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The Water Cooler – Speeding In Residential Neighborhoods


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

QUESTION: Do you have a problem with speeding drivers in your residential neighborhood?


Talk about it….

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Do I have a problem?

It’s against the law!!!!!!!!!!!

Do I have a problem?

It’s against the law!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, is there a problem with people driving cars too fast in my neighborhood?

Yes, and ironically, it’s usually minivans. Who’d a thunk.

And it’s against the law, it was against the law. What what Mama saw, it was against the law. 😉

Yes!! Big time. Also with them running stop signs at speed along with hard right turns at stop signs with out stopping.

A problem? Yes, and some. The traffic laws in Martinez are never enforced, therefore, there are no traffic laws. School zones and residential areas are virtual racetracks for the self centered, careless, dangerous drivers. The Martinez police department doesn’t care and does nothing about it.

There are a handful of them in my neighborhood, and I always stare them down hard when they speed by. We have kids in the neighborhood, including my own, so it concerns me that one of them might get hurt because someone’s trying to save a few seconds.

Heck yes, I live on the road at the back side of CVCHS. Parents and students treat it like a speedway. The city has refused to install speed bumps to curb the speeding. It’s gonna get someone killed one day.

People drive like maniacs on Park Highlands Blvd. Bruh, where’s the fire!?!?

YES! Denkinger is a raceway now with all the new pavement. It’s an obvious cut through but geez people live on this street with children.

Not to mention that there is a school too. Glad to hear they finally repaved that road. It was a bad one. I’ll have to check it out.

My street is a dead end with me at the end. So even when cars go relatively fast, they’re pretty slow. Usually they just need to turn around.

Some resident neighborhood have a speed bump. My neighborhood have a speed bump.

The problem with the speed bump, anytime anyone goes over a speed bump the speed bump start to scream and it takes a long for the speed bump to get over it.

I don’t know what it is going to take for some people to get the message that you don’t speed through a residential neighborhood. Is it hitting and killing a child? Is that what it will take? Is it really worth trying to be “cool” and impress your friends? It’s not just kids though, when school was in session there would be parents speeding through the neighborhood using our street as a shortcut.
They probably have signs outside their homes which read “Drive as if your kids live here” and yet they go speeding away in other neighborhoods. It’s should be a no brainier, if you have any reasonable intelligence you should know not to speed through a residential neighborhood. But maybe you’re ok with living the rest of your life knowing you killed someone.

Yes, I think it’s time to lower the residential area speed limit to 20 as it will be at least somewhat in control when people go 10 over.

People go 50+ on Wilson and barely slow for stop signs… maybe we SHOULD defund the police. If they want to make up the difference they can enforce traffic laws aka do their job, they could easily hand out $1 million in fines a month in my neighborhood if they weren’t so busy eating donuts

In California local jurisdictions actually get very little money paid when somebody pleads guilty for a traffic cite. The base fine for speeding 15 mph over the speed limit is $35 but court fees and a tax on the fine, known as a penalty assessment, raises the amount up to over $200. Of the $35 base fine the local jurisdiction only gets about $29. The cost of each Bay Area police officer to the taxpayers runs well over $200k/year. Just to cover $200k an officer would have to write nearly 6900 citations a year (That averages to 3.3/hour provided the officer never takes a vacation ). Officers assigned to full time traffic enforcement will often write 20 cites in a ten hour shift (4160/year) provided they are not pulled to any other calls. Patrol officers, who take various calls throughout their shift, rarely average more than 1 or 2 a day.

It’s a big problem in my area. Until it’s fixed, I propose the economy gets shut down, people be required to wear reflective gear at all times, and a vaccine to suppress speeding gets fast tracked.


Yes.. Going both North and South. On North end of Concord down a private lane and many speed more South past Ayers on Concord Boulevard, either to beat the light or get ahead on the right side just past the intersection. Most are motorcycles.

Every neighborhood has this problem.because there is little to no traffic enforcement. Stopping at stop signs is optional, turn signals don’t exist, speed limits are suggestions, up to date registrations are not enforced and on and on… “It’s all about me” is rampant in CA and it’s spreading throughout the USA.

Yes it’s a problem! But again people are rude and suck and don’t care to be respectful.

It’s too late! We are three generations into a society that has become lawless, entitled, self centered, and lack any moral values, in short, spoiled brats! It is evident in what we are seeing in the other threads. The only way to stop speeding is to get tough and we know that will never happen. Technology would be the answer, but cities can no longer afford it.

– I vote this post for the post of the week award! I agree, we’ve become a society in which everyone gets a trophy for participating. And I don’t get some of the elderly (or almost senior citizen) parents that let their adult children move back home without imposing responsibilities on the child. The adult children pay no rent nor buy groceries, and the parents do all of the cooking, laundry, cleaning, and home maintenance. So it’s as if the adult children are young children again. Not healthy for anyone involved, in my opinion.

@ Mary

I believe it’s better than their children being homeless, Don’t you?
No one knows other people’s circumstances and no one should be judging how others live, as long as they are law abiding. Times are tough and not like your generation, so chill out!

Yes, it is a major problem, because most people just don’t care.
Many people in my own neighborhood don’t even bother stopping for the stop signs (even though the signs are everywhere since my home is next to a park) You can’t even go around the block without coming head on with another driver speeding down the road in the opposite direction.
Sad thing is that confronting these types of people will only result in further problems for you. Many people are so mentally disturbed these days that even staring down a reckless driver or shouting at them could result in them coming back and confronting you. Our society is becoming worse.

Definitely. And the noise from it is off the charts.

No, I live in Alamo where we are civilized law abiding citizens.

Only because I used to write a lot of tickets in Alamo.


What I don’t want to see happen in Concord, is what just happened in Berkeley in ending Police Traffic Stops. As a homeowner and tax-paying citizen, I don’t believe that to be the reform needed.

Ayers and Concord Blvd is a “hot spot” like many in our community, and there is just no way ending Police stops by our Officers is productive in my opinion. Anyone in law enforcement knows that something simple such as no tags, a vehicle at night for example, driving with their headlights off, can be more likely than not, an indication of an impaired driver and not just forgetting to turn their headlights on. Most important to remember, is every stop is risky to an Officer can be life or death.

Nope. No complaints. Doesn’t happen. Too many bumps.

yes speeding up and down our street it is the way out to pine hollow, its a freeway at least 50 mph, with a speed bump it’s a little better since school is out, all the moms with there suv’s. don’t slow down even with kids in car and walking around.

Now can’t do this in the real world, but at work have several dozen electric scooters. Some flat beds, some similar looking to golf carts. Had problem with guys not slowing down for doorways and taking tight blind corners.

Cure for problem was an old defunct CPR Dummy, they’d come flyin’ around a tight blind corner and good ole Burtrum would land right in front of them. Had to fish him out from under a scooter more than once.

Cured the problem though.

Just be glad you don’t live in Berkeley. They are pushing a bill to eliminate police from conducting traffic stops. They are going to use unarmed civilian city workers instead. They plan to reason with law breakers. I hope they pay those guys well, because some of them are going to be facing some bad hombres.

Ah yes, . . . Utopian fantasy land, where they carry yoga mats instead of batons.

Do they really think anyone breaking a traffic law will pull over for a city of Berkeley traffic law enforcement car? Laa-Laa land, at it’s best.

People are not following traffic laws. CPD is understaffed (used to have 10 motorcycle cops), and are instructed to not make traffic stops unless “absolutely necessary. (like major public safety issue/reckless driving).

And even without Covid, why would they want to work hard, be passed over for promotions and specialty assignments, and be nitpicked by Commandant Nakayama?

Does anybody remember the City of Concord Police Motorcycle Drill Team? 20 – 24 Service motors ridden by uniformed police officers. They did military style drill maneuvers, intersecting figure eights, etc. and performed in parades all around the Bay Area.

Not really– at least compared to other places I’ve lived. Most people in my area drive at fairly reasonable speeds. There will always be a few hardcore speeders everywhere, but about 85-90% of drivers are basically rational on the roads.

I gave up on following laws when I saw all the young people rioting. Now I run stop signs and stop lights and speed. who cares. I even shoplift at the markets. Why not. It’s a free for all.

Our speed limit is 25mph and many drive 45ish. The cops are out giving tickets all the time.

Many comments mention Concord Blvd at Ayers. Consider the problem for walkers, cyclists, and residents along Myrtle Drive between Kicker Pass and Bailey Road with speeding. It is dangerous during hours of commuting because it is used as a short cut to avoid traffic. Again, the Police, Sheriff, or CHP do zilch in the way of ticketing offenders. Why write laws if there is no enforcement or penalty? It is a matter of time before a fatal accident happens due to lax enforcement. Not donuts, the cops hide out in the shade of the First Lutheran Church parking lot! About half of Concord’s budget goes to the police department. How about getting some decent enforcement?

Kenston Drive
Gold older Chrysler
Short Guy

Not only speeding but not yielding the right away and using certain areas as shortcut. Instead of folks watching out for each other it is the usual “ME FIRST” mentality.

Seeing more cops out to ticket so that is a hopeful sign.

Oh yes. Speeding and drivers who like to hear the sound of their own cars. Thank goodness for the Concord PD who regularly patrol our street. Concord Bart ruined our neighborhood on Panoramic Drive.

Yes…the worst was when I first moved into my neighborhood about 12 yrs ago. FIrst time out for a walk, and I saw a car (heard it first) go by doing about 90 MPH in a 35 MPH residential area and running the stop signs.. Crazy!!

Hate to say it, but California drivers in general are terrible….yes, that means you too!

How many of you complaining about speeders in your neighborhood speed when driving on the highway. You are no better than the people speeding in your neighborhood. Flagrant disregard for the law is the same in both cases.

Right. There are just as many kids, pets, bicycles, driveways, and intersections to worry about on the freeway. No, wait. There aren’t.

The stretch of road on Kirker Pass between Concord Blvd and Clayton Road is a raceway as well as Concord Blvd up Oakhurst. Posted speed was changed years ago from 40 to 35; however, most cars are speeding well above 40. Very rarely do you see traffic enforement in this area.

I helped get the speed limit on Concord Blvd. lowered from 40 mph to 35 mph. As a new homeowner I was at odds. Buying a home and not realizing that traffic driving by my home was at a rate of 40 mph. I wish we could have gotten it dropped to 25 mph. That’s what it should be.

A drag race from the top of Mountaire Parkway in Clayton to the bottom. 2 weeks ago. Insane winding downhill run at 50+. Clayton PD does what they can, we love our police. There is the occasional testing of a motorcycle or some guys ‘ol hotrod blasting around. I always listen, expecting to hear a crash. Sometimes there is a curb rub when people race on Marsh Creek Road by the Jr. HS. Morons.



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