This is the COVID-19 daily update on Claycord.com:
- 1,053 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 143 new cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County since yesterday (today’s total – yesterday’s total = number of new cases)
- 5,613 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
- 1 death since yesterday (county total = 104).
- 72 of the 104 deaths were in long-term care facilities (one more since yesterday)
- There are currently 15 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
- 64 of the 104 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
- Only 1 person under the age of 50 (they were in the 31-40 age group) has died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- Nobody under the age of 17 has died from COVID-19 in the State of California.
- 1,364 tests were conducted yesterday in Contra Costa County. The seven day positive average is 6.8%.
- 550 homeless people are currently placed in motel/hotel rooms in Contra Costa County. Placements are approved for homeless people who are awaiting COVID-19 test results or those who are considered at high risk.

The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.
Uh oh! almost triple digits…. Democrats better make up more false positives!
Starbucks on treat and clayton has been closed all week .
Why does this have to be a democratic/republican issue? What do the dems gain from “making up false positives” ? The best part of this pandemic is that it’s allowing us to see a lot of people for who they are- uneducated, ignorant swines!!! Where’s your goddamn compassion!
Why are we locked down you tell us here no one under Seventeen has died only one person below 50 has died all these cases are above 81 why are we locked down except for dictatorship Oneness lockdown no other reason
So you’re okay with the permanent brain/lung/heart damage? Just cause it doesn’t kill you, doesn’t mean you walk away just fine… and thats AFTER upwards of a month of being sick…
Really? And what percentage of the slim percentage of people who catch COVID and end up in the hospital have permanent damage? Is it 10% …
And MONTHS of being sick? Again, what percentage of folks are sick for months?
Sorry, this is a fear tactic that many people try to employ so that they can justify sitting on the rear collecting $600 unemployment checks, not paying rent, mortgage etc.
Not saying you are one of those folks … but I hear those words from many people like that … and NONE of them can tell me the percentage … cause it is a SMALL percentage.
parent, here, took me ten seconds of googling to find you statistics…
Looks like 12-19% have heart damage, as much as 77% have lung issues (severity depends on severity of the covid infection), and it didn’t list the numbers for brain/nervous system damage, but I personally wouldn’t want to risk any of that.
As far as the sick time, out of the people that I know personally that have had it, one took over a month before he could really get up and walk around for more than 5 minutes, a couple others took a few weeks (2-3 average) and I’ll have to let you know how long my cousins take as they are currently still sick from a 4th of July barbecue they went to where one person was sick. Oh, and then there’s the friend of the family that didn’t recover a month ago, so don’t talk to me about it being a government scare tactic…
Oh and for the record, I’m not one of the ones collecting unemployment, I’m a full time student living off what it took me the last 10 years to save up (so I could get an education) and a few odd jobs to supplement. I currently live with family that own their home, work, pay taxes, and don’t collect ANY unemployment.
I don’t know a single soul who has had the virus. Everybody I know doesn’t know anyone who has had the virus, even friends of friends do not know anyone who has had the virus. And you claim to know 6+ people that have suffered?
I’m thinking:
A) you live in an assisted care facility
B) you’re a whiny snowflake that wants a piece of the fear tactic action, or
C) you’re full of excrement
I’m guessing a combination of B and C
And everything on the internet is factual! Next thing you’ll tell us is that Gore created the internet. There is endless debate on the real numbers vs falsified numbers, and the medical field has a widely varied opinion on it. Unfortunately you won’t find it unless the boys at google want you to.
Since I’m an essential worker, I know a dozen people who are fully recovered with zero long term effects, and 2 people who succumbed to this horrible Chinese disease. I seriously doubt that would be the case if your ridiculous 70% numbers were true.
Ok… where to start…
Well??!! –
Feel lucky you don’t know anybody (if thats indeed true, maybe they just didn’t tell you), you haven’t had to worry if they’re gonna get better today or worse. I’m not lying, and anyone who says otherwise is a moron, you don’t know me, you don’t know who I know, so quit trying to downplay this so you can go get a haircut. Also, don’t drag this conversation into the gutter with childish comments please.
So the facts: I had a friend of the family pass away last month (from covid, not just with covid like the conspiracy nuts say), I currently have two cousins who are sick (and probably spread it to my aunt/uncle… waiting to see), I had two ex roommates that had it, and my best friend in Alabama (who says it really sucks, thats the guy that took over a month).
Jackofalltrades –
Yeah, don’t believe everything you read, but at least take it into consideration, do some research and find out from whatever source you trust. The fact of the matter is no one is ever gonna believe any numbers ANYONE puts out there, even if they’re factual, so why try and argue, you do you, but what if they are true? I say better safe than sorry. Also the 70% (lung damage) could be true, just the severity of the damage varies (every virus does some amount of damage), so it could be so minor it seems like nothing, or so severe that you can’t walk to the bathroom without wheezing (I’ve seen both).
As a final note, I’m sorry to hear about your losses, hopefully their families will be okay (100% serious here, it sucks, I know).
@ERas “permanent brain/lung/heart damage”..you must be joking right. First off only sickly people get it to begin with. Second there is no evidence of long term effects given a long term wound need to pass in order to gather that data. Third, even ex smokers lungs repair themselves over time. Your fear propaganda is over the top. Very emotional and dramatic
@ERas Maybe just maybe all your peeps who caught the Rona should have followed the stay at home recommendations. Maybe they should have social distanced ate healthy and washed their hands. Also meth is not a vitamin
It’s like the pandemic has kidnapped the public and now some people are developing Stockholm Syndrome. Think about it.
Sam, first off, “only sickly people get it to begin with” where’d you find that new gem? My cousins weren’t sick… and guess what… they got it! I like how you’re also assuming I got it, NOPE! I’m on the smart side of the family that wears the mask and washes my hands, they decided it wasn’t an issue anymore and they wanted to go to a barbecue… bad choice.
Now, while its true, some damage repairs itself over time, but you’re not Wolverine… smokers never fully heal, it depends on the damage amount and type.
So here’s an idea, prove to me that this doesn’t exist. Now granted, you can say (like Well??!! did) that, “I don’t know a single soul who has had the virus”, but I personally don’t know a single person that has been shot, so I could say bullets don’t exist… So prove your side. As for me, I’ve seen enough evidence to prove that its real to myself, but you go ahead and believe the other nut cases out there.
So Prove me wrong.
“…but you’re not Wolverine…”
That reveals a lot.
So I use the first fictional character with ridiculous healing powers that came to mind as a counter example to the facts and to your mind that negates everything I said… wow, just wow.
And what exactly does that reveal Rollo Tomasi?
It reveals your thinking is simplistic like a child.
It reveals you have no real life experience worth contributing
It reveals this is a big larp experience for you
I reveals your brain is not developed enough to be taken seriously
It reveals you get your information from movies
It reveals you for what you are, a child activist who probably can’t change a tire and still lives with mommy in the hills smoking weed binge watching Netflix
Grow up kid
ERas: I’ll have you know I am 22 years old
Everyone: Yes we know
Sam, wow, congratulations, everything you just said was completely wrong. You assumed I’m 22, undeveloped and a child… This is VERY telling of you…
Well if you want the facts:
I am 40, not 22.
I’m a computer science major (in progress) who worked for the better part of my life (thats why I’m a 40 year old college student).
I apparently have a broader range of experience and interest than you.
Not big into larp, but I do like Halloween (and hope we open back up by then).
I get my information from a wide variety of sources, and make my own mind up about the world, versus the paranoid crackpots that think everyone is out to get them.
Can’t change a tire huh… I’ve rebuilt cars and motorcycles from the frame up, so yeah, tires are easy.
Yes, I live with family currently (moved in a few years ago so I could save money and get an education), but we live near Monument Blvd., so NOT the hills.
I don’t do drugs/drink (personal choice)
I have never had a Netflix account, although I’ve thought about getting one, but probably not.
One thing to remember, this isn’t about you, its about us.
Put on the damn mask, wash your nasty hands and stay away from me.
Also, gonna return this -> Grow up kid
Yeah that works.
Hey Cowboy. Lets do a test. Let the under 17’s run amok and the “adults ”
practice preventive measures
What’s wrong with the $600 a week? I work in the service industry and the $600 plus my weekly unemployment equals what I made when I worked two jobs. Obviously my industry has been hit hard. Who knows when we can get back to a normal. So am I supposed to all of a sudden try and find a new career? Why is that being forced on me. Or should I just go apply to McDonald’s which I’m over qualified for? I want to work in my industry. Not settle for a minimum wage job. I love what I do and feel that’s what I’m here for. I’ve been doing it for the last 20 years. So if not the extra $600 then what? Tell your governor to open things back up so I can go back to work!
Exactly this.
You don’t get money for free….. giving away money provides no incentive to get back to work. You’re not overqualified for anything. Unfortunately job security is a thing of the past. I for one am glad the free money that me and the hard workers are giving to you is finally gone. Maybe the economy will actually move again with the forced reopening of everything now that the handouts are over.
The stimulus checks keep people off the streets. Besides we have only X number of jobs that need to be done only some of the public are needed to fill those. At this point an annual basic income is probably needed. You may argue that some people will do nothing if they get an annual basic income but wouldn’t that be better than them breaking into your house to steal things to survive?
I don’t think we’re ever going back to the way things were. We’re headed towards a simpler lower standard of living because what we had was unsustainable. However the method of instituting is a bit questionable.
What’s wrong with $600 a week? It gave too many people who were laid off more money than they were making working for a living. Regardless of what you make, you should never get paid more to collect unemployment than your actual earnings. That’s absurd. I do feel bad for those who lost their jobs by no fault of their own during the pandemic, but the most they should’ve compensated people for was their actual earnings (100%) not above and beyond.
Taking a stroll through downtown Walnut Creek and seeing no social distancing and large parties at the same tables at Bourbon Highway and too close for comfort at Maria Maria Mexican dive.Dudum needs to be cited.
The restaurants need to keep these people in check because most are just gender fluid morons looking to hookup.
Go home Barbara, you can social distance and wear your mask there.
You go home MITCH. it’s people like you that make others sick (in more ways than one)
Other than “it’s a me,” all I hear is crickets; so I know I’m at least validated by one person who either works in my industry or knows someone who does. Stop grouping those who actually benefit from unemployment with those who take advantage of it. I shouldn’t need to apologize for not being able to go back to work or at least back to work full time with the normal amount of business. Congratulations to those are able to still work and make the same amount of money. There are others of us who do not get that luxury. And don’t blame me for choosing something I’m good at. You did the same thing with your career choice
“There are others of us who do not get that luxury. ”
Very few “get” that luxury. It’s earned.
Okay Joey you’re right. 20 years of bartending makes me perfect for fast food. I’ll go apply tomorrow. Since I’m forced to because my sector can’t open up
Wow Not too bright to go to a 4thof July bbq while sick. Can’t feel sorry for those people at all.
Yeah, my whole side of the family face palmed when they told us… Worst part is he possibly spread it to his parents too, and a relative that was visiting at the time…
Yup, play stupid games… Win stupid prizes.