Home » Contra Costa Supervisors Spend $30,500 In Search For New County Administrator

Contra Costa Supervisors Spend $30,500 In Search For New County Administrator


The search is on for the next Contra Costa County administrator, with the upcoming retirement of David Twa, the county’s top executive for the past dozen years.

On Tuesday, the county Board of Supervisors discussed beginning the search for Twa’s successor. A key element of the search, supervisors said, will be to get as much public comment as possible on what they want to see in the next county administrator.

A caller into Tuesday’s Zoom meeting said he wants the next chief executive to be “socially aware,” and supervisors echoed that. County Supervisor John Gioia said he wants candidates to have “a dedication to social equity and inclusion.”


The supervisors hired the executive search firm Peckham & McKenney to help find Twa’s successor, and paid that firm $30,500.

The hope is for preliminary candidate interviews to happen in late September and early October, and for the county to select a new administrator by late November.

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Maybe Snoop Dog is available.

Gioia uses the word “inclusion”. That’s like saying I want a candidate to “know”. Know what?
The word inclusion by itself means absolutely nothing.
I would like each supervisor to explain inclusion to me.
They’re all great talkers but no substance.
But isn’t their behavior “systemic”?

How about no left wing activists in these positions. Let’s not capitulate to insanity cloaked in “social equity”. We’ve seen enough of the reality of how that plays out.

Agree! Not optimistic it will happen though.

These days, anybody who is a professional and thinks carefully and diligently in doing their job is labeled a “left wing activist” by the fringe pot-stirrers among us.

Left Wing? Have you noticed the President lately?

An you wondered what’s wrong with this county.
“socially aware,” “… and supervisors echoed that.”

Male Bovine Excrement ! ! !

County needs United States Marine Corps Gunnery sergeant
and a two year hiring FREEZE.

This just goes to show everybody how stupid are leaders are. Blowing this kind of money during a pandemic.

That is not a lot of money. This is standard professional procedure. You all love to explode over nothing.

It is a lot of money if you make $12.00 an hour.

When you are cocooning at Rossmoor, things tend to look rosey.

They are spending other people’s money to hire an over paid employee.

Sitting in the catbird seat, are we?

I’d like to see the next Contra Costa County administrator, able to produce a Voter Information Pamphlet that wasn’t 150 pages long, in four languages, and printed on expensive 20 lb. paper with a lot of unnecessary pages that are nothing but fluff. In other words, someone not profligate with the taxpayers hard earned dollars.

I know at ine point the Smurf John Gioia wanted the position. Not sure if that’s still true. But 8m sure they will find the biggest loser possible as no sane person would want to deal with the 5 Stooges of Pine St on a daily basis.

All the above comments are 🔥. Hard pass on snoop dog.

I know at ine point the Smurf John Gioia wanted the position. Not sure if that’s still true. But 8m sure they will find the biggest loser possible as no sane person would want to deal with the 5 Stooges of Pine St on a daily basis.

“socially aware” and “dedication to social equity and inclusion” ===bunch of left wing buzz words for cow tow to the most recent movement…….forget law and order…

“Social Equity”= Discrimination,, the equality of outcome.. that’s why the left is trying to take out anti-discrimination script of Californias constitution this election. The left literally wants to use discrimination to make things “more equal” Please vote No on the prop 209 amendment, we need to ensure that we keep equal opportunity,, not equality of outcome by way of discrimination.

John Gioia as the next County Administrator would be cronyism at it’s finest. My prediction is that the next Administrator will be a woman of color, Not that there is anything wrong with that as long as she is appointed because of her qualifications and not because she is the “flavor of the month”.

Almost Famous – I think his pipe dream would be hard to achieve at this point as I don’t see any of the current female board members going to it. The past couple of elections might have done the people of Contra Costa huge favor. Remember Gioia also thought he was going to be the next George Miller. And saw how that worked out

so wait

they can specify who they want and deny anyone who doe not fit their narrative ….isnt that illegal

to bias someone on race and or political affiliation or anti american group

if this is where we are then we are allready under a regime of hate and national socialism as they control the media here and political bias in hiring and lying and abusing taxes and not providing adequate progress for those taxes …….

this whole thing stinks of political agenda of an elected board

i am sure their guide lines do not say hire based on color or political affiliation

too bad we dont have a real media or DA to stop this illegal act ….

again we are under a regime …..that claims to be democratic

there is nothing democratic about this state …..

it lies and agendas for the politicians and their wealth

lies to low income for votes and commits crimes against the middle class that they despise

yep it feels like china allready

just come out and say we are under china rule at least there would be no confusion

Its bad enough that we have an ultra liberal DA now we’re looking for a county admin who’s claim to fame is “social awareness”???

Yet again, the jokers in office can’t do anything right. Stop getting liberals and those who pander to the socialist and entitlement crowd in office. Wake up Contra Costan’s. We can turn this around.

Keep money grabbers out of office or from being appointed by their croonies.

Stop the leftist takeover.

It has always been common for jurisdictions and large companies to engage headhunters to do a nationwide search for the perfect job candidate.

How? Make suggestions. How can people be appointed without voters voting? Very odd. Anyone who has ideas ?

Why didn’t they put an ad in the paper? Like maybe do their job.

I hope the BOS does gets someone who is socially aware and at the very least aware of what the people who work directly underneath them are up to. I happen to know for a fact that there are a couple department heads that report directly to Twa that are deeply unpopular with nearly all employees, for very legitimate reasons. One of these department heads is going to end up costing the county a lot of money in lawsuits because their behavior and actions are virtually unchecked by Twa. So, BOS, please do your homework before you promote from within and ask employees for their input…..you just might get someone that helps the county function to its maximum potential.

David Twa’s pay was $404,337.40 and benefits of $112,742.12 in 2019.

Total Pay and Benefits of $517,079.52 for the year. Not bad. Not bad at all.

This is the reason Gioia would be interested in the position (huge pension bump).

Have they considered just putting an ad on Craigslist? They can save the $30k search fee. Or maybe just ask the mayor to post a help wanted here on Claycord.

Very few people have the qualifications needed to be a County Administrator, so the likelihood of finding suitable candidates on Craigslist or on Claycord is nil. David Twa has multiple degrees including a J.D. and an MPA. In addition, he’s a CPA.

Maybe we should get a new governor

Kirkwood – but you are talking about the county. There MO is to look hard for the wrong people to do the job. Twa is a prime example of that

Resident – don’t forget that Twa also has a pension from Minnesota as well. So he has a Minnesota pension, Contra Costa pension and a boat load of money the county put into his defered comp account ($1,000 at the time of my retirement, may be more now).
So yes he’s had a very good ride indeed



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