Home » One Arrested During DUI Enforcement Patrol In Concord On Friday Night

One Arrested During DUI Enforcement Patrol In Concord On Friday Night


Concord Police Department arrested ohe driver on suspicion of DUI while conducting a DUI enforcement patrol on Friday.

“Driving under the influence is dangerous, illegal and puts a further strain on resources in the middle of a pandemic,” Lt. Mark Robison said. “We are still out there and will not hesitate to stop drivers who drive impaired.”

Drivers charged with DUI face an average of $13,500 in fines and penalties, as well as a suspended license.


Funding for this DUI Patrol was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Here it comes……

What does that mean?

It means all the people complaining about DUI checkpoints (even though this wasn’t one).

Please remember that when you drink and drive you not only endanger your life but everybody else on the road.

Thank god we agree on something.

So this is where the Defund police movement can make a difference….
Concord LITERALLY places the DUI check point at the same location EVERY time, and it only results in one or two arrests. It is my opinion that the money it tAkes to fund these worthless enforcement sites can be spent to make our community better.

OK, I wasn’t there. Exactly where is this checkpoint every time?

they fell short of their quota by 50%.

Now, if police will designate time for speed control on Clayton and Denkinger roads. It’s a gold mine. And if city council would implement noise control.

Do not give up anymore of your freedoms

The police need a better spot to catch these dangerous folks.

No excuse to drink and drive.



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