to cause fear and boost sales
YEp that’s right America does not produce medicine it comes from China
Let that sink in for a sec
So you as China produce all americas medicine and you don’t like them or any democratic countries because you are a socialist dictatorship that forces its people to do what you say (newscum) is a familiar comparison
So you infect the world there fore they have to buy your medicine and masks hmmm (newscum sent a billion dollars to China for infecting us ) conveniently
So yes cheer as the United States is dismantled by you and your acceptance to be ruled in a free America
Don’t worry you probably are anti gun as well
So let’s see how that works for ya when the China hits the fan
@Random Task – Reread the story. The board of supervisors is voting on this issue. The board was democratically elected. I dont understand why you think this represents a dictatorship.
I support masks because they save lives. I support peaceful protests because this is a protected first amendment right. I believe that those that protest should be required to follow the same laws as everybody else and if that means wearing a mask, so be it. I do not believe that rioting is a protected act.
America is not being dismantled. You are being asked to wear a mask, just like you are asked to wear a seatbelt, not speed, not drink and drive and wear clothing when you are in public.
No dan. No is the answer. Harassment will be met with restraining orders your mask utopia will never come to fruition.
Saying that masks save lives is quite a stretch.
The CDC only says wearing masks “MAY help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others.”
What the CDC doesn’t say is that a mask can prevent YOU from getting the virus.
For masks to have saved lives, you would have to know whether they hurt or helped and how much so, for BOTH the infected and non-infected person.
Many of the studies,
..for example, look at only one dimension, that of droplet transmission from infected individuals.
But what about increased risk to self by wearing a mask incorrectly or wearing a mask infected by surface contaminants?
What about a increased transmission due to contaminants being concentrated on a mask and spread from its surface to another?
What about decreased immune functionality due to shallow breathing?
If the SIP and mask mandate are so effective, why are we seeing nearly identical death rates between US and Sweden?
US: 150,000/330,000,000 = .00045
Sweden: 5600/10,000,000 = .00056
@yoyo – I would not expect the use of face masks to reduce the death rate of Covid. The death rate is a function of deaths divided by the total known infections. Once a person is infected, the mask will not help. I would, however, expect to begin to see a decline in the quantities of infections per capita. Case counts have been stabilizing and maybe decreasing over the last couple of weeks. I’m hopeful that trend continues.
Good luck collecting the fines from people who are already out of job and no money.
This Bolshevik health bureaucrat is (probably) smart enough (just) to realize that Biden has dementia and will not be elected President no matter how many fake news polls that under sample R voters come out on CNN
”the walls are closing in” (had to say it!) lol
These blood suckers will take money from you anyway they can.
Can’t wait for the ADA lawsuits to roll in over this one.
Trader Joes is being sued by a woman with a disability which prohibits her from wearing a mask. She called the store ahead of time, spoke with the manager and received permission to shop without a mask.
Yet still she was was shamed and harassed by staff and customers alike.
Yo-yo Hop, Although I’m not surprised she’s suing, she admitted she went to a TJ’s in a different city than the one she called.
You’re right. Didn’t hear about that detail.
Though she didn’t call ahead, she also obtained permission from that manager as well.
Trump and his top advisers have blamed China for the coronavirus pandemic, which critics say is an effort to distract from the administration’s flawed response to the health crisis.
Of course you so called maskers believe this tidbit as well
So your saying the administration allowed protests on the streets that turned to riots
Your saying that the administration has stated gatherings are not permitted unless it’s rioters
Your saying that you believe 3 years of plastering an elected potus was just fine even though after multiple investigations and wire tape and illegally at that
That produced nothing but a bill to us the tax payers of over 75 million dollars and that does not include the AG time and fbi time and special investigations
Of yeah over 90 million …additionally ….projected
So again your good with paying high taxes and the corrupt democrats spending your tax money on bogus investigations and upending our country
But oh no potus has not been making people wear masks
Well he can’t make you realize your a fool for believeing any democrat
So add that to the list
Even with all that even with states going rogue
He still loves and protects and instills America’s values of freedom first
And if you can’t accept that then follow your own advise you give to anyone who disagrees with you …
“If only everyone would stay on lockdown this would be over!
“If only everyone would wash their hands this would be over!”
“If only everyone would wear masks this would be over!”
Some of y’all got serious control issues.
As if complying and wearing masks will make this end any sooner. The virus isn’t going anywhere, but that’s why we have this thing called an IMMUNE SYSTEM that has EVOLVED over MILLIONS of years to combat these viruses. Viruses are not new and yet we have always continued to advance and thrive..because our bodies evolved to live on this planet with these things.
If you germaphobes are so scared, STAY HOME AND LIVE IN A BUBBLE. You will actually become weaker by staying home and not rubbing elbows with people and become more susceptible to illness, not less.
That is great advice… for the 650,000 people globally that have died or for those who have lost loved ones.
Why thank you! It’s great advice actually. History has proven our immune systems are more than capable of handling this, next!
Does anyone know if Starbucks at Treat Blvd. and Clayton Road has opened back up yet? They have been closed for about a week. Did the county close them down?
I’m tired of how addicted people are to masks, even wearing them in their car, sheep. Do some research, use common sense. If you can stay 6 feet you don’t need one. Period.
Open our county up. The point of SIP that I bought into was to avoid overwhelming our hospitals. BS.
So many people are hurting from other health issues that can’t be addressed because of the lockdown.
@Cranky – the SIP is not preventing people from seeking medical care. Wear a mask to keep the economy open. Those that refuse to wear their mask are those that complain that the economy is closed. Sad.
I agree, if I can stay away from you by 6 feet, I will not wear a mask. Now a question, if I do not have my mask on because I am walking down the empty street and the mask police show up and violate my 6 feet of personal space … who is wrong? Can I have them charged for violating my space? =)
People wear their masks in the car because the masks are a pain to put on. So keep it on if you go in and out of stores.
Another revenue source created by those who think they should lord it over you. It’s an illegal order used to enforce an illegal order.
Your RIGHTS can not be taken away.
When your “rights” are taken away it isn’t a right, it’s a privilege.
Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for any person acting under the color of law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the constitution or laws of the United States
Obeying an illegal order is optional.
The CDC gives numerous examples of when wearing a mask is not feasible. This includes mental issues, hearing issues, breathing issues.
They also say outdoor workers can “remove face coverings when social distancing is possible.”
@yoyo – can you walk me through how wearing a mask impacts my ability to hear? I’m not quite getting it.
From the CDC’s website that was linked;
“People who are deaf or hard of hearing—or those who care for or interact with a person who is hearing impaired—may be unable to wear cloth face coverings if they rely on lipreading to communicate. In this situation, consider using a clear face covering. If a clear face covering isn’t available, consider whether you can use written communication, use closed captioning, or decrease background noise to make communication possible while wearing a cloth face covering that blocks your lips.”
Walk yourself through it Dan. It’s always the same with you..explain to me..walk me through..I don’t understand..the economy…but but Trump..mask mask’s for your taste great..constitution is a list of’s for your own good..our leaders know what’s and data..obey. Who actually are you? You sound like a government AI program. As soon as an unfavorable to the public topic comes up…THERE YOU ARE running cover.
@hmm – you just answered YoYo’s issue – wear a clear face mask.
@Sam – that is how you interpret what I say but that is not what I have said. The one thing I think we can all agree to is that COVID and reduced social interaction has heightened the national mental health crisis and really brought the crazies to the forefront.
You are right about that. The mentality fragile have sure been exposed. We saw the first signs of this right after the 2016 election. Can’t wait to see people melt when Trump wins 2020. I only interpret the exact words you say. But go on and play that victim card like words don’t matter. You don’t stand behind your words, your tactic to make people who you disagree with as crazy is lowlife and weak
They can cite but I doubt they’ll collect a dime from anything but the tax money paying to send them out to fine people. If they hit up Hartz Ave in Danville, the soccer field at the Adult Ed center on Cowell, and N Main in Walnut Creek, they’ll run out of paper to write the citations on.
Does this also apply to protesters?
of course not, silly
Folks we are being played and the germaphobe are open to accepting it. People use your Brains, this is another way to tax since businesses are not bringing in profits in turn city/state are losing tax revenue. Now they thought of another ideal to supplying money to corrupt city and state government.
Cool off Dan do you work for China’s PR department or what ?
Seriously people! Who owns you? When are you going to stand up and say enough? For a virus with an of 99.7% chance of survival. You are letting the government take away most of your rights? Your livelihood? Your health?
This country is doomed with attitudes like this. Did you know there was a pandemic during the revolutionary war? They still fought for freedom.
Those of you supporting this don’t deserve the freedom of this country. Disgusting!
Ha ha!! Free to do harm? We follow the mandates to save us unfortunately as the numbers are out, not following the rules is a disaster. How in the world do you think this virus can be mitigated? By being selfish and running around spreading the germs? You feel your personal freedoms are removed by the government and not the virus? Being a true citizen and not a Republican or Democrat does matter. So I say this: MANDATES MATTER.
@LL Cool J – you make a very good point. Now, keep in mind that the life expectancy at the time of the Revolutionary War was about 34 years. Today it is upwards of 80, largely because we have either eradicated diseases like small pox and polio or learned to manage them. We will do the same but it will take time. All anybody is saying is wear your mask. That is the greatest single thing anybody can do to bring their life back to normal and support the economy. What is the issue?
@LL Cool J – “99.7% chance of survival” is not true for everyone – YMMV depending on age, gender, comorbidities etc. and could be a LOT higher. Complications and permanent sequelae may also render the rest of your life downright miserable.
And people ARE fighting for freedom during all this – probably just not the kind of ‘freedom’ your limited perspective recognizes.
“Inconvenience is not oppression.”
both of you: masks don’t work! They don’t stop viruses.
Critical thinking is needed here…
God help humanity with the zombies on this thread.
@LL – very good point – you have completely altered the way that I see this issue. Thank you for your zombie insights.
I agree, LL Cool J! Critical thinking has gone out the window with all of this..our brave young men (drafted, even) that were lost in Vietnam War took with them the genetic material, the gumption to fight; we no longer have real men.
If people do not realize their freedoms are being decimated, well then they don’t deserve them. The mask issue is a control mechanism and it’s the dead dog they keep beating (yes, it’s well documented that they do not stop viruses)…
So does this mean they will shut down & fine the full on baseball games at Baldwin Park on Saturday’s & Sunday’s with 50 plus kids playing & parents attending no masks no social distances????
I wouldn’t worry about getting cited. The Health Department can’t even stop the food venders all over the city selling who knows what. It’s illegal.
Do you people realize that 2/3 of the people who have died of c19 were in nursing homes,
That’s 35 people in CoCo County that have die
Out of 1.2 Million.
That’s a pretty low percentage.
But I where mine in doors anyway
because it’s the right thing to do
I find it hilarious the very same people who want to abolish the police and abolish prisons want to use the police to fine and send people to jail for not wearing a mask.
They’re also the same people okay with the rioting and destruction because “human rights” but also like to call people against the masks names such as “freedumb”.
All these people want is control. They’re control freaks (they know they are too) and they are trying to feel some sense of control over their environment by wearing a mask and telling others to wear a mask.
Sorry control freaks, y’all can shove it :).
@LOL – please speak for yourself, not me. I am pro mask because it is the most effective, least intrusive method that we are aware of to control COVID. I do not call people names. I am not in favor of defunding the police. I have a huge amount of respect for the very difficult work that police officers must perform on a daily basis. I do not want to send anybody to jail for not wearing a mask. I do not agree that rioting and destroying property is acceptable though I am a proponent of the Bill of Rights as we all should be and do support the freedom of speech and assembly.
I support masks because it is simply common sense. I still do not understand the counter argument. Please enlighten me.
Give it a rest. You’re Not the Claycord police or moderator.
There’s a few of you who come here with same agenda of stifling the speech of others and pushing statism.
@Anon – how is offering a counter point stifling free speech? You should feel comfortable and confident to defend your position.
Yeah whatever Buddy! All of your posts are straight out the Troll / Shill handbook.
You always claim to follow “science based”…..of course what you provide only from so called scientists with an agenda.
@Anon – i am simply following the guidance of the CDC. I’d hate to think that those folks are “so called” scientists. Seems like they are legitimate to me… yes, I do not get my news off of Facebook and Twitter like some folks but I do believe that the CDC is a legitimate source of information.
To manbearpig: Bing, I am a historian and I think we are already
At war, West Point grads will know what I’m talking about, the art of war, great book, unfortunately books seem to be the thing of the past , and why is everyone so submissive, where are the patriots, I mean after I’m done ranting I have to click on submit 🙄🤢💩
About time. Wear a face covering, reduce the spread, or we’ll be in the 1st Wave for years.
Saw lots of idiot behaviour last weekend.
A dozen Ducati owners outside a tap room. No masks.
Bunch of 20 somethings hanging out at the same place in close proximity. No masks.
Regular car get together by 20 somethings in a public parking lot. No masks.
Fine them all.
They’re keeping the virus alive, harming people and stopping re-opening.
Outside. 6 ft. If you can’t 6ft, mask may apply.
If you are for releasing prisoners due to COVID, and jailing innocent members of your community, you are a fascist and should denounce your citizenship and leave the country.
If you are for releasing prisoners due to COVID, and jailing innocent members of your community we can pretty much assume you have lost your mind.
again for the back of the room
it is a virus
nad you could wear a mask and live in a bubble untill you believe a vaccine will save you
but when you came out you would get covid …
you speak of killing the virus ….how is the flu doing so far ????
its a virus you can only have your body fight it …thats about it
ranting like a beegee ….i believe i can wear a mask ….forever and ever
does not help ……exposure is the only way your body learns how to fight it
well that and rioting seems to be working ….so u decide
oh sorry nad if you have taken on dismissing any another opinions as your facts ….since there are none ….
has one doctor or so called scientist …came out and made an absolute statement of how to defeat the covid ….
im from the show me state or miisurra for ya lay folk
not one doctor has said this will save you ….
so let people vent and go get a starbucks mocha
unless you have all the answers …..????
then by all means lead the people to the greener pastures and no viruses
and yes you are pleading disinformation of non factual issues and opinions
god bless america
This is what happens when Karens call the police.
Better make sure you all have your masks on! Don’t want to get hit with fines and other charges now do we? Remember, it’s the law now and it’s real simple to follow the law.
You can’t hardly get a cop when you need one these days. I doubt much will happen. The Karens will be calling 911 and get put on hold.
@Dan……hey since your such a “follow the science” guy, did you know the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control both agree that schools should open for in class learning… you dont agree the experts on this issue huh……cuz it dont tow your party line….stop politicizing the china virus and stop being a such Karen…..its called personal freedom and freedom of choice… body, my choice……isnt that what your party always preaches.
@anthony – I was aware of that. With proper social distancing, enhanced air filtration and additional air exchanges, opening schools makes total sense.
I wear a mask. I appreciate it when others make the same choice. I agree with the $100 fine, sometimes we need to add a little emphasis to good health practices. QUESTION: Does the fine apply to people making deliveries to our home? I don’t make a big stink or get into an argument/discussion about wearing a mask, however I have sent a note to a couple of merchants letting them know I will not be returning to their place of business AND I tell my neighbors which merchants are not following mask guidelines so they can also choose to take their business elsewhere.
Oh my gosh!! Y’all need to take a freakin breath! No there should be no fine! No wearing a mask makes yourown dam self sick. No stop letting others control you! This bs has gone on long enough. They have a cure the Libs wont use it. Let that sink in. We are being railroaded into this scamdemic and you’re allowing it to happen! Use your own brain! Stop being led around by your.. whatever they’ve got you by! It’s a CONTROL GAME!! People gave up their FREEDOM in like 2-3 months! No one questioned it. Just did it like little sheep. The real question we need to be asking is “WHERE ARE THE KIDS” human trafficking is the bigger issue here. Start asking that question.
This is great news! It is imperative that people wear masks. Cannot believe anyone thinks they have the right to poison us with their unprotected breath. Get outa here with your self righteous attitudes.
End of story. The PANDEMIC has taken our freedom NOT THE GOVERNMENT. Grow up and be nice.