Our friend Carol alerted us once again to the upcoming flyover of the International Space Station.
It will be over Concord tonight starting at 10:07 p.m.
The ISS will be visible for 6 minutes, appearing in the south-west (Max height 78 degrees) passing over Concord in the direction of the north-east where it will disappear from our view.
She said there are 5 astronauts on-board at this time.
Check the “Spot the Station” site for more information (spotthestation.nasa.gov)
Space station is traveling 17134.93 mph or about 22.5 mach or about 4.75 miles per second.
It’s just crossing Baja. https://www.n2yo.com/?s=25544
Isn’t the comet also going to be visible about that time? It would be wonderful to see them both.
That would be a great experience to watch both I can’t loose this!!
The ISS is a hoax it doesn’t exist
You’re probably one of those that believes in the flat earth also! You’re also probably prone to making a statement without getting all the facts and being able to prove your assertions!
Either that or you’re just joking!
If you have a smartphone just download the SkyView app or something similar. You can track the ISS, the Hubble, and some other satellites all diggity dong night and day if you want.
@Dorothy – The comet is near the Sun and is only visible before Sunrise around 4am. In a week it will be visible in the evening after Sunset.
@others – The space station will fly from the southwest to the northeast. Viewing starts at 10:07pm, maximum overhead at 10:10pm, and will disapear from view just before 10:14pm.
It was excellent tonight.
We observed the ISS orbit over Concord. Its path was more or less directly west to east.
Could they take a minute and beam up our elected and unelected county officials? And maybe while they are at that beam up Newscum too?
First download app called Sky Guide 2.99 on app store. It will show you ISS, Comet anything and guide you to it. Used many star apps this is the best. Seach for NEOWISE it will guide your phone or tablet to it.
As far as seeing the Comet it will be visible after sunset in about another week to week and half. Currently as mentioned sun and brightness make impossible unless you get up real early. App tracks any satellite, comet, meteor, constellation, stars, galaxies etc.
Anyone who saw the ISS last night – Did you happen to see something strange behind it (passing through the Big Dipper?) I’ll just leave it at that…if you saw it, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
ISS = International Subterfuge Scheme.
NASA = Nationwide Acquisition of funds from Stupid American citizens.
They put on great shows, but can never find a working camera.