The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
QUESTION: Do you think barbershops and hair salons should have been able to stay open during the most recent shutdown in Contra Costa County?
Talk about it….
Not now! Wait until the numbers improve.
You mean the fake numbers ?
Mike- the propaganda will continue until our attitude toward Totalitarianism improves.
H1N1 – swine flu (Obama era), affected more of the population than this flu. Yet Fauci wasn’t concerned with its wider and more deadly spread.
It’s political.
First of all, ‘ilovepopcorn’ you live in a bubble in Rossmoor.
Don’t impose your RETIRED life on those of us who wish to live ours.
@languor, less than 13k died from H1N1.
Thank you BudE for you input. As you know, statistics are all over the map. From a layman’s viewpoint, which should I believe? After the last 4 years of watching political agendas morph (maxism, systemic racism, orangeman dumblazyliar), I just don’t believe CNN et al.
Yes, I equate government institutions with mega media mogols.
Dr. Fauci belongs to this group. So does pretending Biden is a legitimate candidate.
I really want to say yes because OMG do I want a haircut but inside close enough to cut my hair? Singing in a crowded church would be safer.
Based on the length of my hair I’d call them emergency response. However it is 2 people getting too close during a highly contagious pandemic. I’ll wait for a haircut. I am bring back the 70’s length and working toward a 60’s length.
All businesses are essential to the people they allow to eat and live.
Read the order, they can be open as long as they operate outside.
Not correct, The Board of barbering and cosmetology specifically states it may not be performed outside.
No, not essential.
Have scissors, will Travel…
Never had a better haircut than when a family member who cares, cut it.
Most salons should be boycotted for sloppy uncaring service. Look around you . When was the last time you admired a haircut or color?
and the prices are beyond highway robbery! Think twice and save a bundle!
I got in under the wire Tuesday at Ray’s Hideaway next to Kings Donuts. I suggested to Pam to place a chair outside the door and run extension cords out the door. I don’t know if that would work or not. I also mentioned a fan to keep air moving past the barber and client as additional safety.
Unfortunately, I read fans and some blasting air conditioners can spread the virus around faster. 🙁
Of course not.
Yep. But I like the idea of moving outside.
To which state?
Well I am probably biased because I think all businesses are essential to our community. So my final answer is “YES” they should open.
Yes. All businesses are essential.
Staying alive is more essential.
Wouldn’t it be cool if we could all stay alive without working or doing anything productive? How great would that be!
Doh, is just a koolaid drinker. She is not living she is just existing.
Yes. Employees need the income, and men and women need a decent haircut to look presentable. Kudos to those who can cut their hair at home, and have it look decent, but it’s hardly the norm. And for those who cut hair for a living and don’t feel comfortable, work it out with your boss.
Yessiree..otherwise we’d all come out of this pandemic looking like the caveman on the Geico commercial.
Every job is essential and for our country to say they aren’t is why we are in this disaster in the first place. We need to get back to work, the country needs to open up. We can survive like this…money doesn’t grow on trees and bail outs can’t continue to be given.
Until every non-essential government worker is laid off, barbershops should be allowed to remain open. Until landlords are allowed to evict tenants, they should not have to pay property taxes. Until everyone is allowed to work, politicians should not receive a salary. THAT would be REAL change.
Well said Chuckie. I could not agree more.
I am now one of the oldest people on the planet with a mullet. A white mullet. It is going to get much mulletyer before I go to the barber.
Go to Benicia, that’s what I did. No problem getting haircut there.
You’ve never lived until you’ve buzzed your own hair. imagine the $$$ you save and freedom from not waiting for appointments an NO TIPS!! 🙂
For myself, I don’t care one way or the other – I haven’t had a haircut in about twenty-five years.
But I do feel sorry for the businesses – they’re on a low margin already, so I hope they get to reopen soon.
Yes, absolutely they should stay open. This can be done in a safe manner. My wife is getting her hair done this afternoon.
Yes,….think it’s important for people to get back to work making a living and it could be done safely. Hubby has been buzzing his own hair for 15 years, and I have been cutting mine for 12 years. But if I’m ever ready for a new hair style, that’s short & sassy, I’ll have someone else style it for me.
I have been buzzing mine for about the same time Roz. Hubby is still working right? Hope so.
Yep,….still working,… 🙂
Yes! This industry is one of the most heavily regulated industries in the state. If anyone had any idea of how hard it to run Salons/Spas, and Barber Shops you would say yes to essential. When someone says no, then your saying no to 1000’s of people and their families too. It’s absolutely ridiculous how Newsolini has these businesses open close open close. Also, all businesses are essential. If your scared of this BS virus than stay the hell home cause we sure don’t need to be around fearful people. Stay in your fear porn bubbles and those who want and need to work, work.
Yes, people need to work. Follow the guidelines and sanitize often.
No, not essential
Keep them open. But show me Newscum’s ponytail, which I’m sure is nonexistent, kudos to his barber.
This is what I can say. Our business has been closed for 4 months now. That’s 4 months of rent that’s been paid for the studio with 0 income. On top of that we’ve invested thousands in air purifiers, removing the carpet, purchasing new sanitizing equipment and other required changes to maintain safety and comply with regulations.
The PPP and other loans available are insufficient and no one really knows what will be forgiven. It’s very possible that the business owners will be responsible to payback the majority of the loan. (At a reasonable interest rate of course) Quite frankly the little people are screwed.
Life CANNOT continue at this pace.
I’m sure it is essential to them since it pays there bills and keeps a roof over there head and feeds there family. If they say a mask will dramatically reduce COVID cases I don’t get why places can’t be open and everyone has to wear a mask. I think Newscum should be paying these people’s bills if he’s going to keep opening and closing businesses.
What’s ‘essential’ is what’s essential to you. If you own or work in a barbershop, hair/nail salon, it’s essential. In 3-4 weeks I’m going to need to get my hair cut again. The real divide on the shutdown is between those who are out of work or bankrupted by these policies, and those who are actually benefiting from them.
So teaching one day-a-week from home looks like a big score for teachers. High Tech workers who get to work full-time from home, with the same pay and no 3-hour commute benefit. Pretty much every politician and government worker is safe.
Retail, hospitality, food-services, entertainment? It’s gonna really hurt when the $600/week extra payment from the Feds runs out.
One day a week?? What is your source?
K-12 Teachers and staff should be essential services.
If grocery stores, big box stores (target, Lowe’s) are open and their employees have a potential of hundreds or thousands of contacts everyday and each day brings all new contacts. Then schools should be open too.
Better HVAC with filtration, UV lights, temp checks proper PPE this is needed to reopen schools. Versus the Schools current plan of wait and see.
The problem is that these safety measures have not happened.
Apparently, the governor’s hair stylist was always an essential business. Can anyone get their number?
Yes. The ones that follow the strict rules are ok. The sloppy operators would be a problem.
Yes! All businesses are essential. Everyone needs to make a living. Deeming something “essential” or “nonessential” is a subjective categorization reminiscent of Communism (i.e. who exactly is deeming what is and what isn’t “essential?”). My hairdresser is terrified of losing the salon she owns right now and not being able to feed her children. I would think that is essential. Plus, the sheer amount of “COVID-proofing” she had to do to her salon and the training she and her employees had to go through was more than enough to keep people safe. If you’re too afraid to go out in public, fine, that’s your right. But these orders coming from the CA government are extremely detrimental to peoples’ livelihoods, not to mention mental health.
Sidenote: you are more at risk of dying in a car accident on the way to getting your hair done than getting COVID at a hair salon and then dying. We can’t live in perpetual fear.
I need a haircut real bad right now, but I know it’s important to practice social distancing.
I think…proprietors of barbershops & salons are no less responsible than any other business owners and no less likely to have bills to pay
Why is a dental assistant allowed to get near my face but a hairstylist can’t??????
Dental hygiene affects your health. Haircutting does not. It is strictly cosmetic….vanity!
Yes, as a hairdresser for 10+ years I believe we can safely operate, we are trained in school about proper sanitation and disinfection and I personally I’ve continued to follow these regulations strictly and seriously throughout my career as most stylist do.
when we went back to work after the first shelter in place we were following our already put in place state mandated guidelines plus the new COVID-19 guidelines so we were probably one of the cleanest places you could visit… however I also believe in us doing our part so I will stay home until able to go back to work…. the problem I see is when you start telling us NO can’t work but yet we need to put food on our tables and feed our children what shall we do then .? do hair in our clients backyard or in the dining room we’re not sure how clean it is? THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING! This is more dangerous that letting us work in a controlled regulated environment!
An event relevant to this discussion has been reported on the CDC website. Two hairstylists developed covid-19 symptoms, but continued to work until they were tested and found to be positive for the virus. A total of 139 customers were serviced by the two hairdressers from they time they developed symptoms until they stopped work to self-quarantine. None of the customers developed covid-19. Both the hairdressers and the customers wore masks and took other protective measures.
Of course they are not essential businesses.
However, I believe we can keep them open with proper distancing, mask wearing and proper cleaning.
The problem is that far too many people think this is just a hoax, throw temper tantrums over a mask and think that their Freedoms are being taken away – LOL – which is insane – is your Freedom being taken away when you have to wear a shirt inside a business or pants?
As for “medical conditions” honestly – if you have such a bad respiratory system that you are at risk of not being able to breathe while wearing a piece of cloth over your face – you REALLY should not be out where you can potentially get this virus since it can impact the respiratory system – and – if you can’t wear a mask – I’ve got really bad news about intubation.
That is exactly correct! Use common sense.
Yes. They are essential because they help people feel better and more able to face the world even with a mask. They already have to adhere to various sanitation requirements. They also geared up for the various new requirements.
Yes! I visited a salon while they were open. Stylists wore N95 masks and full face shields. We waited outside while they disinfected chairs and equipment. The doors were open, there were six(!) must-do warning signs, and hand sanitizer use before being allowed to sit down. I came through it healthy, as I knew I would. These people need to pay their rent, eat, and not lose their businesses. People want haircuts badly enough that they have been driving to other counties to get their hair cut when our county has been shut down. To open the salons after owners have invested money in making them safe, then closing them yet again is just too much. They are essential. Don’t blame all Democrats. I am one.
I’ve been to the Dentist and also went to a Kaiser Hospital during this virus. If Barber Shops took the same precautions like temperature checks and wearing a mask it wouldn’t be a problem.
Anon thank you and yes I am so up to all protocol
Look at the previous COVID Post. 93 deaths in CCC and 66 have been in long-term care facilities. That’s only 27 deaths for people in the wild. Open stuff up, this is ridiculous.
Having impulsively dyed all my clothes black a few years ago, I’m beginning to look like a beatnik. Might start writing poetry and hanging out at coffee shops later on.
Uncle Theodis says you can have his old Bongo drums.
@Brandi 🤣 The guy who writes my horoscope must have taken me seriously. He told me to get over myself. 🤣
Well. That horoscope is tame compared to a recent conversation with my husband whereby I admitted I may be an a*hole.. Emphasis on May.
Yes hair stylist should be allowed to work… my sanitation protocol ,temp checks, sanitizing after each client , 3 stylists in the salon and only one client per stylist. We are safer if you get a haircut, color, or any service thanSAFEWAY. As self employed I have not received a cent from any stimulus , aid , unemployment nothing. My business is on the line because NUSIAN I guess he’s the one that hates hairstylist . It’s my cavil right to work. Taking care of your self is so essential and makes people feel so much better. I would love to work in my parking lot but he said that’s against the law???? Help us please
Irene, if you have filed a tax return in the last few years, you are entitled to the unemployment insurance and the stimulus money, even if you’re self employed. Another check is likely coming so look into it. The payments are pretty generous.
The only way we’ll permanently open up is if everyone follows mask and distance protocols, which many are fighting more and more. Other countries quickly got rd of the virus for the most part that way.
Newsom clearly doesn’t want women to have access to good grooming. Such a prejudice can only result from some sort of psychological impairment related to hatred of women, likely borne out of a maternal attachment disorder. You know those rich people turn their kids over to the Nanny immediately. He must have had a cold, unfeeling one raising him. Likely started “gelling up” his hair before he could walk.
It’s also looking like he wants to be the only one allowed to have a winery open, or allowed to get a haircut. Put Newsom and Pelosi together and you’ve got a poop storm of pretentious, woke liberal vacancy. You can see right through their motives and they make absolutely no attempt to disguise their offending attitudes. They think they’re special.
Yes, I think they should operate. Not everyone needs a haircut regularly, but I do… at the minimum every two months, but preferably monthly. I went several months without a haircut, and well my hair grows so quickly, that I had this huge unwieldy mop of hair on my head. It was like a bad 70’s film. I didn’t want anyone to see me, but– I have to go to work as I’m in an essential industry. Just from a hygiene perspective, I had to have my hair cut. Anyway, getting a haircut is a one on one proposition for me. We practiced distancing when I had my haircut, everything was cleaned between sessions and we all wore masks. As long as you practice guidelines, they should be allowed to operate.
Absolutly not.
This crap about all businesses being essential are a play on words. Hair salons are all about aesthetics and are not essential.
I have an amazing person that does great hair cuts and I reached out to her and offered to support her through the shelter in place. She thanked me and said she would let me know but has pandemic unemployment – if the program ends next week I will reach out to her with my offer again.
We should demand the right to choose for ourselves!
Let Business owners choose to open up or stay closed.
Let the people decide to resume commerce or SIP.
Maybe we should have our own street protest.